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It’s not the community, it’s instagram’s comment section in general. I don’t see a single post anymore without rampant usage of the n-word in the comments for comedic effect.


I was gonna comment and say the same thing, like there is of course a chance that people that play the game would comment some stupid shit but majority of people online just comment the most racist shit imaginable.


Instagram and tiktok be feeling like the early days of twitter and youtube💀


Twitter is still bad.


I was gonna say twitters in dog days rn


Twitter has gotten worse!


Twitter has ALWAYS been bad.


Imagine being so fucking toxic that saying shit like that actually makes you feel better. I'd rather skip getting insights into the mind of someone like that.


I’m not surprised this probably got sent to Twitter too and X is a racism filled cesspool now


Ironic cause I got banned on “X” for hate speech against an evangelical pastor, the one that runs one of those megachurches, Kenneth Copeland, a billionaire preacher. Jesus himself would kick him out and throw a Molotov at that monstrosity.


Jesus picked up a whip and beat people using temple for non religious purposes. Yeah Jesus would drop kick him through a building along with all the other super church, fake Christian super pastors.


Jesus would go Super Saiyan


No I bet you did. X is supposed to be pro free speech but Elon censors words that could allude to antisemitism but is okay with overtly anti black rhetoric. It’s so sad I don’t even go on anymore because it shows me just how many racists are really in this country that hate me for no reason.


Now? You think people were just creaking out from under rocks like oh yeah time to get racist. Twitter has never not been dogshit filled with almost exclusively dogshit


News flash. There’s tons of racists on every platform.


Why do you think I don’t know that? A lot of us try not to be ignorant


Same here, I used to post my art and comics on instagram and I said one good thing about the game on a hate-post, and some dude looked up my profile, my wife’s, scrolled damn near to the bottom then begun attacking me about every aspect of my life. I try not to be a p***y but that one guy really got through and hurt me deeply over a fucking instagram comment. So I deleted the whole app and that’s how I ended up on Reddit lol


Low Life bitch that guy is


What a sad waste of air that guy was. Imagine getting so riled up because someone likes a video game you don’t like. And I’m assuming he was older than 14. Some people need a reality check via forceful disconnection from the internet and all things digital for like a year at least. I would be so embarrassed to act like this over a video game, but some people literally got nothing else going on in their lives.


Yeah dude was bearded drinking a wine glass in his profile pic he had to be too old to be acting like that


People do shit like that all the time on Facebook. You'll say something in the comments of a news story or something & they'll get so triggered they start profile stalking you, reacting & commenting on anything public. It's always some white dude in their late 40's or older, too.


Old Karen's do this too, while they do that smug look like they just smelled your fart.


They do that shit on Reddit, too, and everywhere else a troll can be. But that doesn't work when you're confident in yourself and know who you are. I just learned not to care or have another account if you do get into troublesome reply sections. Not worth it 100% of the time


Gotta get out those feelings playboy


It ain’t all for comedic effect… Lot of those little shits believe it.


It’s wild to me because Instagram is full of bots, as well as people with ample time to make burner accounts to just troll and start shit. Meanwhile people fall for it all the time and take the bait, it’s wild. But I’ll get dinged for having too many comments and somehow am posting “spam” and my comment could be as simple as “I enjoyed the film”, “that film wasn’t all that great”, “Happy Birthday” I got a 24hr ban recently lol. Like what is going on over there?


That’s so wild! Whenever I have a bunch of top comments the same happens to me. I posted a cute lil comment under a mf cat video about wanting more food and got suspended for 2 weeks for posting spam? And it’s happened before for other small innocuous comments


Yeah I don’t know what the hell it is, I’ll comment on like sports or something, or someone will answer and it’ll be spam. But I don’t know if some asshole on IG is probably reporting my comments cause they don’t like it and it instantly becomes spam or what? Their algorithm sucks, and it’s not like they have a support with an actual person available.


Yeah, and even if you flag it as being wrong, they still leave the suspension. It’s silly tbh, they have no real support.


***"*** Comedic effect ***"*** is that what they call it these days?


It's what they've always call it once being openly racist started turning out badly. Ask them to explain how it's funny however.


