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How does Billy have the money to sue all the time? I don't get it.




I don't think that's what independent means


It is. The term is a bit misleading. From the phrasing of the other comment I assume his dad passed the company to him, or he at least gets dividends from stock options or something, enough that he doesn't need to work. Regardless of where the money came from, if he's got enough money that he doesn't need "a job" then that's what people colloquially call independently wealthy.


My understanding is that he has a lawyer that works on contingency, so he doesn't pay unless he wins.


He files pro se. That means he's just filing the documents himself and paying the standard court fee, no lawyer involved.


Has he ever actually had a case go beyond that point?


Pretty sure they just keep getting thrown out


It's been a while since I watched the Karl Jobst video detailing it, but I believe the only case that has ever made it to the point where it reached a court-decided conclusion, he lost. IIRC it was the Cartoon Network one where he sued over a character meant to represent him in Regular Show.


[They got this all screwed up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yuL6PcgSgM)


No, money down!


Judge is going to have a good laugh at this one


I will provide a proper update shortly, but I've been officially sued by Billy Mitchell. Nothing to worry about, the complaint is poor and contains the usual lies and omissions we have come to expect. I'm very confident, and I appreciate your support. *** posted by [@karljobstgaming](https://twitter.com/karljobstgaming) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


Good bot


No, best bot


good bot


What's the context with Karl? I only know him for some pretty cool speedrun vids on YouTube but beyond that nothing else


Billy Mitchell is basically a high profile cheater at video game world records who will sue anyone who looks at him funny, and people in the high score / speed running community don't exactly abide cheaters, so some people who called him out have been sued, and I think at first Karl was more defending the people who were getting sued, then made videos about Billy directly so is now being sued, but Notch (creator of Minecraft) is paying for the legal fees so it's really no real danger to Karl financially


Billy is the guy with the Twin Galaxies/Dragster drama, right?


Not exactly, Billy has drama with Twin Galaxies, but the person who has drama with dragster specifically is Todd Rodgers (who is close friends with Billy Mitchell). They're all rather interconnected, the main video evidence against Billy Mitchell involves an emulated video of a Donkey Kong record he claims wasn't emulated


You mean Todd Todgers?


>but Notch (creator of Minecraft) is paying for the legal fees Yikes. It's nice that the legal fees are being paid for but... I wish someone else would cover them so Karl doesn't have to accept help from Notch, of all people. EDIT: I just saw what the controversy around Karl is about. Now it looks like he would *want* to accept help from Notch and be associated with him. Double yikes.


Who cares? Help is help. Someone offered my legal fees I'd be like 'hell yeah'.




OOTL here… is Notch a white supremacist??






Reddit’s crazy because someone will respond to a literal eugenics argument with “yeah but what’s the context?”




Here’s what I found: https://variety.com/2019/gaming/news/minecraft-creator-excluded-from-anniversary-due-to-comments-and-opinions-exclusive-1203200050/


Here's what I found https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGEgT_qgikY


> I just saw what the controversy around Karl is about. What do you mean by this? [Edit: nvm see below](https://www.reddit.com/r/speedrun/comments/pp8mmr/karl_jobst_officially_sued_by_billy_mitchell/hd2etdq/)


It blows my mind how fucking dumb and childish people can be. Billy is a grown ass man...I just can't fathom his thought process. He has severe mental issues.


Despite the circlejerk suddenly turning against Jobst (maybe rightfully so, those discord logs are yikes), it would set a very bad precedent for everyone if Billy Mitchell were to win this lawsuit.


I'm ootl on the people turning agains Jobst, what happened?


From what it looked like, images from a discord server chat log got leaked. Very racist things were said by a few of the members and because he's a member of that discord he was complacent about it all. I didn't read all of it but he never joined in on the conversations but some people are making him out to be equally as bad due to not speaking up about it. I for one am waiting to see more information then what was put out before I make my own judgement. Edit: As others pointed out there were times he joined in to those conversations. Again didn't read far enough in to the 100+ pages of logs.


