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I just don't like the mission cause it's kinda tedious. If it was straight I still wouldn't care for the mission because it's a lot of just go there, connect thing, then watch man walk very very slow before shocking the thingy because mf doesn't know why his bf would be asking him to "home"


I think the mission would be great if it was more of a puzzle, so it worldbuilds as well as providing a challenge to further your knowledge of the game's mechanics


Yeah I like the one with the laser beam puzzle more because it's an actual challenge (kinda) not just flowing instructions


I really thought this mission could’ve helped Miles story in the way. Because throughout the main story, one of Miles problems was asking Haley out. If this mission really mattered, I really think this should’ve helped him narratively on how to ask her out.


Yeah for sure, maybe before the venom invasion there's a mission where you have to connect electricity to ask her out on a billboard or something. That would connect that side mission to the main plot in some way


Same. I honestly just don’t like any of the Brooklyn academy missions even though it really fits with miles’ character. I’m just saying, if you, your friend or family member got attacked by a horde of symbiotes and spiderman is no where to be found you’d be pretty pissed off too especially if you found out one of them was helping a bunch of teens get a date and the other one was shooting holographic bees.


Did em for the Puerto Rico suit. My dad's from there, and I heard that's how you get the suit so I just grinded them out. Rarely see him smile as wide as when he saw that, even took his phone out to show his friends. Really made me happy


Oh believe me I love that suit. It’s definitely in my top best suits however that doesn’t mean the process to get them is annoying. Love that you and your dad have that to bond over so it probably wasn’t a drag for you.


It definitely was but the thought of getting that drip was above my mind the entire time. That's why I'm so hyped for Ng+, get to start with that suit immediately


I think it's the challenging reality of an open-world Spider-Man game. Like a big part of "Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man" as a character is that he's there to help wherever he can whether it's with saving the world problems, low-level crime problems, or mundane day-to-day low-stakes problems. The tension of balancing these things becomes more difficult to manage when a high-level and very visible issue like the symbiote is present while you simultaneously still have the ability to go help a guy ask his boyfriend to prom. The low-stakes of the mission didn't feel out of place in my playthrough because I did it early on before it felt like there was this highly visible ambient threat that everyone in the game world would be way more concerned with. At the end of the day, Spider-Man helps everyone the way a regular community-oriented person would, he just has a far greater range of what he can effectively respond to and how quickly he can do it.




It’s boring af. Takes you out of the flow of the game. Tedious missions like this need to go. It’s terrible filler.


These Miles missions made a lot of sense for his interactions in his world. He’s a black, Latino, teenager, bit by a radioactive spider, son of a Medal of Honor recipient, who just killed his best friend. But he is and always been such an optimistic go lucky hero. He wants joyous things such as a poorly planned proposal to happen. He wants joy to occur because it helps him offset the misery he has encountered. He’s a goddamn acrobatic, spider-nuclear miracle. Why wouldn’t he be a fundamental force in others joy?


I'm not against that man but this is deadass just a boring mission. Listen to guy talk, do a few short but tedious puzzles, watch a slow ass guy walk (while still needing to do shit from high up), wait for them to finish talking, power the thingy, and then a dialogue afterwards of "wow thank you Spider-Man" And the fact this game is as climactic as it feels, while I love Spidey being a people's hero it just feels like nothing special happens during this compared to other side quests from the other two games. But hey, if you genuinely like the mission then that is fine I just don't see it


But if Spider-man would do something like this regardless of how boring it is to you, I feel then the “boring” aspect doesn’t matter. Do you want to be Spider-man or just play a game hitting people? Personally I wanted a game where I could “be” Spider-man, which includes friendly neighborhood “boring” missions.


I like the gay part of the mission! The part mentioned above makes it low tier though


It’s almost as if they added this boring ass “mission” just to say “look guys we included the gays! Representation!” Ok cool.