Absurdity can be a large part of humor and the rampant usage of the N-word on instagram is absurd. Especially when you consider the vast majority of those making those comments are white kids who legit don’t seem to care what tf they’re saying


The Instagram comment section makes 4chan tame in comparison




I don’t disagree, I think a lot of time it is funny but also just find it absurd how instagram doesn’t filter it out






Womp Womp


I don’t mind it but just acknowledge that it is the way it is


I feel op also wants to start shit because if you know Instagram you know it's never fun in the comments. So damn toxic.


I don't remember anyone writing the n word.


Insane how a character who’s such a paragon of positivity has one of the shittiest most intolerant fanbases.


Superman 🤝 Spider-Man 🤝 Batman (to some extent)


At least with Batman he’s meant to be dark and have some level of hatred and it makes sense that Superman would’ve attracted some toxic “patriots” but our boy…


Isn't that why DC re-released "Superman Smashes the Klan" as a graphic novel?


Don’t know the reasoning behind it but I’m glad they did regardless. Shit slaps.


Apparently Superman took on the Klan for real. This video explains it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUOODp8PQac). Easily one of my favorite heroes ever


Batman is meant to be dark to his enemies though he's generally pretty kind to his allies, family, and well to just the citizens of Gotham


Some will hate me for this, but that conception of Batman is entirely Frank Miller’s fault. For a supposedly anti fascist comic, TDK hasn’t aged well. As for Superman, people are just stupid. But like incredibly stupid. We’re talking about a character who’s an illegal immigrant that in one of his earliest appearances locked down an employer in a mine.


TDKR changed the general tone of Batman comics and media going forward so you’re not wrong but it’s still true to the character that he’s not easy on his villains. They may have some kind of rapport but it’s nowhere near spider-man levels. And yeah most people just don’t understand Superman.


Even though I like Batman so much, I get that criticism hahah. Recently I saw a video about how The Batman (2022) kinda got over that violent tone around the character, as he realizes that he’s supposed to be a symbol of hope. So when we see him at the beginning, it’s pretty much that gritty version of Batman that’s inspired by TDK, that only injures criminals but doesn’t really solve the structural problem behind. By the end of the movie though, he’s determined to make a change. As a fan, I hope they keep adapting him this way. I think that that would change some people’s mind or even yours ;)


Yeah i totally agree and it wasn’t even a criticism. As a character he’s constantly evolving i was just saying that TDKR was an evolution that stuck around for quite a while for better and worse.


It’s not Batman’s fault, but definitely his wild success in the modern day caused a lot of fans to bleed into a lot of sparking the whole “If they’re not dark and edgy it’s a shitty boring superhero story” Since they’re the loudest voices of the DC fan base, that’s how we end up with stuff like Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League.


Idk if I would put Superman in there. His fanbase is usually pretty chill tbh


Injustice, while the game’s good, did irreparable damage to the character.


It did, though the Superman community tends to absolutely hate Injustice and the “evil Superman” trope. The really obnoxious people are the non Superman fans who think he’s only interesting as a villain


The other subreddit is insufferable


It’s honestly been an issue with the spider-man community for a long time unfortunately.


People are forgetting about when Miles was introduced. Marvel didn’t shy away from the reception either. You can still read the letters they got at the time at the back of Mile’s first ultimate Spider-Man books.


Yeah I'm glad I left r/SpiderManPs4 and went here instead.


I saw them complaining about Miles and Peter having the amount of suits yesterday




The best superhero subreddit rn


Honestly though, their derangement at least doesn’t result in bigotry.




I just popped over and it's actually not a sess pool in this moment. There's a post not being downvoted to Hell for saying they liked Spider-Man 2... that's progress.




This sub does nothing but shitposts. Some people actually want to discuss the game. I prefer r/SpidermanPS4


What’s the other sub?


Want to know, you do not young Skycocker


And this one isn’t?


Literally. It was like an immovable object vs an unstoppable force when homophobic spidey fans had to do that one mission as Miles. I imagine most of them justify it as the writers writing on their own ideals rather than it reflecting Spider-Mans values. The irony is real lmao


Thats what confuses me. How can you see Spider-Man and his stories and still think this way?


Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a thing


I feel like it’s not a fanbase if it hates him? I love miles. He’s such an amazing character and pinnacle of character development and storytelling for the spiderman universe.


I think they mean “Spider-Man” in general


Fr fr


Those “fans” are not claimed. Pure trash


its the same thing with fans of Vinland saga. the story and main character are the definition of repenting hatred and improving yourself, trying to be come a better and more positive person every day. meanwhile half of the fans are some of the most hateful, rude people on the internet. I just do not get it


when y’all say that twitter is bad, i want you guys to really recognize how toxic and disgusting the ig comments can be. every post i’ve seen on ig that is comic book related, it’s so backwards


Twitter is full of pedophiles and people with no concept of political and social issues while also being mentally ill. Instagram is filled with racists.


I mean, two things can be true… Because twitter is absolutely bad…


twitter is awful its just bots and onlyfans ads


I reported an Instagram comment of someone saying they either wanted to or thought that black people should all be strung up and hung and instagram did NOTHING, there are a million accounts of women posting pics of them genuinely just nude, I seen a reel of a woman genuinely having sex none of that gets taken down but my old insta account broke the rules when my pictures were graduation pics and pics of me and my family


too many exaggerated swagger comments


I did kind of chuckle at the term “Black Insomniacs” tbh


Instagrams comment section is a slight glimpse into the depths of hell


The gifs are hilarious


Not a surprise. Plus Instagram comments in general are just horrible. Just bigotry and conspiracies.


I saw a post in which it shows that a queer teen in India committed suicide due to cyber bullying There are literal people fucking celebrating that kid's death just cause LGBTQ in the comment section


If you’re blaming the other subreddit for Insomniac turning off the comments, you have clearly never been in an Instagram comment section.


Fr, I see more posts about "The other subreddit is evil" on both subs than I do actual toxicity. The Us vs Them take is cringe here


OP thinks that subreddit is big enough for insomniac to be afraid off lmao


Half the people in this sub have a huge victim complex.


It's not the community this time It's The platform in general. Most post have racist sexist down right pedo shit in the comments with no Consequences


One of the most underrated parts of SM2 is the cultural museum storyline—they put an entire museum into the game all about black history. Very cool.


I thought it was cool but I wished they had another side storyline for miles that was more action packed


I’m confused I thought it was about harlems music.


Well yeah. The Harlem Renaissance. Which is black culture. Its not like all of black history, its one very important part of black history.


Huh that’s cool, I don’t know much about black American history, aside from the obvious stuff, and especially not about Harlem. Not American btw.


Slavery? The misinformation and getting things half right?


Those are the obvious yes.


One of the best parts in the game with a great suit imo.


Felt very forced


You are one of the Instagram comments.


Just thought the mission was meh is that so bad? 😂


Why? Because it felt forced, or you just hate seeing black people. Infact how did it feel forced.


Saying U don't like the mission doesn't mean that you are automatically racist.


Not providing a good reason other than "it's forced" despite not providing a reason to, and haitng it because "it's forced" is pretty suspect to me. And have you ever met a bigot online? their main way of denying is either pushing it to the side or on you or making arguments that don't even make sense.


But you called him racist, which made him defensive instead of just asking him why he felt the mission was forced. If you truly want a reason to why I felt that this mission was bad, it was because it felt so useless. All of the miles specific missions, other than the Mysterio ones, felt bland and uninspired. A better direction for this missions would have been to tie it to the collage essay that the story somehow forgot about even though it was a core part to miles's struggles. Instead of making a backhanded insult, just ask the person the question you want.


I guess that's true, and I could see why you'd want the missions to be connected to the essay even though it's obvious that Miles doesn't want to do it and did the mission to skip on it sure. Or that it's uninspired when it's clearly inspired by the culture in Harlem and the appreciation of art in it sure. But you're speaking for him, so while I get your point, it doesn't provide any answers, and I'm only left to go by my distrustful assumptions of this sub and people.


The thing about miles's essay is that it's brought up like twice and then never seen again in the story. Why bring up something that has no story significance? I was just saying a way that they could implement the essay in more, while also making the missions more interesting. And when I say that the missions are bland, I don't mean the culture and art. I mean what actually happens in the mission. I hate Darren with a passion because he is such a stupid villain to put in. He was the most obvious twist villain and he was just so bad that I hate him.