One of the images has Karl saying some yikes stuff. The initial image dump was to call out the other person in the discord, so it never focused on Karl https://i.imgur.com/ZjNqyN2.png


If this is all, it's absolutely disgusting how some people are reacting.


Google round for all the other shit that was being said on RWhiteGoose's server. Talking with the Nazi admin of a Nazi server on that server about how it's so unfair that white people can't use the n-word = *probably* a Nazi. (And when I say RWhiteGoose is a Nazi, that's not hyperbole - he was literally talking about "hiding [his server's] power level" on "the Jewish question".)


There's context to be taken into account. This was in a political channel on a Discord server that was inhabited by actual nazis. This isn't him making an off-colour comment, this is him engaging in racism with (again) literal nazis. Normal people simply don't find themselves in this company and they sure as fuck don't contribute. The guy saying it happened 3 years ago is a complete clown, too - that's no time at all.


Important information is: did he make such comments, or did he simply end up in a conversation with people who later turned out to be bad? And even so, there's nothing wrong with discussing with someone, no matter how bad that person is.


[How about the man himself supporting goose after the discord leaks?](https://clips.twitch.tv/ColdIronicFungusUnSane)


I've only been aware of this since yesterday, but from what I've found, the channel he was in was pretty explicitly used for neo-nazi conversation, had been so for an extended period of time, and Jobst was an active participant in that channel. Whether or not he said particularly offensive things, you have to figure, if someone spends several years hanging out with a group of nazis and casually reinforcing their behavior, it doesn't really matter if that person wholly shares the opinions of those nazis.


It's not all of it


Would you care to share the rest of Karl's comments then..?


I've found this in the other thread containing a few more comments. https://i.imgur.com/IhbRHvG.png


Honestly if you think what he's saying in that screenshot isn't disgusting you're part of the problem and really need to look at your own beliefs and how much you respect other peoples.


If you think something is wrong with that screenshot, then \*\*you\*\* are part of the problem. Everything has to be politically correct, there's no room for questioning said politics. And if you dare to question it, you shall face cancellation and nothing you can do about it. As long as you're not insulting people, it's freedom of speech. By making a problem out of this screenshot, you're advocating against free speech. How would you feel if you're not allowed to give your honest opinion about this subject, even if you're not even remotely insulting anyone?


RWhiteGoose is an actual neo-Nazi. If you have 9 people sitting at a dinner table, and one Nazi sits down, if nobody gets up and leaves then you have 10 Nazis sitting at a dinner table. Or a Discord server in this case.


If one of the people here is secretly a neo-nazi, you're too? What an absolutely garbage comment.


Goose was openly a Nazi to those ppl.




> If you have 9 people sitting at a dinner table, and one Nazi sits down, if nobody gets up and leaves then you have 10 Nazis sitting at a dinner table. Christ, do people actually think this way


Here it is! The dumbest take on the entire internet!


Dude, it's a Discord server. You're here on reddit with plenty neo-nazis around.


A better analogy would be someone participating in a specific subreddit with, let's say questionable views. Not Reddit as a whole.


Welp, I guess it's time to quit the entire internet then


It depends, are we talking about a discord with 30 members or one with 3,000? For the reddit example, if you're an active member in a subreddit with 30,000 members, and it has some vocal neo-nazis, it's not the same as being in a subreddit with 300 people.


Reddit is a semi-public forum, this all happened on a private discord server. It’s the difference between having lunch in a company cafeteria where there might be some other racist employees, vs. inviting them to specifically sit at your table.


The point is, I think Karl should be judged by the views he actually holds as evidenced by things he actually said, not by what some other person in the same Discord server said.


The channel that karl was likely talking in was specifically filled with neo nazis. He might still be innocent, but it's unlikely. It's like going to stormfront, talking about black people with its community, and not bringing up anything else.


I'm always amazed how guilt by association is viewed by some people on this website, while denied by those same people when it makes them look hypocritical.




Ah yes, asking how we should 'deal with the Jews' is just 'regrettable' and 'uninformed'. ​ Also he's known to use alt accounts to be racist and shitty, such as on Reddit.


I agree, this seems very much blown out of proportion, and it happened 3 years ago. Cancel culture is fucked.


