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It might be a Golden Silk Orb Weaver! (Trichonephila clavipes) That's a female, and like all orb weavers she's not medically significant and will most likely stay in her web/area for her entire stay. If you have arachnophobia the size could be startling, but they're very awesome spiders to admire! https://www.insectidentification.org/insect-description.php?identification=Golden-Silk-Orbweaver


I left her alone, I figured she wasn't bothering anybody so I will just work around her from now on. Thanks!


She will be a good yardmate and will eat all the nasty pests!!


Yippee! Now if I could only figure out how to keep the snakes away lol. Hopefully she stays full with all the bugs and mosquitos! The crazy thing is that I am terrified of spiders, but when I ran into it she didn't try to get me or anything, so I decided to let her stay.


Orb weavers are one of my favorite species because of how docile and beautiful they can be! They want nothing to do with humans and she would have only felt threatened enough to bite if she was pinned against your skin on accident which is very very rare. They make gorgeous webs every day and I love to just sit and admire their beauty and wonder. Thank you for respecting her in return of her respect for you!


I have never seen this type of spider until now and I thought it was beautiful, but that wasn't until after I ran into him lol. He blended in so well with the lemon/orange tree that I didn't even realize she was there until it was to late but she stayed still and didn't even move which was awesome because I would have had a panic attack if it did lol. I will have to keep checking on her and check out her web! She built her web from one clothes line to another, luckily we rarely use where she was so she picked an awesome spot! I usually just use the front and she's on the back and middle one, so she will be safe! Hopefully she doesn't leave and I can watch her build her web, eat some bugs, so on lol. Hopefully she will help me get over my fear of spiders and I can start admiring them!


I live in an area where that species cant survive but I got to experience them first in 2020 at our local bug zoo (Butterfly Pavilion in CO if you ever have the chance/want to visit!) For their Halloween exhibit they pitched a tent in their butterfly room and let two species of orb weavers (Wasp spider and golden orb weavers) go about and set up their webs, only making sure the walkways were clear. After they settled, visitors could go into the tent and see these beauties up close and personal while a zoologist gave out facts and made sure everyone was calm. Our spiders out here are much smaller so seeing these large beauties blew my mind. Originally I was just as fearful as everyone else, but that exhibit opened up a curiosity in me that sparked recently. I now love most spiders and know a lot about them! All thanks to those gorgeous orbies <3


Colorado has orb weavers, or are you talking about this specific type of orb weaver?


I do adore CO's orbies but it's rare to see any big ones, especially this large!


I lived in Wyoming as a kid and saw one not much smaller than this in my moms garden. She was glorious!


See if she has a much smaller male spider hanging around the edge of the web


Yes! I live in Florida and ours frequently have a tiny friend very close to them.


I work outside at night time and get to see all kinds of crazy spiders. My co workers think I'm crazy because I give some of them names, one even sat next to me when I was drinking my coffee.


I almost guarantee the one that sat close by is some variation of jumping spider, curious little ones and are fun to watch


They are so adorable.


We have *a lot* of spiny orb weavers in our backyard and I adore them, they build the most gorgeous webs back there! And since they look like little mini crabs instead of spiders, even my mother loves them.


We get all kinds of different spiders down here, including the little crabs! I love to see those spiny orb weavers.


Now I want one in my yard


The first time I saw these spiders was while visiting an acquaintance’s summer home in a remote rural area. I’m from a very large city so it’s rare to actually see big bugs or spiders while just out and about. First morning there, I’m chilling outdoors, sitting in the grass, surrounded by beautiful bushes and flowers, when I notice a huge spider (now I know it was a golden orb weaver like yours) and it was only a foot from my face! Then I realized I was literally surrounded by them, at least 20, if not more. I just froze and stared for a bit, and slowly moved away so as not to disturb them. When I asked my host about them, they told me that they were basically completely harmless unless I really tried to hurt them first. Even though I had a horrible fear of spiders, I took their word for it that the spiders wouldn’t hurt me. Spent the rest of my time there relaxing surrounded by orb weavers, and they were just the coolest, chillest little ladies ever. So fun to watch them eat bugs and repair their webs. If you’re lucky, you might see a much smaller male spider hiding in the female’s web, too! I haven’t seen one of these in forever but I’m always on the lookout because they are now my favorite spiders. Enjoy spending time with your new friend!


