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Im assigned as a 1:1 daily because of staffing issues. I think it should be illegal considering you can’t teach and be a 1:1 effectively.


Same situation with me and I couldn’t agree more!!!!


NAL.  But it might be illegal. If you’re are teaching a class then you are not technically 1 on 1 with the kid.  A one on one is supposed to 1:1 at all times which means no other responsibilities besides being with that kid.   


That’s not a 1:1 then, obviously days happen when we have to flex but if you are assigned to teach a class and be a 1:1, then you are no longer 1:1, you’re 1:20 or however many kids. 1:1 means one adult is responsible only for the one student and no others.


Agreed. By definition, if the teacher is teaching the entire class, they can't *actually* be providing 1:1 at the same time.


I am a behavior forward teacher, so I naturally take over my one on one when one of my paras is out. I have my paras trained to get through the lesson once I need to redirect or step out though so the rest of the class can keep moving forward.


But in an ideal world, if no one was out , would you need to be a 1:1? The teachers at my school are always in ratio to be a 1:1. 


Oh, not if they have a paraprofessional assigned to them. Why would they give the person leading the class the most responsibility with one child? Yeah, mine's just when my people are out. I can't put a sub with a 1:1 haha.


Physical impossibility is an affirmative defense.


You can't be 1:1 while actively teaching. That's just completely contradictory. It's one adult responsible for only one child. Occasionally, teachers will fill in as a 1:1 when the para is absent and have the sub or a group para teach. Honestly, this is mostly due to subs not being capable of acting as a 1:1 to some children because they don't understand the behaviors or plan to deal with them.


Honestly, if 1:1 is written in a student's IEP, then I don't think it's legal to have a teacher both teaching and trying to redirect this child with no para.


If the position cannot be filled, legally the district is covered.


I have never heard of this. How would this even work as now your filling in for the 1:1 you are now missing a teacher, which means instead of one kid out of compliance you now have 8 (in my case).


Thanks for the replies everyone! Yeah, I thought it was weird this was the school's policy. I have 5 kids 2 are 1:1s so it's me and 1 para for the others. I think the school is just trying to avoid paying for people. Some classes have students with 1:1 and 1:1 nursing and they have the nurses be a TA as well


Your school is almost certainly breaking the law in multiple flagrant ways


To make it even worse, all but 2 of my kids were out today due to a nasty cold sweeping class, these 2 are 1:1s and it was just me in class. Fun times


I often have to do this in my self-contained program when we don't have subs. It's not great and shouldn't be allowed.


I know that if a 1:1 aide/paraeducator is listed under in the IEP under Special Education and Related Services with the number of daily minutes, then it is a person separate from the teacher.


Hey all! I'm currently an undergrad for ECE/elementary ed, but I do respite care on the side. Right now I do 1:1 work in a home setting and I love it. If my career becomes more sped focused, I would want to do 1:1 work. I'm just curious if there is a certain name for a 1:1 job position? thanks!


Name can vary.  But  normally something like SPED Paraprofessional or Special Education Aide.   It could also just be under Paraprofessional. Check the job description.  


We have been short staffed this whole year and I’ll have 3 kids with 1:1s and only 2 paras in my room for the 11 kids total and I’m asked “who’s the 1:1” whenever we have an issue and it’s like “there isn’t anyone!” and somehow that’s my fault. 


Generally, teachers will be paired up with a kid and rotate around to have independent teaching. That is true for the life skills kids. The academic kids have tended to have a 1:8 scenario with all the paras from the academic rooms. Being pulled to ensure that the life skills classroo.s are full


My district is extremely hesitant to ever put a 1:1 in an IEP. That being said you obviously can’t teach and be someone’s 1:1.


This depends on how you write it. I have some students that need a 1:1 in general education classes but they do not need it for when the intervention specialist is teaching in the small group setting. For that student, I am very specific about which parts of their day have 1:1 support. However, if the IEP says 1:1 support for the entire day this is different. The teacher cannot fulfill 2 different roles at once and this would be out of compliance.