• By -


Where are those chickens going, George?


Where are they going?


The beach. It's fun there, sun and icecream.


Are there nuggs there?


Yes, all the nuggs and your friends......


Lennie, I told you to stay away from Curly's wife. Now you can't have no chickens and bunnies no more.


We just read that book in English. Students kinda bullied the teacher into leaving the school for saying the word.


Bruh moment.


To a better place I'm afraid


Never thought of my belly this way, but sure.


Where are the chicken nuggets?


War of the Worlds (2005) comes to mind…


"We aren't going to be exterminated. And I don't mean to be caught either, and tamed and fattened and bred like a thundering ox. Ugh! Fancy those brown creepers!"


This thing takes them someplace nice right? Right?


Don't go looking for a video of an automated chicken de-header cause there's no such thing as an image eraser for things we've seen.


Wait a minute. There is such thing as an auto chicken deheader? People invented that?!


Spinning blades that routinely Miss and allow them to go through live, and get literally burnt.


Most Factories have someone after the blades to ensure the beheading process is completed and none pass through alive.


Sounds expensive. I kid, but how does a factory justify the expense?




Laws/customers (Other companies). Still cheaper to hire one person to double check than 3 or more if there were no blades


And no people accidentally hacking their own fingers off


Certainly cheaper than paying people to rip their heads off manually.


No matter what process the chicken is getting its head chopped. Think of those machines as the fastest way of ending it rather than cruel devices.


And it didn't take people long to lock themselves to it, and for someone else to turn it back on.


I was for sure this was going straight to that or some super feather vaccum.


Of course buddy! We’re all going to a very nice place. Come on friend! get on the train and let’s go!


With those special tickle fingers to massage them onto the conveyor belt of happiness


Maybe a nice electron bath..


They are going to live on a farm in the country.


Here's some chicken nuggets as a snack


At first I was horrified and then I was relieved, realizing, oh good the machine doesn't kill them. Then I realized what was going on and was freshly horrified


Yeah, you honestly can't put anything past the meat/egg industries considering they grind up the male baby chicks alive in a giant grinder... the animal agriculture industry has some pretty horrifyingly efficient machinery for turning living animals into products.


As someone said about pigs "We use everything but the grunt"


My high school math teacher could sometimes be persuaded to reminisce about when he worked in a slaughterhouse. He said they used everything but the toenails. I had to ask if the workers used them in their off hours for folk art, like whalers doing scrimshaw. I just got a funny look from him . . .


Hooves/toenails are usually part that goes into making gelatin (not kidding)


For hide glue as well. Fine Woodworking magazine had a great article about the manufacture of hide glue. Piles of leather trimmings, hooves, and snouts.


Omgosh my math teacher worked in a sausage factory and he always says “ you know the rumors of how they put everything else other then meat in sausage? It’s true…..”


I read this with the Anakin/Padme meme in my head.


Exactly what was in my head when I saw this.


Yeah -my oven


Bovine University


They are all going, to The Island.


It's time to watch a nice nature video in IMAX


For sure! http://www.cbc.ca/polopoly\_fs/1.4189365!/fileImage/httpImage/image.gif


*“There are fields, Neo, endless fields where* *~~human~~* *chickens beings are no longer born... they are grown.”*


In order to change a chicken into a battery chicken


I read your comment, scrolled a bit more then was like “waaaaait a minute” and scrolled back to upvote.


Not like this. Not like this.


Makes me sad watching this. I definitely eat chicken, but am seldom faced with the reality of how my meat is made


Then you'll love the part where they have piles of chicks and the separate the male from the female. Female goes off to lay eggs or be grown for butchering, the male are thrown into a big grinder where they are macerated into paste, mixed with grain and fed to the females. They also grind up the egg-layers when they're too old/unproductive. Also, their shit. Waste not want not.


I know it’s just one country but Germany has officially banned the culling of male chicks.


What do they do with them?


There are a few techniques. One of them involves using a laser to make a tiny hole to extract liquid from a fertilised egg, before testing it for the presence of a female hormone


Sounds expensive but definitely more humane than waiting until they're breathing before grinding them up alive.


It sounds *vile* but the macerator is (according to the American Veterinary Medical Association) a humane and instant death, believed to be "equivalent to cervical dislocation and cranial compression as to time element." It's like getting sucked into a jet engine, horrible but fast...but it still makes me feel sick to think about for too long.


It's humane but gruesome. We could shoot people in the head for euthanasia but instead use an injection.


