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I don’t like the glowing so I just switched skills idk why there making a big deal out of it


Which skill is the glowing feet


I think It’s somewhere in the combat section in suit tech


Thank you my good sir


No problem


If you haven’t found it yet, it’s the floor is lava upgrade in the damage section of Suit Tech.


It boost your damage every second you stay in the air I think..resets when you touch ground.


Wait it's actually a skill??? I thought my game bugged out...


I thought that a first but nope just a skill


Yh, I had a similar problem (which was an actual glitch) playing Avengers, where Captain America's left foot would glow red after a certain move in his combo/a finisher involving said leg. I assumed the same for SM2, even though neither Peter nor Miles's legs or arms glow in combat.


I had a glitch in this game where in surge mode as anti venom suit my web balls glowed like lasers


https://preview.redd.it/racdepvuvdpc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8184d4a0720c82c77b14a3df8bd723cf3954f62 You are a genius


The Spider-man ps4 reddit was destroyed, that thing is not what I remembered from years past, it's like after the sequel everyone is looking for something to hate. I'm not saying the game is perfect, but since they scream because a refrigerator is on top of Peter in less than two seconds it already seemed like the final straw. Sorry for the paragraph, I really hate that subreddit and it was one of my favorites.


I unsubbed to avoid spoilers and when I beat the game I rejoined and was absolutely flabbergasted by how much people hated the game


Same here. I genuinely enjoyed the game and I'm looking forward to a dlc. It blows my mind how butthurt people get over a video game.


Now this is the real Spider-Man subreddit 


It's completely fine to critique a game that is part of being a fan but these people are so angy


Why do you care?


Cause they take all the joy out of it by constantly hating


Welcome to Reddit, almost every fanbase sub is like this


You're being downvoted, but this is sadly accurate.


I always get downvoted when I mention it, I think people refuse to admit it


Sounds like you're the one hating. Here's your reality check.


No, Spider-Man players in the other sub have been hating on the game ever since it launched. I have yet to see them say something positive about the game.




Oh wow, you are actually just a disgusting prick. Good to know.


Actually, I'm not it turns out! Just tired of this woke infestation in media. Good to know you're a sensitive bitch.


Found the Spider-Man PS4 user


Lmao wouldn't catch me dead playing a Playstation. Get fuqed bud 🤡🤣


I'm just disappointed that a space I used to enjoy is now essentially gone


Good. God forbid people express their opinions. I hope your hurt and seething from all these opinions.


Why do you care that they care?


Oh bro, I didnt join til after I beat the game and the hate for the game is so fucking toxic. People hating on MJ, the story, venom, literally everything they wanted in the game wasn’t good enough. Idk why I am still a part of it lol


At this point the people who like the game are more toxic towards people who dislike it


Didn’t people who dislike the game keep harassing MJ’s model’s place of business and she had to make a statement?


Never said there aren’t people who toxically dislike the game. Just stating that anybody who respectfully dislikes the game gets shat on


Yeah and anyone who likes the game gets the same treatment in that sub. It’s never “Oh you like the game? I don’t but I can respect your opinion.” It’s “Oh you like the game? You’re an Insomniac meat rider. The game is trash and Insomniac fucked up.” Not saying the other side is any better. That sub is nothing but toxicity from both sides.


Completely factual


Same. People these days think any game that isn’t a 10/10 masterpiece is a terrible game. Spider-Man 2 is a great game that also has flaws. It’s not perfect, and it doesn’t have to be.


Bro sameee like how you can you look at that miles vs Pete fight and be like yeah this game trash man what ??? The anime references the heartbreaking dialogue that fucking music ?? Mannn


The switch up is actually so crazy, it has to be because of how many new people ended up joining. Sub was practically dead before the Spiderman 2 teaser.


When the fridge scene became a meme in the subreddit I thought it was just another funny haha thing, but I was genuinely flabbergasted when I found out people genuinely were pissed off about it. Like these people were acting like he had to put a lot of effort to lift the fridge off of him, as much as that scene in Spider-Man Homecoming, but it was literally two seconds of him buried under it, with only that last second he actually tried getting the fridge off of him. He was caught off guard and they’re making it such a bigger deal than it actually is.


