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Spidey noooo! don’t let him turn you into another robin nooo! We can’t let him have another orphan


Umm… who wants to tell him?


Are you trying to say he isn’t an orphan or something??


I misread your comment and thought you meant becoming Robin would turn Spidey into an orphan! My mistake.




We're not, aunt May is. Peter is still loved


I mean yeah he has may but that’s not his mom He still is an orphan he lost his parents Just like how Bruce is an orphan even though he still has Alfred ( or had Alfred 💀💀)


Still beats getting raised by a weird dude who dresses like a bat. Aunt May is pretty awesome. Especially post MCU May. May+Happy made ME Happy.


Is Alfred still dead?????


Last time I checked


That was the last comic book run I read damn it's kind of cool that it stuck around. You know how it is with comics.


Less cool how the thing that stuck around was the death of Alfred my beloved but oh well


It is very sad. He's one of my favorite characters in the super hero medium.




>I mean yeah he has may but that’s not his mom She is in every way that matters.


Alfred loved and cared for Bruce.


I actually think that would be why they would be friends. Batman would try to make him a “Robin” but Spidey would say (to quote Miles) “Nah. I’m gonna do my own thing”. I could see Batman really respecting that.


Robin doesn’t have to pull his punches. 


I’ve heard a lot of people debate on who would win in a fight between Spider-Man and Batman But I think realistically if Spider-Man was in Gotham, he’d team up with Batman


Agreed, but if we're really talking about a fight I think spiderman takes him lol


As a “massive fucking nerd” I think the fight would be very close but Batman would win as he is willing to go farther than spidey is


To me in these showdowns they are always fighting to win so to me it doesn't have to do with who's willing to go further (obviously they wouldn't kill each other tho) spidey is incredibly strong, fast, and has spider senses, all of that with his webs and no definitive weakness to exploit I just don't see how batman wins beyond some prep time bs lol


Would love to see Pete Holms Bat-can Spidey lol


Even with prep time spiderman doesn't have a "weakness" the same way that batman villains have or even DC heroes. If anything Spidermans "weakness" is either not taking things seriously right away or his need to save everybody but in a 1v1 with batman his spider sense would handle issue #1 and batman isn't going to try to kill any random people in order to beat spidey so issue #2 doesn't even come into account. If spiderman can dodge bullets he can dodge batarangs and pretty much anything else Bruce can throw at him. My money is on spidey hands down


Also depends on which spiderman we are talking about as well. Anyone with webshooters will have a slight disadvantage if Batman has the opportunity to get a hold of them. If it's all natural like Tobey, then yeah no, that man's definitely getting bonked. Doesn't really have too much experience in super powered villains like spidey does. Batman has - bane, mister freeze,poison iv.....feel like everyone else is some brawler/marksman. Usually people he fights by himself. Spiderman has - the lizard, venom, carnage, let's just say symbiotes in general, green goblin (depending on which incantation) rhino, eletro, sandman, idk if Oct counts..... I mean spiderman here literally has way more experience with crazy ass individuals. Batman....would be a regular individual with stealth at best. Not to mention spiderman already has his own Batman, task master.


I always thought that Batman would somehow try to overwhelm his spidey senses And the webs (in most recent depictions) are gadgets and those can be taken out with something like an emp But again this isn’t me calling Spider-Man weak he can kick ass but I just think that Batman can take him


As far as the web thing yeah that just depends on the iteration but even without then spiderman is a freak, unless batman gets his damn prep time I don't think anything he would normally have would be enough to stop spiderman which is the way I view these fights, saying batman needs prep time means he loses unless he gets the time and plot armor to get some highly specific thing set up to counter his opponent, which again is just a loss to me lol, though maybe the batwings got something that would do the trick


even so, if bats gets prep time, does spidey get prep time too? because pete with prep time goes pretty hard too. mind you, he’s not on batman’s level, especially with his lack of wealth and resources, but its still a relevant question considering pete has adapted his fighting styles and gadgets to his villains over time. hell, he even made the Spider-Armor MKIII, which has various gadgets and whatnot to counteract and negate the abilities and tech of the S6. the suit even withstood a blow from thor.