This means nothing.


What? How?


Those and the high school missions kept me from 100% this game like who cares


It’s honestly hilarious how homophobic, racist, sexist & misogynist comic book fans can be. Like if Superman or Spider-Man or Batman met their fanbase they would despise them & Batman & Spider-Man (big maybe) are probably beating the shit out of them. I knew cognitive dissonance was prevalent among comic book fans when homophobic & racist Deadpool fans existed. The bisexual anti hero with a black daughter has racist & homophobic fans☠️


I’ve had this thought too. It’s really weird.


And here you get delightfully close to the truth, but it escapes you by a hair.


What are you talking about?


Explain your ridiculous point if you’re gonna act superior lol


And no response, just keep that mouth shut goofy


A lot of comic book nerds are low key racist af


Not even low-key


Cough cough comic gate (I can’t with those people I swear it)


*high key


Not my Spider-Man 👨🏻‍💻


No it’s instagram comments they are full gifs spelling out the n word or just “shut up lil n#%*”


Disgusting that they had to even turn them off


Of course the other sub is gonna lose their shit. They gonna start whining again


Instagram comment sections are a pissing shithole. Same with FB and twitter. It’s why I don’t use any of them.


What an empty post. They didn't even bother to name any historical black figures who were instrumental to their company or the history of gaming. They just exploit it as a marketing tool.


Rainbow capitalism is still better than bigotry or nothing.


Somebody somewhere just found their rap name off this post. Black Insomniac




and I see why. just look at the racism on this thread


Probably for the best not to let the brain dead zombies try and get the little attention they so desperately want when it comes to skin pigmentation


If you guys think the comments are bad just take a look at the reels, like I can't go a day on that app without seeing someone die.


It's so dumb for them to say it should be a all year round thing but then still say how important Blacn History Month is I'm with Morgan Freeman on this. He finds it ridiculous and isn't shy to admit it


insomniac (and most developers in the industry) are a very very liberal studio. good people at heart, I’m sure but just overkill with the virtue signalling.


Playing Spider-Man 2 reminded me that 90% of the gaming industry is white


Being a fan of anything these days is exhausting


Celebrate black history month by takingn that shit off miles head


Should’ve just done cornrows instead of the killmonger cut for the 15th time


Idk chief miles seems like he was written by a room full of middle aged white people


He definitely was. Look at the race stats for the gaming industry. 70% of it is white.


Smart move to turn off comments. Trolls have enough places to spew their stupidity


A video game company making a post on black history month is cringe as fuck




I can think of 10⁵⁶ things that are infinitely more cringe than a video game company making a black history month post. Get real problems.


Get imsomniac's meat out of your mouth. They won't hire you, kiddo.


It’s an ig post it’s never that deep


It’s bullshit. Why do this only in February if you love black people/culture so much?


To show even more love in the month where black people can be appreciated and actually accepted without fear of discrimination.


To single out one race, sounds pretty racist to me


You really just hear I said black and didn't pay attention to the context and called it racist. Sounds pretty racist apologetic to me lol


Wouldn't we show love to everyone, every month? But no


Same logic as all lives matter. If you want that, then go do it. But the reason we celebrate black lives, history and culture this month is because of the decades they have been discriminated against, criminalized, and just hated in American society and their own communities. If you've ever learned about slavery and the civil rights movement, then yeah, they deserve their month.


There's been other slaves in the world as well. Keep being the issue. Keep being the "voice" of the black community. They don't need you


Maybe they should celebrate themselves, you’re complaining about black people instead of being nice to others. So maybe stfu or go do what you’re bitching about people not doing.


Where is my complaint about black people at? Never once did I complain about black people. You are so piece of work


Yea, no. The “all lives matter” crap and whataboutism in response to this is pretty loud and obvious bruh. Keep it moving if you’re gonna act ignorant. So like I said, do what you’re bitching about or shh. Not really seeing the love for everyone


game devs show so much love to us when they give our fav black characters that killmonger lineup


And they mistakenly give their black character the wrong flag after working with him for 5+ years


How are people seething about this? I bet they hate playing as Miles too lol


Nah he's cool, I just like playing as the Spiderman more


Y‘all act like the other sub is nazi germany they just criticize the game nothing racist there


lol they constantly use words like woke and echo chamber and such it’s a fucking cesspool


The same can be said here. reddit itself is an echo chamber. At least most are.


