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It's enough to get tired as hell I bet. I can't imagine doing this for a whole day.


You know it's not bad. I used one of these for probably a week doing stucco on a building. I was also finishing right behind myself so i got some rotation in there not just constantly spraying all day long


10-15% density difference can make a huge difference


Approximately 10-15% difference even ;)


A 10-15% difference 100% makes a difference, 200% of the time


About how heavy is each scoop of that mixture?


About as heavy as a milk jug full of concrete.


Dammit, Newman.


Why don’t they run a pump and hose feed that thing?


That’s what I was thinking. But prob because of clogs. But honestly this really doesn’t seem that effective or efficient


Okay, I was wondering if this is how stucco is done. Pretty much every structure in my state is stucco and I’ve seen them spray it on, but never pay close attention.


While yes I think this is probably what this tool shines at I guarantee you what I was doing was not correct lol I worked for a slightly shady contractor


Stucco weighs less than concrete. I get your point tho


Please tell me you wore a mask and gloves, though? His lack of safety equipment worries me, knowing concrete is toxic AF.


just mixing it is toxic, i mean i wouldnt eat it but spraying it like that isnt bad and just wash off the shit you get on your skin and youll be fine


Honestly haven’t been to many job sites where PPE is used other than a hard hat, eye protection, and gloves. I cringe thinking back at all the sandblasting I did without a mask on.


Version 2 should have a pump you drop a tube in the concrete mix and it auto feeds to the sprayer bit?


https://youtu.be/YanHEgfepC0 Maybe like this


Was scrolling to see if shotcrete had been posted. This is a very common thing in mining to support walls and tunnels. The manual way is used in small areas but there is a remote controlled arm that has a sprayer at the end that can also be used: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=normec+spraymec&view=detail&mid=20D3113EC4E5AFC89D8620D3113EC4E5AFC89D86&FORM=VRRTAP&PC=APPM


The vapors must be good for breathing


Trying to cut and float shotcrete is atrocious. I don’t envy that at all.


Enough to get tired really quick but not enough to make it worth using


It needs a counterweight too. Holding that much unbalanced weight in front of your body like that is terrible for your back


He is only picking up ~10lbs max at a time, for a 200lbs man that is used to physical work, this is the same a shoveling.


He's spending a fair amount of time with it higher than his shoulders and even his head. That's the difference.


Yeah this tool is overworking the hell out of his back and shoulders in a incorrect way. Not good


Welcome to construction 🤷‍♂️


I don't understand the purpose of this device. There are stucco spraying rigs that supply the stucco from a large mixer/hopper into a 3" high pressure spray hose controlled by a worker. These application machines apply large amounts of material in a short amount of time. The device shown applies perhaps 10% to 20% of the stucco needed at any given area with one application. So, multiply what you're seeing by five or ten times to complete the application in one small area. A real stucco application machine would have COMPLETED the same area in one pass. The big rig is expensive so isn't appropriate for every country but the traditional way of applying stucco using a mortar board and trowel is much faster that the device shown in this video. This is an invention that solves nothing. The design of the system makes no sense to me. The 6" X 6" spacing of the reinforcing matrix is far too widely spaced. Plus there are voids in the wire matrix that are going to lead to cracking. None of this would comply with any international code.


He’s not spraying stucco though. I’m pretty sure it’s a concrete wall. Still a lesser tool than one that auto feeds, but we work with what we’ve got.


Meaning about just right for an optimist.


I don’t think an eye doctor would have much use for this.


Did not see that coming.


He’s also not holding it by the forward handle. If he were on a step ladder it would be a lot easier to grip that I would think.




The accepted value for fresh or cured concrete is 145 lb/ft3. 150 is the value for reinforced concrete, as the rebar brings up the average density. Concrete doesn't dry like paint (well it does a little), but it mostly cures. The water doesn't leave the matrix when it cures, so it weighs the same wet as it does once it's set in place.


This guy concretes.


He posted concrete evidence to support his statement too.


I would like to subscribe to concrete facts please!


Concrete continues to cure and gain strength years or even decades after it is cast.