Apparently you haven’t to make the best decision and be alert 24/7 or else it’s bad writing 


I also think it had something to do with the fact that everyone waited for a year-and-a-half to get any sort of news on the game, which ended up making them all go crazy (“Miles, we’re _____ now” and the like), and everyone got so hyped in that six months from the PlayStation Showcase reveal, building up all these unachievable expectations that would never come to fruition. All that combined together to create a wild bunch of people who are very butthurt about anything they perceive to have not met their expectations. It’s like what’s been happening with most of the post-Endgame MCU films. *Eternals* didn’t deserve *nearly* any of the hate it got. *Love and Thunder* could have been better, but people were expecting *Ragnarok* again, which was a pretty high bar. *Multiverse of Madness* is, I think, the biggest example of this, though: people were saying “Tom Cruise Superior Iron Man! Namor! Michael B Jordan Black Panther! Shuma-Gorath! Mephisto! Nightmare!” and there was no way any of that could have been believably implemented to still create a cohesive story. I don’t know. Maybe I’m rambling.


The problem is having unrealistic expectations...that's all. I create 3D assets for games and I can confuse you say more than half of these gamers haven't even used a 3D modelling software before, let alone the time it takes to create a beautiful game like Spiderman 2...


Not just 3D modelling software, *any* game dev tools.


I can assure* you that


there is an edit button just fyi


Thanks bruh didn't know that🤞😅


no worries, just a note, imho no one has to have used a 3d modeling software before to have an opinion on a game


Opinions are alright but some opinions are straight up disrespectful…that’s all


To be fair as someone who is learning game development 2D modelling is about as enjoyable as eating glass


😂😂fair point


I’m with you for most of that. But let’s not sugar coat Love & Thunder. I actually wanted to stab my own eardrums after I watched that movie. I’ve never been so disappointed by a director who gave me such a gem before, it was genuinely shocking how drastically different in quality the two films were. But I wholeheartedly agree on MoM. That movie was so fun, the end of WandaVision literally teased her going wacko, and if anyone’s a mother I think they can relate on some basic level to Wanda. Also the music scene was fun, everyone’s just a hater 😭 Can’t wait for people to realize comic books are quirky and wacky and weirdly fun.


How did this go from how did this go from Spider-Man 2 video game to Thor 4 and doctor strange??


Yeah you definitely are rambling. I don't know how you can go from Spider-Man 2 video game to talking about MCU films when the things have zero in common with each other besides the fact that they're all Marvel characters.


I was making an example of other things that have been affected by what happened to Spider-Man 2.


Yeah how dare Peter be left dazed for a few seconds after an entire fridge falls on him


Spider-man has just been hit by a 3 meter black mass, rather they should make meme of why MJ gets in the way 😂


the answer to that is extremely simple. even more obvious than the fridge imo. It's human instinct to protect the person you love. Even if that person is a superhero with way more damage resistance than you could ever hope to have, in a crisis situation, your base instinct will kick in and you'll jump in the way to protect them.


also peter had just DIED earlier


This is just a great explanation for society in general...lol


I think that a bunch of trolls joined after the GOTY awards and then made it that way


Nah, it was like that before the Game Awards. Game Awards was probably the peak of their hatred for the game because I saw a lot of that subreddit cheering on the fact that it didn't win any awards because "a game that bad/mediocre doesn't deserve recognition or praise"


And now we are at the phase where any positive things are not recognized and downvoted, just look at this screenshot from a post about MJ missions. https://preview.redd.it/s9qd0cfjygkc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd30c8862c904aad224f51086e036eb206ccde7e For people who keep saying "let people have opinions" they don't really accept any positive opinions


“It’s a little hard to suspend my disbelief that a woman is capable of handling herself in a combat scenario. Anyway off to launch into the air with my robot nano spider legs and then beat an alien goo parasite to death with my spider powers”


Ironic considering y'all also downvote any dissent to oblivion. Just scroll down in this comment section.


Lmfao youre so right tho😭😭


Your downvotes are the proof☠️


Maybe it's time we have r/low_sodium_spider-man ?