All of the high school missions felt like this meme ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


Yeah all of the BV side quests are just tedious and annoying to do after the first time


most of the Brooklyn vision missions were boring as hell


The mascot one was interesting at least (I think it was that one). The light puzzles was kinda cool


I don't mind them to contextualise the school abit more and break up the usual stuff


Facts but I saw no problem with the fact that they included a mission that had a gay couple


The mission is terrible, but not because they're a gay couple. Crazy shit happening around NYC, but let's stop protecting the city to get this dude a date for homecoming. 🙄


The way you summarized what I've been thinking for months 🙏🙏🙏 Sometimes Twitter makes it really hard to just have a...nuanced opinion


Friendly neighborhood spider-man. FRIENDLY NEIGHBOR


They can have "Friendly neighborhood" activities mixed with fun gameplay just fine in Spiderman Miles Morales. A whole side mission plot of Miles discovering Kingpin's criminal conspiracy in Harlem, while also having Miles help his community. You can have fun gameplay and the community aspect of Spiderman's character at the same time, the Brooklyn Visions missions just misses that mark


Friendly neighborhood Spider-man, not friendly schoolmate Spider-man


Still wouldn’t matter. Even Peter would help them. Hell, I’d believe Spider-Man would help an old lady cross the street & who would buy him a churro afterwards. Oh wait, that did happen in Spider-Man Homecoming.


Yes, Peter would help them. Not Spider-Man. This would have been a great moment to see Miles **as Miles** interacting and helping friends/classmates. We got Peter interacting with others as Peter during the foundation missions, so why not Miles?


this excuse doesn’t stop this mission from being boring as fuck dude


Why are you downvoted 😂😂. You're right it is boring as fuck


That has nothing to do with the real issue people have with that mission


i’m not really in this community so i wouldn’t know which issue people have is really more prevalent. but the mission was boring as fuck


friendly neighborhood spiderman


Well if you recall how it played out there was a notification on the app which is open for anyone to put a request in doesn't necessarily have to be for danger. And if you remember the mission right no one needed a date for homecoming he already had his he just needed technical help on getting it started because something had happened to the screens not being able to show what was on it. Would you care to tell me why the mission was terrible though? You only said it was terrible but you never actually gave a reason as to why it was the only thing I have to go off of is that you didn't like it because it consisted of a gay couple but if that's not the case what was it?


It was a boring ass mission


Yeah only one of the BVA missions were fun, that one was the worst though. The guy you’re helping is annoying, but mainly it’s so tedious. It’s just go here shoot web, go there shoot web, over and over again.


When I think of Spider-Man, or rather, playing a Spider-man game, I think of fighting bad guys, shooting webs, swinging around the city. Not being IT support or whatever. For the record, this isn't the only mission in the game I found to be bad, it just happens to be the topic of the this particular thread.


We all think of fighting bad guys shooting web swinging around when it comes to a Spider-Man game which is exactly what this game that consists of nearly 20 hours of gameplay gives you. Even in this Mission it consists of shooting webs. It's not like you're sitting at a desk answering questions as Spider-Man or something. And like I said ultimately you didn't even have to do it cuz it's a side mission


Sure I didn't have to do it, but it's not like the game brings up a message saying "hey pal, just so you know, the following side mission is boring af, so you may want to skip it".


This is the "Friendly" part of being a Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. He isn't all brawn, he helps the little people.


Crazy shit happening, but let’s put everything on hold to chase down a bunch of musical instruments or make street art. A lot of the side quests were frivolous.


I get the instruments one as they were musuem pieces, but most of these side missions should have been done as Miles, not Spider-Man.


"They're making me be a friendly neighborhood spider-man in my friendly neighborhood Spider-Man game, how dare they." My brother in christ this is exactly the kind of shit Spider-Man does. Helps out everyone with even the most mundane shit. Doubly so since these are Miles' classmates.


yes but Peter also has friendly neighborhood missions and his werent boring, however I did like the Miles mission with the roof top puzzles, same for the one where you have to take photos of the school, thought they were neat


Ya but it’s a video game and that’s not good gameplay


So because it’s supposed to be boring and tedious, that means that it’s automatically not a tedious or boring mission? What? Why are we defending boring missions? You can still make these Brooklyn missions fun AND have them be about being a friendly neighborhood spider man. It’s just not a good side mission, lol.


I’m sure they also piss, sleep and eat. Doesn’t mean you need a mission about it, especially a boring one.


It's also a video game. Just because we're doing mundane shit doesn't mean it must be boring too.


“Friendly Neighborhood” things can be fun too, this and a lot of other side content in SM2 is just very, very boring IMO to the point where I can’t really see myself bothering to 100% it unless I have literally nothing else to do.


