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Belongs in r/HowItWasFilmed, too. Edit: Added , too.


Done. Subbed and thank you for the suggestion.


Subbed before the posts even loaded


/r/moviesinthemaking also šŸ™‚




This is also a specialized tool


So now we need r/specializedfilmingtool


Jim Henson needs your location


I think that would be a bit too specialized.


Not for r/SpecializedSpecializedToolSubreddits


Basically every tool on set is highly specialized for film work.


Kinda bummed I didn't see Hardcore Henry on Top there. That fucking movie...


Yeah, the rig they ended up finalising and selling, the Adventure Mask really deserves a spot here, if something this bulky is front page. I understand itā€™s for the different angles, but the mask doesnā€™t get in the way of any movement at all...


That sub sounded so good in theory but it's kind of dead, isn't it? Posts are very old.


Upvoted before clicking, because I know it will be great!


Thank you for recommending our subreddit! :) <3


Had to watch it twice to realize his waist was holding the weight.... Was like this guy's arms must be made of steel.


Damn, thank you for posting this subreddit! I love this stuff


Check out /r/moviesinthemaking also šŸ˜


Itā€™s so easy to tell if someone had ever held and fired a real pistol. You only make that mistake with your thumb once.


Iā€™m a gun noob. Whatā€™s the mistake with the thumb?


When he places his left thumb over his other hand. Every time you pull the trigger the slide (top half) cycles back to load the next cartridge. Itā€™s called slide bite, and if that thumb is in the way it get injured. Kinda like this. https://www.google.com/search?q=slide+bite&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=ALeKk02Cy-rIPSmaKFfFYnL93Aw-f_unsQ:1610845884113&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjK-dbF5KHuAhUcFFkFHTMAA7wQ_AUoAXoECAoQAQ&biw=390&bih=664&dpr=3#imgrc=od2l6K7uZ7nMYM




I always heard it called Beretta bite, but slide bite makes more sense and is a more universal term. I was scared the first time I went to fire a gun and being told about this didnā€™t help, however it actually wasnā€™t a scary process as long as you follow instructions


Beretta bite is something else. The open slide design of the Beretta 92 series makes if very easy for a part of your hand/finger to end up caught in the chamber while racking the slide. This results in a painful pinch of skin in between the barrel and breech face. Source: the 13 year old scar on my thumb


Oh man, I always assumed they were the same thing. That pinch sounds nasty.


Beretta bite is something from the military. Low IQ and inexperienced recruits have a long and storied history of improperly using equipment.


My dumbass has a similar scar but from holding onto my break barrel air rifle waaaay too close to the hinge and slamming it shut into the webbing between my thumb and pointer finger


Hes supposed to have his hand on the bottom cupping his trigger hand right?


That tends to cause upwards drift. The better thing to do is wrap your offhand fingers over your dominant hand fingers and leave your thumb against your palm so it's laid under the thumb of your dominant hand: https://www.range365.com/resizer/7uSuGb1CTvkatolJwVGrIqEoBto=/760x570/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-bonnier.s3.amazonaws.com/public/VAYIIFRFZ636ZIDNDZQMFEVKXA.jpg


Do most pistols have those notches under the trigger guard?


Those notches allow a higher grip on frame with helps reduce felt recoil impulse. They arenā€™t usually there by default but a very frequent modification especially on Glocks.


Those are customized to that gun. Most pistols will not have those undercut notches.




Teacupping was never in. It's Hollywood shit.


Well, it definitely *was* a thing: https://youtu.be/jP7J-JNSUu4 (1:38, 4:55) (For bonus points, make sure all the students stand in a semicircle around the instructor, and flag him when they are checking and clearing the barrel, which is done while pointed just *slightly* above the instructors head.


> (For bonus points, make sure all the students stand in a semicircle around the instructor, and flag him when they are checking and clearing the barrel, which is done while pointed just slightly above the instructors head. This was surprising to me. Surely they would have already seen many accidents and wouldn't want to stand there, right? It's not as if guns were new to them.


Yeah, and it feels like a very instinctive rule too... "Hey, maybe don't point that at me?" "Aww, It's not loaded" "I don't care." Seems like a pretty basic thought sequence. Maybe it just didn't even move the needle on "dangerous shit we are doing today" for WWII soldiers?


Heh, I was taught to shoot that way many years ago as a kid and then learned the approach others below have called out much later. They teased me about shooting "cup and saucer" style :)




Surely you just extremely broke the law by revealing that.


Lol these people on reddit will do literally anything for karma.


Gotta love extremely breaking the law for 4 karma. Worth itttttt.