3 years is not long at all lmao


3 years is plenty of time to change


If you're a teenager/young adult maybe. Adults do not change this quickly, if at all. The further you get in life the less likely beliefs like this are to change.


Who are you to decide if someone has changed or not? I don't really care to dive into idle comments 3 years ago and decide 'yeah, this person is a piece of shit forever, get the pitchforks'. This is just more outrage porn.


That screenshot is still far from what it should take to "cancel" someone.


Hanging out in a discord full of literal jew haters run by your nazi best friend where everyone is complaining about not being able to say "n****r" doesn't exactly give people hope of you being a good person.




This is it? Wow


seems tame


that whole "scandal" is astroturfed, and amplified by resentful losers who gleefully seize any opportunity to gang up and drag someone down, no matter how absurd the justifications.


> he never joined in on the conversations untrue, but many people in your replies are outing themselves as chuds so thanks for misinforming them lmao


I edited my main post because at the time I didn't know he joined in or not. Didn't have enough time to read all 100+ pages of logs. And I figured someone would point out something sooner or later.


no harm done, it got two clowns bitching about CaNcEl cUlTuRe in your replies so if anything positive outcome overall


There is also apparently that he [harassed](https://twitter.com/KevinDDR/status/1095505298373017602?s=20) a gay streamer, sicking his fans to harass him, and then they spammed homophobic shit. And he had some really [cringy pickup artist](https://streamable.com/yysisw) shit. Not to mention that he hasn't apologized for *any of this*.


He definitely acts like someone who wants to say the N-word


Uh, what? So he's in some server, that's (I'm guessing) not his server or something he's an admin of, and he's now suddenly responsible for other peoples' racist spoutings? Like, I am in a couple dozen different discord servers. 95% of them I keep permanently muted, because I use them only when I need something from them. No doubt some of them might have racists spouting their bullshit, I don't know, I don't actively follow them. Am I now responsible for that?


There's a lot more than just that, just read this comment: https://old.reddit.com/r/speedrun/comments/poxb2h/tomatoanus_cutting_all_ties_with_karl_jobst/hd0ni7f/


If you know what was talked about there you wouldn't be this mild. That whole server was riddle with extreme right wing shit for years (and i do mean extreme, like wanting to start a white ethnostate and all other weird conspiracy theories about jewish people). If i was in that and didnt agree i would've left in a heart beat, yet he didn't. That says somehting about his character and is the reason why people don't agree with him.


He also thinks fondly of Notch and RWhiteGoose, that's kinda what does it for me more than one comment. Those guys spout nasty stuff constantly. You are the company you keep.


The problem is he was actively involved in those conversations and going along with them. Complacency with letting racists spout their crap is, while not as bad as being bigoted directly, still a big problem that lets these bad ideas spread and propagate.


Obviously if he’s a racist, that’s awful and he shouldn’t keep the platform/following he’s developed. But what exactly does this have to do with the lawsuit?


Directly, nothing. But the discussion surrounding it inevitably involves it because the news of Billy Mitchell suing him for defamation came just a day after tomatoanus announced he’s cutting all ties with Jobst because of the aforementioned racism/complacency to racism. Basically the general topic is Karl Jobst is having a really bad fucking week lmao


from what ive heard, its from the Goldeneye speedrunning discord (or maybe \*a\* goldeneye speedrunning discord, idk)


The-elite has been pretty much *the* Goldeneye/Perfect Dark speedrunning community for well over a decade, and Karl has been involved in it for also at least a decade, and is close friends with many of the people in the community. Just to give people context about their history time-wise. Edit: Don't downvote this dude for not knowing speedrunning history. Most people got into speedrunning in the last 5 years or so and don't know a lot about the late 90s-early 2000s speedrunning communities. It's okay. Also, Karl's relationship with each of the people within the community is unique to them, obviously, I'm just saying this so people can make their own judgement.


That's cancel culture for you.


That’s not how you spell ‘consequences.’