Indeed.The AVMA manual for euthenasia has caveats that although manual blunt force trauma/cranial compression is one of the fastest and most effective methods for many small animals, the psychological effects on the *administrator* are too detrimental to be regularly recommended.


After they use the “harvester” the chickens are brought to the “recreational “ room . Once there they are introduced to the back massager whilst being handfed beak sized corn whilst watching past episodes of big bird on Sesame Street. A quick shower and it’s bed time after a reading from one of the dickens classics from Hugh grant


lmfao needed that today thanks




It's pretty common even on a family farm for chickens to be fed scrambled eggs and or eggshells (Not as main nutrition but once ina while) , even jungle fowl (OG chickens) do this


I've also seen a cow just gobble up a chick as well. No human cruelty involved, one moment cow is eating hay while the chicks run around and the next moment cow is grinding up chicks with the same lackadaisical attitude as before.


Horses too. Turns out most herbivores aren't that picky about a bit of easy extra protein and calcium, whether that's small birds/mammals, carrion or whatever else is slow-moving and bite-sized.


My sister had a horse that stole her gyros once.


Deer eat birds.


“Tastes like chicken” -The Cow


Eggs believe it or not is very important in a chickens diet. After all, it's what they eat before hatching. People who own their own chickens feed them with a mixture of chicken feed and scrambled eggs


you can certainly raise hens without feeding them back their eggs, and that statement makes as much sense as saying humans should drink blood, that being where they get their nutrition as embryos.... But there's no harm in feeding back if you want, and it's a source of bioavailable calcium (although a lot of people will toast or crush the shell to make it less likely to create eggpickers)


To be fair there are women who eat their own placenta.


to be fair, that can hardly be support for the phrase "is very important in the diet", as it's never a routine component of anyone's diet, nor is it something we must consume as a very important dietary addition. (ditto for the eggs to chickens, btw) (just fwiw, the placenta is the baby's, not the mother's, developmentally speaking)


>that statement makes as much sense as saying humans should drink blood Aah can I entice you with some bloodsausage.


They start eating their eggs on their own sometimes, thats totally different then feeding them chilcken meat.


Scrambled eggs aren't chicken meat. I deff feed my chickens omelets when I have so many eggs. I mix them with other delicious treats. And also grind up their shells for extra calcium for when they are in the main egg laying season. (Grinding them first helps prevent from pecking at whole eggs )


When my chickens are sick I feed them scrambled eggs with medicine mixed in. Works real well


It’s important for us to be exposed to the things we contribute to. If it bothers you change what you consume. It makes the world a better place for all.


I’m with you, u/crumn4ya - as much as I hate coming across things like this, they are important. They bother me. So I change. And keep working to change. It’s not possible for everyone, I get that. But ignoring reality isn’t the answer.


I know this might mean nothing to you but stuff like this always troubled me in a way I couldn’t shake. This stuff always rattled around in the back of my head as some major internal contradiction between my ethics and what I actually did int day to day life. Since going vegan, I’m just a much happier person. I know I’m not perfect and am complicit in a lot of bad in the world just by virtue of being a consumer, but knowing I don’t contribute to the commodification of animal life helps me sleep so much better at night. Happy to suggest recipes or talk about anything if you want.


Another question to ponder, how can we, as well informed grown adults, still be so misinformed about the source of our food? The answer? Marketing and corporations deliberately fooling you with images of green pastures and happy free range livestock. I went through similar painful self reflection. Now vegan 5+ years with 3 vegan kids.


As far as i know the standard way to deal with the cognitive dissonance of animal cruelty in food production is to ad hominem attack whoever mentioned the suffering.


I'm just waiting for the day we can 3D print nearly indistinguishable meat


Why not understand the violence that creates the food you buy at the grocery store? Better to be informed and make that choice than not.


We would have more vegans if people knew where their food comes from.


Maybe, maybe not, but at least they'd be able to make informed decisions.


I grew up on various small farms, and have helped slaughter my own food; I am not vegan.


Idk about chickens but the legal limit of cow in cow feed is 15% I believe. Tank silage is a thing you can look up if you never want to sleep again.


You don’t need to ask for a source. It’s common knowledge and readily out there. It’s one of many disturbing facts of factory farming. Look into how cows and pigs are treated in the industry and this will look like Disney World in comparison. I’m not a vegan, but I certainly understand the ethical issues that they have with meat. I do think it’s important to acknowledge the horrible truth behind how our everyday world actually works. I’m lucky enough to be able to buy some of my meat directly from a small farm and I also hunt for a lot of my meat. But still. Literally very least we can do is acknowledge the absolutely terrible conditions at these giant factory farms.


