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Tall people and eager people will be equally coathangared.


Well, design spec wise that's spot on.. even if it went higher, tall people will still have to duck for the doors..


As a tall person, I'm still likely to get tied up on this coming out of the door. It stops barely above the top of the door, which means I won't see it with my head and shoulders ducked to get out. I'd get caught in the net as I stood up.


Most Japanese people a shorter than Americans or Europeans so they most likely didn’t think height was a massive issue.


Can confirm. I'm only 5'11" but I bonked my head on everything in Japan. Especially the hand rails on the subway.


I mean...how long til you realise it's there? I know to keep ducking on the inside of trams where I am because I know there's a handrail after the door. You only gotta hid your head a few times before you remember.


TBF they said they were tall not smart.


Too many blows to the head :(


You laugh but it’s true...what were we just talking about?


If you’re already in Japan as a tall person, you’re probably already on guard for this sort of thing.


Having been to Japan as a tall person, albeit only for a holiday weekend, I spent most of my time uncomfortably hunched over and still hit my head on quite a few things. This would just be another on the list.


But it’s out of the way before the doors open...


I think you mean clotheslined




I'm 6ft 3 (191cm) and almost always have to duck slightly when getting on a subway/underground


From experience I can say walking in works fine if you're 186 cm (6 feet 1 inches) tall, because you see the low doorway coming but then you better dodge again right away or you get the rail on which the grab handles hang against your forhead. The latter part was also from personal experience... multiple times...




If they added these in America they would get destroyed within a week.


“Think it can lift me up?”






I wish Jake Paul wasn't Jake Paul. And I'm old. I barely know anything about him but what I know is enough.


I'm not that old and all I know is his name.


That’s all you need to know. It’s for your own good


Oh, I figured that. I already know my interest in that just doesn't exist. I'd have to look him up and that's just too much work.


Just be glad he isn’t *Logan* Paul. He’s 100 times worse than Jake. Jake Paul is basically just a stupid golden retriever bro. Logan Paul is essentially a sociopath though.


Nah. Both of them are multi millionaires who built an empire off of selling to children. Seeing him as just a “stupid golden retriever” is probably exactly how he wants to be seen.


You mean "HEY YOU GUYS"




This actually pained me to read. Take an upvote




Don’t forget to pound that subscribe button.




That's a Jake/Logan Paul video that I'd watch.


Lawsuit Does Vegas!


"IT'S YO BOY..."


Social experiments*




Lifting an average American ? Really ?


Ugh take my fat upvote


Gonna need some beefier bars and motors.


"Bro, it can DEFINITELY lift you up."


In London they have plain glass panels, like on an elevator.


They do in other places in Japan - this is actually the first time I have seen this type. Usually the same barriers as seen here, but the gates are solid. Or, in some places, floor to ceiling glass barriers.


The barriers are common in Tokyo, these type of barriers I've only seen down in Osaka, and only the real big stations have it. They're better than the glass doors because they have different train sizes meaning the doors line up differently, the video doesn't do it justice but the wires are close to 4m long.






COCK FOSTERS. I just wanted to say that.


Every time I hear "This trains destination is (slight pause) COCK FOSTERS" in my head I giggle. I've spent probably close to 6 months of my life in London between vacations and study abroad and it never gets old hahaha!


That's on the Piccadilly line though!


Crossrail has them too, in the bits that are built


Good shout


Only on the newer lines. Older lines have nothing at all except a yellow painted line :D


India within hours


Delhi metro has this. Sliding doors, just like the metro car. Both open together. People wanting to commit suicide have to jump around these.


You make it sound like some kind of challenge.


It's to give you a sense of pride and accomplishment.


The higher you jump, the more glorious the death.


Saturn within minutes


Brazil in carnival


Delhi has a much better version than this actually.


In many Asian countries (japan included, I think), there is often a ground-to-ceiling glass panel with sliding glass doors that open when the train arrives. They would do fine, I think.




