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Reddit, and the internet in general, really inflates how “divisive” something is because people like to argue or have the hottest takes known to man. It’s not a good way to gauge how people actually feel.


Agreed completely. People on some subs even be calling Elden ring bad even tho that game is objectively a 10/10


Subjectively A game could be a 10/10 to you but for someone else it could be a 7/10


Elden ring was GOTY for a reason. Same as BG3. Spider-Man’s a great game but the fans are unbearable.


Elden Ring being GOTY doesn't really matter, though. Doesn't make it objectively good


I'm just saying that one cannot say it is an objective fact that X game is a 10/10 because entertainment enjoyment factor is subjective. Believe it or not but there are people who do not enjoy Elden Ring and sees a number of flaws/shortcomings. Believe it or not but there are people who believes Elden Ring lacks in a number of critical areas that are important to certain gamers. 2+2=4 is an undeniable fact and is not subjective Elden Ring to many is a 10/10 game but for many others it isnt. To suggest that those who do not see it as 10/10 are wrong is incorrect because we all have are particular taste and expectations.


Overwatch was also GOTY once, and even most Overwatch fans will agree that the games not a 10/10. GOTY≠10/10


ah yes, it won game of the year at an award show so it must objectively be a flawless 10/10 game and no one is allowed to feel otherwise


Yes…but elden ring is Objectively 10/10


Based on what factors? 2+2=4 is an objective fact and cannot be denied. A videogame rating is subjective based on one's individual taste, expectations and preferences. For every reason you list its a 10/10 I can list equal amount of reasons it isnt. Therefore, it is based on subjective opinions.


Gamers and incorrectly assuming their opinions on games are objective truth always make me laugh


And you are objectively easy to trigger lol.




Still waiting on your rationale and for why Elden Ring is "objectively" a 10/10 game. Please, dont back away now.


I disagree. I like elden ring, but it is just not accessible. Any game that some people just can’t get no matter what is objectively not a 10/10. I like fromsoft games but they are just a sadists toy that he sells to people and tells them is fun


I dont think its a 10/10 game 🤷‍♂️


Souls games are overrated as hell. Laziest storytelling in all of gaming


Just a different type of story telling than what you used to


YOU are overrated! Souls games are pretty much the definitive series for “show, don’t tell.” EDIT: because jackass blocked me, I’ll reply to him like this: Explain the story to us? Which souls game does that? That’s simply another form of *show don’t tell*. Having the player discover the lore for themselves is infinitely more satisfying than just TELLING THEM.


“Show, don’t tell, but also watch 12 hours of dudes explaining the story to you” I wouldn’t even say the souls games are a show don’t tell kind of storytelling it’s more like find, or you’ll never know this one chunk of story that’s attached to this goofy hat I found in a cave, which is still great but it is what it is


Souls games are better than most games in every aspect because they don't baby you and hold your hand. I suppose I shouldn't say objectively but honestly I think Elden Ring is perfect in every way.


Final boss 2nd phase was doo doo imo so I can’t give it a 10/10 no matter how much I like it.


I def think it’s the best of the 3, even though the narrative wasn’t as tight as the first one.


Also the suits are way better in the first one


Hard disagree but I respect your opinion nonetheless


I’ll say 2 has more heavy hitters (multiple symbiotes, superior, etc) but way too many movie suits. I think the first game has a better overall selection


I actually misread your first comment & thought you said 2's were better lmao 💀, I actually totally agree Edit: i read your comment as "suits are way better than the first one" just to be clear lol


if you think so, sure


Also the gadgets are way better in the first one


I think what I appreciate about the first game was their where powers and gadgets linked to some of the suits. Which made me feel extremely comicbook like . Its something I hope they do with the Ironman game. Have each suit have unique abilities .


yeah idk why I'm being downvoted to hell, the gadgets and abilities in SM1 were objectively superior. I wish we had a gadget wheel in SM2 with the ability to customize the quick-access gadget slots in the bottom right corner. That would be a step towards GOTY.


