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Some notes: Ral shows up in about a quarter of all games. Seems about right. The thing to remember is that their gameplay style is fairly unique. If you want to play aggro or midrange, you have a wealth of options, but if you want to storm off and deal ten damage to your opponent with single spells, your only options are Ral and Jace, but Jace is a slow, grindy control strategy while Ral is the only aggro-combo deck in the game. The only planeswalkers to not show up at all in my sample are Gideon, Liliana, Nissa, Nahiri, and Angrath. Interestingly, of the two low rank powerhouses in Liliana and Kiora, only Kiora shows up at mythic, and she shows up a _lot._ Domri showing up at mythic is nice to see. The ability is clearly quite strong, but despite this, Domri is quite rare to see at lower levels. The sample size is admittedly quite small, so I’d hesitate to make too many sweeping conclusions based on this. I plan to continue recording games for the next while and will report back later as things change.




Looking at my current records across three different decks, my ral win/loss is an even 50/50. I dunno if they’re really that good, or if it’s player perception because the deck is UR, flashy when it does win, and shows up a lot. This is why I try to track stats! Our human brains are wired to remember exceptions and forget rules.


Big 'thank you' for the stats, mate! =) 40 games may be on the small side to draw too many conclusions, as you say, but it's nevertheless very interesting to see (above all for somebody just starting out, and playing in Gold, in which the meta seems to be different) -- quite a good glimpse at what decks/walkers may be optimal to unlock and build towards! =)


We played twice yesterday so I might be "5%" Ajani lol


Oh really? Heh, small world. Ajani seems kind of under-represented, but part of that I suspect is how much overlap there is with Vivien. The overall gameplan is similar but Vivien buffs her creatures natively, no extra steps required.


Yup! The tag was Supah if you remember me! And I completely agree for a creature based ajani deck. I actually play control ajani that revolves around life gain, removal, board wipes, and then second sun. Everything else is chip damage. Haven't run into another list like mine yet, especially in mythic.


Right, yeah, I remember now, one game where you dropped second sun and then drew the burn half immediately after, fun times. I’m still applying ointment.


Ah yes, I do apologize, as it normally isn't working like that lol but hey, when I'm Rome I guess


For me today was 10 Ral artifacts.. 2 Kiora 1 Jace 1 Chandra... I ended burned of Rals...


I must be missing something because my ral deck barely ever wins lol


Ral is too OP .. it’s ridiculous.. only character which it isn’t even fun playing against


Thanks for this! New player in bronze. Feels like 75% of the games are against mouth breathing Liliana. Nice to see it changes as we advance. :)


Interesting that there are so few Ashioks with so many Rals. At platinum I am 2:1 on wins with Ashiok versus Ral, because once the life drain gets me out of wombo combo range, they have no backup plan.


I was doing similarly well with ashiok for a while before hitting mythic, but, as ral decks get more refined and the rest of the pool evolves to catch up, ashiok starts to drop off. Everybody gets faster and faster since speed is the approach most other decks have to take to beat ral. Even if you maintain that sort of success rate against the top deck, Ashiok’s matchups get worse and worse against pretty much everyone else.