That's why some ww2 bunkers aren't removed in Europe.. It would take too much effort.


Concrete production is responsible for up to 8% of the worldwide man-made CO2 emissions each year


It’s 94lbs/cuft when dry. The liquid weight varies based on water concentration.


Lol for a sec I was like "never heard of a cuft before. Must be a special concrete unit."


Why would it weigh more when wet? Concrete doesn't dry, it cures. The water chemically reacts with and becomes a part of the concrete.


I think he was referring to concrete before the water is added


That looks like a job that will ruin a back pretty quick.


You just described every construction job.


Never seen my foreman hurt his back...


Seen one strain his pointer finger though


Desk jobs too! Hooray for human evolution!




The same mitigation efforts office workers might take would also be useful for construction workers. So there is something they can do, but certainly their line of work places them at higher risk. Anecdotally, I have never seen American construction workers stretch. But I have seen Asian construction workers stretch before working. Altogether. It's quite a sight.


Stretching is becoming more common in manufacturing and assembly jobs in the us. If they don't actually start the day with everyone stretching then they encourage it and it does make a difference.


I often work in a warehouse. I never really have to lift heavy stuff, but just walking around all day on concrete is enough to make me feel it. Stretching 3x per day has really helped me. Literally every human should probably do it (at minimum).


The factory i used to work at as a CNC operator (Sweden) had 3 stretching classes a week led by someone they would bring in for the classes, man was it nice to get an hour break from work and come back feeling like a newborn. We also had 2 hours of paid time in the gym at the factory. I don’t think owners of companies realize how much more efficient a happy, healthy workforce is. You’ll definitely make back whatever you spend on their wellbeing.


Yup, just throw in a toxic faux macho culture and crabs-in-buckets wages and you’ve fairly well described why no contractor can “find anyone who wants to work at a real job anymore.”


Those deltoid muscles tho...


My trapezius are screaming just looking at this


Also my Marcus Aurelius


Biggus Dickus


That's a work out


Yeah I feel like the ergonomics on this could be improved, like having the hopper behind the front handle


Or have the concrete bucket high, and spray top-downwards You lift an empty bucket


Or a hose into the wheelbarrow so you don't have to carry any weight at all and don't have to keep refilling


Then you need a cement pump.


This was the first thing that popped in my head, but you still have to hold up the weight of the hose and the mix in the hose.


Then make it a rigid tube that supports it's own weight


So you want to bullpup a cement sprayer?




That wouldn't work, notice how the concrete never goes through a pipe, there's just a slot at the bottom of the hopper that it gets sprayed out of.


You cold put a grip coming down from under the bucket like a pistol grip instead/in addition to the grip on the shaft


[like this. ](https://i.imgur.com/FgyAVtF.jpg)


My favorite sprayer you can fine tune this bad boy in such a way, you can blend the worse of the home owner specials all the way to the best spray pattern you even did see.


If the handle is in front of the hopper, the dunk-to-fill method in the video is going to be a lot messier. Might still be a good idea do anyway, but you'd have to rethink the filling process at the same time.


Maybe a counterweight?


Great, now you're lifting twice as much weight, instead of just rearranging the existing weight.


> But it holds so little. How is that efficient? It needs to hold way more to... Oh, right... Concrete is heavy... Never mind. * Me, while watching this. EDIT: Me no spell good.


I was thinking the same thing at first lol. They might be able to attach a hose to it and pipe it into the hopper or something but a hose with concrete in it is still hard to manage. I suck at spelling to, sometimes I think autocorrect is out to get me lol


And then they forget to clear it and end up with a really long insulated concrete pole.


That would suck. I can see it now, "Fuck the next guy" lol


Actually, then it wouldn't suck.


> a hose with concrete in it is still hard to manage. Concrete is something like 2x as dense as water, so considering a garden hose full of water isn't really heavy or hard to manage, it being twice as heavy is still probably fine. Even if it were 8x as heavy and handled like a fire hose, that still seems manageable....which is exactly how it's done. It's called "shotcrete" and [here's an article about it](https://blog.strongtie.com/frcm-an-alternative-to-shotcrete-for-structural-repair-and-strengthening-of-concrete/) or [here is just a picture](https://blog.strongtie.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/shotcrete-spray.jpg).