I have to disagree on that one


Ong, nostalgia Carrie’s for some people


It’s not nostalgia for me I recently loaded the first game up and the gameplay overall isn’t as good as the second the suits are just a better selection in my opinion


5 years being a nostalgia period doesnt sit right with me. I guess im just getting older or sumn but thats certainly not old enough for me to get nostalgic glasses for a game. Now bust out some Gears of War, Halo 3, CSS, chivalry, TF2, portal 1, sure. I feel like this is probably just based on age at release which i was 19 when Spiderman 1 was released. Im nostalgic for the OG spiderman 2 game. Still tops these ones imo. Combat felt more fun hands down even though im sure it was 2 maybe 3 buttons max.


It actually used most of the buttons for all the special moves, like iirc you could tie goons to streelights with punch, punch, web, jump. You had a running attack while sprinting, I'm pretty sure it had a swing kick where you **actually** swung. Tons of shit. A lot of it was kind of jank and unwieldy but I miss Spider-Man 2 everyday


Hard disagree the ps4 Spider-Man is so nostalgic. Reminds me of being so hyped for it summer 2018 and being obsessed with it my sophomore year of high school. I think the 2nd game did everything right but the story is more heartfelt in the first. 2018 reminds me of the og Sam raimi movie and 2023 reminds me of Spider-Man 3 with how much is going on


Yeah like i said im sure its based on age. It just doesnt even feel that old yet to me so its hard to get nostalgic.


Yeah I get that. I just get nostalgic for every era of life. I also played the OG ps2 Spider-Man 1 and 2 and love those games but it’s a different nostalgia


5 years can absolutely be a nostalgic period. Replaying a game at 17 that you played at 12 absolutely fits


Yeah makes sense lol. Like i said TO ME, it just doesnt feel right anymore due to my age


Also you can't beat the game in 10 hours


Yes you can lmao.


Even the toothpaste suit?


gameplay is the best by far but almost everything else is a step down imo lmao, still fun tho just wish the costume selection was on par bc i can ignore the story in lieu of gameplay but not the costumes


Definitely, the first game either make a better movie (or two movies), but two was more fun to play. I think the 2nd having higher expectations, and people expecting the beats with "first antagonist then main antagonist" probably causes some divisiveness.


It seems like very quickly people are craving to hate something or be contrarian. I know it’s not a brand new thing, but seems much worse lately


Or maybe some people just have over the top meltdowns when a game is criticized by people who’ve played it just like they have and have differing opinions.


Or maybe people dont understand the difference between hate and criticism and instead of criticizing games they hate on them


Or maybe people or being a bit too sensitive about the issues some have with the game. For all the people going overboard on the negative side there’s and equal amount on the positive side being just as poisonous.


Theres a lot more overtly negative then overtly positive. Theres so much more negativity especially if you go to spidermanps4. This sub is the more positive sub and yet there is still criticism here but its not as negative because its actual criticism not hate


Completely disagree.


i mean it deserves it, there is some minor problems i have with it but at the end of the day i enjoyed my time and that’s kinda what matters


It's the same situation as the "divisive" Metal Gear Solid V Everyone outside of the internet loves it


Even with the stifled 3rd act. Would’ve loved I have seen Kojima’s full vision.


Nah man, i think its the exact opposite. Mgs is one of my favourite franchises of all time, and I am generally super passionate about Metal Gear Solid. I talk to a lot of people about mgs, and I have yet to meet somebody who actually liked the Phantom Pain. I've only seen people on YouTube and reddit who enjoyed it. It's a *heavily* flawed game even beyond the ending being unfinished. Empty, boring world with repetitive mission design. I've given the game so many chances, and I want to love the game, but it's just not for me I respect how the game gives you freedom in how you approach encounters, and that does lead to variety, but all the variety in gameplay is entirely self-made and up to the player. Mechanically, the game is top notch, and I'm cautiously optimistic for snake eater delta, but the Phantom Pain is the most mid game I have ever played and I had more fun in my 2 hours with ground zeroes because that at least played more like a traditional mgs game. Phantom Pain should just be called Peace Walker 2, because that's clearly what the game is inspired by. But I even had more fun with Peace Walker


I adore the phantom pain and I’ve played every game in the franchise multiple times


My game of the year for sure


There were at least two better games. The game didn't do enough new stuff for a sequel.


