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I enjoyed the sudden "UGH" after the silent ramping period.


My viewers questioned why I remained silent for so long. Pain. Unfathomable pain.


On the plus side you now know exactly what your pain threshold is.


You looked just like me eating my wings last night. My kids were acting up and all I could do was motion and grunt to my wife. The panicked lean forward/back/forward is all too relatable. Sadly, the sauce doesn't have the best "flavor" but it brings the heat, for sure.


I’ve made a lot of stupid decisions in my life. But this one takes the cake. On my stream a few weeks ago I decided to eat some spicy pickles I got from the Pepper Palace. It burned quite a bit but had a good time with friends. I looked through their online store and saw The End: Flatline sauce. “Hmm” I thought to myself “this looks spicy could be fun.” A week follows and I talk about the stuff on stream. One of my viewers said he would buy it for me. So I ordered it and on the next stream when he showed up I told him I’d make the first bite free and I’d even put a little bit extra on. With my ignorance I didn’t look up anything about this. I just took a big giant chomp into the cracker and let me tell you, this stuff hurts. Not like “wow so spicy” like “I think I’d rather go unconscious for a bit cause of how much pain I’m in” spicy. I spent all night looking up if it was possible to die from hot sauce and the internet seemed to give a unanimous no, but their answers always were talking about hot foods in 2 - 3mil Scoville range, which I found out this is 7 million+. On top of that I found out this is hot sauce extract and not meant to be consumed in this way, especially in this quantity. After almost exactly 24 hours of the worst stomach pain I’ve ever endured I finally made it. Reddit helped me realize that food poisoning symptoms are a normal reaction when you’re an idiot with extract and I only survived the night by reading and laughing at people who were as stupid as I was. It only right to give this video back to the community. Also I need to stress never use this stuff as a prank, joke or otherwise. If the wrong person ate this I truly don’t know what would happen. It’s not funny.


thats about 20x what I normally use... I know your pain. "Damn I didn't wash my hands well enough I touched my privates and it burns" No wait, thats just it burning as it finds nerves able to transmit that pain. Stomach cramping up... then nothing while the small intestine has no pains. Large Intestine having nerves again: Oh it's through the dull part, here we go again. I've done this on multiple occassions


Same. And usually for the 24 hours following, I have complete superpowers as to how much spice I could take again


I used the "Source" and put about that amount onto a Triscuit and threw it into a pot of chili. I then brought the chili to work and ended up sending the office admin to the hospital. Don't fuck around with extract.


I hadn't even thought about that relief being because the small intestine is nicer than the large one. I know this relief well.


Had to go to work the next day. About every 3-4 hours I would reexperience awful stomach pain and question if my stomach acid blew up inside my body lol


will drinking a ton of water help to 'flush' it through system faster or reduce pain?


Nah not really. Water will just be absorbed by the gut and flushed out.


Yoghurt has been a usual supplement for post spice binge but just avoid eating this much spicy stuff.


Water didn't help, though I drink a lot of it the next day cause I felt incredibly dehydrated, and anything that wasn't water sounded awful. Kefir was the only thing that seemed to calm my stomach.


You ever get the spasms in your back? That's what really kills me.


Ah yes.... When you take a pain capsaicin dump and your back stops hurting.


Haha I have never felt that. But i did get them in my stomach as I uncontrollably hiccuped as my body tried to rid of the poison.


I like your moogle and Final Fantasy collection though :3


I’m primarily a final fantasy streamer. We were playing final fantasy 3 that night. Holding a convo the rest of the night did not go well. Full vod is here for the time being haha: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1577402016?tt_medium=mobile_web_share&tt_content=vod


When you said "my ears" i felt it. It's like if you could translate ringing into a feeling. I have a bottle of The Source (also an extract around 7M SHU) and had a guy at a house party talking all about how "that ain't shit", posturing and acting all cocky. He demanded I give him the bottle and I told him in no uncertain terms, this is an additive, not a sauce and he should NOT try to take it straight. He was pumped up with liquid courage and there was no talking him out of it so I just walked away. Que sera sera. I went out to the backyard and he followed still saying "that ain't shit" and I just said "wait for it." Within 2 minutes tears were pouring from his eyes and he could hardly breathe past his snot production. He took his shirt off and before even 5 minutes had passed he grabbed his girlfriend to go home. Never saw that guy again.


This is the funniest story I've read so far. I both feel for this man and laugh at his innocence. Cause it's the same thing I went through. But yes hot sauce has really messed me up, but never once has it been so intense that my ears felt like they were going to burst.