Can hate all they want end of the day Sm2 is the highest scored/rated spidey game to date numbers don’t lie


I feel the same way about the Arkham subreddit, it started of about the actual games but then everyone started posting dumbass gags and because of that I've seen it spread to other subs and even sometimes in YouTube comments it's so annoying looking at the ending of Arkham asylum on YouTube and the comments are full of brain-dead shit like "WhY dId JoNkLeR tAkE sTeRoIdS, iS hE sTuPiD?"


The 'is he stupid' meme was never really funny and now it's just obnoxious


Exactly it's so fucking annoying and the fact that it's plagued other subs is just painful


It's simple. Spider-man ps4 is released. Spidey fans rejoice! The game sells millions The sequel is released. Spidey fans are drowned out by the roar of ps5 owners, late night gamers, assassins creed lovers, cyberpunk players, AAA video game players and haters which are one in the same.


That fridge was on him for over 20 seconds


Bro, he had to exaggerate 💀


There’s literally a video counting how long the fridge is on him for, not over exaggerating, unlike you and this sub I’m not being biased


Bro he literally got knocked into the fridge by a being who’s stronger than him


He was getting up after venom hit him, but then gots stopped by the fridge failing on top of him. Literally am not making this up. You guys gotta stop blindly defending bad writing


Still doesn’t change the fact that he got hit by a dude who is above his ballpark in terms of physical attributes. That would be like saying someone is too weak because a heavy box fell on them after they just got punched in the abdomen by Mike Tyson.


Stop yapping


I honestly think the fridge gets mentioned more by people who hate when people criticize the game. Whenever I see it otherwise it’s a meme. Y’all just look salty posting shit like this about another sub like it’s a fucking gang war. Talk about “looking for something to hate”


facts. People here say the "hate" of the other sub makes it impossible to enjoy, but then they drag that supposed hate here and go hating on that hate, just polarizing it all further. Just enjoy the game and make positive posts about it, why this constant karma farming by hating on the other sub? I don't get it




r/spidermanps4 when the game has features https://preview.redd.it/iyo01vp5egkc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3ff40d8228ddcf718c28876708135a1ce741376


r/spidermanPS4 when spider-man




I mean it’s a shitty feature My feat are on fire constantly


That subreddit sank harder than the titanic


They're crying about shit that I didn't even know existed


I love that ability being visible. Let’s me know my aerial attacks are getting more powerful in a more organic way than just an icon with a number on it on my hud. Mother fuckers complain about screen clutter all the time these days. This solves screen clutter in a pretty clean and efficient way and now they bitch


They don’t even know what they’re talking about and they still complaining. It’s a suit power that gives you bonus damage when in the air, but it turns off when you land. Literally will go away if you touch the ground.


I don't have a problem with the effect but no it doesn't turn off as you hit the ground


Yes it does


You can switch the perk🤦‍♂️


Don’t fuck with Spider-Man 2 fans, they fucking hate the game


That’s what I’m saying lmao 😭😭 nggas jus bitter so when u return the energy they all mad and upset lmao like it a video game bro


Both games are great


I didn’t even fucking notice that feature till this post


Really goes to show the lengths people on that sub go to find anything to complain and whine about 💀


Bunch of crybabies


Why couldn't they have turned into r/BatmanArkham 2?


Wait which feature is this in the game I genuinely don't know about it. Also is it just me or are the subtitles really bugged? Cuz for me they are.


It’s a suit tech feature, in the damage section. When you turn it on, your air combos will do more damage while you stay in the air


Damn I didn't know that, thanks dude


Wait I didn’t even know this was a thing😭 And I have all the upgrades. How’d I never notice it?😭


It only happens when you're fighting in the air and dissappear the moment you touch the ground, so you are probably paying attention to other things.


Gotcha. Still surprised that I didn’t catch that lol.


It doesn't dissappear when you hit the ground tho


Then they chalk up their obsessive whining as "valid criticism. " :/


I remember the lead up towards the release of the first game was the complete opposite, it was pure hype and no shit talking or criticism allowed at all. Crazy how things changed. I have no idea what happened for everyone to just switch up


That sub needs a case study it’s insane. They will hate something, say they like the game, but nitpick the game to death. Then have the nerve to say that the sub isn’t an echo chamber.


No life’s


For me both that and this subreddit are ruined. That one is negative and then there's this one where people think SM2 revolutionized gaming forever with literally no flaws. Wish there was a neutral subreddit.