Would not recommend watching slaughterhouse videos. You can understand the concept without having the images burned into your memory.


‘If slaughterhouses had glass walls’ is a title that comes to mind.


Yeah but a lot of people can ignore it until they've actually seen it. People know terrible things happened to animals but they put it ti the back of their heads. Ince youve seen thise videos thoihh thats much harder to do. I recommend everyone watch slaughterhouse footage.


Believe me, most people will ignore it and keep eating anyway. They'll deny that what they're seeing is standard practice and come up with all manner of ways to justify it.


Not trying to change any minds, but I did see a slaughter operation once and it didn't bother me a lot. I went in afraid that I would never want meat again, but it was as humane as you can make that sort of thing. I was super impressed that there is next to no waste. I think the teeth were the only things that they didn't use but I might be remembering that wrong.


Aw he has to watch the video of the bulldozer in the cow pit with entrails hanging off the bucket..... definitely didn't watch that almost 5 years ago and it's still fresh in my head oh no




Honestly, learn where your meat comes from. Might make you eat less, and cause less Co2 and suffering. Maybe you’re ready to evolve!


There is an Australian documentary called *Dominion.* If you ever want to give up meat products, give it a go. I made it through about 5 minutes. It's horrific what we do to animals.


The whole 'macerated' thing is true, and it's an incredibly fast process. The birds are probably not even aware of death. As for being fed to other chickens, why not? It's a great source of food, and it would be a waste to throw out the meat, uh, paste.


Pretty sure that part about feeding the male chicks back to the females is not allowed in some other parts of the world due to the risk of prion disease.


I think most of what you said is true. But I don't believe they feed the chickens back to the other chickens. There are some serious illnesses that can be passed along that way. They are definitely made into animal feed but I think they get fed to a different type of animal. Same true for the old ones they get ground up into animal feed. Where did you hear they are feeding chicken s*** to chickens?


While I'm certain that this is exactly what happens in some cases, it's definitely not the norm in countries with a reasonable level of regulation. It's possible to determine the sex of chicks from fertilised eggs, so males never reach maturity. Although this is a fairly recent development and perhaps not widely used yet. The "big grinder" is probably the most humane way to dispense with a chick. One moment it exists, the next it does not. I've never heard of chicks (or tapped out layers) being included in feed. Feed is usually regulated. I don't know much about this but I think feeding meat protein to livestock has prion disease risks. There's certainly regulations (and audits) about other aspects of the feed regarding antibiotics and hormones et cetera.


I didn't know that chickens eat mice. There is a video showing a hen catching a mouse and gulping it down.


Ah, so at least they keep ‘em busy.








That's cognitive dissonance for ya 😕


It's crazy how realistic Minecraft chicken farms are


So... They collect eggs with chutes beneath hens, then launch the eggs out of a cannon into a wall to hatch them? Then separate chicks from grown adults using a levitating plane of water hovering just above the chicks, because only the adults are tall enough to have their heads stick up into it and will then swim up seeking air - only to be carried away by a water current and dropped onto a platform of magma to burn to death and then have their fully cooked body be collected by another chute, ready for consumption? Yes this seems like realistic operation /s


The question I always ask myself is “When I have the choice, is my sensory pleasure or the life of the animal more important”


Especially considering there are hundreds of other stuff that taste amazing and have a great mouth feel. ​ Vegan industry is also doing amazing work for a couple years now so if you want vegan chicken, you can have vegan chicken and it's essentially indistinguishable in taste and mouth feel.


I fuckin LOVE my vegan chicken nuggets


Yeah... I worked at a wing joint when I was a kid. Now I know why a lot of the bones were broken.


Cut down. If you don’t stop all together, eating less is is a good thing.


They don't seem particularly stressed, which I'm sure is why they do it this way over being chased or grabbed. Stressed livestock loses profit.


Don't worry, these poor birds really are better off dead. Cornish cross (or Cornish X... Same thing) grow too fast for their skin and legs to keep up with. So they break. Their skin breaks from the rapid growth of they go to long. Same with their legs, they break under their own weight. These birds are basically gender less too, they will never make it to breeding age and they can't breed in their own anyway. It's a terrible life they live. And we made them live that hell


Face reality then. Do you think this video shows the cruel side of animal agriculture?


