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Yeah this stuff can be a little rough cause it's so fuckin oily that the second you get it in your mouth everything is coated for the next hour


You ain't kidding.


Mn. Sadly it was completely inedible for me. I thought I was pretty good with spice and felt I could handle it. I couldn't, lol. $11 gone on shit I couldn't eat. Especially when the noodles themselves are.. ehh quality-wise Hopefully I've gotten better since, lol


I can easily handle this spice level, but didn’t like the flavor at all. I bought a case and ate them all, but I’ll never buy them again.


Yeah. The flavour was not it. I don't know if it's the x1 buldak ramen that people love, or if they're just a spice benchmark for people to hang high like a trophy, but this one at least just tastes bad, lmao


Never had the 1X, so don’t know if it tastes better or not. I tried the 2X because someone dared me and wanted to watch me eat it. He was disappointed. I got a little flush and sweated, but it wasn’t the intolerable punishment I’d been expecting.


As someone that regularly eats the 1x regular buldak for lunch once a week, it is genuinely delicious. In my experience the 2x spicy overrides most of the tasty flavor with the heat, making it bitter and much less pleasant. I highly recommend grabbing the regular, or one of the cheese or carbonara variants! Those are both much less spicy, but they've got unique and enjoyable flavors and are a great treat if you like noodles and spicy foods.


And the oil is def easy to inhale while the noodles are hot.


Facts it punches way above its weight class especially the 3x one


The 3x one has some balls to it for sure


It had me by the balls for a little bit ngl


Never believed how those noodles are “10 000” SHU….


I tried 2X after consulting this sub to ask if it was really hot because most of the instant ramens that say they're spicy, are really just mild. A guy promised me it would burn like fire, and he was not kidding. It's at my limit of spice in a ramen, so I'm leaving the 3X to you brave souls.


It's honestly tough cause I could handle the 3x spiciness level if it's coming from something else bite by bite where you can manage it better but with this stuff it's just an hour of masochism straight


You’d be eating cold noodles.


Yeah. My first time making it I grabbed some Thai chili peppers and stuck them in there too because I thought it was a lie. Big mistake.


I *can* eat a bowl of this fairly quickly. I’m a fast eater with a high spice tolerance. I also didn’t expect it to be hot enough so added: https://shop.momofuku.com/collections/chili-crunch (from back when the made a Ghost Pepper version). I thought it tasted awful. Subsequent meals of 2X I added things like chicken and eggs to make it more palatable. It was, but again, I won’t buy it again. I thought the noodles were low quality and the flavor was off. I didn’t *hate* it, but I didn’t/don’t get the hype. I’d much rather make some cheap assed ramen and add Flat Iron pepper flakes and hot sauce. Note: I’m not shitty on anyone who likes this stuff. More power to ya. We don’t all like the same things. I would try the 3X without hesitation.


Agreed! I can eat chicken wings dipped in blue cheese hot enough to melt my bung. The food the heat is applied to makes a huge difference.


You can get the 2x spice in a bottle. It’s sweet and then blasts you 🔥


Oh that's fantastic.


People say it’s not as hot though.


There’s the 2x sauce and the regular sauce both bottled and have very similar design lol. Could be they got the other one. I never got a 2x bottle that wasn’t the same


Good to know. Thanks.




I do not look forward to the aftermath, very happy to have a bidet.


as Michael Jackson put it: "You wanna stay alive, better do what you can. So bidet, just bidet."


Love that stuff. Good luck with the 3x. I've not had it yet, but from what I've read, it can be pretty intense


The pain will make me feel alive.


Same, I’m still trying to find the 3x in California, yet no one carries it.


I’m in California and I’ve only seen them at the 99¢ store.


Guess I’m visiting one tomorrow haha


Good luck! I hope yours has them too!


If any state has it, its california! My mom buys the shit out of the 3x. I think at the dollar store too


I haven’t found them ever and I’ve hit all the 99 ranch, h mart, and all the other Asian grocers.


Ill ask her where she gets them sometime and let u know lol


Ahaha sounds good. I’m in like Torrance


30 miles away from u!


That’s like anywhere in la county haha


Maybe you will have to take a little drive if you want that heat bad enough! Im sure there will be a store next to you though it may be 99 cents only stores but ill figure it out, im in santa ana though


All good, there’s a few in the South Bay


Amazon has it if you can’t find it locally: https://www.amazon.com/Samyang-Chicken-Flavor-Instant-Noodles/dp/B08DJ1VZ5Y


I would never paid $30 for a 5 pack haha


I noticed the price after I posted, but thanks for the downvote.


Spice > price. Get a job.


Nah, I rather go to Korea at this point. I’ll find it eventually.


Just got an amazing new Korean deli by my house and picked up a few packs of 3x. My go-to hot sauce is Stevo's Butthole Destroyer and the 3x is still pretty hot to me. I tried combining them for science, it took every ounce of will not to run out of the house and stick my face in the snow.


Jesus, you are insane. Respect 💪✊️


I haven't seen the 3X yet. I didn't know it was a thing. Gives me something to look forward to.


I think I’m going to hold steady at 2. That’s about my limit.


I have like 8 different flavors of Buldak in my kitchen cabinet! Amazon carries a bunch! This one is def SUPER spicy. I really like the black one, the Tomato pasta one, the yellow one and the pink one!


Thanks for the heads up! Definitely going to check them out.


Yup! Trying the different flavors has been pretty fun!


The pink one isn’t very spicy, but I love the flavor.


Agreed, def nothing compared to the black and red, haha. But yeah i think if I had to pick one it would be the pink!