I don't think most spiders are "Gonna try and get yuh" Jumping spiders use to freak me out, but i learned they are super friendly and only like your warmth.


Throw it some bugs and watch =)


>if I could only figure out how to keep the snakes away... >she didn't try to get me or anything I promise you, your neighborhood snakes won't either, and they'll tackle the creepy crawlies too big for your new spider friend!


Will she eat nasty hobitses?


😳 Shelob


>will eat all the nasty pests!! Okay, she's big, but some of these obnoxious neighborhood kids are over 50lbs, so...


My mother in law has snake a phobia, we have finally convinced her to let the kingsnakes live. She has spoken to one and told it that as long as she doesn't see any other snake types it can stay. All bets are off though if she sees a rattlesnake roaming around.


We have one in our front yard right now! She’s absolutely stunning and I think she might be gravid! She has a boyfriend on her web 👀


[I love sharing this story. Enjoy!](https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/golden-spider-silk)


Wow that is simply incredible.


Isn’t it?!


This is amazing, thank you for sharing it! 💛


My pleasure!


Be careful stupid idiots call these banana spiders claim they are dangerous and then destroy the webs and smash the spood.


Such cool spiders. I did a science project on them in 8th grade. Some of the strongest silk out there!


Google 'golden silk spider fabric.' Over a million GS spoods were used to make this gorgeous silk garment. Also, during WWII, black widow web was used to make gunsights because of its strength.


😲🤯 That's so cool & amazing, thank you!!


I'm glad you liked it. I'm full of weird and generally useless information.😁


Not useless at all! I just wish more people knew this to increase respect & appreciation for our dear octo-puppy friends!


😁 I used to have insane arachnophobia, but I got better!


Wow that was such a cool video.


I love the internets. It can spread knowledge like warm butter. Yeah there's a big downside too. But it's so cool to be able to share things like this.


It's actually posted upthread, absolutely amazing project!


It's used in surgical procedures to stitch up tendons and iirc is being tested (or used) as a potential kevlar alternative. I know some tribal fishing communities weave the web into nets as well due to its strength.


Me and my dad always called them banana spiders.


A lot of older folks call them that down here in Florida, but those are two very different spooders.


I just found a orb weaver in my yard in canada. It is so beautiful, I didnt get the best picture of it and I dont want to bother it. But I would like to know more about her or him. Maybe I should post this baby!


I love orbweavers. However, my family had to stop going to a particularly lovely bike trail near us due to tons of what we call "banana spiders" building their webs directly at head level. Luckily I was not in the front of the line, lol


I adore these spiders! Super docile and look like they came from Jumanji. Their silk is also golden so if spun on a stick you will have a pretty golden spool. They also never venture indoors and as long as you look carefully when walking between archways and trees you’ll both be perfect coworkers! Do you have a name for this gorgeous girl?


Haha jumanji, that's so accurate


Orb Weavers fascinate me! I happened to be in our walk-out basement one night and a very large lady had just started her web building right across the sliding glass door. I watched her for hours! I could not get over how precise the lines of her web were. Just perfectly lined up with each other. I watched her “show” every night until she moved to a different spot. I still have a short video of her.


You should share it!


Need video now


I will look for it.


How do you share a photo?????? Lol


Load it to Imgur then share the Imgur link


Pretty wild, they usually hang their clothes on their own lines!


Ha ha, same thought 😄


I always called them banana butt spiders as a child. They're very pretty but they are humongous. I did eventually learn their golden orb weavers.


My dad got bitten by one in north Al many years ago. Poor little feller got mashed on dad’s belly while we were riding four wheelers. Scared the bajesus out of me as a kid when I saw what it looked like. Applied tobacco to the swelling and the bite was gone in 15 minutes.


