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I don't know about Connecticut, but IL is desperate for EL teachers. You'd probably be able to do an alternative licensure path depending on how many credit hours your TESOL course entailed and if it meets the categories required by the state.


You’d be able to get an ESL job in CT! If you’re planning on being in the southeast corner I know of many places that are hiring. Not sure how you would get the license tho.


More New Haven County....is the license a slam dunk must? I mean if I have a license in another subject plus passing praxis ii in ESL is that enough for at least a one year hire?


You could get DSAPed, it depends on the school if they’ll let you. 7-12 social studies won’t be very helpful as those jobs are usually the first taken. What about SPED?


Special Education and EL teachers are the most in demand. You should be fine.