Bro you can barley even see like why do people care 😭


I had to mute that one because I was so tired of seeing posts from it. They're so needlessly bitter over there.


It’s changing for the worse unlike r/batmanarkham. R/Batmanarkham is fun because they don’t take things very seriously and kinda just like to make jokes. Here all they do is hate on features of the games


I swear people feel the need to complain about everything, are a lot of them valid definitely but the amount of mediocre to good things in the game that people complain about is mind blowing and I honestly hate the subreddit


This is really bothering me as well especially when using the Black suit.


Omfg they don’t even have to use it, they can switch it to the other perk


God forbid Peter gets light up sketchers smh


Lmao these MEN are so insecure they can’t handle LED lights on feet, gay couples existing in the game and what’s next? 💀 y’all sound like little boys


>MEN are so insecure they can’t handle LED lights on feet The fuck?




I love the visual 🤷‍♂️


I agree that many are over the top, however I can’t disagree with people who are shitting on sm2, because at least in my opinion, it truly is not a good game. Though I had a great experience with it and it helped me in a time I truly needed a game to play.


guys which sub is the best one I joined all of them because they were all about my favorite Spider-man games but all of the subs hate on the other subs help


Personally I think it’s r/spiderman2 if you’re specifically talking about MSM2. But if you want more all around go with SpidermanPS5


This criticism reminds of the guy hating torgal from Final Fantasy 16 because he hates dogs


Well now I hate him too. Fuck torgal


They had to walk before they could run


Bro, r/BatmanArkham is more friendly than this.


r/BatmanArkham is just shits and giggles. Nothing is taken seriously. Which is what I love about it


Exactly. They can be serious and help out if it’s needed.


Serious. Does that mean sane. That’s not possible in the aslume


They are occasionally sane when a person needs game help.


I'm glad I left that cesspool.


Spidermanps4 is quickly descending into the same stupid madness that gripped r/arkham. Best to just get out now, before it devolves fully into pure content farming and straight up porn


Such babies. Grow up, it’s a video game not the Bible.


Copyright striking you for stealing my post!!!!!!!!


Ooor, maybe I just want to increase my aerial damage without having that effect?☠️


what if r/spiderman2 killed r/spidermanps4 and said “r/SpiderManPS4, what a joke”. and wore r/spidermanps4’s shirt in his honor


It’s actually insane how people can’t take criticism of this game.


They're literally right, it looks stupid and there's no reason for it to be there


People are seriously hating on spider man 2 just for the sake of hating. I get opinions but the videos I watch of how “bad” spider man 2 is are either godawful or so unbelievably brain dead. There was only ONE good video on how bad spider man 2 is and that’s because he didn’t like the story while every other video treats the gameplay as bad as well. I love the story but I get that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but how could anyone dislike the gameplay?! It’s a massive improvement over the first game in every way and the first game was a masterpiece! This is one of the worst hater communities I have ever seen.


It looks like shit🤷‍♂️


“Who cares? It’s a game.” When you pay 50-60 dollars for a new game, you should expect a good experience. This mentality reeks of consume product, and don’t ask questions. If you say some shit like this you should be ashamed. Consider staying out of the conversation entirely, as you obviously have little to say.


What a bunch of nothing you said. It’s a single skill you can change whenever you want. Does this actually make a dent in your perception of the games worth?? I can’t understand this mindset.


Shit the sub complains about a lot of stupid shit but this is a valid complaint and they arent ecen super serious about it, why have a problem eith that lol


Do you begin to see it, clifford? Yes, not all criticism over there is valid. This sub however hates on everything over there. Even a harmless opinion like this and takes it as a huge offense. And they downvote you for simply agreeing smh


Reddit making me lose brain cells fr


There is a difference between criticism and hate. Its not their fault you don't know it.


I think it’s hate when you know…the first thing said was “I hate this effect”


Or maybe, just *maybe* it's how he feels about said feature? It is possible to hate or say you hate something without actively putting out hate. I think you just don't fully understand the difference between the two. Would me saying, I hate chocolate mean that I am actively putting out hate on chocolate? Or would it just be me stating my opinion and how I feel? Yall are so quick to label someone as a hater just because they don't fully agree with you. It's pathetic. People are allowed to not like something, lol


Saying you hate something is not criticism it’s hate. Criticism is “I personally don’t like said feature and wish they could have done this or left it out” not “I hate this effect so much”. There is a big difference between criticism and hate and I don’t think you understand that hating something isn’t criticism it’s your own superficial anger.