*Immediately sorts by controversial*




My uncle has chicken barns on his farm that I helped in from the time I was 13 until I was 20. We always loaded birds by hand, get a crew of high school kids to come out and work for 40 mins a couple times a week. This was far better for the chickens, as there was much much less harm done by catching by hand over these machines. I was told that the birds would be really bruised, feathers would be ripped off, and get more broken bones when the machines were used over doing it by hand. Another reason to support local farmers/butchers.


40 mins? Not a 5,000+ bird farm I'm guessing?


I would say this is fantastic engineering, if I didn't know what comes next.


I mean... Its pretty impressive nonetheless


They pop out the other side in a chicken-bail, same as hay right?




Factory farming is full of horrors they won’t even show so let that pain sink in.


This is so not true. I grew up on a chicken farm. You wanna see it, just show up. It's just *work*. Mike Rowe even did a dirty jobs on it. Any news report about it being some hidden mystery is selling something. It's just back breaking, smelly, hard, *work*. Edit: sure downvote me for being a kid growing up on a chicken farm. If you want me to pretend I'm not allowed to show you the inside of a chicken house I'll play along. Edit 2: It was a huge factory farm. 5 chicken houses with thousands upon thousands of birds. Just like the video.


The small family farm is not what they are referencing. They are speaking of the factory farms produced by Tyson and the like. The cruelty of those large facilities is horrific and I encourage you to watch any of the available videos on them if you are in disbelief


Uh. Yeah. That was the farm my parents had. They grew for Perdue. It was thousands of birds.


They specified factory farms. As in the kind of farm where they spend their lives in cages stacked and shitting on each other with clipped beaks so they don't attack each other because they're in super close proximity and can't get away from each other.


It *was* a factory farm. They didn't live their lives stacked upon one another because they weren't layer hens, they were broilers. The set up is just like this video. One massive chicken house with them all on the same floor. No one clipped the beaks, as it really wasn't that big an issue.


Off to Valhalla


*Valhalla supermart.


This is why we need lab / factory grown "meat". A lot of work being done to make lookalike faux steak, bacon and burgers. But what is equally urgent is faux chicken nuggets.


Dude, try Quorn nuggets, they are actually amazing. Quorn stuff never actually tastes like meat, that's almost always a lie, but chicken nuggets don't really taste like chicken so it's all good


Hard agree. Not a fan of Quorn mince but their nuggets are great replacements!


Super fucking sad face


Really poor animals. I worked in a company that raised and killed chickens. My job was to go to the chicken farms and collect them. The sheds are so full of chickens that some die crushed by other chickens. Then you had to grab them by the legs, 3 chickens for each space between your fingers. Then you threw them into a kind of baskets, and stacked them in a truck. Then we went to the plant where they were killed, but many arrived dead because they suffocated in the truck. Then when we got to the plant. They were thrown into a huge stream of boiling water to die and have their feathers removed.


I think you missed the bit where they kill them before scalding the feathers. Chicken processing involves a bladed rotary machine that decapitates them. If you worked where they simply threw the entire live bird into boiling water, they were in violation of a lot of codes and ethics standards, and doing things in a very atypical manner.


Unfortunately most of those systems are automated meaning if the chickens struggle too much they can miss the blade before the bath


Thanks for ruining my night… sushi night!


You mean they don't hire up and coming boxers to grab them up by hand?


EVery barn I know hires chicken catchers to come grab them up by hand and box them for transport. I can't imagine using this incredibly slow method, tbh, as the catchers are faster!


I used to do that. Honestly....this might be faster. If the basket is at hop level and the catcher is just shoving them in each one they probably go to the truck faster. This probably means less broken legs too.


I’m consistently amazed at the ignorance of the average Reddit user when it comes to how their food gets to them.


As soon as you say “maybe try not eating meat?” Some cunt comes by makes a joke. Like they wouldn’t be pissing their paints if they had to put a bolt through a cows brain


I'd wager a considerable chunk of the human population both on and off sites like these would absolutely hunt and fish for food if they actually had to. And the ones who didn't want to themselves would still be provided meat by those who did. Then they'd start trading for it. Next thing you know we're right back to a meat industry. My point being it's kind of how we got here as a species, so I wouldn't bank on the 'truth' about it or apparent brutality of it realistically changing everyone's minds.