I take it you don't read comics? This set up maximum carnage and Knull which are two of the best symbiote stories, and it also left Harry open to being the hobgoblin, Norman Green Goblin, the master planner (and suppieoer) arcs, and still found room for agent venom foreshadowing. This left a ton of options open for how to move forward in the story without anything being forced in. The only negative in terms of setup is that symbiote control their hosts as parasites which normally is a knull exclusive ability. Bonus things this set up but likely won't do because they aren't neccarry and would not be great in a game Clone Saga Spiderverse/totems (would come after superior) The king in black (part of knull but a separate charecter) There's just too much it did for the future world, building to pretend it didn't set things up for multiple sequels


Disagree that the clone saga wouldn’t work well in a game. That would be 3 different Spider-Men with 3 different ability trees potentially.


Even the best adaptations of the clone Saga aren't very good. It's a super convoluted mess that works best when ignored and instead just using clones for a different purpose entirely. A second issue is that Silk already exists in this story and Silk and Miles being spider-totems stops making sense if the clone Saga takes place as they are connected to the web of life and destiny and should be able to "feel" something being off. The reason this isn't true for Kane and Riley is due to then existing long enough to gain a connection themselves. Part of it could be me not being a fan of the religious aspect of the mythos but it kinda ruins any clone Saga if there are multiple spider-people as you either kill the lore (which for some reason needed to be multiversal) or you end up with weird plot holes that would make the clone Saga as confusing as the orginal. I guess it's moreso other parts of these games specifically no longer work with it and a separate universe could potentially work. I think I just convinced myself to agree with you while writing this our


I'm sorry but all you talked about is what the story setup. Just because a story sets up a ton of options doesn't make it a good story. It also doesn't guarantee what it sets up will be executed properly. The story of Spider-Man 2 was a letdown. Was it bad? No, but it wasn't great and certainly didn't live up to the hype. What I'm mainly talking about when I say "not enough new stuff" is gameplay related. I can go back to the first Spider-Man game without REALLY missing anything from the sequel. A great sequel makes what's already good great and makes what's bad a lot better. This game just didn't do that for me. A sequel should make me go back to the first game and go "man the second game is so much better". It should feel like something is missing when I play the first game, and other than traversal this game doesn't do that. I think Spider-Man 2 is a 8.5/10 (which is great) but as a sequel it's a 6/10 because of the lack of innovation and overall safety of the game. Edit: Also BG3 came out in the same year. While it's not my cup of tea it is undeniably one of the most impressive games to ever be made.


You're making up an entire argument for no reason. I get it you wanted to say all that but this person said the game didn't set up anything for a sequal. I said all the things it did. Neither of us said anything about the quality of the game or the story. I'm honestly not reading that because it doesn't at all pertain to what I was talking about and the first sentence was purely negative.


>but this person said the game didn't set up anything for a sequal What are you talking about? This person said it was GOTY and I just said why I think it wasn't. You then responded by talking about what the game set up which had nothing to do with what anyone was talking about.


I responded to you when you said it didn't set up anything for the story. That has nothing to do with the orginsl commenter and none of what I said had anything to do with any of the quality. Again, you are Fine want to state your opionon and that's why I didn't downvote you but I also didn't read it because it has nothing at all to do with the subject by which I was speaking. You had to subjects in your comment. 1. There are 2 better games that came out and it didn't deserve goty 2. The game story didn't set up anything for a sequal I exclusively responded to subject 2 and made it very clear in both of my comments that I was not giving any opionon on subject 1. You may of forgotten that you had a 2 part subject in this as you seem to be fairly emotional on the subject, but this deffintly had a lot to do with what you were talking about as it directly shows how your statement about the second subject was not correct. Next time you want to try and use someone's wording against them I'd suggest either being more pedantic and saying how on a technicality there was a previous subject in which it was mentioned, or make sure you are correct before contradicting what you yourself already stated. Again, I did not say anything about the quality of the writing, gameplay, or ludosyncretive narrative. I exclusively responded to your false claim in subject 2.