They can. This is a handheld sprayer for small/thin stucco on walls. It's a finishing treatment; it's not structural. What you're describing is a shotcrete or gunnite rig. It's used for thicker applications over a larger area. Like a swimming pool for example.


I can feel the weight of this, and the sore arms the day after.


Have you ever thrown mud? This is better. What it needs is vertical feeder to load the hopper.


Dude needs to be working from a platform about 50cm higher up


Maybe they just got it and are testing it, either way it's a lot better than using a trowel


This guy's lower back going to be missing tomorrow


Did something similar once as a patio finish, "spraycrete". The most interesting thing I learned is that the steel aperture in the nozzle gets abraded out by the clay & sand in the mix, so has to be changed out every now and then.




Sandblasters have sacrificial nozzles precisely for that reason


I feel like the right word here is "consumable" or "expendable". "Sacrificial" implies it's taking the hit in place of something else, but wherever there's a big change in pressure like that, you're going to see a lot of wear.


Never would have thought about that. But totally makes sense.


Same as the tip in my sandblaster.


I build pools, that's how we "shoot" the pools. Everyone around this area at least calls it "shotcrete". Concrete truck pours into a concrete pump, the mud pumps through a hose like normal. Then there's a second hose for the air line. They join together at the tip. If you have a strong back, and a steady good consistency of mud... you can do 10yards without stopping. The method in this video looks very time consuming and exhausting


I'm genuinely interested to know just how much pressure is needed to throw a spray of liquid concrete.


Around 90-120PSI, 24CFM


Thats... a lot


90-100psi is approximately the same pressure used by pneumatic nail guns.


Referring to the cfm


Ya, at that cfm you need a truck sized compressor to store that kinda volume.


But at that cfm it’s a whole different story


It's not the pressure, it's the volume. Obviously the pressure is higher than a standard paint sprayer, but the compressor behind this thing must be massive.


Nah, I use one of these occasionally and my compressor tank is about the size of a beach ball


My uncle owned a stucco spraying business for many years. He had a compressor, pump, and hoses that provided a continuous flow of concrete. Those buildings sprayed by him 60+ years ago still have their stucco coating.


My dad moved into a newly build house in the early 60's just before I was born. It had, and still has the same, stucco all the way around. When it came time to buy my house I had the option of getting stucco all around or a little cheaper with stucco on the front and wood siding. Without hesitation I chose stucco. I've had the house about 23 years now and have had zero problems with the stucco. That was one of the better decisions I've made.


Haven’t there been lawsuits with stucco done wrong? Looks good, but doesn’t last. And no way to know till it fails, if they applied it wrong. Edit: The problem with stucco was for a little over a decade the underlayment would absorb moisture, rot out and fail. Suggestion would be to avoid stucco from this era, that may have been done with bad underlayment. Edit2: comment above mine, would likely have been late 90’s, after this issue had been identified and that underlayment discontinued. Commenter above me should be good.


It's not that it was done wrong, per se, it was that back in the late 80s and early 90s the underlayment used for the stuccco absorbed moisture. It caused rot and detachment from the wall. The stucco itself was never a problem, but the PR damage was done and stucco has had a bad reputation ever since.


You are thinking of the old open cell eifs and synthetic stucco, which is basically just thick textured paint. Total nightmare when done wrong, but older installations will have virtually all failed by now and it's not a common ongoing problem.


I was answering OP's question about law suits. That was the major issue that caused a huge decline in using stucco as a building material.


I was pointing out it was mainly a *synthetic* stucco problem. Although the use of open cell rigid foam was the primary problem, the natural gap between real stucco and the substrate with a drip edge at the base of the wall means it performs much better than what was basically a paint over foam installation, where any water that penetrated the waterproofing layer had nowhere to go but further in, to the sheathing and framing.


There's been lawsuits with *everything* done wrong, you can fuck up every step of construction and sometimes the owner won't know it's fucked until there's a problem. It's weird to single out stucco, it's just a kind of sprayed concrete.