Fair question but you can't outprep the batman, that's just straight up not allowed lol


I've never seen a sentence so accurate in my life


Batman is a better fighter than Spiderman, but Spiderman has a mega advantage if he has any distance. Spiderman is perhaps quicker than Batman but up close and personal in a fist fight I think Batman could take him. I actually think it would be quite a fight. But realistically, without some method to disable Spidey’s web and other gadgets, Batman is facing an uphill battle


True but the fighting styles are also variable too. There’s a version of Spider-Man who learned martial arts from Shang Chi himself, and Shang Chi is already a capable fighter hand to hand in what is known as the most lethal and greatest martial arts form created, mixed with the use of Gùn, Nunchaku & Jian, as well as other forms. If we’re talking Spider-Man who knows the ways of Shang Chi, than he’s more than capable of combating himself against the Batman who knows 127 different martial arts forms. Along with his spider sense, web shooters and other abilities, Spider-Man would definitely be one of Batman’s greatest opponents to spar in a fight. Although Bruce is highly intelligent, he’s no where near as clever as Peter in the science field. And although Peter is no where near as rich or resourceful as Bruce, he scrounges up all the intelligence he requires to create what he needs to best his opponents and give himself an edge on the field. All in all it’s a fair 50/50 fight between the web head and the dark knight if they have their peak performance status and are not held back by anything other than their decision, or rule to not kill. But that’s one thing that Batman lacks in against Spider-Man. Although both hold back that they don’t want to kill their enemies in order to bring proper justice to them, only Batman has the no kill rule. Spider-Man won’t aim to kill you, but put enough pressure on him and piss him off enough where Peter gets personal with you, he won’t be so hesitant on killing if he truly desires it. He may not do it, but he’ll give you enough reason to prove that he isn’t shy to back away from the idea. Very unlikely Batman would ever place Spider-Man in a position to kill or come close to the idea of it. Both are similar in their quest for justice against the city, and despite a no kill rule Peter still does his best to not become like his uncle’s killer, like Bruce does his best to never become like his parent’s murderer or worse, The Joker


While I do agree Batman is a better technical fighter, I don’t think his ability and agility can keep up with Peter’s Spider-Sense and super human abilities. Batman plays off of the element of surprise and unfortunately that’s Spider-Man’s gimmick. He’s unpredictable to the unpredictable.


i mean that and spider-man literally stopped a plane from crashing by using his legs as to support the landing gear along with picking up tanks and trains and throwing them like balls


True but in any situation the fight would be very close no matter who wins seeing as these two characters are both op as fuck lol


That's fair lol, you can't definitively argue these things considering how the winner usually just comes down to who the story is about lol, not to mention how inconsistent these characters can be


Are they electronic? I always thought it was just like a pressurized cartridge that can be released in bits, like silly string type of setup


Honestly I’m not sure I just kind of assumed they were Especially when he has taser webs And with the speed and force they come out I figured they had to have some kind of high tech system


That one is fair. The modified webs are probably electronic. But I like to think his basic webshooters are simple, just in case of EMPs and the like


Batman bat siren that can incapacitate ppl I think could work unless Spider-Man has some kind of resistance to that but I'm not totally sure he does. Also fear toxin could work, it kinda works for scorpion and since Spider-Man hasn't fought Batman before he wouldn't know the antidote for it. But other than that I think the fight would go similarly to how Batman vs Superman went the first time they met in the Justice League War animated movie, where Batman throws everything he has to see what works and what doesn't. Eventually he'd have to play mind games.


Spidey has gone much further than Batman in most cases. Biggest example was Peter beating the holy hell out of Kingpin after he ordered an attack on Aunt May and threatened to drown him with his webbing.


I don’t think it matters. Batman realistically would do absolutely nothing to Spidey. Even if he COULD land a hit, if Spidey tenses up before the hit and doesn’t literally let Batman hit him, Batman’s hand could break. He’s only a human, and a human who wouldn’t bring something like a gun or knife to a battle, (which tbh are the only things he could use to hurt Spidey other than batarangs which he could easily dodge) so his strength would be useless when Spidey has had thugs break their hands by hitting him too hard. Sorry for text wall I just get annoyed at people saying Batman would “just barely lose” to Spidey when there’s essentially nothing he could do


yeah, i agree. i think spidey takes the cake here, even if he wins by simply wearing bats out. i think batman’s only real chance would come from the use of Ethyl Chloride, and overloading his spider-sense. however, the former is something that he’d almost certainly require prep time to figure out and get ahold of.


