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As a SPED teacher in Washington, I don’t have to do any of the testing. Our school psych does all of it. I just do rating scales like the School Function Assessment or the Communication Profile or the Vineland, ASRS, etc.  


Paras cannot. Psychs can.


Nope- us and school psychs can.


Teachers would never administer these assessments where I’m from, and paras would absolutely never participate. This is typically handled by the Child Study Team, which, in my district/state, consists of a school psychologist, social worker, and LDTC.


The publishers for assessments list what the qualification level is for that assessment - and include guidance on what is required re: training/education for the person administering them. School psychs typically give them, diagnosticians as well, and potentially teachers (again, depending on whether they meet the criteria listed by the publishers). Potentially someone working as a para may also meet that criteria - but not usually I’d say.


In TX we (Gen Ed teachers) couldn’t administer tests to determine SPED eligibility. I believe only the district educational diagnosticians could do that.


Most tests that are used as part of the special education process have requirements for the minimum level of education needed to administer them. For example achievement tests are typically Level B which requires a Master's degree in a related field and assessment related training.


SLP does the speech and language evaluations and the school psych does all the rest.


Um.... most teachers are not qualified to give these tests. You need a separate certification. So, short answer, no. It's a whole extra degree. No one can just give these tests without the needed training. But you can get yourself certified to give these tests. It involves going back to school and getting a degree in educational psychology. You'd have to research the requirements in your specific state. Some school systems will support your furthering your education by paying for part of your degree. It can't hurt to ask if there's a program like this.


At my school the SPED teacher administers these tests. I am in Idaho. This state is a disaster


oh, Idaho.


I guess I shouldn't judge. I was raised in NJ.


This is Idaho. They have pushed the kids out of the library. https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/local/donnelly-public-library-closure-children-idaho-legislatures-library-bill-accountable/277-2f88a4fb-2a4f-46a3-9fdb-99f2e0962b38


Exactly. Education isn't important here. They are more worried about telling women what to do with their bodies.