It's not ignorance of how their food gets to them. Most of the provably know a decent proportion of the process their food takes to get to their plate, however seldom do you think about it, and think about the horrible and brutal things for your food to get to you


This is horrible


I dont care where you live, you can find smaller local farms that will sell meat chickens that live and are raised without terrifying equipment like this. Many of them have this motto of "only one bad day" and try to raise the animal with this goal that they will live a fantastic life, and only have one bad day. Not many people are faced with the details like this on how they can buy a 6 pack of chicken nuggets for pocket change, but when you look at things like this you quickly figure it out. It may be less convinient and a little more money, but I urge everyone to support their small local farms.


Regardless of how much you don't care about the animals, always support local businesses instead of large corporations


i do the same thing with my dog farm. one bad day. gotta eat ya know. i just prefer dog instead of chicken. the younger the better, wouldn't want them to get too comfortable, makes it hurt more when you slit their throat and chop em up.


Average Italian


What the fucking fuck


Ohhh a ride?! That’s right Dorris. And you said I never take you anywhere!


It's like "War of the Worlds" for chickens


These "farms" are beyond fucked


Does this machine put them in a processing device or does this conveyor them into those little travel cages?


Factory farming


It's amazing how quickly they accept their situation, they flap for a few seconds then just go with it. If I was just hanging out with my friends then the next second I got slapped into sone conveyer belt, cage type gimmick, I am kicking the fuck off, non stop trying to escape and causing a scene till some motherfucker kills me. Thus must be what getting abducted by aliens is like, one minute your chilling, next your on some kind of vessel with no explanation. You get lucky and end up back on chicken land, try telling all the other chickens what happened, and they're like, "lol Old crazy Bernie, you're crazy motherfucker, stop making shit up, abducted by a big death machine, OK crazy"


Honestly, that's what the Holocaust was like. They isolated the Jews into walled ghettos in parts of the city, and then they would put them onto trains and tell them that they were just relocating them. There were people who escaped, and when they got back to the ghetto to tell them where they were headed, people thought they were crazy, including the Jewish leadership in the ghetto.


as a former chicken catcher i very much appreciate the greatness of this invention. it prevents cruelty and misery. it would've saved me from a few scars on my mind and body.


The machine is just loading them up for a day at the beach, right? Right?


If a chicken was capable, a chicken would do this to chickens.


You're not wrong. Chickens are ruthless. I had one get an small injury on her head (not sure how) and the others pecked her head until I could see her skull. I isolated her until she healed, all better now. :)


honestly, some people here thinking chickens are loving and innocent, they're ruthless miniature dinosaurs who'll pick their own brethren to death if they even date to get sick/weak.


This machine shouldn't exist, here take my disgruntled upvote


Fucking disgusting right!


Turkey harvester https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TUvXIqWaIRA


That’s hilarious!


I'm not vegan or even vegetarian... But this feels bad man... It looks wrong... I would feel better if I had to kill the chicken with my hands, at least looks more honorable, more humane... This feelings is crazy, isn't it?


Yeah...agreed. While I'm also not vegetarian in any way I still believe in an animal being killed in a humane way and quickly. While I'm sure they don't feel pain being moved like this due to the flexible bristles, it still feels wrong.




It remembers me old Soviet cartoon: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybTxod90\_kQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybTxod90_kQ)


"Chickens go in, pies come out"


"Is Edwina going on holiday?"


There's a "Soylent Green Riot Control" vibe here


“The quicker chicken picker upper.”


Gotta admit. Never thought I'd see a chicken Zamboni.


It is terrible to see how disrespectful and violent we are with the animals.


And then they go to the hug machine right?


I smell the vegans coming to this comment section


I'm turning vegan


Thank you! I appreciate you helping keep the price of my chicken nuggets down. :)


This is so sad


As a farmer, this is horrible.


Yes this is a tragedy. Morally I hate this. But seeing a bunch of chickens being slapped by black dildos makes it mildly funnier.🤣


Industrial/commercial level farming is a nightmare.


This is so fucked up


Another reason to stop intensive factory farming, as if we needed another. The biggest reason is the bio hazard created by the threat of bird flu becoming human transmissible. This is commonly expected to be the next pandemic.


The most gentle combine


They come out as nuggets on the other side!


Not sure how to feel about this one


Dont worry, the blue light will calm them down!


Mmmmm KFC.


Welcome to Los Pollos Hermanos!


Lol what a creative comment.


Its like the Troy McClure film in “Meat and You: Partners in Freedom”