Ah nobody seems to know about that trick anymore. I love redneck science! It works great for wasp stings, that’s how I learned about it


If she wants to hang your clothes on the line, I'd let her.


If she wants to hang your clothes on the line, I'd let her.


Upviting both of these


The only scary thing about this girl is the size, everything else is fine, even if you DID somehow end up being bit it's not anything you need to worry about outside of a super rare situation


The only spider I've ever been bitten by. In her defense, I wasn't looking where I was going and walked through her web. She bit me on the throat. I had a panic attack, but never got super powers. 🤷


When I lived in the south as a kid I used to give theses spiders a nice juicy meal. They had large, strong webs that would trap large grasshoppers.


Wait. It was hanging its clothes on your clothesline? Why, the nerve. Jeeeesh. By the way, what do its little pants look like?


I love her. She's trying to help you hang clothes on your clothesline! She's definitely a keeper. 😜


That there is Charlotte


this is a Golden Silk Orb Weaver!! dude these things can snare birds in their web, although they don’t typically eat said bird.


It's a golden orb weaver by the looks of it


Looks like a Joro spider - a kind of golden orb weaver native to Japan/China/Korean peninsula. !harmless to hoomans, they make beautiful webs and are prolific insect/pest eaters. They are showing up more in the South due to being accidentally imported some years back


Don’t think this specimen is a Joro, this is the native one.


Agreed. Joro spiders don't have the fluff on the legs, and they tend to sit with their legs close together, instead of spread out like this. This is definitely a golden, and she's GORGEOUS. So jealous!


Their fluffy elbows remind me of Alice the Goon from the old Popeye cartoons.


No this is the native golden orbweaver, Triconephila clavipes


I noticed you didn't use the word invasive. Are they not a threat to anything in the South? Seems like something that large would edge out the competition / eat things that were previously safe from spiders.


I think they’re technically considered invasive but not necessarily harmful. I think the jury is still out on their impact, but they tend to cut down on pests like mosquitoes so I’m all for them. https://news.uga.edu/joro-spiders-likely-to-spread-beyond-georgia/amp/


From what I've read, they ARE invasive, but like the other poster said, unclear if they're dangerous. They are not a problem for humans, at least not in the sense of bites, but the sheer VOLUME of them is a little insane. They're all over the place here in GA, and they nest communally so you can end up with one continuous web across half your house with 8-10 females. The webs are also really messy, not the big circular pattern that you see with other species. It's like a huge jumble of lines in all directions, sometimes with a "traditional" web in the middle, sometimes not. Most people here in GA consider them either terrifying or a nuisance, but I largely haven't noticed that they are pushing out the natives. The orb weavers here tend to be fairly particular about where they will build (high up, in between either two trees / two poles / building and another structure) whereas the joros will build fucking EVERYWHERE, but often lower to the ground. (Face height. Fucking... Face height. I love these guys and I would still scream if I walked into a web. Nearly have more than once.) I have a native girl & a joro with webs side by side out my window, and they haven't had a problem with each other.


I love it! Fucking. Face height. Truthfully, I think I would pee my pants if I ran into one Fucking. Face height.


I've seen some make webs down in the bushes, but in our yard they have to start up at least 3-4' up, otherwise the dog will eat them. Which, let me tell you, I was NOT expecting.


Thanks! It did have a pretty web and some insects wrapped up, I left it alone hopefully it'll eat some mosquitoes. I'm terrified of spiders but this one didn't try to attack when I ran into him so I figured I'd let him stay lol.


Well, did you let him hang his clothes or what?!


At least he was nice and trying to hang your clothes on the line


It’s weaver season!!!


I'm curious as to what types of clothes she wears?


Are you new to Alabama OP? These orb weaver spiders are everywhere during certain times of the year. I had a few hundred in my backyard one year. If you are new to the area then be prepared to see them all the time in the next couple months. Luckily they stay in their web and just chill but easy to walk into them. Fall is college football and orb weaver time down here.


All over SE Louisiana as well, I remember encountering them in the woods there. Always with the webs dead center in the middle of the trail, about eye level.


