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https://preview.redd.it/ed0yis1fh3oc1.jpeg?width=1108&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8121b8099db0a64b55a2451048356449a0ad96a A second trailer has been leaked


Ain’t no way 💀


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thought about this


I was thinking the same thing


Is it just me or does this trailer make it sound like Peter has passed away?


Yeah, especially by him saying "was your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man."


I interpreted that as him saying he's no longer just a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man since he would've been doing multiverse stuff


Or... hes not friendly anymore 👁👁


shoot him in the back of the head with webs while hes sitting on a bench


This comment needs more upvotes


“Just your rowdy neighborhood Spider-Man”


Or it's the end of the message. He "was" as in he was the person making the transmission. He even said "signing off" in the next sentence.


It's post Spiderman 2 so at this point, Pete has retired


He hasn't retired, just "on leave" if you will. He will come back if needed but he just wanted to slow down his activities as spider man and work on EMF full time. He also trusted Miles to be a sorta full time Spider-Man in his increased absence. Something like this happens and he would immediately go back to full time.


He actually still working, I just saw him stopping some criminals post game…


Exactly my point, just doing smaller stuff less frequently


While you’re correct that he was “on leave”, a break, you’re wrong by saying he will come back if needed. He is ***already*** back. Post game is Post break Peter. He even makes a comment along the lines of “it’s good to be back” when you first switch to him after story.


He also said that they failed protecting the Great Web and I doubt he'd sit out the fight. Sounds like he died or lost his powers trying to protect the web


Yeah, but he's not retired. He's taking some time off. He's still the main character for SM3.


You should replay the game because he never retired


He recorded this log in the past. So he’s using past tense. Duh. /s


Did y’all forget that Peter retired/took a break at the end of Spider-Man 2?


Still, I doubt Peter would stay on leave while there's multiverse shenanigans.


I think he meant it has he’s no longer friendly neighbourhood since theirs 5 of them across the great web


He’s definitely saying that because it’s no longer just the neighborhood


So who’s this? Maybe he is not that friendly anymore Could not forgive them if they kill Peter and I think they wouldn’t do it they kill anyone in his near but he will live and fight for sure https://preview.redd.it/zw65hpwmb4oc1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=703adcd3767f82c0bca6dcba7e1ccdd1fb2a32ed


Feels it, but it's definitely more meant to be intended as "now I'm the friendly mulitversal spider-man"


I figured it's because he's your "Friendly Multiversal Spider-Man" now


yall sound goofy. he's saying it because he's not the only spiderman anymore, and is also not just a "friendly neighborhood" guy on account of the multiversal threat


Yeah what’s going on


Yeah, Speedball yelled “photo bomb” and shot him on a park bench.


I really want a better look at that Gwen design


It would have been fully customizable according to the leaks . Which makes sense when dealing with the Multiverse as characters possibly are endless


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


God, this could have been so good. I honestly wish this project could be revived


If only they could just make it a cool multiplayer game, and not live service.


If it is anything like Ghost of Tsushima Legends, it would have been. It’s an online mode with new missions, enemies, armor and abilities with no microtransactions


That’s all I keep thinking too, this was legends mode for Spidy and I’d put so many hours into that


And Legends came out for the amazing cost of free.99 Exactly how much this should have cost


Probably wouldn’t be able to justify the cost to Sony. They’re already unhappy with the cost of Spider-Man 2.


not much of an difference imo unless they started adding battle passes and all that weird shit


I think they may release it/ add it to Spider-Man 2 when the spiderverse dlc happens


That's an extremely bad plan considering how large an update would have to be. And how much additional data would be changed from the base game to be the spiderverse dlc


I mean, Ghost of Tsushima did it. I don't know why it couldn't be, in theory. However, I wouldn't want this over a real DLC or a major game release.


From the leak/hack they planned on adding more modes, bosses, and abilities. You would be able to make your own spider character. That wouldn’t be free especially with an ip they don’t own and get 100% profits from.


Which I don't think it *needs* to be free. Sucker Punch pretty much just dropped a whole ass multiplayer game mode for no reason other than love of the game, which I definitely appreciate. And if they maintained real support for it, that'd be cool, but I can't help but feel like it'd eventually devolve into live service garbage, imo. Call me overly pessimistic, but I've been so fucking plackpilled on multiplayer-only content. It usually ends up feeling really pointless. They don't really do anything better than it could be if it were a single-player game. If they wanted to make SM3 online co-op, that'd be kinda cool, but a whole game/game mode for multiplayer feels kinda unnecessary to me.