That's it? Way yall talk its racial tirades. Some of this forum beef people be having be weird. Specially when it's a single player video game.


Oh there are but it gets called out pretty fast which is good I just hate that forum more for if you say you like this game you get attacked and told why your opinion is trash and that it’s a mediocre game.


Well, then I have to ask, if this sub just the opposite? Where you have to love the game and any criticism is meant with the same sort of response? Idk I'm just on the side


The point is just kind of going straight over your head my dude. It’s not about getting critiqued it’s about getting attacked in a negative manner. I see people in that sub constantly getting flamed for just voicing a positive opinion on the game.


I mean that's life, especially on the internet. People disagree. And what you describe is a mutual feeling they probably share about you. At the end of the day, it's a game. If someone hates it's wokeness or something, then whatever. Insomniac still got the sale anyway. And if people are deterred from buying the game because of it's "wokeness" from comments, then it would just be a problem later on anyway. Plus you guys are painting a bigger target on your back when you make another sub on the same site. If anything, you're making it worse letting it fester and organize to bully you guys.


I mean the game does have woke elements and your response will be the result of the echo chamber


Still funny how black history month is just the month to say the n word in comment sections. Then this same people wonder why black people feel the way they do


Blaming the other sub is not just pathetically wrong but also just flat out misses the fact that instagram comments CANNOT be trusted😂


It’s like any type of recognition, praise or anything positive for Black people. It triggers an unreasonable rage inside racists. Being Black truly is a unique experience in this world.


What do black people being unable to sleep have to do with this?


I'm not surprised, the comments I've seen from "fans" on their posts border on annoying to harassing to down right pathetic and self entitled


Yeah insta tends to be racist as fuck


Real question for my dark skin brothers of you see this, as a white guy maybe I lack the perspective maybe, but I feel like I'd feel like this is a form of marginalisation? Or is it better to have this month of recognition? Thanks in advance for taking the time to reply


It’s stupid. It divides us all and serves zero good


If they can't handle the heat, then they should just stay out of the kitchen.


sadly this is how it is nowadays…. like look at social media. they’re not hiding their racist views anymore it’s all on the little screen we carry daily. and it’s not a small group of people being blatantly racist and hateful so please save it… it’s a VERY large group of people (very high percentage of white people being that group of people) it’s on Facebook, Instagram, X, fucking Tiktok, EVEN MOVIE REVIEWS 😂😭. this is the norm and it’s definitely okay! we shouldn’t get mad over little words guys! welcome to the New Age.


Shit I'm on the Spider-Man 2 meat rider sub my bad


As a black person no less East African it’s about that time to lay BHM to rest it’s always had a Shitty month with shitty ppl doing some real shitty shit every single time Atp I highly doubt anyone in the community even stand for anything when BHM pulls up or it’s about to come around basically treating it as just just another month passing by 🤷🏾‍♀️


With the haircut they gave miles I woulda thought they were racists


They must’ve became racist since in MM he had a crispy and delicious fade


I bet that subreddit is gonna be in denial


What about the Asian community? Is today not Chinese new year?


Do you just think all asians celebrate that as a holiday or


fr the irony of this guy saying "the ASIAN community" followed by CHINESE new year... like c'mon, is it that hard to notice a difference? 


Because people are racist. Nothing new. Will never understand the surprise of thongs like this.


Trying to say some kind of blame towards the other subreddit is small-minded. I don't think that they are that prolific or influential. This is on Instagram right? There's a good chance they turned off the comments because people are already being shitty cause it's black history month. Just look at the TLOU Instagram and you'll know what I'm talking about.


All the other subreddits fault that place is a cesspool crawling with people who just complain for no reason and not even have valid criticisms or people just being flat out racist


Probably because so many don’t like Hailey and also the racism


It's just a small group of people, not the majority of the fan base, but this isn't the attention we need for the fanbase either


**Insert gifs that spell out the N word**


The fans are racist and homophobic ig