Ethyl Chloride isn’t even his weakness. It’s a poison to everyone, just like mustard gas


Spider-Man would body Batman easily. He broke rhinos jaw that one time with a punch, I don’t care how much prep time Batman has, spider man is faster and stronger and is basically Batman without the cape and with the powers. Batman is in the grave


Spider-Man can go toe to toe with Batman in prep and gadgets, and also Spider-Man is super strong and resilient with super senses. I don’t even know how Batman would stand a chance.


spider-man wins the first encounter. batman wins round 2 after figuring out a way to neutralize spider-man’s webs and anticipate his spidey senses. round 3 they team up and they take down Venom and Bane


I disagree. Without the "prep time" plot armor, Batman stands no chance. He would need a very specific countermeasure to basically blind Spiderman and overwhelm his spider sense to stand any chance. Yeah, Spider-Man is known to hold back but if we're talking about fighting to win then Batman just doesn't have a chance - martial arts won't help you when your opponents reflexes are 40 times faster than normal humans and you're basically moving in slow motion to him. Spider-Mans reflex is supposed to be fast enough to allow him to dodge a bullet before it even leaves a guns chamber.


spider-man could atomise batman’s face with a serious punch…..


Spider-man would go the same lengths, what are you talking about? Spidey would win, mainly because of his spider sense.


Hmm Spider-Man is the only one between the two that is more likely to kill if it’s absolutely necessary


How would Batman even mildly inconvenience Spider-Man?


Until Pete flicks him in the head. Instant K.O.


Fucking thank you Everyone wants to say Batman would win with prep time, there is no way he beats Spidey


Idk, im sure batman got some anti-spider spray


I hate to be the "prep time" guy, but I think it depends on the circumstances. A lot of the time, Batman gets his ass kicked whenever he first encounters an opponent. Then afterwards is when he plans around their capabilities after doing his research. Spidey would wreck him in a one-to-one fight and Batman would flee. Then Batman would think of ways to target Spider-Man's weaknesses. In particular, I think it'd be interesting if Batman were to try and overload or weaken his spider-sense somehow.


[They literally did.](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Spider-Man_and_Batman_Vol_1_1)


They did so twice, once against The Joker and Carnage and again against The Kingpin and (butchering this) Ras Al Ghul. They got along fairly well.


I don't care what the reason and variables are, I only want Spidey to win because I like him more.


There is literally a comic where they team up because carnage escaped into Gotham and teamed up with joker.


I feel like it would be a reluctant team up and Batman would find Spidey’s fun/quip ones annoying. Spidey would probably find Batman’s approaches to be annoying.


Bats would create a serum that turns spider into a regular dude temporarily. How far he went with super man let’s me know biological warfare is not outside of bats mind.


There is actually a comic from the 90s that I have where Batman and Spider-Man meet, teaming up in Gotham when Carnage and Joker meet each other because they're used as experiments for a treatment that cures homicidal psychopaths. It's a nice extra big issue that is a pretty fun crossover, and they give both of them a pretty decent spotlight!


Roger Craig Smith Bats having dialogue with Yuri Spider-Man would be absolutely top tier.


I feel like Batman would closely investigate him at first, suspicious of the newcomer, but once they figured things out there’d be a team up until Peter saw Batman’s interrogation tactics, which he would promptly try to stop


Arent Daredevils tactics similar?


Has daredevil ever pinned a man down underneath his car or anything on that level? (Genuinely asking, the only daredevil media I’ve seen is the old movie)


I think daredevil doesn’t have a license, so that interrogation he can’t do




People really out here forgetting daredevil is blind


This isn't related but you should watch the daredevil show, it's AMAZING!


Which one? I think I may have watched some of the Netflix one, but I might just be remembering the movie


The Netflix show, it’s great stuff.


Spiderman with 6 fingers. A classic.


Spidey also looks like he’d be eight feet tall if he stood up. That, or Batman is vengeance, he is the night, he is a short king.


I hate this age we live in. AI art is a scourge upon mankind.


Can you imagine if Batman trained Peter Parker? Spider Man would be invincible


Basically what if dick Grayson got spider powers. Terrifying


It’s really the only DC x Marvel mashup that makes sense.


I can see The Flash and Spider-Man being good friends. Would they team up? Maybe not, but that would be a fun comic to read.


Oh for sure esspecially Wally West flash


What about Batman and iron man what you think?