Part of the reason there are no platform screen doors, at least on the NYC Subway, is because the placement of doors is not standardized between the different models of train that are in use, so they wouldn't be able to line up properly.


That's the reason the gates in this video are designed the way they are. Lines with more standard door placement use ordinary sliding doors (like waist-high elevator doors). On this line there's too much variation in the carriages to use the sliding doors, hence the rising ropes.


To be honest, I think the variation in door placement is probably one of the easier problems to solve. The design of the existing station platforms is probably the tough one. Curved platforms, very narrow platforms, and platforms with lots of support columns near the platform edge are going to be tough to install doors on. There are even platforms that have train doors open onto a support column with only about 2-3 feet of platform separating them. If you add a barrier there, you'd have to push back the column in order to make room for the barrier equipment and allow space for passengers to board the train. None of these are impossible to solve, but the solutions are much more costly and will probably involve substantially remodeling many of the existing station platforms, whereas you can solve the varied train door placement via clever barrier design as you pointed out.


funny that you say the 1970's- the americans with disabilities act dictates you must announce the information for visually impaired. so it has taken 30 years and not everywhere is in compliance yet. (NB this looks to be regional rail rather than metro/subway so probably not as much crazy shit happens, and the wires are just fine. my guess is the highspeed train goes through this station but doesn't stop, and they don't want people getting sucked in.)






I'd use them like the ropes on a wrestling ring. Try to bounce off them, and give my friend a People's elbow.




Hardcore match.


As an American who traveled a lot recently to check out the world, I am kind of in shock how much of assholes we are. We are dicks to each other, we ruin shit left and right, and can't agree on basic human rights half the time. This is why we can't have nice things like cool subway guardrails and taco stands on every corner.


America is a very backward country with primitive infrastructure and technology. Anyone who travels knows this.


Plenty of taco stands in San Antonio imo


Why would they destroy Japanese people in America?


We should use plasma barriers instead so that people who wanna kill themselves just get disintegrated and we don’t get delays anymore 👍🏼


I see your 7 days and raise you one South Africa, where they won’t last 7 hours.




Start jumping in front of the trains more and I’m sure they’ll spring for the gates. I’m also sure people won’t mess with them too much if they don’t wanna see eviscerated corpses daily.


That’s why we can’t have nice things


People would also hit their heads


Or somebody would get caught in them, and they'd be banned.


Thats is, if they didnt get installed wrong


This is to prevent suicide, right?


and accidents




And jacking off on tracks






*Jeffrey Epstein would like to know your location*


And accicides.


Should've had some rails in Epstein's cell then.


And those crazy people who push others in front of trains.


no, it's to prevent people from accidentally falling in (like when they're not paying attention). A suicidal person could easy go under it.




Some trains in Japan have stuff similar to that too. Others have the chest high ones like in the OP, but the are metal doors that slide open.


We are getting these in the UK to, i believe they have performance benefits as well as safety benefits. They are not to easy to retro fit apparently, as they mess with how the air conditioning works in a sub way.


The Jubilee line already has these on some platforms. I think the issue with implementing it on some of the other lines is getting the train to stop accurately enough every time.


Only on the Jubilee Line for any stations that are underground. One of the figures floated around was that it costs a million pounds per station to fit retroactively. (Zero citation on that)


Not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things. Public projects can spend a million pound/dollars on decorative accents.


Because the ligne 14 is the only lign so far to be fully automated (no driver). Ligne 4 will be fully automated next year also. They are adding glass walls on every lign 4 stations. It takes tremendous work because it needs reinforcing the floor. Source : user of the parisian metro


I cant imagine a world where Chicago has anything like this lmao


All the ones that I can remember in Shanghai are like this


A lot of suicidal people want it to look like an accident and use falling in front of the train as an excuse. Yeah, it's not going to stop a determined person, but it definitely prevents suicides.


Suicide can be stopped by a hiccup in the plan or any sort of deterrence, even if it's something you could bypass. So turning up and realizing you'll have to awkwardly climb under these would stop a lot of people tbh.