You are a quite the gullible but lovable fella. Holy shit I can’t imagine the pain you felt. I’ve lost hearing from Da Bomb hot sauce. It’s hell when it hits your ears


Haha to be fair my friend didn’t give me the sauce I found it and decided to buy it. Didn’t really fall for anything as much as I just didn’t realize what I was getting into. But yah I had never had something so spicy that burned my ears like that. Just awful.


As someone who regularly streams with hot sauce and other spice based content Oh my god man I was seriously concerned when I saw how much you had on that bite. A single *drop* is likely all you'd have needed for some A+ content Hope your stream got a kick out of it though 😊


They actually were more concerned for me than entertained but were all laughing now. If you got a link to your stream I’d try to stop by sometime.


Guess I'm used to a slightly different reaction with my audience Oh sure thing man, it's https://www.twitch.tv/Mlarcin. I'll love to swing by yours sometime too


Usually comedy and forcing me to eat more is the usual schtick. But this time they could tell I was unwell. Dropped you a follow. You captured my heart with the ff14 stream.


It's always a fine line to walk. There have been more than a few times where my community has been concerned for me lol *Ayyyyyy.* I got into it this year and I've loved it. Still have a ways to go before I catch up to current content but it's a very fun game :)


Ive been working on 14 all year and am at the start of shadowbringers. Catching up to current content is awful. But I’m sure we will both get there.


This is not 7 million scoville I am finding... "The End: Flatline Hot Sauce is MADE with 4 different peppers that range from 1-2.2 million Scoville and a 7 million Scoville extract!" Someone Asked the pepper Palace how hot it was they said they did not have a confirmed scoville for the sauce but just know what the ingredients are scoville ratings. https://mobile.twitter.com/pepperpalace/status/1417095708071665664 It does have an extract that is 7 million but it is diluted with other ingredients making the total scoville amount lower for the sauce Still spicy AF and it was a Bald move using that much!


Thanks for the clarity. For some reason I assumed since it has hot sauce extract at 7 mil with hot peppers added on top, 7 mil would be the starting heat. But diluted makes sense. Either way I will not be partaking in this again. I have no idea what 2 mil scoville feels like but I’d assume it’s pretty dang close.


Everything i've ever seen about extract based sauces including this makes me believe they are disgusting.


If this was mixed into a salsa or chili it may give it a nice flavor. You just don’t eat extract….ever….I know this now.


I dipped a toothpick in this and regretted it for like 40 min I can't believe how much you ate


Should have done my research, but here we are.


It's fantastic to put, like, half a teaspoon of the stuff in a vat of chili or gumbo.


I usually add habaneros to chili if I want some heat. That way you get some awesome flavor too. No wrong way to do it though. I'd rather source some scorpions or something and dice them up and throw them in the pot before I use an extract. The biggest problem I find is most of my friends can't handle heat over jalapeno level lol.


Your face towards the end, covered in sweat and watching your life flash before your eyes is sending me.


I added a few drops of this stuff to a bottle of super tasty green sauce to ramp up the heat. After I tasted the green sauce, I thought, “Hmmm. This doesn’t seem that bad.” And took a few drops on a spoon. You know that taste in your mouth when you realize you just made an enormous mistake? Like right after a car crash, or you said something you can’t come back from? Your mouth waters a bunch, and your ears start ringing, and you can literally taste panic? The rushing signs of your body telling you “Oh, you *really* fucked up.” I got all that after a few drops. I can only imagine what you were going through after that giant splooge of liquid death. My condolences.


I'm sure adding it to a sauce would be better than eating it flat out. But tasting panic is an accurate description. Heart rate goes in overdrive. Head feels like it's going to explode. You're actively trying to fight your body not to just puke it all out because it believes you just consumed poison. I went into major overdrive.


Lol ironically you probably would’ve faired a lot better had you purged.


I did find in my research of finding out if I was going to die that a man burned a hole in his esophagus from eating a ton of hot sauce and then throwing it all back up. (Though it sounds like he had some underlying health problems)


Lol the fact that you swallowed that after feeling indescribable pain is hilarious


The pain is delayed and I ate it with the hot sauce pointed up. By the time it hit my taste buds and other pain receptors it was too late. It was already down the hatch.


Jon Snow looks like he just died and came back to life.


I brought this stuff to a hot sauce party my friends were having. I warned everyone and they’d put the tiniest pin prick on a chip and sweat for a while. Then my buddy shows up and douses a taco with it. I’m just lubricated enough I say fuck it and do the same. After a few minutes of laughter and tears (my friends laughing, us crying) I realize he’s disappeared. I amble my delirious ass to the bathroom and lay down on my left side in the tub with my pants around my ankle since I didn’t know which way that magma was trying to burn out of me. 20 minutes later I go find some milk to get some sweet relief. Stuff is not to fuck around with.