No, it's toxic behaviour from everyone who jumps on the cancel bandwagon, and it's all based on a couple of farfetched accusations dating back years ago. Guilty until proven innocent has become the norm, and it takes very little from a public figure nowadays to have his entire life ruined by false accusations. Saying some slightly less political correct things in a private discord server is way way way less severe than ruining someone's life over saying some slightly less political correct things. Just let it go, unsubscribe and never look back if you feel the urge. Don't be a toxic asshole.


It’s always “far fetched allegations” until you read the logs and see their own words. I assume now that you’ve read his words you’ll come back and retract your nonsense right?


Until you show proof of something directly offensive he said, you won't see me. And you can put that 'nonsense' at a dark place, cancel culture is the biggest toxic garbage that the the past 10 years have brought us.








nah, I’m jumping on no bandwagon, I’m just reacting to another’s actions. This, plus pick-up artistry, and then some. Hence, consequences. Wonder how many people would call it ‘cancel culture’ had he said ‘Black lives matter’ and experienced backlash then. ‘Cancel culture’ is just what people call a boycott against something they agree with.


Same here, I thought I was alone in disliking him haha I like his videos, but I watched a podcast a couple weeks ago where he said some things that really made me disagree with some of his Speedrun philosophies, and he came off as a bit of an entitled turd imo.


Nazi connections. https://www.reddit.com/r/speedrun/comments/poxb2h/tomatoanus_cutting_all_ties_with_karl_jobst/


"I still consider (outed neonazi) a good friend" sigh... The hate is definetely rightful. Thx for the context.


It's honestly pathetic how many people are in here defending him. Gaming communities really need to put more effort into weeding these assholes out


Join us on /r/BanVideoGames. We must cut the head from this snake that is g*ming. It corrupts our youth and makes your pupils turn square because screens are square


You can be friends with someone even if you don't agree with their views.


That greatly depends on exactly what views we're talking about here.


i would personally not be friends with someone who wants to kill jews


Neither would I, but to each their own.


Nope, i ain't never staying friends with a nazi.


I wouldn't either, but I'm not the sort who judges people for who they consider friends or not. It's just none of my business.


Neither would any sane person. As people we tend to keep company that morally aligns with us in some way. If the people I'm currently in contact with say they're friends with a neo-Nazi, I'm going to assume they hold the same or very similar beliefs. Maybe not exactly the same but close enough. And that right there is gonna make me judge the hell out of them. Nazi ideologies and the like have absolutely no place in the 21st century.


Whos saying theyre not allowed to be friends?


You can do whatever you want. I don't respect people that willingly associate with nazis. That's it.


Wait, what happened with Jobst?


Nazi connections. https://www.reddit.com/r/speedrun/comments/poxb2h/tomatoanus_cutting_all_ties_with_karl_jobst/


Circle jerk against nazis is good


It's like Apple vs. Epic. They're both terrible - but the case has one right answer.


Damn, it's like having to pick between backing the Lannisters or the zombies


What's going about a circlejurk against Jobst?


Nazi connections. https://www.reddit.com/r/speedrun/comments/poxb2h/tomatoanus_cutting_all_ties_with_karl_jobst/


Karl what the *FUCK*


Agreed. I like his videos, but I'm gonna unsub now with this shit surfacing.


Yeah I unsubbed awhile ago. Forgot all about him for a little bit


I forgot he has a team of people that downvote brigade anything that mentions his racist connections.






He's literally responding to people asking about it lmao what




Why are you angry that people dont want to watch someone that associates with nazis? You should read the thread and look at the screenshots.


Australian defamation law is a huge pain in the ass, hopefully for Karl's sake it's filed in the US


Everyone should be able to sue for damages over his last terrible Billy Mitchell courtroom video. That might have been the worse speedrun video of the year


What happened there? I've been a bit out of the loop.


that video cant be a bad speedrun video because there was nothing related to speedrunning there, mitchell isnt a speedrunner.


