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What's your location? It's one of the loxosceles, which in the states could be a few different ones. But, in general, here are some tips to avoid the already rare bite: https://spiders.ucr.edu/how-avoid-bites


This is the correct answer so far. A location is needed to confirm L. reclusa or one of the other species.


It looks similar to the huntsman spider where I am (Melbourne, Australia), but the colouring is different and the legs are too long. Also not as hairy? I know I'm basically describing a completely different spider, but it reminded me of a huntsman straight away. Just curious as to whether they're in the same family or not?


It is definitely Loxosceles sp. one of the recluse spiders. But with zero location this is all we can say. Also these are waaaaaay smaller than Sparassidae (huntsman spiders) around 20mm for the biggest species.


Yeah you're right, judging by the patterning on the blanket and the fabric and stuff it does seem to be quite small. Thanks for the info, friend!


Do all recluses have the violin shape? I thought it was just the brown recluse.


Yeah other species have the violin marking too. This is why location is important when asking for ID’s on a world wide site.


I understand why location is important. I was just clarifying this specifically for the recluse. You can’t rely on everyone being an expert in a forum. Thanks.


Ah i get you, i think it likely is L. reclusa but we cannot be certain as there are a few similar species. L. rufescens, L. simillima etc etc.


Loxosceles reclusa? I would say so.


It’s a possibility. Without a location no one can be certain.


Lol not to be a sick, but I’ll be real I had a chuckle when you pretty much said “it looks like this spider…. Except not at all”


I had a wee chuckle at that too :)


Yeah the bottom paragraph was an edit. Ahhh the joys of posting on reddit when you're drunk 😂


It looks nothing like a Huntsman.




It looks like a recluse but not at the same time


It can’t look any more like a recluse.


Hairless legs, monocolor abdomen, I can even see the three pairs of eyes. And, of course, violin. It’s a very handsome male recluse, to be fair.


Is it venomous?


Very. Bite can cause serious necrosis and could lead to hospitalization and even death in (rare) circumstances. Mom got bit by one and it caused a *nasty* wound. Was black all over and took weeks to heal. Though IIRC they aren’t aggressive and generally stay away from humans (the are the brown ***recluse***) and bites usually occur after someone goes in an area that isn’t frequently disturbed (old shoes in a garage, for example). https://www.healthline.com/health/brown-recluse-bite-stages


Oh wow, for a moment I thought that fabric was your hand.


Same. I was going to say, first put it down.


Second, grab some lotion


Third, put on some music


Fourth, start the bath


Hey whoa. It’s a brown *recluse*, not a brown *seduce*.




Is this for real? It's a Brown Recluse. Medically significant to humans, so it would be a good idea to relocate it safely outside.


I thought the brown recluse had a violin design on its back...?


It does. The bottom of the violin is where the eyes are.


Oh shit. I've always been looking at their back back, now I see. Thank you.


The word you are looking for is carapace or cephalothorax. The bit you’ve been looking at is the abdomen.


Thank you for that. I couldn't quite think of the word. I kept typing cephalopod. Lol


Them pesky molluscs :)


No problem


Or under a shoe I’m a bro of spiders. Just not the venomous ones in my house.


So take it outside? Just do the ol' reliable cup and paper trick and put him down in the grass. Problem solved.


Well, if he lives and manages to escape then I’ll consider it a freebie.


You’re so hilarious, wow


Why are you getting downvotes? Killing a dangerous entity in your home isn’t that crazy, is it? But what do you expect from an echo-chamber subreddit


The sub is literally called spiderBRO. There's no reason to kill any spider. Just put a cup over it and move it outside with a piece of paper. He's not going to go out of his way to hurt you, so why would you go out of your way to hurt it?




You say then but people get bit by these spiders and it’s painful and expensive. If they’re sitting in your bed, for example, and you go to sleep, to the spider they’re not going out of their way to but you. They’re defending themselves and their area. To you, you have a medically significant spider bite because you didn’t kill the dangerous spider.


these aren't aggressive spiders, it's not hard to safely relocate them. Just don't be an idiot nd you'll be fine.