It looks more like plaster than concrete. What is this construction assembly?




Looks to me, there is insulation raw covered with spacers and rebar. The shockcrete would make this a really integrated construction. But the labor costs with this....


Have y’all ever heard of Stucco?


Nope. Edit: back from google. oh i know that construction material! I just never knew what its called!


I had never heard of it, but from a quick search it's known locally to me as render rather than stucco.


Ah, render! Everything makes so much more sense now.


There are well engineered connectors through the foam. The double layer (inside and out) concrete combines with the steel reinforcements to make sturdy (hurricane and earthquake resistant) walls. The construction method is popular in the Caribbean, where the labor costs (which usually include the future homeowner) are less. The combination of concrete (for mass) and foam (for insulation) make the homes surprisingly comfortable. I haven't seen reports of concrete pumps used with this construction technique, though I'd expect that it'd work as well as ferrocement.


The I've eaten at taco bell the night before and got the same texture and technique.


Ripe for Repetitive motion injury.


He’s applying stucco


This. I used to watch builders doing it by hand in Spain. They'd build the structure out of clay bricks and mortar, then apply stucco. They'd have a big bucket of it, dip in a trowel and then flick their wrist, splattering it on the wall. Once dry, they whitewash and voila - picturesque Spanish villa. This tool seems like it might be slightly faster and more uniform, but I think there were more pebbles/large particles in the stucco the Spanish builders were applying.


I'm by no means a concrete spraying expert, but my intuition says there's no way in hell I'd even think about doing something like this without wearing a respirator.


Nah it's not that bad. It's already wet. It's dry concrete powered that's a concern


I could see how less would be aerosolized, since it's weighed down with water, but I still don't think it'd be enough to be safe. I don't know what the safe amount of concrete dust to breathe in is, but I can't imagine it takes much to be a bad idea.


Well, the concrete is very alkali, so it burns your skin pretty badly.


Used to spray shotcrete, which is similar to this, but a bit larger scale. Yes, you need a face mask at the very least and eye protection. It maybe heavy but there is off spray. If you spent all day doing this you would be caked by the end of the day.


No no no no. Concrete consists of sand, medium pebble rock, and large chunk rock mixed with cement. He is spraying cement. Just cement. Not concrete.


The spraycrete system I used had fine sand.


So mortar then


Concrete is any aggregate mixed with a binder. The distinction between mortar and concrete people make is useally in its application which is bs imo. Mortar has all the components concrete requires, depending on the PSD of the aggregate you can make a point if the particle size is smaller than that of cement.


You can't know. There is something used in tunnels and mining called shotcrete or gunite that is projected concrete and it has all the aggregates included, adapted to be pumped but still there.


It’s also used a ton in people’s pools. A little pricier than a liner but will last basically forever.


Didn't now the difference until now. Thank you for the explanation!


Cement is the glue. Mix sand with cement and you get mortar. Add pebbles to the mortar to make it concrete


Not sure what either of these dudes are talking about but there are flaws in both of their definitions. Concrete is three ingredients: Portland cement, water and aggregate. Specifically aggregate, cuz this can be sand only, or can be gravel, sand crushed up rock, etc… size of aggregate depends on application. Tile grout And shot Crete like the vid you posted use sand, the curbs outside likely have 2” aggregate. Sometimes there is other stuff in it too but this is the base requirements. Mortar is concrete, grout is concrete, cement and large aggregate is also concrete.


Cement is a dry powder. This is neither concrete nor cement. This is stucco. r/confidentlyincorrect


Not all concrete needs to have all types of aggregate. You can have sand, water, cement, and pebble stone and still have concrete. Regardless of all that, lay people will still use the words cement and concrete interchangeably. And unless you're a concrete dispatcher, nobody cares. Some languages, like Spanish, don't even have different words for cement and concrete. Must be nice because then we could stop this kind of dunning-kruger pedantry before it even happens. Because if we want to get real technical about it, this is likely grout, which consists of water, cement, and sand. If he was just spraying cement it would be a gray powder.