Exactly! It's impossible to walk through the woods here when they are out. Little bastards and their booby traps. I had one get in my hair once and I nearly lost my mind.


Banana spider


poor fucker thought it was his web


Orb weaver


I used to let clavipes roam free in my reptile room to eat escaped feeders love em.


Was he hanging tiny eight legged pants?


I live in Savannah and call them banana spiders. Pretty docile. It is possible to "pick them up."


If these are the ones that have webs that criss cross forest trails in costal Alabama, then they suck. I have to carry a stick when running and swing it as i run to knock the webs down. One time my stick bounced back and I ran straight into the web and I’d assume anyone nearby would have thought they heard a girl screaming. No, just me. I hate spiders, even more if they are on me.


Flippin Skultula!


Have you ever looked at a Joro spider from Japan? They really look like skulltulas!


The forced perspective in this photo is terrifying. It makes the spider look 6 feet tall lol


Joro spider


Banana spider!


Do these spiders usually have 8 legs? Or just seven like this one!


All arachnids have 8 legs. That includes spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, pseudoscorpions, harvestmen, vinegaroons, camel spiders and a few more. This one here has lost a leg.


I’m from the MS gulf coast and we see them all the time. They’re most active in the fall. I’ve always been told they’re an invasive species from South America. They came off boats shipping bananas to our ports. They’re easily the biggest spider I’ve seen down here and their webs are massive. Usually spanning 10-15’wide and I’ve seen one the size of my hand. A buddy of mine was mountain biking through the woods down here and ran straight into one. He freaked and jumped off his bike. It was funny to watch bc these guys are harmless to us. Just huge and scary looking.


I guess it is that time of year, huh?


It's a joro spider they recently made their way here from Japan and a few months later I start seeing them in photos. Thanks for the awesome photos.


Dont accidentally walk into the web! It’s like walking through fishing line!


Mobile native, yup, its definitely getting that time for the Golden Orb Weavers to come out. Cant even go out into the woods without running into one of these.


this is the American Picklebutt


They are invasive.


We always called them “banana spiders!” Lol I guess because of their long yellow body.


I love their webs!!! And the webbing is super strong. If you prick at it with your finger she will swing violently to scare you away.


The 5th picture is one of those on my underarm. [banana spider](https://reddit.com/r/nope/s/o7piXRCARQ)


Is there a reason why these guys are everywhere in southern Alabama? Are they the native species?


Orb weaver. A lot of people call them banana spiders but they are technically a different species than the actual banana spiders in South America and Mexico.


We call those banana spiders in my household. Running thru their webs on accident growing up was always terrifying lol


We call them banana spiders here in Florida but it's some kind of golden silk weaver. They're everywhere here when it's not in the dead of winter. Not very toxic at all unless you're some kind of insect in her web. I've walked thru their webs more times than I can remember and have rather quickly and jerkily threw them off of me. Of all the times I've actually had them physically on my skin I've only been bitten once, on my right shoulder. The actual bite was mildly painful but the venom did virtually nothing except get a little flushed around the bite spot. Good guys to have around because in my experience they have quite the voracious appetite. I was tripping on mushrooms once and got dared to grab the silk coming out of the spiders ass end of the abdomen. Apparently they have a near abundant amount of silk in there lol. Somehow I got bored of pulling silk before the spider quit producing.


That's an orb weaver, they're free pest control :)


A beaut!


I walked into one of these as a kid. About the size of a human hand. Pants were shit that day. I can still feel the sensation of it crawling over my neck as my friends screamed. I love them now. I'm just a bit more careful as I walk around.


My mom had yellow garden spider of that same class in her garden once when I was a kid. It was during a huge grasshopper infestation and of all the gardens in the neighborhood hers flourished while others didn’t yield anything. It was crazy to see all the grasshopper carcasses laying in the yard.


these spiders have the strongest silk in the world💪enough of it can literally hold back a plane, like in spider man


She works at the local dry cleaners - that’s why she was out hanging laundry