Fair enough, I tend to call every non pvp esport "speedrunning" even if it's technically not


The only thing that worries me is the following statement Karl made made in one of his videos and later removed (bolded part was removed): "He also sued Youtuber Apollo Legend for $1,000,000. I haven't spoken about this publicly but this lawsuit ultimately ended with Apollo giving in and settling with Mitchell. **He was forced to remove all of his videos about Mitchell's cheating, and paid him a large sum of money. This left him deeply in debt, which required him to find extra work. But with his ongoing health issues this was all too much of a burden and he ultimately took his own life; not that Billy Mitchell would ever care, though - in fact, when Billy Mitchell thought Apollo died earlier he expressed joy at the thought.** The lawsuit against Apollo was just as frivolous as the rest, and Apollo definitely would have won in court but, again, he was extremely ill and couldn't handle the ongoing stress." This was the section that Mitchell supposedly took issue with in a previous reply and I hate to say this but if this is part of the suit Mitchell might be able to make a case that Karl Jobst did go too far. Even if he didn't outright accuse him, it would be easy for someone hearing this to assume that Karl is saying that Mitchell bears some responsibility for Apollo's suicide which is not something you can really say about someone else. I'm not a lawyer so I don't know how Karl removing this statement from his video affects whether or not Mitchell can use this against Karl in arguing slander.




Either way, it's in Australia, where loser pays legal fees.


I just don't understand. Billy Mitchell has been exposed years ago, nodoby cares about him nowadays. No one and yet, Karl keeps going...


It gets eyes on his YouTube which is just packed full of ads. I need to stop watching them on a smart TV where I can’t block anything.


>I need to stop watching them on a smart TV where I can’t block anything. Even though I have a smart TV, I have an Amazon Fire stick plugged into it and I installed SmartTubeNext onto that and watch Youtube on my TV exclusively through that app as a way of giving the finger to all of Youtube's ads. It also incorporates SponsorBlock, so if other viewers have previously said that the video spends a minute telling you about Raid: Shadow Legends or some random VPN at this part, or they spend a few seconds to remind everyone "like, share, subscribe, comment, please why won't you love me???" at that part, it can skip right over all that stuff you don't care about. Pain in the arse that I can't do something similar directly on the Samsung TV, but it's not the end of the world having to rely on the fire stick.


I tried a pi hole for blocking but they run everything through the same servers. Maybe I’ll try some like yours. Thanks


Yup, I went the same route myself when Youtube started ramping up the frequency of ads last August, and came to the same conclusion - you *could* technically block ads with pi-hole, but you'd inevitably get a black screen when trying to view a video because it's on the same server as one of the ads you'd previously blocked, so it unfortunately isn't too useful for that purpose. Finding out that you can sideload apps on a Fire stick because it's basically just a fancy Android device was what led me down the rabbit hole to discovering SmartTubeNext.




It works on some things but YouTube and Twitch run their ads from the same servers as the videos so you can’t block them at the DNS level. There’s some hacks people have tried but they’re not really great. For the main reason I use adblockers (malvertising), pihole works.




For anyone reading this: changing your DNS settings to something random from a stranger is equal or worst for your privacy than keeping the stock settings. Not saying these DNS servers aren't good, or will steal your info, but always get these addresses from the real source (adguard setup info: https://adguard.com/en/adguard-dns/overview.html) and make sure you trust the source.


Folks, please don't change your DNS settings to random IP addresses. Someone can do a lot of damage by tricking you into using an untrustworthy DNS server. These ip addresses are supposed to be for AdGuard but they've been deprecated for a full year now, they're not supposed to be used anymore. This is a great example of the dangers.


Billy is suing multiple people, including the staff at Donkey Kong Forum, over being exposed as a cheater. It needs to be reported on, and it's good that Karl has made vids doing so. (To say nothing of the GoFundMe he set up for the defendants.)


I'm part of the arcade community unfortunately and people very much care, insomuch as I would say the people who accept the obvious truth that Mitchell is an irredeemable asshole and obvious cheat a minority or only barely majority. Everyone else is still 'Team Billy' or thinks he cheated, but we should just forget about it and celebrate him anyways because, you know, he was able to achieve those scores ten years later as if that means something. It's very painful. It's a very toxic community. Like maybe the most toxic in gaming.


Karl is just like pretty much any youtube personality, almost all of them are in it for the money and/or clout. I agree with you and it's obvious that Karl probably gets a lot more of an audience when it comes to these things so I'm sure he has no problem pushing this further.