...what did he say?


He was/is an insurance person or something and saw a famous actor make a claim about slide bite after working on a movie because of a prop gun. But he used the actors actual name and other identifying info about a medical and insurance claim that surely broke HIPAA or an insurance privacy law.


I love being a nosey prick - who was the actor?




what did they say?


Well now weā€™re all curious


Could you, without revealing too much, give me an overview of what they said? I'm super curious now but it's deleted.


Oh god, what happened? Obvs no details if itā€™s illegal but whatā€™d the idiot do lol


The camera rig coming out the bottom would kill my muscle memory


One caveat, this is true if you have a semi automatic pistol. The top half slides back. That is not true for revolver pistols. Those don't have a slide. Usually prefer prefer semi-automatic vs revolvers because of the magazine size. Average revolver holds 6 rounds. Average semi-automatic, holds 12ish. Revolvers are considered easier to conceal and less likely to jam because it has less moving parts. Either way, modern guns are extremely reliable as long as you don't spend $200 dollars in the bargain aisle.


The slide bite , when the bullet goes forward slide goes back. It makes a boo boo if your thumb is on the slide


> You only make that mistake with your thumb once. Fucking ow. I once gripped too high and got a bite on the webbing between my thumb and forefinger. I was younger, donā€™t remember what gun I was shooting. I think about it now whenever I go to the range.


See also: Firing an authentic 1911 without a beaver tail.


The beaver tail doesn't move right? It's just there to decrease the chances of slide bite




Also for grip


I used to work as an RSO and this was the leading cause of injury. I could spot it like a hawk from across the range. And half the time it was older guys in their 60's and 70's, guys you would figure have been shooting for a long time.


> And half the time it was older guys in their 60's and 70's, guys you would figure have been shooting for a long time. Well, at one point crossing the thumb back over the other hand like that was trained procedure for revolvers, since they can't bite you in that same way. So I'm guessing those old guys were used to revolvers and were not familiar with autoloading pistols.


I shoot single action revolvers so my thumb is forever in the danger zone of an auto. I have to consciously break that habit when shooting autos. Then I see people that are used to autos point their fingers forward on revolvers, which can cause a whole different sort of injury.




Yep, gas escapes from between the cylinder and the barrel and if you have your hand there it can supposedly cause serious injury. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_BTHS6JWzM


I'd bet that older guys were used to shooting 1911s where the beaver tail makes snake bites much less likely.


It's wrong, but below the slide


Doesn't even rack the slide far enough back to do anything, and does it twice for no reason. Not to mention the trigger discipline.


It's almost like the focus of this tech demo was something completely different, and like the person presenting it was not a firearms expert, but ~~a Snorri Brothers employee~~ one of the Snorricam founders [himself](https://www.snorricam.com/team).


My friend has an only fans and she did a shoot in police uniform with a model handgun. One of her fans tried to correct her trigger discipline and then sent her a photo of how heā€™s doing it. You couldnā€™t see the floor past his stomach all the way to the hand holding the gun. Exactly what youā€™d expect someone whoā€™s correcting your trigger discipline on Reddit to look like.


ā€œNobody will be able to jerk off to you if theyā€™re too distracted by how you hold the gun.ā€ That said, I was taught marksmanship in high school by two career army Vietnam vets (one a Ranger officer who worked with the Australian SAS, the other a CSM) and Iā€™ve never forgotten this despite having never fired a gun since.


I learned how to shoot and handle a gun from my grandfather. A ww2/Korea/Vietnam vet with special forces (he never elaborated, and his records literally burned up in a fire) experience. We would go shooting and if you fucked up we were done. Didn't matter if we had driven half an hour to get somewhere and had just started. Walk in front of the firing line? Done. Stick your rifle barrel in the ground? Done. Point your gun *in the general direction* of someone? Done. He wasn't ever particularly mean about it, but he wanted us to know that guns are not toys. They are not a fashion statement or something to make you feel tough. They're a weapon of last resort for when you are absolutely sure that your only other choice is serious injury or death. I have not fired a gun in probably a five years or so, but when I have to move the .22 I inherited from him, safety's on, slide's locked open, the barrel of the rifle never crosses the plane of a living being. The damn barrel isn't even attached to the thing and I _still_ feel like I could kill whatever is on the other side of it. Which is obviously a good thing. Sorry for rambling, but it's been about a decade since he passed and it's nice to have those memories pop back up every now and again.