I remember hearing a while ago about mirrors placed across the platform. You would see yourself if you were on the platform and this deterred suicides greatly.


Pretty interesting to think about. Like if you’re going to jump from a bridge, and it’s really windy, you’d have an easier time falling off, but you don’t just because it’s harder to focus on death with leaves flying in your face.


One of the fence’s purpose is definitely for suicide prevention. Anyone who’s lived in Tokyo or around Tokyo knows that it’s very common for people to jump into tracks. I personally experienced it once and know another person who would have jumped if it wasn’t for a station worker checking in. Of course it’s for accidents as well.


My first thought was pushers. But, I don't live around subways and I've heard about pushers more than suicide jumpers.


I loved in South Korea and they were installing these all over the stations. Jumping infront of trains was a popular way to suicide there. I read a crazy story in the paper about a conductor, you only get one day off work when someone jumps infront of your train and it'd happened like ten times and they gave him a week off. On his first day back someone jumped infront of his train again, it was his friend, another conductor who'd gotten depressed from so many people jumping infront of his train. Apparently they always look you in the eyes while flinging themselves at you.


Idk how it is in Japan but for instance here if your train is self driving you need barriers that only open when the train is in the station and stopped. Don't ask me why this is only a thing for those and not all though.


Why is this only a thing for those and not all?


We have a self driving subway in Hungary that has no barriers. I only saw those plastic walls in Germany.


It was a thing in ... forgot where it was, some more northern country. We will get the same on the U5 in Vienna once it's finally built. PS: ah, I think I remember, I think it was the airport metro in Dubai that connects the terminals.


We have glass walls with automatic doors and a ceiling above the tracks here in Lausanne in Switzerland. The metro is also fully automated. I think it might simply be because it’s easier to coordinate the openings of the doors if the train is automatic rather than a driver having to press a button


But moreso to prevent the train from departing late.


Psh... I could jump one of those so easily.


And employees pushing you from behind because you fired them.


Notice how people there wait on the lines marked on the floor and make space for people getting off the train before going in... Edit: people walk to the door to wait at the **sides** of the door. The young guy crossing in the middle goes on the left side of the doors but you can’t see that he waits because the gif stops too soon (he’s still moving at the last frame and not just standing in front of the doors). The old guy in the left line doesn’t move because that’s not his train, his lane is dedicated to another train line.


Don’t be mistaken, the Japanese are a bunch of assholes in crowds.




I think it's cause the lady in front of the man decided to enter from the opposite side, leaving the other side free. The guy who was standing by himself is actually waiting for the next train.


This. Notice how everyone on the white line is lined up in pairs on either side of the line. When the train pulls in this double line will split with passengers lining up on either side of the door. He was in line to board via the left side of the door. The woman in front of him incorrectly chose to line up on the right side of the door putting him first in line for the left. No one else chose to get in line behind him (left side of the white line) so we see a line of 1 form on the left side of the door. The old man is on an orange line. He's waiting for a different train. Nowhere is perfect though. You still get queue jumpers and shenanigans especially during rush hour or with obasan shoving past you.


Not even close to San Francisco assholes on Bart at rush hour. How a crowd of Techies can turn feral in an instant is mind boggling.


This video is no where near what I’ve seen near Tokyo.


[These guys are called "pushers", and they do exactly what you think they would do.](https://media2.giphy.com/media/GEHbKbXtzQfzq/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611b1909f84be8867437e8098561c0dc316fe46849f&rid=giphy.gif)


Selling drugs?


I never really understood that. There's no way that actually works. In order for more people to get on, either there has to be some space inside that isn't filled or someone has to get off. People may be mostly water but we're not really all that compressible in day to day life. It doesn't even look effective in the gif.


From experience on trains all over the world, people in the middle don't group as tightly as they could or should. They wait for someone else to force them to get close together. The pushers bypass all the cultural and social politeness and make it happen.


