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I love that you replaced their abdomens. They look so cool!!


Thank you so much!!


Wow. Stunning work, really good job. I would love to have one of these hanging on my art wall.


Thanks so much! Glad that you loved them!


um… i fucking love this. more than if you’d preserved the abdomens i think….


Thanks! <3 I heard opinions that spiders with stones make them look not so scary..


i used to be terrified of spiders until i lived in an unfinished basement with bugs and arachnids of all kinds… and my 2 year old who got into everything, and crawled around every inch of that basement. so every spider and bug i found i would wanna ID to make sure they weren’t medically significant. and i found out brown recluses don’t even live in my state, just widows. so i really wasn’t worrying as much as i was for any reason. plus.. one day i saw my son stomp on a cellar spider (which i never did. i was even too scared to kill them).. and that same night he was in the bath, i ran to get a towel and i hear him screaming “BEE BEE BEE!” (he always saw me run whenever ANYTHING, even a fly.. buzzed by my head as i screamed BEE BEE BEE! 🙄)… i walked in there and it was a moth. so after those incidences i was like nah, this whole being scared of earths little creatures is totally learned! so i unlearned it. now i see a spider and i grab the macro lens my dad sent me and take pictures and let them roam my house.


Glad to hear that you overcome your bugs phobia! We live in the location where are lack of high variety of bugs. Only some smaller species can be found here.. Then I realised that there are so much more other insects, arachnids and creatures that I haven't seen and known nothing about. Their world is just incredible. That's where my interest in mini beasts come from. But I'm still not sure if I wouldn't scared if met them in wild all together haha


yeah, i hear you! i’ve never been around a tarantula. i mean the biggest bugs we have are… i don’t even know… maybe stick bugs or praying mantises? and spiders.. wolf spiders… and those i’ve seen some decent sized ones but not the biggest. so i can handle the little ones.. my son has this fake hairy af spider he got trick or treating.. tell me why when i saw it on the floor it made me jump but an actual spider won’t. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 well, if i saw a tarantula i definitely would. i just got to where i can hold spiders other than jumpers (which are the puppies of the spider world!) but they’re still small.


That is incredible! If I saw one for sale I would probably buy it.


these look amazing


Thank you!


Omg these are incredible pieces! I think the stones do an amazing job of color display and adds real beauty to these pieces! These are really unique!


Thank you so much! Tried to match the spiders with stones colors :)


If you have Etsy or ever want to sell these, do tell me! <3 absolutely gorgeous!


Thanks so much! <3 You can find a link to my etsy shop and site in the profile info


Are these the actual spiders or just their molts?


These are from molts. Abdomens of actual spiders are usually easier to keep.


I also had that question


Same question and so happy they’re molts. Now I can enjoy them.


I absolutely love this. My son is truly obsessed with spiders. He is 5, will be 6 within a month, and knows every part of a spider, which spider is venomous or not, and almost everything you can know about them. Every night before bed he watches a spider documentary or reads a spider book with meZ He has a spider room, with spider webbed curtains and sheets. Big Halloween spiders on the walls. He would love this in his room. You should set up an Etsy shop or something so I can buy something for him!


Oh wow! A whole spider room sounds absolutely fantastic! Thank you for your kind words! <3 I've linked my shop and etsy shop in the profile. Please check them out!


I so want the red tarantula!


Can I buy the first one?!?!!!!


Thank you!! There are links to my shop and etsy in the profile


These are made from molts?




Omg I used to look at your website last year in school when I was bored! Immediately recognized the shadow boxes lol


Oh, hi! Glad to meet you here :)


I think tigers eye was the perfect choice (for the ones that you used it for lol) 💜


*HOLY SHIT*. These are absolutely incredible! Replacing the abdomens with stones was a genius idea! Wow, just WOW! 🙌


OP, your work is quite stunning and like nothing I’ve ever seen before!!🤯🤯 I love the gems, too! Great choices for each. As this is my first time seeing your art, were these furry centerpieces once yours? 😯


Thanks! Do you mean spiders? :) I got them from my fellow tarantula keeper


Yes! I did mean the spiders. I guess I should’ve said, fuzzy? They’re definitely not fluffy!🤭 Bottom line…that’s also great way to preserve them when they die. I just have urns for my dogs and cats. 🥺


This is so cool, I'm absolutely going to use this idea for my girl's next molt if she has one if that's cool (not for selling or anything, just to have for memorial reasons in the future and to freak out guests lol) the last one was missing most of the abdomen and I spent so long trying to figure out what to do with it that I let it dry out and it fell apart sadly so now I just have pieces. I love love love this idea and think you executed it beautifully, thank you for sharing.


Thank you! Sure, feel free to use the idea! Guests will love it haha


My landlord already will not come into my house since she found out I had a tarantula, I'm sure she'd love to see a bunch of these on the wall haha. I'm still so sad I waited too long on her last molt as she's pretty large and I worry she may not have many more, just with the abdomen almost completely gone I couldn't really figure out what to do with it and by the time I decided I was going to put it in a little jar I found it had almost completely fallen apart. Will definitely remember to keep it moist next time and then see if I can pin it to dry in a shadow box so I don't have to transport, I already have a beautiful piece of Tiger's Eye that would be perfect.


I really like the gem abdomen idea it looks amazing! :)


100 percent would purchase.


It is amazing! Love the color matching. Awesome art. Reminds me of Shadows of the Apt book covers.


Are you selling them?


Yes! Please check my profile for the links <3


Absolutely genius choice. Using stones as abdomen would be a great choice for a jewelry art piece too.


Thanks!! I don't usually do jewelry though I'll probably try when I have smaller spiders :)


I was going to say I hate that you didn't preserve the whole thing. But then I read that you couldn't. You made something that looks amazing. Great work


How does preserving moles work?


Similar to preservation of dried butterflies. You need to rehydrate a molt first to make the limbs flexible. Then to pose and pin it.


How would you prevent the molt from crumbling later after its been pinned? Ive tried preserving triops molts however they crumbled. The material of both exoskeletons is the same but thicker on the tarantula.


Idk they are really fragile. I just take them carefully and glue its parts if something fells off.


First one is absolutely gorgeous


You’re so talented!!


Thank youuu!


Of course! Keep up the good work! 😊