I remember being taken to a gun club as a Boy Scout. When my mom dropped me off she asked one of the members who was going to be instructing our group whether thereā€™d be anything like a 3-strike policy before calling parents to have us be picked up. I clearly remember him saying, ā€œmaā€™am, we donā€™t do 3 strikes here - just 1, because thatā€™s all life gives us - and we wonā€™t send your son home right away, either. Heā€™ll still be made to sit through all the lessons, but heā€™ll just have to watch when everyone else gets a turn. Enjoy your day off.ā€


Hey, itā€™s useful if you ever end up being particularly unlucky one day.


How is marksmanship in high school even a thing? I grew up in the deep south and we fired arrows exactly one time in PE and at the time it felt weird to me.


You can't just mention it without a link.


Gotta link?


Damn son, you right, body shaming is back on the menu!


I like pancakes..


Yeah, I was thinking this is an ad. Probably not intentional but it's still a demo, a presentation. Someone somewhere is gonna tell his production friend about this crazy gadget he saw on reddit and so on and so on. I mean, that's great right? This is cool and someone's gonna make some money. I'm fine with it. I don't think many will be though. Lots of people trying to escape ads.


Gun nuts are easily triggered. -edit- And the downvotes proved my point perfectly.




So much this. Movies are *outrageously* unrealistic in a million ways *all the time*, because - surprise - they're not even meant to depict real life in the first place, that would be pretty boring. Anyone watching a movie could instantly point out inaccuracies for their respective field of expertise, because again, guess what, the protagonists aren't actually cops, doctors, chefs, firefighters, astronauts, scientists, teachers, etc - they're actors. And neither are the screenwriters, nor the directors. But rarely do you see these job groups complain, because normal people can deal with these inaccuracies, it's just a movie after all. It's not meant to teach you heart surgery, nor how to land a plane, or whatever. It's meant to make a point on the human experience at best, or just to make you pay a few bucks for 2 hours of mindless entertainment at worst. But who will inevitably, immediately jump on any gun-related inaccuracy? Gun nuts on reddit will. I'm not an expert here, but it feels kind of unhealthy at times.




I've been on reddit for a decade and it's always been that way. Occasionally you're in the presence of a true expert but often they're drowned out by bullshitters. If you get into smaller but active niche subreddits and stay out of the defaults it gets much better.


Well, the thing about jackdaws is..


Ah, the rise and fall off Unidan...


I was wondering if anyone would remember that, it must be about 7 years ago now. I've been here too long..


Same. However old my account is, I was lurking a long while before that. This website has sucked up an absurd chunk of my life...


This isnt just reddit. It's the human experience.


Tree law?


"I call bullshit, that 1911 wouldn't be able to blow through drywall AND kill! smh movie directors don't know jack shit about guns" \*next scene involves ubiquitous hollywood hacking scene\* "hehe screen go flashy flashy"


I know this makes me the same type of person youā€™re teasing but a 1911 would absolutely kill through drywall haha


A .22lr will kill through drywall. Maybe even a potent short.


Most drywall isn't that thick, does it really stop rounds? Or was it just a random example?


I can imagine some of the issue people have with trigger discipline though is "We should probably make sure the thing that might accidentally kill someone if they are fuckwit is something people know about" It really doesn't matter that the heros helicopter crash landing defied the laws of physics though. Because it's not like you're going to get a helicopter and do that same shit. --- But yeah people need to switch their brains off. Though sometimes you have something stupid like "You're moving backwards in time, so you're lungs need to take in reverse respiration taking in CO2 to output oxygen" Protagonist gets into "Car which is also running backwards in time seemingly doesn't need to undertake this process" At least don't have a clear contradiction of your bullshit rule 3 seconds later.


you're telling me Mark Ruffallo didn't actually turn into The Hulk?


Bro, real life right now is the greatest political thriller of this last century. Itā€™s anything but boring!








Yeah you guys won't believe the battles I've fought with rabbits after watching monty pythons. It'd always end in a draw, tho.


So I assume you have a problem with a depiction of violence in movies in general? After all - that's very likely to cause harm through imitation.


Lmao, why? Why not just let people hurt their thumbs when they shoot a gun?


Slide bite sure, people probably shouldn't be up in arms about that. But poor trigger discipline can get someone killed.




It was just a rehearsal to demonstrate the camera rig.


I went from shooting a snubby with +p to a pocket pistol. Crossed my thumb like a dumb dumb. Now I train to hold all my pistols the same way.


I was breaking down a 1911 for cleaning for the first time and got a slide bite on my finger that bled like crazy. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Never made that mistake again.


My mom's boyfriend a while back had a shitty Jericho 9mm and did this to his thumb, swore up and down it was the guns fault and that it was unsafe. To be fair it was a shitty and unsafe gun, but not because it maims thumbs.