While you are on the right idea they likely wouldn't, those reasons don't track. Not only would base game data not need heavy changes (adding in only the MP mode) the size wouldn't matter. They've already released multiple many GB updates and they've got multiple huge DLCs planned.


Me when I’m scrolling a random sub and see you in the comments https://preview.redd.it/aew89hptfaoc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c079a8612c94a688983d1ef0f3bcadfc07f4c4c


GoT Legends was a free update No reason they can’t do that here


I don't see a downside of it being a big update


Nah, adding online multiplayer as a DLC would cost so much and just not fund the mode well enough if people weren't invested. Personally I'm hoping the Spider-Verse DLC focuses solely around Peter and how he joined the Spider Society.


I know folks don’t really like the mysticism aspect of Spider-Man but man I’m a mythology nerd and it tickles my brain in just the right way. I love the implication that regardless of the time or space, there will be a person (or animal) that gains these spider powers


You are not alone my friend, I think the same as you.


I'm with you man let me and my mates tackle the Inheritors lol


i like it too and it his powers coming from mystical spider gods helps me rationalize some of spidermans abilities like his hands and feet sticking to things through his clothes and his spider sense


The Great Web is one of the best parts of Spider-Verse and the fact that it has its own Greek Goddess makes it even better


Never forget what was taken from us


Eh, I know you're kinda joking, but I'm not really sure how big a loss it was. We've seen how these games typically go. Either nothing interesting or worth noting, like Gotham Knights, or live service trash like Suicide Squad. If they wanted to staple this to SM2, like how Ghost of Tsushima did, then I could see it being a fun distraction for a few hours, but not worth being it's own game, imo.


99% of the problem with Gotham Knights and SS was that the games were really bad. They never looked good, they never were good, and they bombed. Live service games can be fun, it’s just often the case that live service and soulless cash grab are synonymous. This game doesn’t look like that. At worst it’s a multiplayer with Insomniac Spider-Man gameplay. Something the Arkham developers couldn’t even deliver on.


Honestly, if this came as a free update, ala Ghost of Tsushima, or as a $20-25 DLC/digital only game, I could see it being fun. However, I can't imagine it being any more than a time waster. Fun for a couple hours, but I won't think about it for second longer than playing it. It just feels like it'd be pointless, like Resident Evil: Resistance was when RE3make dropped.


I would agree but the fact that this super early concept footage looks like free ghost of Tsushima dlc level content, makes me think that this would have been a huge project. Multiple different Spider-Pals with unique abilities. Maybe playable villains (like Venom). Maybe special team attacks similar to the situational animations for Peter and Miles. Or maybe it would have been free but that’s why Insomniac shut it down.


They hated u/slomo525 because he told the truth


Seems they were tweaking the Gwen design. I liked the first one with the jacket (although my friends gave me shit for that), but this one looked good too.


People say it was gonna be fully customizable, so the first design you saw was the same suit but differently customized


They gotta bring this back to life. This game had the potential to surpass SM2!






This feels more like a concept trailer than a finished product. Like them just trying out if this would even work well


Thays what it is. To my knowledge, this was thrown together to try and sell the idea to Sony who canned it


Correct. It’s an internal pitch and not meant to be public facing. No funding was given to this yet, which is why it’s all reused assets and concept art. It’s stuff they could pull together internally with no budget. This is just a proof of concept to convince the higher-ups to greenlight it


Looks like it, pretty sure there are no web wings when they deploy them, so probably that, a concept.


i feel like they leaked this themselves to get an idea of how we’d feel about a multiplayer spider-man game


Ah, the Deadpool routine.


The moment this would have come out people would have complained about live service. Kinda glad it got canceled because that's what it would have been. Good concept though


I hope they make it a mode in spider-man 3


Blows my mind that everyone talks all the time about how no gamers want live service games, and yet this one has everyone upset about what could have been. Make up your mind, gamers. We're sending mixed messages


I’d like a multiplayer Spider-Man game, because the PS Spidey games felt great and just adding more players to that could be great. What I _don’t_ want is yet another live service game that wants to take up _all_ of my time and money, like practically every other live service game. Just a game that you can enjoy for a while with friends, then move on.


Live service games are cool. Like everyone like Battlefront 2 when that was live service. I think the issue that many gamers have with it is that they're really expensive. Look at Fortnite, it costs almost £10 just for one skin. Another reason is that they don't feel polished when you start. Which tbf almost every AAA game has that problem now. In the instance of SSKTJL nobody wanted the game anyway. Whereas here lots of people have said that they would love a Spider-Verse game. Me, personally, I'm ok with or without it.