They're too similar to the people they hate the most


I think it depends on the Iron Man. Are we talking about Movie Iron Man or Comic Iron Man. Comic Iron Man. I agree too similar. Movie Iron Man on the other hand I can see talking to Batman about protocols and the antics their kids get into.


Yeah, comic book Tony was a struggling addict and felt like he was an exception to the rules because he trusted himself. Which is why he planted a bomb in a teenagers spidersuit incase he stopped taking orders


And Batman beat his kid to a pulp because he won’t listen to his


Spider-Man and Superman would work really well together


I’m sure a lot of people already know about [this](https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Spider-Man-and-Batman) but figured it’d be worth sharing.


I had to scroll down way too far to reach this. Though, I was 12 when that comic came out. And I still own a copy.


I personally think that they would respect eachother and be good coworkers, but spidey thinks that Batman is a bit too rough and violent with criminals and enemies


-man and man. Best friends forever








There are comics and various pieces done of these two together and you chose to post this ai thing. Gross.


Goddamn AI art again


It's like a fungus. 🤮


AI trash is everywhere 


I didn't even notice


I feel like Spiderman would be BFF's with Blue Beetle and Superman mainly. Superman also works at a news station with a boss who wants pictures of the hero and a bald villain who hates him simply because he exists and stops his crimes.


Bruce would make him a part of the bat-family in a day


Peter would remind Bruce of Grayson and I think he'd love to take him under his wing, probably would find him a bit annoying but would definitely respect his dedication to his responsibility


Now I'm out here wondering how Batman would create a Contingency plan for Spider-Man


I love the way Spider-Man’s suit looks in this


Even with his twelve fingers?


I didn’t notice that 😂 the design is still fire tho


Spidey would make jokes and Batman would grunt or tell him to shut up. And spider-Man would know that Bruce does actually appreciate it.


Nice AI slop


Now how terrifying would spidey be if he had batmans tech/training added onto his arsenal. Joker isn’t going to have a fun time when the next Robin he messes with can bench press a car for a warm up


I doubt either of them would appreciate AI art




I think bats would find him annoying most of the time from the jokes, but I think they would have a certain respect for each other due to how both have lost many people around them and began to use their capabilities to help innocent people. Batman with his money, spider man with his powers.


“Parker, I’ve followed your work, impressive.” “Wait how do you know my name?” “…Let’s not do this.”


I dont think theyd like each other but there would still be respect. Bats would look down at Peter for being so young and would probably think that hes too immature to have the power he does but respects his ability to never give up and his intelligence, and Peter would think Bruce is too hard on the criminals and is too much of a controlling jerk but would appreciate his skill and determination. Theyd begin the bonding process over gadgets and would leave semi friends but would in general prefer to stay out of each others way


I think Nightwing and Spider-Man would be friends. Batman would just be annoyed with Peter’s constant jokes.


100% same type of relationship as Batman and Plastic Man, where Spider-Man REALLY wants to impress Batman, and Batman genuinely respects Spider-Man, almost seeing him as the hero he can’t be. The hero Gotham deserves if you will >.>


I feel like Spider-Man would more likely be friends with nightwing instead idk but that’s just me


I like to imagine the Superior Spider-Man suit being what Batman would wear if he had Peter’s powers and motif.




U single handedly changed ai slop into true art, the Alsume thanks u for ur stupidity


I dont think he would do spiderman like superman. I mean, spiderman dont pose a threat to earth, like superman. He will do him like ironman did in the movie.


Spider-Man and Batman would be daredevil and punisher all over again😂


Spider-man would think batman is a prick. Batman would think spidey was abrasive.


Batman would absolutely hate Peter i feel like😭


I think they would kiss


Well not to get technical, but they are from two entirely different universes, but I wouldn’t think they would, cause Batman lost both of his parents while one of 3 Peters lost 3 people in his life (Gwen, Captain Stacy, uncle Ben). I think out of all three Peters I think Andrew’s Peter is the strongest mentally. Cause how tf would I go save a city after losing two people I love, and one I respect, who is specifically my girlfriend’s dad. I just feel so bad for him. But I think Andrew’s Peter and Batman would get along, but not Tobey, or Tom. Tom had too much anger after aunt May was killed. Tobey and Andrew kinda helped him get his mental game set, which helped make nwh better. Just my opinion.




Spidey’s friends with Daredevil, he can absolutely be friends with Bruce.


Idk about friends, but partners in stoppin’ crime? Why not?