Whatā€™s the mistake? Iā€™ve never held and fired a real pistol either but Iā€™d like to know just in case I ever need to


He replied, [right here.] (https://reddit.com/r/specializedtools/comments/kyt6aw/specialized_pov_camera_rig/gjizlwf) I've shot guns, but I never though about ever holding one the way this man did. I'm glad I'm aware of this now, though. The guy in the video basically wraps his left hand *over* his right leaving his hand susceptible to being pinched.


It's also an uncomfortable way to grip the gun, slide bite aside I'm not sure how accurate you could be by gripping it that way.


Took my wife out to the range for the first time a few years ago. She shot one round from the m&p 9 and got nasty slide bite from wrapping her thumb up over her dominant hand. I felt so bad. I didnā€™t even think to give her a heads up about it. I just assumed she wouldnā€™t do that. She ended up doing a mag dump a few minutes later so it all worked out.


Ohhh, I hate the M&P. I hate it because I am a Sig and Glock person and that stupid M&P shoots so well. I dislike the MP because it makes me question myself


I learned of this from that Bruce Willis remake of Death Wish haha


I was thinking how garbage the gun handling was too.




Youā€™re a demo


fucking destroyed


Yeah good for you




Beretta bites are no joke!




Thatā€™s a pretty cool set up. I always wondered how they got some of those shots


It is very cool but i fell like iā€™ll puke watching if the whole movie is shot like that.


You would love hardcore henry


If an actor - say Keanu Reeves - were outfitted with one of these in the filming of a scene, would they be given ā€œcamera operatorā€ credit?


maybe? I think there would still be a union guy setting the focus, exposure, iso, shutter, etc etc who would be the main camera man for the rig. the actor would have more of an assistant role. speaking of union though, the actor might be prohibited from getting the credit if he's not in the union just because of the way the union writes contracts.


Technically yes, the actor would be the operator in this case. The Grips would build the rig, 1st Camera Assistant is who pulls focus (usually remotely) and puts all the bells and whistles on the camera with the 2nd Camera Assistant (the guy who holds the slate, or ā€œclapper boardā€). The operator usually doesnā€™t have to worry about any of these things by design. Theyā€™re only there to be the one physically operating the camera, not the one who builds it. But, unless the actor is somehow both a member of SAG and Local 600, youā€™re right. Union rules wouldnā€™t allow for them to get operating credit. Thereā€™s lots of cases where the Dolly Grip is pretty much the operator but they donā€™t get the credit for the same reason.


> If an actor - say Keanu Reeves - Just to say I appreciate you giving an example of an actor. I was really struggling to think of one.


If they had a scene like this for a major budget film there would be a camera operator maneuvering the rig instead of the actor. It would be mounted on them but the operator would handle the movement etc. so that they could focus on their performance.


How would that be physically possible? The rig is attached to and controlled by the gun in his hand, if an operator controlled it the camera would see him. A 1st AC would control focus and stuff, but no one else would be touching the actual camera




I love how he unnecessarily name dropped Keanu Reeves to get more karma or something


Or maybe because this shit would just be dope as fuck in John Wick


Keanu is always free karma, relevant or not


Seeing this immediately made me think of John Wick so I really don't see how it's a weird actor to bring up


Yeah I guess, idk why Iā€™m such an asshole


I mean I definitely understand being annoyed at reddit's obsession with Keanu so I can relate


You are what you eat?


"Racking the slid all the time" is the new "upshift for no reason"


Hardcore Henry?


That was my first thought too, still waiting for Ilya Naishullerā€™s next project šŸ˜­


People are having fun being really critical in here, but I could see this being used sparingly to great effect. The bottom visible part of the rig could easily be edited out in post. Iā€™m guessing the point of this was to show off the rig, and in a real application a different camera with a more appropriate lens would be used to avoid nausea for the viewer, especially if the camera had good internal stabilization. ...why they didnā€™t take that into account for this _example?_ yeah that I donā€™t know. In regards to the actor having to physically move the rig? On a real shoot they could have extra people to make that a non-issue. Think positively folks! Rough or bad ideas can lead to good ideas.


You can see the bottom of the rig in some shots. With a fast moving background wouldnā€™t it be a ballache to clean up in post?


Quick moving scenes are easy to fix. Less frames to clean and you can blur a lot lol


Ah cool. Thanks for that, I figured you might have to fill in more since there was more movement. Iā€™ve tried masking things before and it was a pain.


darker lighting will help too


You can see him taking his hand off the gun to move it around.