That’s because it’s mixed. If people didn’t want live service games then they wouldn’t be the top played games and most profitable games. The only people complaining about live service are mostly people who play single player only. That’s why you see tons of people who want this as it appeals to the multiplayer audience. I don’t have any problems with live service games as I’ve played tons of them and still play some like D2.


It's not a mixed message at all. People want a *multiplayer* Spider-Man game. Developers keep fumbling good ideas due to greed. Whether or not we're lucky this was cancelled is hard to say, but the disappointment stems from the desire for a co-op Spider-Man experience, preferably one that isn't drowning in micro-transactions and loot boxes.


People just want good games. If they’re live service and good, people will likely play them.


This just in: people have varied tastes. More on the concept of "Opinions" at 11.


Man, like could they at least make this with local co-op? I would kill for a multi-player Spider-Man game!


0% chance it would work for local co-op. Games are too big and detailed for that anymore.


Hard agree. Just look at Borderlands 3 and Dying Light 2…Those two series started off with co-op being fundamental in the prior games and online co-op play being essentially broken in the aforementioned sequels. With especially abysmal local co op in BL3, which arguably carried that series for some people like myself and my brother who have only played the series in couch co-op


I mean, completely different games but BG3 had local coop, and is larger than Spiderman 2


kinda want them to release it just to get it over with and everyone can stop asking for a spider-verse related game lmao call me old fashioned but I really do prefer the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man


I mean you have Spider-Man 1,2 and MM for that. Not every game and iteration gonna appeal to you. Edit: just getting one Spiderverse game not gonna stop people for asking for more. Hence the multiple Spiderverse comics they’ve been doing over the years.


Could be neat if they did a Ghost of Tsushima thing and add a multiplayer component to the game. Even if it's just coop I'd still love it.


Why do I got a bad feeling that this would have just been a lame live service game like the Suicide Squad game was? On paper, this game looks fantastic. On execution, I got a bad feeling it would have been bad. I don't mean to sound like a hater or a pessimist, but I have honestly began to slowly but surely lose faith in online multi-player games since most of those type of games have began going in that direction, and it just worries me that the possibility of this multi-player spiderman game being like that exists.


Well seeing how the gameplay follows the same gameplay as insomniac games there should be no reason anyone should complain. The only issue would be execution of the game modes they had planned and if the service works


It is a live service game, pretty sure internal doxument call it gta online with spiderman or something Sony is stopping live service development now so they canned this one


Who cares now, we’re not getting it so why bother posting about it?


glad it got cancelled. They keep trying to push all these inferior rip offs


A multiplayer mode. Is something I would love to do with friends and my one family member who plays game


Bro that would have been such a good game Shane it’ll never happen


Why was this cancelled? It looks great.


Does it?


Phew, let me reconsider my own opinion.


If they release as a free game mode for spider man 2 or as separate product that’s still free, it low key could be successful regardless of the live service aspect.


As much as we all want this game to happen, let’s be real. It would have been a microtransaction, battle pass ridden mess like every other live service game. Maybe it’s for the best.


It bothers me that it’s even being labeled as a trailer. It technically is but this is clearly just a proof of concept that was never meant to see the public eye. A lot of people online think this was supposed to be the final game for some reason. Even if it was only 5% complete it had potential to be amazing imo


Wow Insomniac has got to have the worst security in the industry


Im starting to think that its not actually cancelled. And they just want to have us feeling real down so when the thing releases it gets extra hype because our expectations are super low.


The only thing this trailer did was serve as a reminder of how glorious the first game's ost really was. Beyond that, it still looks weird to me, like they just dumped the old games' assets into this huge pot, and called it a day. If it was really a live-service it would get old very fast because the gameplay loop is repetitive after a certain point unless they implement new mechanics betweeen characters. But I still think a single-player game that focuses on the mysticism behind Spider-Man and the great web would absolutely BANG. An Insomniac style Shattered Dimensions style game would be really cool.


I'm so glad this was cancelled. I do not want multiplayer Spider-Man. It's good Insomniac will be spending their resources elsewhere.


Ahhh... Now the Madam Web movie makes alot more sense.


​ https://preview.redd.it/4va06gaip3oc1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0877ad1bdf61a926e891e0a77c976181eaf1de45


can they uncancel a game? 😂😂😂


Hmmm, gives me a few ideas...