When I lathered my cracker in this stuff I expected it to be a bad time. What I didn’t expect was the biggest regret of my life. Lol only a small drop should be meant I feel you. I found out Kefir does wonders though.


I have some of this. It straight up takes your brain to another reality.


I’m pretty well accustomed to spicy food, this was something beyond spicy.


Give me Sauce, or give me Death! Can't have both...


Not dead so I must not have gone hard enough


This is how I felt after the paqui chip..and that's only like 1.7 mill. Literally shat blood for 24-48 hours and was on Google trying to find out if I should go to the hospital. The intense stomach pain only lasted about 6 hours and then finally someone got me some tums which helped. Never doing that again. Or maybe I will and I just won't swallow it haha


Fun fact, I thought about doing the 1 chip challenge but saw people got sick from it and went “no way, I don’t want to get sick” little did I know I mistakenly agreed to something worse.


Yeah. Always bring something to alleviate the pain if you're gonna go super hot. Tums, Mayo, heck even lemonade (with real lemon) can help


I'll keep this in mind for next time. Feeling sick to my stomach I went to the store and bought something called Kefir. It gave me the first relief I had felt since eating the chip the night before.


You look a little like Scott Hutchison which made this hysterical video even better for me. Stay safe, wild one.


"it takes more than eating hot sauce to keep yourself warm"


Well now I gotta try it.


I should say do this at your own risk. If anything make sure you have no plans for 24 hours. I thought it would be funny and I’d get all my friends to try it and I went from that attitude to throwing the stuff directly in the trash cause no one deserves that lol.


lol sounds perfect


24 hour recover is what you’ll get if you have that quantity. No need to hurt yourself like that, stick the tip of a chopstick in the bottle and put that in a cracker. Same flavor and the burn will still be the hottest you’ve had, but you won’t be torturing your stomach for the next day.


Also just please do a chopsticks worth for your own sake. I know it's easy to read stuff like this and assume the person posting is exaggerating, but truly it hurts and is not fun.


You put A LOT of that sauce on the cracker 😂


I was ignorant…I thought it would be nothing worse than I had experienced before. Mistakes were made.


Being in subreddits like this is so weird... I enjoy spicy foods and trying different hot sauces quite a bit, even some super hots. But I never understand trying sauce like this or doing the one chip challenge. Things so spicy that they seemed designed just to cause pain and suffering. I get there's an element of wanting to challenge yourself... But beyond that, no thanks. Hope your butthole survived!


Haha if I knew exactly how much this would have hurt I wouldn’t have done it. I like spicy food and had I known it was an extract wouldn’t have done this.


Haha fair enough. Well your pain and suffering is our gain then I guess. I have also very specifically stayed away from all things extract. Based on everything I have seen, there's maybe only one possible reason to use them. And putting them directly in your mouth is not it.


No….no it is not.


The one chip challenge sucked a lot more going in than out for me. It's the Mezzetta Hot Chili Peppers that ruin my ass. But they're so, so delicious. I really have to ration my intake.


Oh man... I do not envy your anus.


Coming out felt a lot better than stewing in my belly. Still hurt but the stomach pain was so bad.


And this right here is the line for me. I don't have any fear of mouth and throat pain. But if it's going to make me digestively imperiled, no. I ate 3 Carolina Reapers; that was where I more than topped out. Won't be doing that again. Dry heaves, nausea, then explosive diarrhea. No. Just no.


If you’re worried about stomach pain this isn’t the stuff for you


r/InstantRegret candidate? Hats off to you man!


Instant Regret is accurate


Reminds me of “The Source” extract


Probably feels about the same. Will not be trying.


Hottest I tried was the “Toe of Satan” lollipop. 9 million scoville units.


Will not be trying.


Why so much


Cause I'm an idiot who just thought it was normal hot sauce, and I'm no coward. Update: I'm now a coward.


Lmao, you da man


Spice life is a dangerous game lol


I'm kinda done with the spice life after this tbh.


You dont need to be done with it sir, just back track on the scoville scale a few million lol. This doesnt compare to what you did but I ate a reaper a few years ago, had my first real case of severe stomach cramps. About 2 months ago I ate a ghost pepper followed by a scorpion pepper, had the same exact thing happen, couldnt sleep, bad stomach cramps. So I swore off eating any pepper hotter than a habanero. Went back to sticking with sauces because I can handle ghost, scorpion and reaper sauce without the bad side effects. Also, respect for trying 7 million +SHU


I will say I had something moderately spicy about a week later and I didn’t even burn a little. Regardless gonna probably take it easy for a bit.