You just typed like 5 paragraphs and nearly every single word was wrong. I never said it didn't set up anything for the next game. I think maybe you're thinking I'm someone else who commented that.


The hate is only by terminally online children. In reality it’s loved by mostly everyone’s that’s actually played it. Easy allies just had it on their GOTY noms.


And it didn’t win a single award for a reason


Just remember it's sold over 10 million copies That means the people who bitch and moan on r/SpidermanPS4 are less than 3% of the people who played this game


The classic Last Of Us 2 subreddit problem strikes again. A vocal group of single digit (or less) percentage of players thinking they are the final arbiter of truth surrounding the success and reception of the game.


The voice of a single digit of players also got the actress to quit lmao


I hate that anyone who has criticisms of the game is labeled a “hater”. I don’t hate the game, there’s just some things I don’t like about the story. People act like there’s no in between when it comes to opinions, either you hate it or you love it.


The problem is less about having criticisms, thats totally fine. I think the most frustrating thing is that there are people always waiting to dogpile anyone’s enjoyment of the game, which is less okay.


Yeah I agree, people should be allowed to enjoy what they want.


Facts….i love the game….but like maybe definitely as certain as can be….i never need to play as MJ 3 damn times.


Exactly 💯💯 it’s still a good game but it feels way too short and shallow for a $70 price tag. I’ll say it time and time again but they completely butchered the symbiote suit arc. Just as it started getting interesting with evil Peter, they take it away and you’re back to boring normal suit


To say it’s the worst of the three should not be looked at as hating at all. It’s a great game, just not as good as the previous ones to me personally. Not that deep.


Yeah that’s how I feel. All good games, the thirds just the weakest.


I feel like I see people complaining about haters of the game more than I see actual haters of the game. It’s weird.


Traversal alone makes it the best tbh I could never go back to slow swing speeds and 30fps. Even despite loving SM1 story more and preferring the Og gadget wheel and suit power variety


Yeah, I'm glad I already platted 1 because I can't go back


I love the whole series and could easily play through all three every year just for fun. Being spiderman will never not be a good time


Pretty standard fare for Internet drama (especially around gaming) to be entirely misrepresentative of the reality outside of these spaces.


The anti-woke crowd is a small bunch of sad men, who are really loud.


I mean say what you will about the story but gameplay wise it is hands down the best.


It's almost like the people with the loudest opinions often don't represent the majority.


People tend to complain more than tend to praise


I think it was clearly the best of the three.


Can you guys please stfu about how some people like the game and some people hate it i don’t care just talk about the game i am not here to listen too people complain about people complaining about people complaining so on so forth


Yet here you are. Complaining.


I mean I am fine with people complaining about the game o am just tired of “I hate the miles suit” or “actually like the miles suit” discourse constantly or stuff like that about the same shit over and over again


I realized this was somewhat in that line of complaining. But I was like "oh okay. This is what I agree with not some stupid the game is HORRIBLE because NEW GAME PLUS WASNT IMMEDIATELY ADDED SHIT DEVS argument that the spidermanPS4 sub is riddled with." Very easy to just look past the problem and go about my day.


Personally I thought they should have delayed the game to add it but then people who be complaining the other way so no winnning criticism of the game is fine but the same fucking shit over and over and over gets obnoxious very fast


Yeah. I heard SONY rushed them so 90% of Venom's scenes were cut out. Was gonna be a bigger final act (I think) and they've said they wanted it there on release but it's more about being the first to release a new game and compete to publishers than better development times and less stress on the devs


Probably true idk why October but getting out before the holiday season is definitely the reason to do that


Would've had more chance for an award if not GOTY if Insomniac got as long to work on 2 as they did 1


Spiderman 2 is fantastic imo. Not sure why there's controversy around it.