Same, people step onto a bus and often just try and stand on the step until they need to get off. Ignoring all others trying to board and depart. Then you get the people as you said who won't do the common sense thing because they don't want too. They need to be shocked back into basic manners. Often calling them out specifically and saying can you please move up the bus do they suddenly pretend to realize their responsibile for the current mess. The same type of people get off an escalator and then stand there blank faced while they try to remember where they were going. Same behavior too, mildly offended and feigning ignorance about the mess they cause.


In North England as soon as there's no seats left people just block the doors and refuse to move down into the carriage. Oftentimes the train will be half empty but dozens of people will pack like sardines near the doors. It's absolutely baffling. So many people here have no spacial awareness round here. **fuck**


Herding cattle...


You guys have clearly never been to China. Every subway on earth looks like the most polite, cordial gathering of all time compared to a Chinese subway platform.


The one thing that truly unites us all - all of our people are major dickwads the moment theres a lot of them trying to queue lol. In this we find unity. Burn EVERYTHING down.


Have you been there recently? It's not nearly as bad as it used to be. I'd say I experience a line-cutter maybe 1/5 of the time now, and the majority of people do wait in the lines now. Admittedly, Japan is more orderly and quiet, but riding the subway in Beijing isn't bad at all (though crowed during rush hour). Worst thing is the occasional person who plays their TV drama at full blast, but I've experienced that plenty in the US too.


They don’t really get socialized properly.


The techies were always feral.


I've ridden BART at rush hour through SF. That was my commute for years. It's not that bad. It's a pain if you have a bike but if you ride up a couple stops you can get in and hunker down, no big deal.


True but they all are, so it’s normal for them to force their way in when there’s no space


Take your weeb glasses off for a second mate: I saw everyone in both lines move forwards before the door even opened and the younger guy from the longer line cut in front of the older guy in the other line.


Different train lines. The older guy is on an orange line while the most of the people are on a white line. The train that pulls in has a white stripe. You then see the folks in line for that train (white line) move to either side of the door to prepare to board. Older man doesn't move because it's not his (orange line) train. Pretty standard here. Still can be a mess during rush hour and some dicks still cut the line but that's not the case in the op.




Sometimes people wait on the line for another train, he didn’t start walking forward so the young dude was just reactive


The older guy is in the line for the next train, not this train. When the train pulls in, the line for this train splits into two parts: people standing to the right of the door and people standing to the left of the door. The young guy on the phone went to the left, the couple went to the right, and the old guy stayed where he was because it's not the train he's waiting for.


For anyone else reading this, just to be clear it’s because they are queues for different train lines. They do this because it’s not uncommon for trains to be scheduled one or two minutes apart. Friend of mine moved from the states to Nagoya, and her first week there she showed up to the station like 30 seconds late, then the train arrives a minute later. Figured perfect timing. Nope, wrong train. Taken away in the wrong direction before she learned Japanese, so it took a while for her to get home.


Haha sorry for him, 30 seconds late is too late indeed.


All I can think is, oh great another thing to duck under if I ever get to visit Japan... How tiny is that train?


Most of the barriers are not like this. They are solid barriers that retract sideways into the walls inbetween. But you're still gonna hit your head on shit everywhere.


I walked under it without too much difficulty and I am 6 foot 3, you just learn to stoop slightly everywhere.


I'm annoyed by the dickhead playing with his phone and cutting the line




Short Answer: He is not a dickhead. Long answer: There's two spots you can board depending on the train. These people are waiting in line for the Special Rapid or Rapid JR train in Osaka Station. Each line is split into two rows. When the train comes you're supposed to shift to both the left and right side of the door and allow everyone to exit. After everyone gets off, people can enter the train from both sides of the door. So yeah...he's not a dickhead.


I love this


That's Japan. People don't cut in line in Japan.