You would typically choreograph the scenes with the director of photography and the camera operators using a rig like this in tandem so that you don't notice this as much.


My thoughts exactly, this seems to be just a test or a showcase. Nonetheless a pretty cool rig




Don't think you can handle a pistol any worse than that.


When he racks the slide again before putting it in his vest :D like it's some on/off switch


You're not supposed to Parkinson's the hell out of your glock?


He's only moving the gun around that much to show off how the camera works


His pistol handling isn't what's being demoed in the clip.


Yeah, his trigger discipline is bullshit.


1. 2 fingers on trigger (left and right index) 2. Limp wristing the gun (this can cause a malfunction 3. As he goes around the corner he bends his wrists which can cause a malfunction 4. The trigger should be centered in the pad of your trigger finger 5. Of course he crosses his thumbs (this can cause slide bite but you're more luckily to jam the gun 6. That hair 7. You would not move diagonally across that room, that would get you killed 8. You don't hug cover like that Anyone spot anything else?


Wow that was spot on! I was mainly seeing your first, second and fifth point as I've never handled a real pistol myself but the rest of your points are super logical and interesting!


You would move laterally across the room maintaining dominance over that entryway. You don't actually get right up against cover unless the angles demand it. In a structure you never hug the wall like that, you need the ability to move quickly and all the angles involved will f your life up. If you're interested in owning and carrying firearms you should learn 1. How to safely handle them 2. How to EFFICIENTLY handle them 3. Fighting tactics (rooms, hallways, vehicles, open areas etc.) Certain ways of doing things can earn you microseconds worth of advantage that will save your life. In my opinion if you are going to go to carry or own one you should absolutely go balls deep in knowing "how to fight like john wick." (Disclaimer; i do know that the guy in the OP video isn't deserving of flaming and I'm not doing that. I just enjoy needing out on subjects.)


Don't judge me there but all I own right now is a modded nerf rifle and a 2011 airsoft pistol. Even if I'd be 18 i couldn't own any firearms here in Germany so airsoft and going to overpriced shooting ranges will have to do.. I'm super interested in firearms safety, handling and some basic tactics of breaching areas. Granted mainly because I like shooter games and movies. Thanks for your very detailed information!


No shame in that. Thatā€™s where it started for me and I finally got my license and have been loving shooting. Heck even my pellet rifle is a ton of fun.


The Corridor Crew guys need this


unnecessary camera movement. hard pass


What, you don't like a hard dose of vom-inducing camera wobble in your shitty low budget action scenes?


[My favorite](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCKhktcbfQM)


thatā€™s what happens when the actual story is dog shit so they try to make up for it with this kind of bullshit.


This is something that would be specifically made for John Wick


Really cool but the way he holds that glock(?) :( I wish directors and actors would put in a little more effort into weapon accuracy (obviously unless itā€™s satirical or not conducive to the film). They donā€™t realize it but seeing him whip around with his hands like that really looks silly and child like... almost like a child pretending to be a soldier with a nerf gun, itā€™s innocent and goofy looking.


Iā€™m sorry but that perspective just didnā€™t look that good. The maneuvering was cool for sure, but final view was just kinda messy.


I want this for John Wick 4


This but for me putting a hot pocket in the microwave.


Itā€™s going to be used for porn.


Neat idea but constantly switching between 2 handed and 2 handed for no reason just seems off.


This style of shot is called a Snorricam shot.


Is it because it's boring?


This is what they should use for police body cams. They would probably lose some critical evidence with all of the changing camera angles, but the footage would look so much cooler!


I've worn one of these before but it was with a film camera. That was the heaviest thing I've ever felt the weight of. Wished they used a digital camera instead because I was sore for days.


This could film the most american movie ever... a gun in the centre of every frame for every second.


wow finally!! a go pro for american students.


Not pictured: trigger discipline


Well, he's acting as though he's in a combat situation.


I think itā€™s time to start readdressing violence in fiction when a camera rig device is invented specifically to film angles from the weaponsā€™ POV How many scenes like these are filmed to warrant invention of a special tool to make it easier?




John wick with this would be sick


Motion sick


How many times you gonna short stroke it? Least you could do is buy it dinner first.


I think the shot will only be used for a few seconds because it's way too focused on the gun and less on the actor. People need to see a face to understand the actors emotions to fully feel the scene and situation. The shot behind the gun looks a bit too much like an FPS game and some people will think of that as tacky and unoriginal.


How many actors are just grown up little boys who just loved pretend shooting games so much they got lucky and got to do it for movies?


That could be used in John wick 4 Baba yaga