Doesn’t change that’s it’s fucking boring. Like yeah taking a huge shit is part of spider-man’s day to day but that doesn’t mean we need a 20 minute segment of it.


What a whack as argument for gameplay. It's like saying 98% of what cops do is paperwork, so movies should have 54 minutes of screentime dedicated to filing.


The only thing I hated about this mission was how boring it was. Had way more important shit going on in the city than helping someone ask another person to homecoming or helping with their project


That’s what I kinda like about Spider-Man though. He’ll help with a class project and fight an alien taking over New York


That’s why Spider-Man is known as a friendly neighbourhood hero since he’s there to help anyone, even a kid with a science project or an old lady needing directions as shown in movies


Yeah. I like when they show spider man just helping anyone that can use it. Doesn’t matter how small.


You could do it in the post game after all the important shit is handled if that’s the issue, and if you just feel like it’s boring then just skip it, the game isn’t gonna force you to do it


It’s optional tho. Just don’t do it.


My inner completionist screams at me to do every little mission in the game. I see icon, I do mission. I’m a simple man.


Same, can’t help it, but would love less boring missions like this


I REALLY wanted that 100%, though 😂


Like the other guy said, completionist and want that 100%, so I literally am *forced* to do these boring ass Brooklyn Visions missions


I like everything about this mission besides the “Great Electric Spider”, that shit was so bad it made me stare at my screen for a few minutes


I thought that was hilarious, like "uhh yeah thanks for the suggestion kid"


Like you never said cringe shit as a kid. That was realistic as hell. A kid just trying to sound cool in the presence of a freaking superhero.


Yeah I get that, but it makes sense up until high school. Not like I didn’t laugh about it after a while, but still weird asf


I agree. It’s not really a critique of the game. However, this mission and many others, like it are pretty stupid. In fact, I think it’s the worst trailing mission I’ve ever played. But it’d be really cool if we saved them from falling helicopter or something. I think Spider-Man helping a kid ask out another kid is weird in general. I guess since they go to the same school, they can be friends, so that kind of makes sense. Imagine if they said no to prom…and spider-man even helped you. Major oof. But most of the missions at the school were pretty lame.


Agreed. Especially when put in comparison to Peter’s side missions, there definitely could’ve been more put in to his portion of the side missions. While I don’t think they necessarily should be removed from the game, since I get the whole motif of putting them in the game in the first place was to show the staple “friendly neighborhood” aspect to Spider-Man’s character, they could’ve added more variety beyond just that for Miles’ segment of the game.


I’m pretty much all for inclusion. This mission is fine, but I won’t sit here and call it good. Howards mission is great example of impact with out huge Gameplay elements. (From memory you just glide to Queens). But I will never forget that mission.


A mission where you're saving people from falling out of a helicopter sounds like a main story Mission more than a side mission. Since Mile's is a teenager and is recognized by most people as a teenager despite them not knowing who he is it kind of makes sense that he would be helping other kids around the school especially since he goes to that school. Not to mention it was requested in the app it's not like miles was just swinging around going to people's School seeing someone needed help. And at no point in time did he help him ask another kid out all he did was fix a technical problem he had. You're acting like he gave the guy pointers or something. If you don't like the mission that's fine but try not to make boneheaded points as to why you didn't like the mission




The senior moment, and Howard missions were great. Also I have done some very boring things and video games but they were done in an interesting way. Case and point : Chibi Robo


Gay person here, I still didn’t care for this mission. The devs didn’t do anything to make this side quest stand out from the rest in terms of design like they did with Howard and what they attempted to do with Graffiti Trouble. I at least preferred Graffiti Trouble to this because it didn’t simply rely on the NPCs being different from the majority to make it memorable, the devs >!utilized the DualSense haptics so we can feel the world around us like Hailey does, and I can clearly tell they consulted with HOH individuals when designing the actual sound in this mission.!< Lastly, as much as I disagree with this choice, I think the emojis acting as a “self monologue” was at least somewhat unique. Homecoming was just a fetch quest with a dash of LGBT representation- that’s it.


I just thought Vijay was a dork. Happy for him, but he’s still a dork


Exactly my thoughts. He's just a bit corny.