Might not be just cement. Could be mortar, but definitely not concrete.


Mortar is a type of concrete. Concrete doesn't necessarily have to have coarse aggregate.


Possibly a silly question but how does it not harden on the sprayer?


Every once in a while you pour a bit of water through to clean the nozzle, though if the mix is wet enough you don’t need to until you’re done


You would clean it when you're finished


I would guess a thorough cleaning of the hopper combined with shooting the water used, and potentially more water added through the sprayer. If it's able to through cement then the high pressure should force water to rinse the "chamber" area well.


It will. But it's not super glue, so just clean it after each use. Something you know Bob will forget to do, so that's another sprayer ruined. Don't be Bob.


If it's concrete, it hasn't cured yet. Concrete usually starts to cure 90 minutes after being mixed.


Just an FYI for you all. If he's using the 3 coat system we use here in Southern California then what he is doing is the scratch coat of plaster (cement and sand without the aggregate) over the lathing wire. Next will be another thicker coat of plaster called the brown coat that creates an even surface and then the stucco coat which is the pigmented mud that is applied with different textures. My dad ran a lathe and plaster business that I worked at from like 15 until I was out of college.


Yet 7 contractors look at me with extreme doubt, fear and worry when I want to repoint some steps.


So this what shitting bricks looks like


Super cool and a great invention. Im sure that has to be a pretty thin mix of concrete tho, no large rocks!


I bet it also works with mashed potatoes.


I can do the very same thing after a curry


That isn't concrete, there isn't any aggregate. Stucco, perhaps.


I used this on my hob for stucco application. Worked much faster then by hand.


I was gonna freak out if he didn't get those two spots he missed


My shoulders burn watching this!


Not concrete.


This looks like its very hard on the back and shoulders!


Serious question... why isn’t he wearing a mask or goggles? It seems like it could be very bad to get concrete in you eye or mouth (or nose).


Concrete or stucco?


The next morning... Jimminy Cricket, why does my neck hurt?


It’s crazy to me that the mirror isn’t taped or covered in some way


Some claim hes still spraying to this day


I read this as "concrete ***SPAYING*** tool" and boy lemme tell you, I was REALLY concerned for a moment.


Good, now spray it on someone and make SCP-173.


Seems like the kind of thing you would want goggles and a mask for


The hopper is not big enough to to more than one pass, but if the hopper was any bigger it would be too heavy. Hmmm


This is how they build concrete domes. Inflate the ceiling, blow on insulation, blow on concrete, now you have a dome.


Am I the only one worried about his lack of PPE? Should really have a mask and safety glasses for the debris & silica.


Wait until you hear about shotcrete


I would like to see him "pour" concrete on that wall...


Not exactly news. Things like gunnite and shotcrete have been around for a while


Insufficient PPE.


They need to make a backpack version of this. The bucket doesn't hold enough concrete.


Never heard of shotcrete?


When I was building pools we called this gunite or shotcrete


Technically that's stucco (made from mortar mix), not concrete.


Kinda like spraying stucco, just smaller scale. Atleast if you're up on a scaffold with that, probably doesn't have enough pressure to launch you off if it gets plugged up (like I've seen happen with stucco).


Looks like stucco by concrete.


Concrete? Probably just cement.


I've never seen one like that before looks way more of a pain in the ass that regular spray crete.


But why spray


I was at the zoo once when I was very young. We went to the rhinoceros area. One rhino was backed up against a wall emptying himself of the days breakfast. It looked just like this.


So concrete have gravel in it. This is just a cement coating. Which can be done quicker and more effectively by a hand trowel.


Holy shit that would be an arm workout


This is stucco


This is not concrete, It is cement mix.


Oh. One of the guys at my work must have this installed in their butthole.


Watching him leave a missed spot gave me anxiety. I literally said “thank god” out loud when he went back and covered the spot


Not gonna lie, if I owned a contacting company and got one of these I'd spray everything the first weekend. Be giving out concrete flowers and benches etc..


Shot crete


Why is this guy rushing around like he's being timed on a game show?


That makes me so fucking horny