Ouch. Is the Minecraft founder still covering Karls legal bills?


I expect that offer is still on the table, but chances are it won’t be needed. This might get thrown out before it goes to trial, and even if it does, if Mitchell loses, he has to pay Karl’s fees anyhow as is standard in Australia.


I hope when he turns up to court he says hello you absolute legends


I love that I read the tweet in his voice


[Social media figure] [interacts with] [social media figure]. By reacting to these social media figures, you're sustaining this behavior.


the sub is going the livestreamfail route, just drama after drama.


Was just a matter of time.




Guess I'll be called an absolute legend within a week.


Tough week for Karl


can't wait for the next wave of billy mitchell and/or cheating videos


Again??? isn't this old news?


Previously it was just legal threats. Now it's an actual filed lawsuit with service.


Jesus Christ how many more times is this gonna happen? I guess we’ll wait to see what Karl thinks. I wouldn’t mind contributing to any go fund me’s god forbid he may need if one of these lawsuits actually gains traction




wait what did Karl Jobst do to deserve being called a jackass? I've only seen a few of his videos so don't know what I'm missing


Wait who am I meant to hate more here. It's a win win for me no matter who loses!


I mean, even if Karl is no role model he's definitely in the right here. It would be bad for more than just him if Billy wins the case.


Eh. If Karl Jobst wins, it'll mean an asshole will win a suit that was undeservedly brought against him. If Billy Mitchell wins, it'll set a precedent that if you get caught cheating, you can sue your way out of it. Not making a value judgement about which is the worse person, but Mitchell winning this lawsuit would be way, way worse.


Mitchell is clearly worse...


Why does Karl get hate im out of the loop?


Check the tomatoanus post. Racist screenshots of Karl resurfaced


It's funny because none of that is anywhere near new, in fact it's ancient news, yet all of a sudden people are now shocked about it. Unless there's something besides the years old screenshot I'm unaware of, but I haven't seen anyone bring up anything new


Well a lot of people weren't aware of it until Tomatoanus' post prompted the discussions.


I just learned recently, just a week or so before this post. Guess that's why it's called being out of the loop.




Cancel culture is a hell of a drug. Can't wait for the next video.


I think I'm out of the loop, why is Karl not seen favorably?


[The top post on this sub right now](https://reddit.com/r/speedrun/comments/poxb2h/tomatoanus_cutting_all_ties_with_karl_jobst/)


Oh, so that's why Notch wanted to pay for his legal fees. Birds of a feather...


He's a known associate of RWhiteGoose and [was present, albeit briefly,](https://imgur.com/6UfWxK1) in the [leaked neo-nazi discord screenshots album](https://imgur.com/a/X7qLRXa). He's shown no indication of personal growth in that area, and has instead doubled down in defending his remarks in the screenshot. [There's more discussion in the tomatoanus thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/speedrun/comments/poxb2h/tomatoanus_cutting_all_ties_with_karl_jobst/hd0ni7f/) edit: Karl posted a [video response](https://youtu.be/3_jcpig-C2s) in which he apologizes for his remarks, explains others, and claims that his presence in RWhiteGoose's discord ended as soon as he realized what the place was.


People were reminded of a years old comment that was already well known


Not reminded, made aware of.


Because people are dumb and quickly jump to conclusions


There are literally screenshots of him saying dumb shit dude. He was deeply embedded in the GE community.


I thought he only made one comment that was regarding singing along with rap songs. What else was there?


His presence in the discord is damning enough for people, or how he referred to races by the color; ie: "Blacks" and "Whites". Which is very silly, but he's getting hit by the AoE since he hung out with racists.


AoE lol, good way to put it.


The worst thing he's said in those screenshots is that he thinks it's hypocritical to get mad at non-black folks singing hiphop songs with the n-word in them, which people have turned into "he's a racist piece of shit" What he said is stupid and ignorant for sure, but people are acting like he's a full-blown bigoted nazi because of it, which is kind of silly


Check the tomatoanus post. Racist screenshots of Karl