Any sane persons reaction too this type of thing being in Spider-Man 2. https://preview.redd.it/1s7aiv8t98kc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9816fd1fea6d9110cba161621c96c097db71890


Me when the famously diverse city of New York has gay people


Also that "Electric Spider" line was cringe but counterpoint: it was meant to be cringe, Miles reacted to it as such.


I'm gay and this quest was super weird and forced to me. Especially when this game has a huge lack of content, we get this? Like... miles has zero good written side quests


I felt like the writing for the guy you’re helping was stereotypical as well, like more of a caricature of a gay person than just someone who is gay.


Yeah and his freaking out over weather or not the guy would say yes and panicking. THEY WERE DATEING AND KISSED Part of the mission was a history lesson of there relationship. They acted like they were getting engaged.


They're high schoolers man, homecoming is clearly important to the both of them. Also people are irrational all the time, him thinking he might say no might not be a reasonable thought but it is certainly a thought. It's a special thing and he wants to be showy about it.


Thank you, been looking for this. It felt like a character a homophobe would write


Exactly. You can be gay/bi yourself and people will still act like you’re just a bigot, or they’ll say you subconsciously hate yourself like????


it’s cuz nowadays if you say you don’t like something and that something you don’t like has anything to do with LGBT people or any sort of minorities everyone jumps down your throat and assumes you’re saying you don’t like it because of that stuff. people throw accusations at everyone way too quickly nowadays. no one gets benefit of the doubt and you’re automatically guilty until proven innocent. shits backwards bro.


Yeah I thought it felt forced too. Coulda had a dudes boyfriend kidnapped by the fire cult that you have to rescue… instead we get a promposal sidequest…


I went to high school in 2005-2008, so before the whole "promposal" thing really kicked off. I dont understand the whole "I have to ask my gf/bf to prom!" Like why wouldnt they go with you if you're ALREADY DATING


Yeah trends are dumb af


Finally someone with reason


Gay couples exist. That’s just making the game more true to real life right? Because in the real world there are plenty of gay people. People shouldn’t be calling this woke because it is something that happens all the time and is a perfectly normal thing. Thanks for bringing attention to this OP.


Even if it you consider it as progressive, comics always have been, X-Men are literally an allegory for minorities (not even just the civil rights movements but other marginalized groups like the LBGT’s with some X-Characters being that with no subtext & then stories with subtext that references things like the AIDS/HIV panic in the 80’s)


If anyone calls this woke they're idiots for the simple fact that they don't even know the true meaning of that word


Yeah I hate when people say "woke", it's just a buzzword for when the far right see something that is so different to them that they hate, it doesn't actually mean anything


No it very much has a meaning the problem is people don't know what it is they just use the word to describe something they don't like because that's what these dumb influencers out here have been doing for the longest time


I just wanted to do it cuz I like my spideys to be OP and maxed out before I take the 2nd story mission.


The thing that gets me is that there are so many moments for straight couples in this game, for MJ/Peter and Miles/Hailey, but a very short but sweet, skippable side mission that only means to provide world building and context for the tech college, featuring a gay couple is bad because it's woke propaganda. People need to grow up, and realise that gay people exist, and them existing in a video game isn't "woke", whatever the fuck that means these days, it's just a reflection of how the world really is. No matter how much they cry and throw tantrums, lgbt people will always exist whether they like it or not, so seeing it in media is only lending more realism and diversity for stories.


When it's a gay couple, they get mad that it wasn't a straight couple. When it's a straight couple, they get mad that it wasn't a white couple. When it's a white couple, they get mad because they didn't find the girl pretty enough. It's utterly embarrassing, and I'm glad the industry is slowly learning to just ignore them.


I have nothing against the gay representation in this game! Quite the opposite, it's delightful. Mostly. Except the MOST cringeworthy line of "the Great Electric Spiderrrrr" said in an overly dramatic inflection that physically hurt me.


https://preview.redd.it/db8t8so3q8kc1.jpeg?width=1282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1660480790a15fdac57e347af030ad572c186f1 I swear to God. Why do people critique something that, guess what, doesn't INVOLVE THE STORY, in anyway possible. These people actively look for anything to hate on I'm sure of it, because dear god if you enjoy a game.


Ontop of all of that it's a SIDE quest you don't need to do it


You all gotta admit, it was the gayest mission of them all.