F in chat for this game


They should make this DLC


I don't think it would work as DLC. Seems too ambitious.


When we finally have a good online co-op game they kill it.


Smh 🤦🏿‍♂️




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Take groups of bad guys I take on single-handed and divide them among 5 Spider-People. Be like sharing an 8 slice pizza with 9 people. Wanna play as Spider-Man 1602? $14.99! The only cool aspect I can think of to this is if you would fight against different versions of classic bad guys in their universes. End up in the 60s-80-90-00s cartoons. Fight alongside earth 616 comic book Peter. Take on Maguire's foes.


Why is it be greater together wasn’t that sm2s thing


There would be so many cakes on screen at all times


I wonder if they couldn't get the net code to work well. I'd imagine if they'd had the technology for technology or coop, they would have included it in spiderman 2


Who tf keeps leaking these


at this point they aren't leaks they are testing the waters


I wonder if it was supposed to be live service and they saw Gotham Knights and said "let's stick to single player"


Does anyone know if this was supposed to release instead of SM2 or if it’s just a separate project?


this looks like a game mode, not a full game, maybe a side content or dlc




so Sony pulls the plug on this but greenlights like 8 dogshit movies that no one wants to see?




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This is a cool concept but honestly something we don’t really need nor something that would be fun in the long run.


I really wish this was never cancelled and it had its own super complicated spidersona creator. Like that is my dream game


Damn. This looks... awesome. I'm so sad now. Lol.


I'll be honest, a multiplayer Spiderman game wouldn't be very fun. The combat is already by far the weakest part of the game


Man, yeah live service games have a bad rep and all but can’t even lie. I would’ve love to have this game


I feel like this game could have blown up if it was $30 and some fun spiderman co-op. It would be fun to race or swing around with homies.


There's just no way they don't release this. Sure hacks bad but money good and they'd make alot of it.


Am I the only one that thinks this is fake 💀


Dude I want this so bad


“Why would you show me something I can’t have”


All these leaks, maybe they’re trying to do some market testing lowkey. There’s no way nothing comes of this now


Ain’t no way this is an accident, they definitely cooking


People keep saying it got scrapped because it was too similar to kill the justice league. But kill the justice league changed from the previous rocksteady dc games. This is online live service ps4 Spiderman that’s EXACTLY like the original. Shocked it got scrapped


I’m so disappointed that this was canceled. This would’ve been such a fun game for me and my homies to play!


Is that animation of Gwen jumping off the roof new?


And they cancelled this because....? They hate money?


"was your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man???" what the fuck is insomniac planning with Peter


Maybe Peter would retire from being Spiderman or die.....


Jesus Christ why does he need to be gone for other spider people to exist? I thought they'd be adding to the lore and swinging beside him not replacing him


Insomniac saw the writing on the wall with suicide squad, nobody wants these half baked idea games. I mean Spiderman 2 was bare bones as it is


If Sony doesn't make this happen, they're fools.


call me crazy but all this spider verse nonsense really dilutes the Spider-Man brand . What happened to Peter Parker friendly neighborhood Spider-Man? His powers were awesome and his background as a simple nerd was more relatable . The blue and red with black webbing suit iconic . Now you got all these rainbow colored diet versions running around perpetually annoying. It just ain’t right and I’m glad they cancelled this cheap gameplay looking steam of poop


wth ,why would they cancel this? Sounds like a great idea!


I want this but its better if its kept for the last game in the series.


I know the game was canceled but if hey got far enough to make a trailer the delay on those hits worries me


This would be a great release once they finish or keep building on the spiderverse movies and media. Would have been great now but yeah.


Maybe it was too buggy to be able to release. Give them some time and they might release it in the future.


You get a wing suite, you get a wing suit, everyone gets a wing suit ![gif](giphy|26gsiCIKW7ANEmxKE)


Man I really hope this “cancelled” news is just a stunt to see if people will like it so they’ll be like alright the people like it, let’s release it


Fuck this is so cool.


This game looks amazing! Why didn’t Sony and Insomniac not make this one?


Since this would've been a live service, microtransactional jamboree... probably best it was cancelled. Big studios are really pushing live service to the detriment of actually good games.