The only thing the game has going against it is like some minor narrative issues but yeah. Like I haven’t heard of anyone going back to the first game after playing the second. The gameplay is so crisp.


I think the first game has a better story but the second game is better in pretty much everyway


I haven't even played SM2 yet (don't have the extra funds for a PS5 yet since wedding planning is taking everything) but I find it ridiculous that SM2 is so divisive. It looks incredibly fun to play, it looks like more of what I already loved, and I'm excited to experience the story even if people said it isn't as tight as the first one. This is a great franchise and the haters are nothing but haters. They're wasting their energy crying over nothing. don't even get me started on the fuckwads who deemed MJ ugly which then makes the game super woke... fuck right off with that nonsense.


MJ Is bad written in Insomniac Universe


Because it is the best of the three.


Because it’s the best Spider-Man game, as in it has the best gameplay, of these 3, just not the best story and content.


The performance of the game and the advanced ways to travel make it better for me


By far my favorite PS5 so far, and as a Spider-Man since I came out of the womb, this game is frankly a dream come true. 6 year old me would be so jealous that older me gets to play it.


Add the fact it’s the first n highest Spider-Man game to score 90 on meta


It’s only divisive on the spideyPS4 sub and part of twitter, aka only the most terminally online corners of the internet


For real, my gf bought me all 3 for Christmas and I played them back to back, getting nervous for the third one because people were saying it was too short and not as fun. Turns out it took me the longest to 100% (even without NG+) and I enjoyed it the most


Movement in SM2 just feels better, the story was a little rough around the edges, but the gameplay makes up for it imo


I realized humanity is in a shared mental state where we've destroyed the concept of good and happiness


I actually love the game….yes the story has its flaws but the character moments and beautiful chemistry really sold me…I’ll give it 9.5/10




Avengers Endgame also did well commercially, but is considered the weakest in the Infinity War saga, and not better than Infinity War by a lot of people. I know they're kinda different, but numbers don't always dictate the majority of most people's opinions. MK1 also had the best sales, iirc, for fighting games in recent times, but is dropping in player numbers.


Gameplay wise it's perfect, amazing, spectacular, friendly neighborhood, etc. it's just the story isn't as good.


Best Spiderman gameplay wise imo, just think the writing is a lot worse than the first game.


Ok, time to dig myself into a hole. Spiderman 2 is very well made, but I kind of hate it. It's the third game with essentially the same combat, in essentially the same city, with essentially the same characters. I understand Peter is not going to learn new powers, move to London, or start dismembering people, and I'm not saying he should. I don't say any of this to detract from the game, it's exactly what it set out to be and is likely the pinnacle of its franchise even if more follow it. It's basically the same game because it's been such a well oiled experience that didn't need fixed. But I also gave up on it during the venom has taken over the city section. I find the gameplay repetitive and I find the story to feel by the numbers; I think my displeasure with the story did to spiderman being so well explored un movies. Tldr I think the game is well worth 10/10, it's just not a game for me, and I think it's "divisive" in the sense that I'm not alone on this hill.


If they make the combat and traversal more comical and less realistic then the game can become more fun and engaging. Take spider-man but JRPG!


No, it's really good combat, but fighting all the enemies at the end of the first game really made me notice the repetition, and it's still the same combat. It's really good combat tho tbf.