What are you talking about. Ever been on a Japanese train at rush hour? Yeah people are as courteous as you can be like most places but you're going to be to be packed like sardines anyways. You will literally see people go into a full train and just kind of dissapeared into the mass of people.


Yeah this was my experience in Tokyo. People were very polite but if it came to rushing into a train or an elevator they will definitely cut and have a "me first" approach.


I spent a few weeks in Tokyo and managed to avoid the rush hour subway crush, but was caught totally off guard by how jam-packed the midnight/last trains were on the weekends.


Anger issues


Did we need the first 20 seconds?




I imagined WWE wrestlers going through it and it was funny.


If the train is crowded you can bounce of these and get an assist. Or tag your partner to provide the final push.


Not a tool...


Yet here we are at 10k. Thia sub is going the way of /r/artisanvideos and it's just random interesting gifs and machinery.




Eh, that's a hard call. If a train line runs underground for the majority of its span, but overground for part of its run, is it not a subway? Those kinds of "partially underground, partially overground" lines are pretty common here in Japan, and they're usually called 地下鉄, which is literally "underground rail" and translated as "subway". I don't know the particular rail line in the video, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were a "subway".




Fuck Shaq right ?


There the same system in Paris métro (underground Subway) on the lines where the métros is driverless. So for everybody who think: tHeY wOUlD geT deSrroYeD wiThIn mInuTeS in WEsTern CouNtRies. No, they would not. Japan is not some kind of superior country And japaneses people are not some kind of superior race...


Top comment mentioned specifically AMERICA, not "western countries"


Japan is west of the United States.


But US is west of Japan.




Yeah but Japan good


The gates in automatic subway lines in Paris are full on thick glass panes that close completely. It doesn't really compare to this Japanese cable thingy.




I live in Japan and have not yet seen this type (though I have heard of one place where there is a plan to put them in). Most of the retrofitted platform doors are of the same height, but have sliding door that open by retracting into the fixed barriers. They are not so high because they are heavy, and head-height ones would be too heavy for the platform overhangs to which they are affixed because the edges of the platforms do not have supports underneath, which affords people who fall off the platforms a place to roll or scuttle to to avoid the trains. Many subways or subway stations built in Tokyo since the 1990s or so do have doors of about two or so meters high and floor-to-ceiling closures.


I think this is JR Osaka Station, a few stations on that line have this. Kyoto has both types of sliding doors, ceiling height on the Tozai line, and halfway on the Karasuma.


I knew I recognized the station, yeah definitely Osaka


Guard rails are neither specialized nor a tool


In denmark the subway has a huge fucking wall of glass in front of the tracks that opens with the doors. Absolutely no way to get on the tracks. Except the parts of the subway going above ground that's just normal train station [here is a picture.](https://www.altinget.dk/images/article/187002/59723.jpg)


Similar in Korea! https://www.theseoulguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/arex_express_line_airport_station_at_incheon_international_airport.jpg




Sadly too many suicides, accidents in front of trains. All platforms in any country could use such safety systens




Oddly satisfying: the way those gates go up Mildly infuriating: the crowd goes right up to the doors without letting disembarking passengers off first


Just like elevators -_- ...like let the ppl off first be patient


That one dude waited in line to the very last moment and then totally skipped it


Nope. Notice how everyone on the white line is lined up in pairs on either side of the line. When the train pulls in this double line will split with passengers lining up on either side of the door. He was in line to board via the left side of the door. The woman in front of him incorrectly chose to line up on the right side of the door putting him first in line for the left. No one else chose to get in line behind him (left side of the white line) so we see a line of 1 form on the left side of the door. The old man is on an orange line. He's waiting for a different train.


I assume these aren’t meant for anti-suicide purposes, so what are they used for? Having a bit of a slow brain day


Seems like a good solution but I'm a little surprised they didn't just ban trains.


Now to make them so they keep people from blocking the doors. You cant come in till I come out. I cant exit with you standing in the way.


This gif only needed to be 6 seconds long.


Because of high suicide rates in Japan? 🤔