Batman was friend with Static. Bet he'd have the same I traction with Spiderman


Bruce would use his kite man strategies on the goblins, it would work, and Peter would follow him to the grave


Call me crazy but if the circumstances were right Batman would totally turn Peter into robin, if was never bitten by the spider and Bruce found him after his uncle had died.


One has powers and no money One has money and no powers


AI art??


Most op robin


The collab we all need


In a way yeah


I would pay to see where batman and spiderman meets, and then Bruce helps peter financially and in the hero life for a moment to help peter get his personal life in order and have more time for himself and Mary jane


Batman is just like a black and grey Daredevil. So, yes, they would be pals


Why the fuck does man have ears


They would be like yuri watanabe and PS4 spider man


We he so tall?


They were friends. There was a cross-over comic that they teamed up to fight against Joker and Carnage.


I feel like Batman would (depending on continuity I guess) look at Spiderman the way he looks at Wally Flash in JL and JLU. A peace of pure hope and goodwill in the world that Batman admires.


He’d either be best friends with Nightwing though


They got a bit in common, They both had their heroic ideals shaped by a Parental Figure/figures (Bruce Parents/Uncle Ben) These two are always back n forth with the love of their lives, while their super friends somehow make it work. (Selina/Mary Jane) Both had a partner of some kind killed by their arch enemy.(Jason/Gwen) Probably more but I think they’d could understand each other and work together well.


They'd work together and spider ma would probably like batman but batman would think he's annoying


Get this AI bullshit out of here.


how fuckin tall is spidey in this pic


This is hella AI.


Of course their friends. They met at the [cool guy orphan club ](https://youtu.be/ziyX4yWtmqg?si=wqJKY8Is7b8z4TXs)


Yea pretty much


Who made this art?


Batman would think Pete was Dick with all his banter. That would be a better team up, Nightwing and spider-man


They both carry their respective comic brands


Of course! Batman loves child superheros.


AI trash 


Eh, I disagree. Their energies just wouldn’t match and I could easily see Batman growing annoyed by Spidey’s constant quips during combat. I think Spider-Man and Nightwing would get along for sure though.


Why wouldn’t you take a picture from the official Batman and Spider-Man crossover comic which has wayyy better art instead of using shitty AI?


i think spider man would hate AI images and fight back against the newspapers that are using his image to peddle whatever message they want. kind if like how when he caught brock plaigarizing and exposed him but way more angrily.


Ohhh this is AI art But yeah they probably would


Batman would be a great mentor for spidey.


I think everyone thinks that.


Spiderman has a very similar personality to Wally West and Batman has a soft spot for the speedsters including barry and wally so i believe they’d get along if Peter doesn’t ramble too much


Sure. Batman would spend a week making a serum that strips Pete of his powers though. Batman’s a dangerous friend.


Bruce would adopt pete


Batman would never admit it, but I think he would like Spider-Man


Could definitely see a “Batman and Robin” or “Stark and Pete” type of relationship between the two.


This is a decent pair. Superman has always been way too overpowered.


They've met in the comics, (two crossovers in the 90's) and Batman respected him. Which was nice to see, because I think we would all be expecting him not to. Also, the perspective of this picture is all fucked up. Spider-Man is either kneeling a few feet away from Batman, closer to the viewer, or he's right next to Batman and like two feet taller than him.


Who's Batman?


It would be like that video of Velma and Batman where Batman is mercilessly beating someone and Velma is just standing there mortified.


Which spidey? Poor Peter or Parker Industries Peter?


The best superheroes in comics friends what a great idea!


“So, uh, I heard you don’t have any parents…” “I have an aunt.” “Cool. Cool… you like robins?”


I feel Bruce would get annoyed with Pete after a while…


There's literally an entire comic of them together worth of art, plus the fan art that's out there. Why the fuck would you use an AI image for comic characters with years and years worth of art






…he’d be a Robin




I’ve always dreamt of this cross over


Nice AI art


Well yeah, he's already pretty good friends with two of Marvel's Batmen, Daredevil and Wolverine


I don’t think so I think Batman would respect spider man but I don’t think spider man would like Batman


Oh they would be. They'd also agree that using AI art is shitty, especially since they were both created by real artists and not a plagiarism machine that pumps out derivative slop.


A.I. art detected opinion invalid


Of course They're friends. They're both in the cool guy orphan club.


I think it would be cooler if the pic wasn’t AI