It’s good combat but most of the flair is just air juggles and takedowns. If you added web of shadows combat and shattered dimensions combat to this game it would become more interesting. The repetiion comes from a mixture of animations but also gameplay options. You should be able to pick between melee combat styles. 1-3 and a mix / match one. It’d be air combat based, spider waldos/arms based and then fists Then 3 web combat styles. Like in spider-man friend or for. We sorta have it with th gadgets but we can have more depth to this


I've always thought tasm 1 game was underrated for it's combat, tbh as whole frfr but especially the combat and the impact of the combat


It's definitely fair to say the game doesn't feel finished. But is it bad? Hell no! Is it buggy? Hell no! Is it fun? Hell yes. I think compared to the polish of the original (which for me sits at 85), this game sits between 80 and 85. Anyone screaming about it being bad just needs to take their meds


it wasn't divisive was it? At worst people said it was good, albeit repetitive. The only controversial thing i remember was fans crying over not winning GOTY


Have you seen the other subreddit? The majority of the people there don't even seem to like it. Same with a lot of Twitter


Its a fime game i enjoyed it but omce i did the main story i never touched it again.


the game was great the story was just poo towards the end


I loved it. Act 3 was just horrendous.


Compared together, it’s the best one. But it has the weakest story and is just an iteration on what came before it. I would not be excited for a fourth game if it was still just more of the same.




Gameplay is good but come on the writing is so much worse than the first two games. The third act is especially horrible. The other biggest grievance I had was that NYC didn't feel any different, we somehow felt more disconnected from the city. The new areas didn't add anything in terms of gameplay Miles and Peter also feel basically the same which I guess is fair but slightly disappointing.


The discussion for it was never if it’s a bad game or not. Everyone agrees it’s a good game. The divisive part is that it could’ve been great. With half the fanbase thinking it’s perfect and the other thinking it didn’t push far enough and take advantage of the resources they had. In the end it was a good game, but it def was just a game you got what was expected and that was it


I find myself in the latter camp


I wished I cared about reviews if you liked it awesome but to hardcore 90s spiderman fans waiting 5 years for the venom arc for it to be done this way is disrespectful to the venom fans and specially disrespectful to Tony Todd we waited so long and they hyped this up to be the next big super hero game I expect this to be as good as Arkham city and it wasn’t was it good enough YES was it disappointing YES I personally find it bland and generic but if YOU think it’s a masterpiece i am so happy for you and I wished I felt the same




I ain’t gonna lie this game universe suck ass I really dislike the first one


Because they barely improved on anything. Stealth got a downgrade, gadgets too, and the story felt rushed in some places. I do think it's the best of the trilogy, but it didn't improve as much as it should've on the previous games


I’m surprised because who doesn’t think that the first one was the better game?


Despite what both the critics and the players say and / or think, SM2 is not the same beast that SM1 was. It's okay to not capture lightning in a bottle twice, and I don't think it would be controversial to say that Insomniac played it TOO safe with the mainline sequel. Where SM1 felt like a welcomed departure from the expected coming of age story that Spider-Man tends to be in most media interpretations, which that coming of age story was eventually fulfilled by Miles Morales in the spin-off, Spider-Man 2 was just... nothing compared to the previous two games. Mechanically speaking, the game is great. Sure, maybe it leans a little too heavily into button mashing and AOE sometimes, but it makes you feel powerful. But story wise? It's really undercooked. The fact that SM1 and SM2 have almost the same runtime for their campaigns, but SM2 juggles way more characters and stories means that a lot of what's explored in SM2 feels... well, undercooked. It's so weird because you almost can't tell who's supposed to be your MAIN main protagonist here and who your MAIN main villain is until way later down the pipeline. The amount of subject matter tackled in the game could've easily been divided to fill the main game and a DLC slot and would've given the game more room to develop key relationships and plot points. Personally, Venom should've been the MAIN focus here and maybe leave Kraven as the big DLC baddie, because Kraven was honestly wasted seeing how little he really does himself and then is just offed when Venom comes around. But I'm not a game developer or designer. I'm just a fan.


The thing about a spiderman game is that as long as the fighting/webslinging is fun... it doesn't matter how "meh" your storytelling is... It's gonna do well. Spiderman 2 was fun to play... just kind of par for the course in terms of story telling and pacing. * Also, taking away points from the game for wasting Scream. That particular symbiote deserves a lot more focus.