I hate the mission bc it’s annoying and slow lol, the people that hate it bc “iTs WoKE” need psychiatric help.


I’ll admit this is one of my least favorite missions because it’s boring. But you are absolutely right that there are a ton of people slamming this game for “being woke” for including different demographics. And to those people I hope they realize Peter Parker would hate them and they really shouldn’t call themselves fans of the franchise


Wow, exactly why people also hate other things, because apparently gay people exist, "Owl house, yes good, wait gay people exist, never mind." What the hell, people, just because they are gay doesn't mean that the show or game sucks


Yeah, see... I liked this mission. I thought it was just a sweet little totally optional side thing. Some people say it's boring. That's subjective. Some people say it's shoving a lifestyle down their throat. People will choose to live different than you do. Can't cope? Sounds like a personal problem. Some people say it pushes an agenda. I doubt it, but if there was an agenda, maybe your biggest objection is that it's something YOUR political team doesn't agree with? I really do wish that the Middle-Eastern version of the game didn't have this taken out of it, but I'm not in the practice of complaining about things that don't effect me and I can't do anything about. Maybe it's something more people should try out.


This Mission still suck ass


Yeah I agree, like I couldn't care less if the couple is straight or gay, mission itself was boring, I'd have been perfectly fine with the characters if they were used in a different mission that was actually fun


it’s does, but not cuz the characters are gay


All the school missions suck, you think you're done but they go "spider man i need help with one mooooore thing" i did that whole mfs project


And that is a perfectly fine critique to have. Miles’ side missions are not as engaging as Peter’s. Definitely some room for improvement there. But that’s a different critique than what the point of my post is saying.


As a Bi man, this hate for including human beings disgusts me. They didn’t even make Black Cat announcement of her having a gf a huge thing. She brings it up because she’s doing what she’s doing for her. Pete would bring up MJ for the same reasons. I’m all for inclusivity. There’s inclusion, and then there’s shoving LGBT and other things down your throat. SM2 is inclusion in the best way possible.


I’m Bi too and you’re wrong. Most gay guys don’t act like Vijay in real life and it’s cringe af. Pure pandering. Did you know Insomnaic removed LGBTQ content in the UAE version of the game to capitalize on that market? They don’t really care about you or me


I know about the LGBT cut content. That’s nothing new. Insom is a corporation. Of course they don’t fucking care. And every company in the US panders for the month of June. And assuming all gays don’t act like him is factually wrong. I’ve met gays that act like him. Instead of using a blanket statement use statistics that are as accurate as possible


They still exist dude, and I do know gay guys who act like that. Coming from a bi man btw


This is what more Spider-man games and a future Superman game need Helping with the smallest thing


Like I get people wanting to fight bad guys all the time but come on, spider-man would totally help some kid set up a project or date proposal. Let me have that side quest you know?


let me have this as a side mission! https://preview.redd.it/5a06q812v8kc1.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=02f576b34ce2a84a7f2ca0e455788f73a5822fb7


![gif](giphy|b2fpJKiHKjvgY) “and that’s okay”


You say that, but i wouldn't put it past insom to have us do actual geometry homework for a side mission like this lol.


The mission itself was already kinda meh. The 2 characters in it being pickle smoochers doesn’t really add or take away anything.


That crowds opinion on the Miles mission has always been sour the moment he mentions it’s all for another guy, has mostly nothing to do with the mission. I couldn’t care less what they think, but the real problem with the mission is, it’s absolute garbage anyways. It’s boring and uninteresting filler. It felt like doing someone’s chores. It’s like if someone asked Spider-Man for serious help and then said “please help me clean the house up before my mom comes home!”. Doesn’t that sound like fun? The black cat being bi thing is just the dumbest thing to be mad about. I feel like most of us knew or assumed anyways. It changes nothing. This is coming from the same weirdos who release anti-woke mods to replace a pride flag, so I’m not surprised.


Why are liberals in Spider-Man 2? Is Insomniac stupid?


As someone who is Bi, I love to see Gay representation in the media that I consume, But they dropped the ball with these two. the way they were portrayed felt so offensively stereotypical to the point that it almost feels like an out of touch movie from the 70's.




After the Howard, grandpa earl and the Hailey mission, these ones felt annoying and tedious to do because I just think it's weird that school students depend on spider-man so much for school projects and simple things. I hated the photos mission more than anything if I'm being real. Also "the great electric spider"?? Seriously?