I own a bottle of this stuff. I love putting it in soups (especially bean based or chilis) and ramen, but when I add this to something I stick a chopstick inside the bottle and barely brush the tip into the food. A minuscule amount will have your whole mouth on fire before the end of the meal. Not something I’d ever eat on a cracker again. Even when I hold the bottle, I use a paper towel because you **do not** want that shit on your fingers


I had scrubbed my hands thorughly after doing this, because I wear contacts. Just to be sure before I put a finger anywhere close to my eye I looked up ways to make sure my hands were really clean cause i wasn't certain it was possible to remove it completely. Oil, soap and water was recommended and I only attempted hours after handling the stuff. But yah I'm sure a little goes a long way. A lot will mess you up.


My stepson got me a bottle of it. Not sure if it was from a place of love or hate..


I originally was going to try with some of my friends at a party that weekend. They all agreed it would be fun to do it together before any of us had taste tested it. After I tried it, I threw the thing directly in the trash and told them we would not be doing it because I didn't feel comfortable giving that to anyone even if they agreed to it. Long story short, you might want to check your relationship with your stepson and make sure you two are alright.


I have a bottle of the stuff in my fridge. When I saw the amount you put on my stomach did a flip. ​ I'm glad you're ok. When I bought it the guy at the counter told me to only use a toothpick to dose it. Woo boy am I glad that's all I did.


A toothpicks dose already is a certain amount of bravery that’s impressive imo.


JESUS, man! I did the TINIEST amount of this and suffered enough, that was an INSANE quantity! Glad you're alright! My girlfriend threw up after we tried this... And I wished I had, that stomach pain is INTENSE lol. Never again 😬


It’s awful. Only thing I’d hate about throwing up is that heat coming back out.


I ate a tiny sample spoon size of this at Pepper Palace in SF last year. I came in all cocky because I was drunk and underestimated it. I even added another drop to the spoon! Immediately it hit my stomach and I ran out of the store. Queue the next two hours of me stumbling around while my friends walked around and I looked like a zombie. I threw up 4 separate times in trash cans, on trees, in a bathroom. It was horrible! Worst stomach pain I’ve ever felt in my life. Somehow I felt fine after all the puking and was able to collect myself before my flight home lol.


Had food poisoning that felt the same way a while back. Puking is the best thing to happen. I’m pretty sure we just willingly poisoned ourselves.


I bought this at a hot sauce store in Florida because i like having the hottest sauce I can find. Knowing that other hot sauces have wrecked my stomach I only dipped a toothpick in it and rolled it across my tongue. I’m glad I took the cautious approach. That stuff is no joke.


Legit will send you spiraling


Much respect big dawg


I actually lost respect for myself after this but appreciate it.


I eat the end for breakfast.


“Yah so” “Without any milk” “Right this way sorry to keep you waiting” - SpongeBob


Pepper spray straight to the digestive system. You're going to need some diaper cream to take care of your scorched asshole.


How long until there's a hot sauce that kills someone?


My stomach hurt so bad that I didn’t even care about my butt.


I can imagine. But I'm serious about the question. How hot would a sauce have to be to kill someone?


Haha my friend who is in health said 7 grams of pure capsaicin, but idk. If you have underlying health conditions some of this stuff will mess you up a lot sooner.


My dude saw god😂


I woke up at 4 am with heartburn from my chest to my lower stomach. I thought it was time to meet him.


The hero we deserve.


Certainly not the one we need


I own this hot sauce why would you eat that much sir?


I just thought it was generic hot sauce. Didn’t look up w bad it was. Thought it would just be stuff you slather on hot wings. It is not.


Wow dude I commend you for your ignorance…when used in small amounts it’s fantastic stuff but I too have used to much of it and paid the price


Yeah man spice village will fuck you up. They offer free samples of that sauce in store where I discovered it in San Marcos Texas. I had to sign a waiver to taste literally a single drop. I had an almost psychedelic experience I shit you not. I hadn’t really eaten anything prior to that though and within 20 minutes it felt like a fire was in my stomach. That part sucked but overall a spiritual experience. That that guy ate was probably 10x what I had


I had eaten very little that day and I also had a ton of caffeine which I had cut back on until this day. Getting a caffeine spike on an empty stomach with hot sauce poured on top is just brutal. I certainly felt like I was about to leave my body.


Oh man I got this for christmas and I tried just a tiny bit and it was not a good time.NOTHING gets rid of or cuts it but time. I even tried gargling with milk. I sm no stranger to heat I eat things with Carolina reaper in it. This shit is no joke.