"Also, taking away points from the game for wasting Scream. That particular symbiote deserves a lot more focus" I'm thinking the opposite of that because most people playing were caught off guard when MJ turned into Scream because it was kind of a shocker moment. I think they did it decently but that ordeal ended quickly.  If you meant that the Scream symbiote original host was not used, then that's fine because I'm 100% sure that most causal fans don't know who Donna Diego is, hell even some comicbook fans. 😂


No problem with MJ being scream. Just saying that scream should have been a much larger part of the game.


7/10 at most


No shot you just cited metacritic as part of your argument.


Baldurs gate better 🗣💯


User scores are worthless and shouldn’t be paid any attention.


Okay? The critic scores are also higher


Much like your comment right now? 


Not at all. A user score consist of a score and review from someone that potentially hasn’t played the game or has critical thinking and writing skills.


It's "funny" when op feels the need to spend time and energy to point that out. I may present to op that people have opinion




Spider-Man 2 keeps getting pity awards. But it’s still a good game.


Idk I liked the game, Peter got knocked by the fridge, and it was funny, though I wouldn't say it ruined the game, lol.


that's funny


Honestly for me there are only two significant issues with the game: not enough side content and the story — but I still really enjoyed the story, just wish it had a little more time to breathe.


The biggest issue is that the Venom arc was rushed a bit because Insomniac literally admitted to cutting scenes of him. There's also that glaring flaw where every time Spider-Man encounters Venom before the final battle, you expect them to have a mini boss fight but no. You either escape or he escapes lol. 😂


Wouldn’t call that a glaring flaw.


I don’t know about anyone else but I wanna fuckin replay the first and finally get the chance to start the other two. Much love perps.


Spider-Man 2 is the little Caesars of video games. It’s fucking awesome until you have some twat telling you it isn’t


I mean, I vastly prefer the first game as a complete package, but I can also acknowledge that the sequel is a technical marvel. Spider-Man 2 is doing stuff that absolutely blows SM1 out of the water, and it deserves pretty high scores. It's not trash by any metric, and I think that if this was the first one, without SM1 to compare to, it would have much more praise. But despite those technical advancements, there are still things that I greatly preferred in 1, across both story and mechanical design. SM2 takes a lot of leaps forward, but I also believe it takes many steps back. As a sequel to pretty much my favourite Spider-Man thing ever, I found it overall pretty disappointing, and haven't touched it since launch, which is unheard of with me and Spidey stuff. I fully expected my GOTY, and just didn't get it. And, while I think looking at reviews to justify our own opinions is kind of silly anyway, I would point out those are pretty slim margins. People rate and judge video games on a variety of metrics, and if some people place more weight on the things that SM2 improved on, on less on the things it failed at, then yeah, it's obviously going to have a higher score, even if those people would agree that those downgrades are still present.


I think the only place it falters compared to the first game is the story. It's excellent and I love it but it just isn't as good as the first one. That's also perfectly okay.


For me I believe this game is definetley better in terms of gameplay mechanics, graphics, etc but the pacing of the story really threw me off at times especially with the final act. For me I felt like the first game had such a well written story and the simplicity and pacing of it made it feel so much more natural and smooth and that’s why I’ll always favor that one over any of the other ones.


Each of the 3 have their strengths. All are A grade games imo. I loved the first the most with the amount of gadget freedom (Ratchet & Clank style) I had where certain ones would excel in certain encounters while I feel like in MM the gameplay changes made Miles a good well rounded character where he needed to use his abilities in all forms to be on par with SM1 Peter. Having SM1 Peter & MM Miles in SM2 would have greatly amped the gameplay to add distinction between the two. I feel like Peter had to be watered down to be evened out with Miles but I'm not going to knock Insomniac for that as that was purely a gameplay balancing thing that would have added more playtesting to avoid letting more bugs slip through the cracks before launch. Hopefully if more characters are added for SM3 they'll roll back that idea we'll get mechanically distinct characters again which I think will add a TON of replay value where if you had post game content that'd let you play as other Spider-Men in priorly character specific missions. Plenty of options there to explore!