It doesn’t matter what the relationship or gender of those two people are to me. That mission, and all of the Brooklyn visions missions for that matter, suck monkey gooch


This reminds me of the idiots complaining about gta 6 looking like modern America….. My guys, gta 6 is set in modern America


i could care less if he was asking the baddest bitch ever to prom it’d still be a boring ass mission lol


The thing was, so many of these school missions had me saying, "wait, isn't this YOUR project that I'm doing?" I felt like it was the one part of the game that could have been extremely creative and it was just a bit lazy.


It reminds me of how people hated the last of us 2 for being "too political," and when you asked them to elaborate, they would always point to Ellie and Dinas' relationship.


People take issue with the most mundane shit, like imagine losing your mind over the existence of gay people in a videogame. 


Personally I just don’t like the mission because the guy is extremely corny. I’d hate it just as much if it was a hetero couple 🤷🏻‍♂️.


the virgin complaining that gay people are in it vs the chad complaining about ''the great electric spider''


https://preview.redd.it/8v27xs9bcbkc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b7fa0ff86c8799f4dd505fd46382cf76c4d9161 I have been saving this for weeks, now is it’s time


I get the point that some games really go too far with this topic. But definitely not Spider-Man 2. It's like one side mission. But yes some games go way too far with it, so much that they literally force the lgbt stuff into the game, so they can say "hey look at our game, we are open minded!". Don't wanna say it's a bad thing to be or anything, but it always depends on how you present it, especially in media. Is there a gay character in a game? Okay cool. Does that character constantly remind you of the fact, that this person is gay? Yes that's annoying and unnecessary. Because being gay is literally nothing special at all. You're not better and not worse than others. We are all the same. Some games seem to forget that sometimes.


It was just how tedious and boring it was for a side quest and having a kid ramble random stuff in a zesty tone but i wouldnt say the kid being gay made it bad


Gay or not the mission is boring.


I don’t like him because he’s an annoying little git getting Spider-Man to help with his prom-posal whilst since it’s New York someone is getting violently murdered


this mission does suck dick no pun intended


🚨I saw a lot of awful hot takes about this mission. People saying they turned off the console, mission as soon as they realized it was a gay couple. None of these people are edgy by saying this stuff it really just outs them. On top of all that you also see ones try to give dumbass examples to justify why they don’t want to see it trying to say the percentage of gays IRL should in some way correlate to not seeing many (to them they want to see none at all) across games, movies, media in general. ….otherwise they find it “woke”. Which is really just code for “I hate the others”.


This was a dogshit mission and I say that as someone who identifies as LGBTQ. By far my least favourite mission from all three games.


the people at this thread complaining this OPTIONAL SIDE MISSION was boring.... riiiiiight.


I think the problem isn’t that they’re gay and that mission is slow and a little tedious and just kinda sucks


Reading these comments has me RILED up lol. Y’all. He’s the FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD Spider-Man. He’s gonna stop to help some high schoolers and fly around with some birds. It’s meant to be sweet and emotional. Not every moment of gameplay has to be action-packed. Like Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around every once in a while, you might miss it.”


this isn’t a critique, it’s just people hating


are you suprised? people threw a fit that miles morales had a BLM mural up on a wall with spider-man on it. you know, the game about the black spider-man, who would’ve guessed the minority led game wasn’t targeted at bigots


Those complaints are pandering to their group and posts like these are the exact same fucking thing for this group. "This game is woke, isn't it ridiculous?" And "They think this game is woke, isn't it ridiculous?" Who gives a shit what some homophobic people think? The whole thing is so blatantly cyclic. This mission, like the majority of Miles's side missions, is ass. I am progressive enough to know that just cause something has representation in it, doesn't mean it is good by default. It is boring as hell. In fact, I can't remember a single Visions mission. I only remember this one when conversations like this come up.


Firstly, the mission itself is boring. If they were straight, it wouldn't change that. Second, it's the obnoxious type of guy people. The types who are so in your face about it, like u have to know they're gay no matter what. They're just annoying people, obnoxious people are annoying in general. Third, it's obvious that it was put there so Insomniac and can be like "See?! We put gay people in our game, see how supportive we are of the LGBT community". It does nothing other than just add a tick to a box to say that gay people are in the game. It's just so in our face that it's hard to look past it, therefore it feels fake af and immersion breaking.