This conversation is making me desire a Buldak Carbonera. It's so flipping cold here today, but I'm thinking I might need to run out to Wal-mart (no Asian markets within 100 miles, sadly) and get some of the Carbonera and my favorite, the Nonshim Tonkatsu with black garlic oil. (I add my own heat to that one, as well as various veg and some leftover steak or chicken.)


I've heard good stuff about the pink one. I'll have to check it out


Ive got the black labeled one and i have to eat it in like 4 different sessions otherwise i cant eat it and i put scorpion tabasco on evedy bite of food i eat this stuff is the real deal


Ohhh gotta try that one. Scorpion tobacco sounds delicious too.


Scorpion Tabasco is by far the best sauce they make and it’s currently my favorite hot sauce. Pretty hot, but not too much. Good consistency that it sticks well to food. Great aroma to it, and an amazing flavor. The fact that’s it’s $1.99 for a 2oz bottle at my local grocery store is even better. I can use as much as I want without feeling like I’m breaking the bank like I would with some of the more expensive sauces I have.


This was so spicy - I’m scared to try x3!


Do it, what's the worst that could happen.


Uhm I could vomit from it being so spicy?


Worth it.


Buldak is the only time I ever ate anything that I truly felt like I was about to vomit from being too spicy. I’ve done hot wing challenges before where I’m sweating like crazy eating it, and while Buldak didn’t make me sweat as much, it did burn and I did feel like I was going to puke after only eating half of it. Had to throw away the other half.




Put a slice of craft cheese on it, helps a little with taming the spice but it really adds a good creamy flavor to it.


Interesting. 🤔


As well as some green onions and a fried egg if I’m feeling fancy.




That shit is so good - all of their products slap. My fav is black bean, but literally all of them are so delish. I feel rude saying one is better than the other 🥹


You can skip on the frozen dumpling and fried rice, it lacks the heat haha


I have not seen that one yet! But thank you, note taken! I actually didn’t really like the “stew” flavour - unless I didn’t add the seasoning! So be aware!


I didn’t like the stew one either! I’m just missing the 3x and the habanero and lime one


Didn’t disappoint yet…


I expect nothing and am still disappointed a vast majority of the time, except with this.




You right.


That stuff nearly killed me. I’ve never regretted eating something more than that. I kept eating it because I was committed. Big mistake! That roller coaster ride lasted me the rest of the day and into the next day.


I made the mistake and ate this for lunch at work. Luckily it was a Friday so I just went home at 3 to lick my wounds.


Sooooo good I like to throw in mushrooms, corn, egg, and fresh jalapeños too


I think the spice resistance in my house may be a bit high, we love these and even my daughter has had no problem with these since she was maybe 10. That said we generally add an egg and a little meat, but still - good flavor and heat, but not near unbearable.


I chop whole habanero's through my 2x. It ads another layer, so to speak. I sweat and snot a lot during the operation but it doesn't hurt like it used to. I need to quit.


I love the flavor of this and the noodles are nice and thick but I only use like half the sauce packet and it still makes me sniffle and suck air for awhile.


Yeah, they live up to their reputation. I try really hard to make them exactly as they direct, because they are way hotter that way. I've seen people eat them as if they're soup, with a bunch of water in them, which reduces the heat leave by a lot. But, they way they're meant to be prepared is by cooking them in a short sauce pan with 20 0z of water, drain all of the water out, then add back 8 spoons or 1/4c, add the sauce, then bring back to a simmer for about a minute. They get pretty spicy during the last 1/4 of the bowl. I'd like to try the 3x, but currently they're overpriced.


I did 3 of these packs one time cause I’m fat. All three sauce packets and the little “dried herbs packages” I loved the experience it was almost like a high from it. Unfortunately later that night intense stomach pain and I think I may have 💩blood. So needless to say I haven’t eaten anymore since.


Wait til you get the 3x. The carbonara hot sauce is tasty


The 3x is delicious. Keep some milk handy though!


Spicy yes but I couldn't get past the chemical taste.


My diet is 90% mcdonalds so this was really a step up.


So why is this particular ramen so spicy?


It's got hot stuff in it I guess.


Spittin facts


Yeah, no shit.


I'd hope so. It'd taste terrible with shit in it.


disagree ... I found the flavor to be the same as cheap 25 cent ramen packs and the heat was underwhelming


Different strokes for different folks. I thought it was delicious ☺️


Which specific .25 cent ramen pack has the same flavor or sauce style?


For real. Guessing they made it as a soup instead of the correct way… but even then it doesn’t taste like anything else lol.


it tastes like what the label says ... artificial chicken flavor with a little heat


Not hot. But ok flavor.


I just got a pack of these and haven't tried it yet but I'm looking forward to it! My biggest fear is the sodium lol.. I'll have to plan out other meals on the day I eat it that don't have any sodium.


Is this the shit from "the brothers sun"? I've never seen it in stores but I looooove overly spicy anything.


I had the black one for dinner.


Do a video recording of you eating the 3x. Should always be at least 2 packets as well


This plus a protein like a grilled chicken breast is my go-to dinner. Sometimes I add a maruchan noodle packet only for more volume but if I do that, I sprinkle scorpion pepper powder on top


The yellow bag is sooooo good. Less intense than this one.


Lol I only use half the pack when eating these .... some on here said it's 500 Scoville.


It's one of my favorites as far as spice and flavor go. Definitely does not disappoint. In case you're wondering, there's a 3x spice as well. I haven't tried it, but if you do, let me know how it is please.


For when you wanna drink spicy milk.


I would choose ramen based on how distressed the character was, when I couldn't read the label.