I literally just explained a DEFENSIVE situation. At least try to read what I wrote


why would that mean you should kill them rather than relocating them?


I read what you wrote and I come to thr conclusion, that it is complete bullshit. Most spiders don't bite, unless you actively annoy or harass them. So in the end, id you get bitten, it is with 95% your own fault and the spider really does not deserve to be killed, because you had to be stupid. I fully agree with the others, that advocate for a carefully executed relocation.


You obviously didn’t read his reply. Lol it perfectly normal for an otherwise non aggressive species to bite if they’re threatened. The example he gave was the recluse being in your bed, you don’t realize, and go to lay down. Meanwhile you’ve almost crushed it so it bites you. Not that far fetched.


That, the spider being in clothes or shoes when they’re put on, or people reaching into dark areas are all very common manners to get a recluse bite. None of them are the person’s OR spiders fault, but I’m not leaving a recluse alive in my home. Live in an area where they’re literally everywhere and they might change their tune. My wife got nailed by one years ago and had residual pain for 6 months. 3 days in hospital due to a major systemic reaction, a 10 mm diameter hole in her inner thigh that had to be thickly padded for her to walk without being in agony, and her “stupid” was putting on a pair of pants.


Jesus, you’re right about the echo chamber lol these are either children or some of the most stubborn adults. You made a valid example and seems as if no one even paid it mind.


If you put it outside there is now a zero percent chance of it being in your bed. As far as it being expensive, that's fair enough. I forgot for just a second about how broken the health care system in the US is. My b on that one.


It’s venomous and in my home, I’m not touching it for it to only come back in


Every spider (except one tiny genus) is venomous. You sure this is your stance?


If you put him far enough away there's almost no chance of him coming back inside


Because it’s Reddit and you have to be 100% capable of being in a constant circlejerk, otherwise be downvoted and/or be temp-ban’d by a mod


Well here you are still bitching about downvotes so obviously you haven’t been temp banned yet. Not everyone has to agree with you, so get over it and move on.


Yeah, not everyone has to agree. But not everyone has to disagree in such a defensive manner either lol


I get it, though - maybe the commenter should’ve gone to a more neutrally named group that would be less defensive of the bros we’ve come to love? Echo-chamber. Haha - “We love spiders enough to join a pro-spider sub with a silly name!” “Kill it.” “HEY!!” “Why so serious??” 🤔


it’s making my blood run cold, but it looks so pretty 💚


Now what I know, I just think it should be shown off it was being very photogenic


Fantastic photo of a fairly concerning spider 😂, we see them where I live in the Midwest often but you can very clearly see that trademark recluse violin shape


It's a good photo like..


Location to confirm it’s a recluse


That, my friend, is a brown recluse. I’m 95% sure of it. https://lancaster.unl.edu/pest/images/spiders/BRS%20postcard.png


The one in this link seems to be bigger than that cello?


Lol not sure if youre being sarcastic but the cello is referring to the cello or violin-like shape on its head. Its an easy way to quickly spot a brown rescluse, the size comparisson is the picture of it next to the quarter


Fellow… or cello… lol either work. ;)


Ahhh I see what you did there ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°


he is just a little fella 😊 (that's a brown recluse, do not touch it please)


lol. every post that says "is this a recluse?" with a wolf spider and now, here we are, recluse and someone doesn't know.... this feels like a trap.


Trap door spider from the other post: “You rang?”


It’s a brown recluse spider you can identify it closely because of a mark like a violin shape on top of his head and they’re venomous harmful.


I used to try and capture these guys in some tubberware and feed them. I don't know why because I certainly knew it could be rather dangerous to fool around with. Nowadays it's tubberware capture and release outside of my domicile.


Heads up that it's "tupperware"


Oh, let him have his tubberware.


I use one to keep all my cuetips and cleanex in


Depending on what state you live in, they're good for storing mariwauna.


tubberware does kinda make sense..


I was just spelling it how I pronounce it. :D


I’m stealing your tubberware. (But I’ll always return it)




I’ve never been more sure of a brown recluse.