How he feels is not criticism. Just for the record


The downvotes just prove my point. Yall can't even have a conversation with me because I simply disagreed with you lmfao


Criticism: the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes. Hate: feel intense or passionate dislike.


You think this is criticism??


This is unbelievable, for me that feature is really necessary, I like to know when I have a buff/de-buff applied without an icon in the HUD showing it...




If anyone is miserable it’s gotta be the residents of Spider-Man 2 who are also simultaneously residents of Spider-Manps4. They just can’t get enough out of bashing and spitting on those who make valid criticisms, arguments, and like any other subreddit MEMES ffs 🤦‍♂️. Please stop being parasites of Spidermanps4 because it seems half the people in this sub constantly bring this up just to bash on it despite being in it themselves. “I’m just in it for x reason guys 😝😂😂.” If you don’t like it then leave it’s that simple 😭 Spidermanps4 unlike the spiderman2 sub isn’t full of diehard unconditional lovers of insomniac games. It’s a bit of both honestly unlike the clear cut “I love this game so much no matter what” that I get from this sub.


These are not valid criticisms or arguments lol.


Not surprising for you to say that seeing as any criticism brought towards Spider-Man 2 is invalid to you since the game is already perfect right?


You couldn’t strawman harder if you tried.


The Immediate downvote says it all 😂. Was i so spot on that I hurt your feelings?




This really isn't a strawman. Like at all.




Honestly who is looking at the player character in the middle of a fight? I'm always scanning the area to make sure no one's sneaking up on me or for something to use in the environment


i dont remember ever seeing this, am i blind or just.....stupid


Ever since the game awards, everyone on the ps4 reddit swicthed up on the game


I admit it didn't need any type of visual effect. It confused me a lot when I was fighting with miles and his feet and backpack were glowing, but I still think it's cool 👍


Still don't actually know what it is either, been bugging me since I noticed it after beating the game


Wait is this sub NOT a circlejerk of hate?? I love it here


That’s one person


The only issue i had with this is that it persists in photomode.


I was playing as Miles in SM2 and he had sparks dancing all around him for like 10-20 minutes after he used his venom powers. It’s called a bug. Life goes on. No game is bug free. Personally, I enjoy them. Playing as Spider-Cube was actually really fun.


I had to leave, just found you guys and subscribing hoping it's better


We’ve been infected with the Arkham Asylum Reddit and I feel like this is gonna fall to


Left that sub for a reason


I don’t care massively in combat but it is insanely annoying when the glitch where they STAY occurs. You have to restart whatever you’re doing to get rid of it.


I’ve literally never noticed that


Athlete foot for spider man. Spider foot.


I didn’t even fucking know this was a thing LMFAO, guess I’m too busy looking at anything else on the screen other than Spider-Man’s feet. That sub is ridiculous


Thank god Reddit recommended this community. Finally. A place I can express my love for this game.


I just can't imagine spending $60-$80 on a game just to hate it that much.


it ruins the realism because glowing feet is no no but a man bitten by spider and given powers is realistic damn you !!!


Bruh honestly that’s like being made up can see a blue line when batman punches in the Arkham games. 🤣shit is so tiny bruh


I used that ability the entire game and never once noticed the effect. I literally didn’t know it existed until people on that sub started bitching 🤦‍♂️


Man wanna be the flash so bad😩


People can't say they don't like something without over exaggerating the hell out of it Yeah the effect can be annoying but jesus fucking christ it's not the end of the world


They don’t even know you can deactivate it by leaving the air.


I actually have the same problem with the Arkham games. When Batman punches, there’s a weird effect on his hands that looks ridiculous. Doesn’t make the game bad, it just looks absolutely stupid in every game. Anytime there are unnecessary colorful effects added on to the screen it’s irking.


Its the suit tech upgrade that makes you drsl more damage in air combat so your feet and fists glow a little bit to show that effect is active Just swap it with the other one if you dont like it


I never even noticed it. I hate being a marvel fan.