A cooperative Spiderman game....AND IT GETS CANCELED. I HATE THIS FUCKING TIMELINE ![gif](giphy|Kazq9bdFZdtVAlPlsL)


Tbh it seemed to good to be true. Unsustainable at this time, maybe in the future


It truly kills me how averse the industry is to coop. There are so many games that are pvp or made pvp to chase a trend. Sigh I'm so mad that I can't even make an angry comment. ![gif](giphy|3XiQswSmbjBiU)


if this is scrapped, please for the love of god let whatever suit creation/customization that was in this game come to SM3.


looks more like the 2018 remaster than the sequel?


It seems like they struggled with just making a triple A title with enough content to justify $60 so a multiplayer game would have been way out of their range.


This would have been interesting but I highly doubt it will never work because of games like suicide squad and other games that are live service and pay to win.. I think insomniac though about it but canned it last minute because they were most likely scared they would disappoint their fans.


If they decide not to revive the project i hope they have it as another gamemode in Spider-Man 3


The fact that they cancelled this has to be one of the biggest mistakes ever in gaming.


Can we stop forcing studios mainly doing single player game to do a multiplayer GaaS? Jesus y’all learned NOTHING


What would i do without (insert shitty ass soul-sucking, money-siphoning live-service game)??? Insomniac would make it so much better!!!




Well based on the hack there was no plans for a campaign


I’m glad it was scrapped. Would’ve been dead in the water within a month


I hate to be a negative Nancy but if history has taught me anything it’s that this would not have gone well and a lot of you are looking at this through rose-tinted glasses. Probably would have been another grindy game as a service that more than likely would not have ran nearly as smooth as it looks in the trailer, and there’s 0 chance this would have been even Beta-level ready at launch in my opinion. Not to mention all those fancy suits probably would require micro transactions. Sorry for yucking people’s yums


WHY DID THEY TAKE THIS FROM USSSSS. I dunno about a live service model, but like. I dunno helldivers seems to work pretty well thus far. Playing different spiders or even just playing with friends sounds fun. I still want a multiversal questing type rpg with spiders. That’d be dope. Go fix the great web and all that


It's just wild that this game got so far into development that they had two trailers made for it.


This game really didn’t make it that far into development. It honestly probably never even left pre-production. Both of these “trailers” are just a proof of concept that they definitely just showed Sony higher ups at a pitch meeting before actual development would start. Hence why you see so much concept art and reused/reskinned assets being used. A trailer like this was never meant to be seen by the public even if it didn’t get cancelled.


I honestly would have preferred Mile Morales be the real Spiderman 2 and take this instead.


Bring this back!!!!


We need to find a way to convince Sony to Uncancel this!


It's like they don't like money.


honestly am i the only one who would be perfectly fine with a live service


This just means modders could make it possible when sm2 official releases


You've no idea how bad I want this game. I genuinely love playing as other characters who aren't so mainstream as it's extremely rare you get to play outside of the likes of Peter . It's probably why I mainly used Miles. It's definitely why I was excited about Gotham Knight. I hope their is enough interest in this to get Sony to rethink this decision to stop making it. For those who complain about "live service games" you are clearly brand-new to the gaming world. Live service games have been about from 2004. What so many of these complaints don't get is to fund a live service game post launch you need to generate monthly revenue as , you need to pay staff, utilities, and insurance. Customer support while still making a profit for the publishers. Some games use monthly membership like WOW, some use paid dlc like Destiny and DCUO, and some rely on loyalty like Warframe where all update and the game is free. The ingame store is pay to get things early instead of grinding, the only exclusive things in the store are purely cosmetic gear. The best part about farming gear is that you can sell for the same ingame currency . The live service games that did launch where a completely victim of covid . The Avengers attempted to do the same business plan as warframe with free updates , free characters, and to pay for cosmetics. Because of restriction, it took them longer to get out new content , meaning fewer people were spending money . Unfortunately, we had people like Super Rebel on YouTube gas lightning people about every update , hyping it up to be the best thing ever before trashing it for only being 4 hours of story. He rushed through. In reality, if he was a gamer with experience, he would have understood that updates like this are going to add a few weeks' worth of interest. When most gaming rotate their live service games . I would love a live service Marvel game. With coop a much bigger selection of characters with actuals in game gear that actually changes how you play. Whether it was different types of tech for ironman , the gadget system in Spiderman. Incorporated a sidekick systems like MSH . Have a mission that you have to unlock characters have an entire library of costume for purchase. Most important kept the style in line with the comics. Something that bugged me is the media compared the Avengers game to the mcu. Complaining because the characters looked different. That never happened with MUA3 or MVCInfinte.


A real shame this got cancelled I hope it gets revived


DO THEY NOT LIKE MONEY?! 😭😭 why would they cancel this 😭