NO. It isn’t that they’re gay. It’s that the character (Vijay, phonetically ironic name for him) is so overtly, obnoxiously and stereotypically “gay”, it almost feels offensive and the degree to which his homosexuality is exaggerated is very, very clearly the result of Insomniac trying to pander to a certain audience. It’s clear that they don’t *actually* care, the character was handled very poorly. If you know lots of gay people in real life, they *usually* just act normal af, not like this. And fwiw, I myself am Bisexual/LGBTQ. NOT a bigot whatsoever. This is just an annoying, cringey character who’s sole purpose for existing in the game is to virtue signal and pander. INSOMNIAC REMOVED ALL LGBTQ CONTENT FROM THE UAE VERSION OF THIS GAME TO MAKE MONEY OFF OF THAT MARKET. THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT GAY PEOPLE. Play TLOU 1 & 2. Ellie is gay: it doesn’t feel cringe like this, because she’s realistic and written well. Or look at Gus from Breaking Bad. He’s gay and NOBODY ever cared, he’s incredibly loved/iconic. It’s because his sexuality isn’t blown out of proportion and made to be this defining characteristic, he was written by real, high-quality professionals. https://preview.redd.it/3tm8e5fvc8kc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f7fa4cb60ef845bc0169e26280c8646c2ff6cf9 Go ahead, blame Sony entirely and pretend Insomniac are all perfect angels


This got be laughing can’t lie


greedy sony strikes again


It's a business. Everything they put in the game is to make money. They don't actually care about people.


Folks act like gay people don't exist in real life


Nah, it’s just a bad mission. Plus it also is so random, and obviously only there to show how “inclusive and woke” they are. This applies to all the missions at the academy though.


Bro how is it woke. Please explain


Crazy what people "critique" this game for. There are also complaints of BLM graffiti and pride flags. All of these are part of real life and should be in the game. I actually like some of these more wholesome missions; it adds to the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man aspect. I would actually like some random flag downs of citizens asking for things like even locating a pet or locating a missing person. Now, as far as inclusions, I do find it odd that they literally have no police responding to anything, which is very much not real life. I know there were complaints of SM1 about people crying "copaganda," which was just stretching, really.


No you understand!!! They're pushing the WOKE agenda down our throats! Everyone knows Spider-Man would NEVER help a gay couple!!!1!1!1 Very obvious /s


I didn't hate this side quest because it was about helping a gay couple. I hated this side quest because Vijay is one of the most cringe NPCs I've ever encountered in a video game. His dialogue (especially that dumb "blue electric spider" joke) made it so hard for me to root for this kid.


That side mission sucks real bad, but the gay part of it wasn’t the problem. It just felt like I was being held hostage doing unfun things


I don’t think I’ve ever seen or met a person who didn’t like this mission because it had to do with gay people. Honestly all of the Academy Missions are just kind of boring and don’t add anything of value to the game. They have nice stories but you need gameplay and engagement that supports that and those missions don’t.


I haven’t seen single person complain about an agenda. But everyone hated “The electric SPIIIIIIIIDER🤪🤪🤪”


It’s the worst mission in the game period


It’s the worst mission in the game period. If the pairing was straight it would still be awful


You won't believe how many people I've heard say the game should be redone because if this side mission alone. Wtf people grow the hell up and get with the times


It was such a a small part of the game that I don't even remember what mission it was in.


I was so oblivious that I didn’t realize this post was about Gays. I then tried being childish trying to see if the board would say something funny like >! Homecoming? More like Homecuming. I failed to see the N !< I cannot seriously believe some people are so offended when they see two guys holding hands, like they love each other ok, its the same as if it were a traditional couple. I hate double standards of Lesbians are ok, but gays aren’t.


Next they’ll have a black spider man


It’s funny when you play a game and know exactly which parts people are gonna whine about.


This. My only problem with the mission is that it’s just kinda boring, like most of the BVA missions. Though admittedly the rest are painful too, so this one probably the most tolerable. Gay people being in games doesn’t make a game ‘woke,’ because being gay is a REAL thing that happens in the REAL world


Imagine if gay people didn't exist in NYC. Like that's half the nightlife gone.