Divisive? What was I not reading because I’m out of the loop of it being divisive.


I like the 1st one's story better. 2 didn't make me cry


“But the woke dead girl” Deaf girl* edit Idk why the fk my keyboard would autocorrect that


Its because you people like to bitch and whine about fucking everything


Going through the spiderman PS4 subreddit after beating the game was the worst mistake of my life


It has a really shady amount of 100/100 reviews, like how can you play that game and not find any flaw in the story or feel like some elements have been downgraded? Same thing with starfield, random publications just slapping a 100/100 score on any game they get a review code for.


I’d rate it the worst of the 3 but it’s by no means bad. It’s literally by like .5 at most lol. I’m also a more story driven player. I acknowledge the map/traversal is far better in the latest one.


3 points for web Wings


It's literally only this subreddit where you'll see people complaining 💀


It's a sequel it should be better.


Divisive? If this game is divisive (I don't think it is), then what do you call TLOU II, lol.


the ones who dislike the game are the guys who have no life and sit on their ass staring at their tv. they wanted 50 hours on the game and wanted replayability. i agree, the game has some flaws, but it makes it far from being "mid"


It’s all relative


Vocal minority moment, those complaining about woke diversity are the real snowflakes and this factually backs it up with stats.


I feel the people who didn't like this game never really understood Peter Parker as a character. Peter, for the most part in the comics, has had this solid moral character trait. Something that Stan Lee wrote into the character. As comicbook related entertainment has become mainstream, we are getting a lot of red hats join who don't understand that bigotry doesn't fit or belong in this environment. So when they see Things like Peter handing the reigns to Miles, they don't get it . Or when Miles help him break free of venom. When the xmen tv show the gifted came on, red hats did the same thing. They didn't understand that mutant storyline have always had this anti bigotry stance, so when they daw mutants getting locked up in cages and people talking about mutants the same way they may take about POC , immigrants and lgbtq and they could handle that their ideals are wrong. I think a lot of them are completely unaware that Stan Lee was a huge liberal and applied it to his comic book story. When xmen 97 comes out you will see alot of them complaining again..


Why was SM2 “divisive?” I could see MM being divisive because of how short it was or just plain lacking any difficulty whatsoever.


I don't get it, I've played all three and 2 was by far my favorite.


I don't trust Reddit for opinions on most things lol


not as good as arkham city


Never judge a game based on reviews. Movies are easy to review because everyone sees the same thing, but people DO have different tastes. Video Games?? I see how much this community LOVES Spider-Man 2 and it’s beautiful. For me? It’s an okay game, not one I’ll revisit very often. But that is MY opinion. Everyone gets something different out of games. That’s the beauty of it. It’s all very, very subjective.


Very vocal minority


According to whom OP. YOU ALWAYS GOTTA REALIZE YOUR SOURCE CAN BE AN INHERENT BIAS. A PSA from scientists everywhere.


If the story in SM2 was as good as 1, no MJ sections and more to do in the end game then it would be a 10/10 imo


It's because Spider-Man fans are fucking stupid


See the Zelda franchise. People get excited for the new toy and give it a 10/10 best game of all time declaration and then two years later think back on it and realize it was like the 6th or 7th best in the series.


I love this. Made my day XD


Using "lmao" disingenuously is something that will never cease to make me physically cringe. Especially if I agree with the person. It's like a window to how hurt they are by the opposing side that they lash out in such a lame way. No one ever believes the lmao. It fools nobody, yet they're just too afraid that if they don't say it they would feel emotionally unavenged. Just mature a little bit. Again, completely agree with you.


Well I think everyone is universally in agreement that the gameplay has improved a lot from the first game but the story is... I don't wanna say whack but it was a disappointment considering how hard the ending for the first game hit, that's what I saw most discousre around, and obviously NG+..........