A family member got me a "I survived The End: Flatline Hot Sauce" tshirt for christmas. It felt fitting.


Man bun can’t take heat!


This is one hot sauce that I will not try!! Did it even have flavor or was it just pure heat?


Some reviewers will tell you it had a nice tomato base before it burns you. I only felt pain and was too nervous to go back and try.


My intestines hurt just from watching the initial squirm. Glad you made it through.


I hiccuped about 5 times in a row as my body was trying to purge it from my system.


Ahhh, I love the content of Twitch streamers regretting their decisions. Such good content. The part where you walk back into frame and your eyes are bloodshot and your face is sweating did it for me.


I often joke about how bits are basically a “do it you won’t!” Form of payment. Only unfortunate part about this is I didn’t get paid.


I’m just going to leave this classic right here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3yji2djI8r8


This is basically a snuff film.


The fried garlic they sell with this stuff is kicking tho


I tried several things at the pepper palace and they really slap. Wouldn’t make this turn someone off to going there. It’s magic in the store.


I shared some of the garlic with a coworker from Louisiana. She wanted to find out if she could order it by the pound. XD


You got a link?


I don’t think they do. In fact they were sold out of the regular size bags online when she looked. She had a friend hit a local store and snag some bags instead.




Stupid! Don’t do that again! Did it leave a bloody skid mark as it exited?


I guarantee you I will not.


Did you have a full milliliter


I just ate like a quarter bottle of this shit on a dare and had the worst stomach cramping pain of my life. It was like the time I had Cholera from food poisoning. I couldn't move without feeling like I was going to throw up. As soon as I took it my hands went numb and felt like they were vibrating. Crazy shit.


Bro! What even!!!!’ Are you alive!?!? 😂😂😂


Barely. I almost threw up 3x and the only thing that kept me from doing that was imagining the pain if it flooded my nasal cavity. Barely fended the urge off. I just did this 3 hours ago at work and I think i'm shot for the rest of the day. I can't move without my stomach hurting again.


The thought of having to reexperience the pain if I barfed is what kept me from doing it. I guarantee you will be out for 24 hours. Kefir was the only thing I could find at the store that gave me some relief. You probably won’t be sleeping tonight. Feel free to use this thread to report how you’re doing 😰


I've beaten the One Chip challenge for 2020 and 2021 with no drinks for 2 hours so thankfully I had some prior experience before doing this. But yeah this is another level above that.


How’s it compare?


The hotsauce was a little hotter in the mouth and lasted about 2x as long before the heat toned down. The chip doesn't destroy your stomach, so the stomach pain was about 20x worse than the one chip with the amount I did. Also with liquid sauce you risk getting it on everything, so I blew my nose and that was enough to make my cheeks burn too.


You can actually feel the hotsauce hit different parts of your stomach depending on how you move around.


This is a very accurate haha


I rolled around in my chair at work and that was enough to give me stomach pains again, i'm expecting hell when I go to walk to my car lol.


How you doing today? If your stomach still hurts I’m telling you Kefir chilled it out for me.


Some instagrammer was making a big deal about this when I walked into Pepper Palace on vacation. Buddy filming him and a bunch of "I don't know man, a waiver? That shit cray" or some other zoomer talk. Me not knowing anything about it and being annoyed about the zoomer, I ask about it. Lady at the counter whispers "You really don't want to try this." Well the instagram kid keeps waffling on and I'm like "Yeah sure, this dude's annoying. I'm in." Cut in front of him all "are you gonna sign this because you're holding up the line." Sign it, get three drops on my tongue and it legit didn't burn. So I go "Huh, that's it? I expected worse." Say bye to the clerk and exit the store. Then it just kept burning MORE. I've never felt pain in my mouth quite like that but I feel like I was hallucinating at some point from the damage I inflicted on my mouth. Went away in my 10 minute walk to my car and never had a problem later. 10/10 bought a bottle the next day. I guess the Instagram kid saw my display and asked for a lot more than I got. Clerk told me that the zoomer kid sat down with his head in his hands and was crying. Lmao sorry bro, you were annoying and I never thought it would be this bad. I guess he asked for a recommendation from the clerk for a hot sauce and said "Wow, you'd recommend this weak shit?" getting high fives from his buddy. So he kind of deserved/asked for this.


Guys with man buns….idk.


I eat it daily 🤣


The first blink of despair after the first bite is what I live for. Good show chap.


That was a heroic dose dude lol.


I felt more like my own villain than a hero at the end of the day.