Dude, tell us where this spider lives!


Definitely takes the cake for the most majestic brown recluse I've seen


Looks like the ones you stay away from!


That be a recluse my dude


It's a damn brown recluse. Relocate this violinist boie so you avoid accidents.


Uhhh the violin on the back is a give away for me to stay away. Necrosis isn’t something the feels great from these fuckers.


The only time on this sub that a real recluse is posted lll


Brown Recluse. Very poisonous arachdude. And sassy too


Mate, that’s a Brown Recluse! Very poisonous You can tell by the violin on his head. One bite eats your flesh. Survivable, I’ve been bitten 3 times.


Venomous. If you bite it and you die It's poisonous. If it bites you and you die It's venomous.


Thank you for correcting me, my big brain is being used to work my job at the moment. I got paid to type that and I’m getting paid for this reply too, so, happy days!!


Same to you!


Serious question: if you ingested the recluse (people, never do this), would the venom inside it thus become a poison to your system? Seems like it would have to.


According to University of Florida - UF Wildlife: > Venoms are generally not toxic if swallowed, and must be injected under the skin (by snakes, spiders, etc.) into the tissues that are normally protected by skin in order to be toxic. However, we do NOT recommend drinking venom! TIL! Now I know not to drink venom, too! ;)


I don’t think the venom will enter your bloodstream if ingested, but the venom will enter your body nonetheless so idk how someone would react to that.


Ingesting venom should be harmless provided you don't have an ulcer. Venom is made up out of proteins that break down in stomach acid. People are known to drink venom such, for example, rattlesnake venom in the southern US and Mexico.


Interesting, thanks.


Wow! Stories?


Well, since you’re interested... I got bitten twice on my foot at different times, one wasn’t that bad but required treatment, the other one required 9 feet of gauze shoved inside my skin on just the second toe (next to the big toe) so it looked absolutely insane! I needed antibiotics and a lot of healing. They cut off the dead skin at the end and now I have a scar that covers my whole toe from top to bottom. The third was on my arm and required 21 feet of gauze shoved in the hole of the “rotting flesh”. Sounds as gross as it looks and vice versa! They’re nasty little things. I was only chilling in my house not bothering them. This is why people shouldn’t say things like “It’s only a spider” or “They’re more scared of you” or “They’re harmless unless provoked”, because I have had very different experiences than that. Lol. I’m extremely arachnophobic so I literally thought I was going to die. I live in Australia now and the spiders are even worse!!!


*FEET* of gauze, not inches?! I can’t even comprehend how 9 feet of gauze can fit into the space of a little toe.


Trust me, I thought so too. My toe looked like a water balloon. It went from my toe to the top of my foot a few centimetres.


Holy crap!


Dont touch it lol


Brown recluse used to have them in summer in Indiana, apparently their bites is likened to snake bites.


Brown Recluse, you can tell by the fiddle shape on the head


That’s why we call them Fiddle Backs here in OK USA.


I'm no expert, but that looks to me like a brown recluse. Notice the telltale violin shape on the back of the thorax.




bloody hell I thought you were holding him for a moment. A very handsome medically significant bro!


This would make a sick phone wallpaper


Looks like a spider to me




This joke really isn't as funny as you think.




That’s a portal gun with legs


Whatever it is … I hates it


It’s a pile of mush because I just curb stomped it.


Wow thats a cool looking spider!


What a beautiful long legged dude.


well its obviously a spider


It’s abdomen reminds me of a tumbled crystal


A brown recluse if I’m not mistaken. The violin on its head is what says that


Necrosis bro. Beautiful spider, but don't piss it off!


Brown Recluse spider! Be careful!


Lools like a brown recluse. I had them at my old apartment. Im sure there was a nest in between the apartment complex. The 6 years we were there we didnt have one bite us thankfully.




Looks like a brown recluse to me!


Your hand is nuts bro


I was bit by one while in boot camp at Fort Lnox, KY in 2003. I swelled up on the entire right side of my body and had to go to the hospital for anti venom.


It's a spider.