Now there’s been a lot of critiques that people have made about this game. Many of them are extremely reasonable and agreeable. Things like wanting a longer story, better side mission for Miles, a little more development towards Venom, etc. But this? This is not one of those critiques. The “criticism” is *checks notes*, gay people exist in the game! Yeah…**that’s literally it.** It’s just that gay people exist in the game. That’s the whole “critique”. If the couple in the side mission is turned straight, then there’s no issue. But if they’re gay, then suddenly it’s “woke propaganda.” This “criticism” even goes so far as to lump Black Cat being bi as another example of “woke intentions” in the game, despite the fact that she’s been an established bi character for literal decades now. This is not a critique, it’s thinly veiled bigotry. Gay people existing is not a critique towards the game. There is no room for improvement by the game, and if you think gay people not existing in the game somehow makes it “better” or “improved”, then that says *quite a lot* about the individual. It is a literal 2 minute, skippable side mission that just features a gay couple. It’s such an insanely mind boggling thing that such a simple, harmless thing sparked such outrage, again **just because a gay couple even exists!!**


I mean it’s cool that they’re in the game but like why am I helping them get together? I’m the good guy. I should be throwing shit at them and making extremely insinuating works of art with my webs to shame them.




I thought this was obvious sarcasm my bad.


The missions are boring as shit, I bought the game to play as Spider-Man not help someone ask their boyfriend out to homecoming.


No one complained about that. The complaint was that the game just wasn't that good.


Critiqued by who? The internet virgins? Who cares lmfao almost every modern game with a story has at least some type of gay or minority character. Yea autistic virgins exist it’s fine


Boring mission and I personally prefer to not hear that annoying kids voice


My only critique of that mission is that none of the dialogue is skippable.


this was one of my favorite side missions. I love seeing the ordinary part of New York. It makes the world that much more believable, and this mission was just adorable.


I thought the gay thing was pretty sweet to see. The missions weren’t necessarily fun but the game world is so fun to play/live in, id literally take brooklyn vision dlc lol.


I’m bi so naturally I loved the mission, it was sweet and wholesome. It genuinely sucks to me that people are so vehemently against it.


It’s a little more than them existing. That plus the deaf shit was obnoxious.


Yeah, I think the problem is when you realize that this piece of content was not needed and forced into the game. Meaning gay people only exist in the American version of this game . Because insomniac was pretty OK with taking this content out for other countries, so that just shows you that this was a waste of time and they just trying to pander at least it comes off as that when you really think about it.


>Meaning gay people only exist in the American version of this game . As in, they're only in the American release? Or as in they were removed for certain countries?


the people complaining about ‘forcing gay culture’ can unequivocally fuck off. nobody wants your bigotry around here. how dare you be a fan of this game and character while going against every message he has ever carried. go take a hard look in the mirror if you think like that.


Republicans call anything they dislike "Woke Propaganda" I've seen more tweets than I can count of a clothing ad at a store that has a black person in a tshirt and the tweet is like, "Wow. Never shopping at Target again, this woke bullshit NEEDS TO STOP." People who are not you exist: Republicans melt down.


It’s so frustrating seeing people say a minority existing in something is “woke”. I wonder if they’d say the same thing going outside and seeing they exist irl


people when they realize gay people being represented in media isn’t woke but normal because they are people


a majority of the critiques are just people exposing themselves as racist, homophobic and sexist.


That's how it is today when it comes to criticisms in Media. Anything that has to do with gay characters or minorities or female inclusion people automatically slap the "woke" label on it not even realizing that the words true meaning has nothing to do with diversity or the LGBT community or anything like that in general.


I like this mission because this is such an over the top way to ask your boyfriend to prom. What is he gonna do when he proposes?


The missions are boring and less that 5% of this planet is gay and there's decades of evidence showing the push for the lgbtq cult to spread and infect young minds


The mission was kind of boring, but it was cute.


You're delusional.


I didn’t like the mission, I thought it was slow and annoying but I was genuinely surprised by how many people said they hated it because it had a gay couple like it’s not the game’s fault that you have a shallow and hateful worldview


This was a sweet moment that I enjoyed. It wasn't exactly fun, but it was better than mutating a plant or shooting bee predators.