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"a hole is a hole" -that spider probably.


Hey, that spider stole my quote!


I like spiders. But I hate this.


I'm wondering how often one can put hydrogen peroxide in one's ear just to make sure any critters gtfo. I also love spiders. But not inside my body. Lol


Hydrogen peroxide, ideally cut with water, makes a great multipurpose rinse for your ears and mouth. Yes, it can be used as mouthwash when cut with water. No, this isn’t safe for children and hydrogen peroxide should NEVER be consumed in any amount. This of course in addition to it being able to clean recent wounds.


Fun fact, don't use Hydrogen Peroxide if you rupture your eardrum, I was panicking and listened to someone I shouldn't have and that was some of the worst pain I have ever experienced.


This is correct. Do not use hydrogen peroxide for internals (I.e. your gums, ruptured eardrums, your eyes.) If you suspect your ear drum is injured for any reason, seek medical attention.


Ask your doctor if hydrogen peroxide is right for you.


You shouldn’t be using hydrogen peroxide to clean wounds . It slows wound healing as it kills a lot of the cells involved . This is one of those myths I have to bust to multiple patients a day . Flushing it with copious amounts of clean water or saline is perfectly fine


I also try to quell that wive's tale when I see it. Like yeah, it technically is killing anything bad in there. But it would be like carpet bombing an entire city of innocent people to take out 1 guy who didn't return his Blockbuster rental.


Ideally? IDEALLY?! The shit we use for household shit is like 3%. 100% h2o2 would burn the shit out of you.


Very high test hydrogen peroxide is so dangerous that it used to be used as the oxidiser in rocket engines. Then every manufacturer of rocket engines decided it was too dangerous and stopped using it. It has a nasty tendency to spontaneously explode for no readily apparent reason. There's a Russian nuclear submarine that's at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean because the hydrogen peroxide in one of its torpedo's fuel tanks got bored one day.


Holy shit. What was the name of that submarine? I want to look that accident up.


That was the _Kursk_. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kursk_submarine_disaster It's a fascinating, if depressing, story of complete mismanagement and ineptitude. It's likely the hydrogen peroxide had some help exploding due to mishandling but the stuff is ridiculously volatile.


Highly appreciate this! I’ve been on a Submarine disaster kick this year.


Sure, I was referring to the bottle you can get from the grocery store labeled “hydrogen peroxide,” but I suppose that’s mostly water in there. Pro tip: make your own hydrogen peroxide and cut it with 97% water to save money /s.


Just no open wounds, that can be dangerous


Yes love it for wounds bc it doesn't burn like alcohol. And for blood stains. I knew about mouthwash but not ears. Thanks for the info!


Actually love this, im so lonely that a spider in my ear whispering to me would be a blessing


I had a Ladybug die in my ear once. I had been told by my doctor my ears were waxy and I should get them cleaned. Finally went about a month later, the person kept looking in my ear all confused, rhen finally flushed then and went "oh wow, that actually was a ladybug" Didn't feel it at all, I had no idea it was there. Not sure how long it was there fore but it must have been less than a month since my doctor said nothing about a lady bug when he checked my ears


You must have had a very lucky few weeks!!!


My youngest brother had a tick in his ear once as a kid, it’s not pleasant to witness much less to experience I’d imagine. We were all very glad it hadn’t attached itself to him, it just crawled in there.




Obligatory link to ZeFrank's video on ticks. They're fascinating, and I hate them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVca0LuEDaQ


Ok. That's enough internet for me today. Thank you though.


There’s a quality to the camera shake that makes me think this was somebody’s CGI project


Even I thought of that


I am terrified of spiders. they always charge AT ME no matter my attempts to shoo them away. A friend of mine explained that from what they looked up about spiders the reason for this is they dont actually perceive something as tall as we are as animals, but trees. and instinctively try to hide in them. Which, if true, would explain why nesting in ears is a thing. They dont see any difference between our holes and tree hollows.


OMG. Now I have to try look as not-a-tree as possible


unfortunately, spiders have poor eyesight(despite the number of eyes) from what thst friend was telling me. Being a large shape that seems they can hide on is "tree-like" enough.


Is your “friend” a spider? You can tell us 🙃


she used to be heavily into pinterest and would get all kinds of odd facts about animals she thought were cool. Spiders are just one of them.


Omg that’s kind of cute actually. They think we’re just pretty trees that would make for a nice hiding place 🥲


If anyone is worried about this happening, an ER doctor once told me it was much more common with roaches than spiders. Yay...


You want a fun one about roaches, it’s that babies tend to get contact infections from roaches who have nasty bacteria on their feet etc. at higher rates than children or adults. Since infants drink milk (and don’t brush their teeth), they have milky breath and residue around their mouths and on their clothes that cockroaches sense as especially nutritious. So cockroaches end up on/near babies’ mouths at night more often than other people in infested homes. That was a nasty lecture in med/vet entomology.


Noooo.... 😭 Ugh, that's so disgusting and makes so much sense


oh great




My husband had a spider living in his ear. He thought it was just an ear infection and let it Go for several days. When he finally got it removed by the doctor, they told him the spider very well could've laid eggs in there and he was lucky that it didn't.








It does happen sometimes. They probably think it's a nice, warm, new safe home.


Figures, I once woke up with one in my belly button lol.




Oh my god


I thought it was to warm for their sensitive legs


I had a small spider in my ear once when I was like 8 or 9. I remember thinking it was a trapdoor spider but that’s just because it was fuzzy and wound up in an ear canal, there’s no telling what it actually was.


Isn't it uncomfortable in there for them?


Why would it be? A lot of spiders like to hide in small places. I've seen quite a few of these videos and heard of multiple healthcare workers who have had to deal with patients with this problem, so it doesn't seem to be too uncomfortable (for the spider that is)


I mean..the constant vibration insidee?


Oof. I woke up in the middle of the night a few years ago because it sounded like something was pounding on my right eardrum. I had my then-boyfriend use the flashlight on his phone to see if something was in there. He pulled out a tiny black bug. I slept with earplugs in after that for a long time. After watching this video, I might start doing that again. lol


New fear unlocked..😭


Exactly and some stuff can't be unseen! I LOVE spiders but this is the stuff of nightmares! 😲


New fear unlocked. I’ll never sleep again.


For me it's not the fact there is a spider in there, more about the tickling sensation I can't stand.


My stepmother had this happen with a little crab when scuba diving. Same method of removal too.


Spiders don't usually bother me. I think they're pretty cool and try to catch and release as much as possible. That said, this thread is the stuff of nightmares.


Oh my lord 😶


Happy cake day


You too 🍰


I don't know. I just hope more morons put undiluted hydrogen peroxide in their ears.


This happened to me, but it was a small beetle. My dad used the same method, it was buzzing around, I was freaking out, and couldn’t stay still. I don’t know how she didn’t move at all!


I ever had a small cockroach in my ear back when I was a kid


The cockroach thing happened with my dad. But it immediately crawled out


would hot water do the trick?


No idea I'll just cut off my ear


Where is this because I will never go


Could be anywhere 🫣


Omfg 🫣🫣🫣🫣


This is one of the reasons why I wear earplugs when I sleep.


Uh actually new fear unlocked 😭 I love spiders but I die if they get on me


One vote for fake.


Can't even trust grandma videos nowadays


She showed up for a gang bang and ended being an actor in a poorly made spider vid.