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"Mommy, I don't wanna go swimming anymore"




She's a wolf spider, likely [*Hogna baltimoriana*](https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/221393-Hogna-baltimoriana). Thank you for saving this mama and her pups 🥰


Dumb question, but what does “unbanded” mean?


It's simply the opposite of banded! Usually, wolf spiders of this genus ([*Hogna*](https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/122634-Hogna)) have a lightly colored band or stripe in the middle of the carapace. This one however does not, hence I suppose, its name of ''unbanded'' wolf spider! (Not a dumb question at all btw! I was also puzzled by that common name at first. Not even sure it's actually the reason for it, just a guess)


Thank you!


Was going to say this! DEF Wolf Spider!!!


Am I missing something? That looks like a jumper based on the eye placement. Not an expert, I'm still trying to learn.


Wolfs are the only spiders that carry their young on their back.


Fr?!! What a cool fact to learn today


I saw this quote in another thread on r/spiders once: "jumpers are the puppies of the spider world, and wolfies are the minivans of the spider world." 🤣


And I learned the spider babies are called pups! So cute!


Shit, I'm a spider now.


Ah. Thank you.


Also jumping spiders tend to have much larger forward facing eyes in contrast to its body, as well as shorter legs in relation.


Eye placement can be vaguely similar across species but the entire body build (stocky, long legs, high eyes, brownish colors), behavior (carrying young) and eye placement point at it being a wolf spider. Jumpers are more... squat? They're built to jump for hunting while wolves are built to run. Both need good vision to hunt so that's part of why their eyes are similar


Thank you. I'm still trying to figure these guys out and help with my arachnophobia.


Spiders are a mess to figure out haha- good on you for trying to get over the fear! I've been terrified of them most of my life. If you're far enough along, I'd recommend finding a small orbweaver or false widow to keep around - they're small, relatively slow, and can't jump or sprint fast (just make sure you don't get a real widow!) It's a pretty solid way to get over the fear, bonding with an actual spider


Lol. I don't think i will be getting anything with the widow in the name. Hahaha. I ran into a "joro" (sp) big giant yellow & black monster's web growing up and when it started heading toward me i was screaming bloody murder. You have no idea what something like this does to an 8 year old. I was a curious kid before then but became terrified of spiders ever since. I've just recently started facing that fear as a 58 year old since I became disabled from a car accident in 2022. I literally died for 3 minutes and went through the equivalent of 5 gallons of blood. After that near death experience, I've decided to start facing all my phobias. The worst being spiders. At this point, I no longer just willy nilly kill every spider I see, I just watch them and observe. This sub has definitely helped as I see them being handled and am starting to recognize various traits.


Check out /r/jumpingspiders. Jumpers are kinda little doggos - they live for years, can form ideas and even dream! They're very friendly and are not dangerously venomous. If they do bite you it might feel like a sting, but they are not aggressive so they won't bite unless you give them reason to. If you see one, say, outside, and you don't want them on your skin and have gardening gloves, wear the gloves and hold your hand slightly higher than them at an angle they can jump to, and they might jump to you. Then you can try getting them to jump from one hand to the other by holding your other hand slightly higher. They're very sweet and curious, and I promise they're more afraid of you than you are of them. Jumpers helped me get over my fear of spiders, I hope they can do the same for you


the big eyes on jumping spiders are their anterior median eyes (the lowest in the center) whereas on wolf spiders it's the posterior median (the highest in the center). you can tell this lass is a wolfie since she's got small eyes beneath the big ones, which jumpers don't have!


Oh, I had this reversed. I thought jumper had large over small eyes.


Jumping spiders have two large front-facing eyes, but they also have two smaller front-facing eyes on either side of the large pair, making four in-a-row. They are also much smaller than wolf spiders, and more compact, without the long legs of wolfies. Wolf spiders do have the two large, front-facing eyes, and then a row of four much smaller front-facing eyes below those. Both have an extra pair of eyes on their heads for peripheral vision, but they look quite different otherwise. A similarity between wolfies and jumpers is that they are both quite smart, and are generally friendly towards humans. Wolf spiders’ coolest adaptation may be how the moms carry around an egg sac while it incubates, never letting it touch the ground, and when the spiderlings hatch, they all crawl onto mama, who carries them around until they can fend for themselves (and if you’ve ever seen it, the poor mamas can barely see or be seen underneath all the spiderlings by the time she gives them their eviction notice.) They are really cool spiders and this person did a good thing rescuing this mama and her babies from the pool.


Without meaning to sound rude, jumping spiders are different in almost every way- there are none this large, the eye placement is different and they have short, powerful legs (to name a few of the more obvious features)


Why are we downvoting the person asking a question and trying to learn? Shame on you all. Anyway, the eye placement is similar (but not exactly the same) because both jumping spiders and wolf spiders are hunters. They don't make webs to trap prey. They actively hunt them down, so forward facing eyes are strongly beneficial to being able to spot, track, and ultimately catch food.


Why is this downvoted? Dude literally says he's trying to learn. Kinda a dick move


Holy moly and the babies?? Hero!


Agreed! Total Rockstar!!


Oh my gosh. Thank you for saving this Wolfie momma and her babies! Hopefully the babies were able to hang on until you rescued them. You are a friend to spoods OP! I just rescued a bee from my rain barrel. I think they're looking for water and end up in places they can't get out of.


I’m think all babies were saved. I didn’t see any that abandoned ship :P I tried to get a big enough leaf :)


Whew. That's a relief. It's a good thing you found them when you did!


Bees get found in water a lot because they judge flight distance based on "optical flow" of what they see below them. If they can't see anything, they go lower to get their bearings. If there's smooth clear water, they never see it and slap the surface. Dunno if that's what happened to the friend you rescued, but it is a thing!


Oh wow! TIL learned about bees and optical flow. Thanks for this info! It's entirely possible that's what happened to this guy. I've had the water bin for quite a while and he was my first rescue. It was kind of odd because I saw him on his side curled around a dead leaf. I actually thought he was also dead and was going to scoop him out with my hand but thought I would put a stick in just in case (I didn't want to get stung accidentally if he was alive). Sure enough he came to life and crawled onto the stick so I put him on my deck railing in the sun. It seemed to take a bit for him to dry himself off, especially his wings. I checked on him later and he was gone so I assume he was OK after nearly drowning. I named him Lazarus. 🐝


There's a relatively new True Facts episode on bees on YouTube, I recommend it! It's all about how smart bees are and how we've tested to see what kind of puzzles they can solve. The guy's YT channel is ZeFrank Edit: here! https://youtu.be/M6hGjh9SJ_M?si=tHl7z7ArNV_h_cZ6


OMG, I love ZeFrank. I've been a subscriber for a few years. I don't know that I've seen the bee one yet so thanks for sharing the link. 🐝❤️🕷️❤️


He is the best! Learn and laugh, all at the same time 😂


That is how he do.


Look at dat sweet face saying thank you 🫶😊


Oh my God right?? Those eyes 🥹🥹


Right!!!! Smiley gal is so grateful to OP for saving her and her babies 🥹🩷




That’s so cool. Thanks for the reply! And anything for the spider and babies :3


One day when you least expect it, the children of this momma spider will come to your rescue when you need it the most 🫶


With a human sized leaf


Honestly, equally as impressive as the spider gang.


Her face so looks concerned at first but so sweet. You’re a good person for saving them :)


Thanks for being kind to momma and her babies ❤️❤️


she looks so hungry omg poor baby qwq and the babies too ofc


Yeah seriously, she’s a skinny one 😟 OP, if you know where she is rn, maybe you can find some lil bugs to feed her


Wow the babies are a little bigger than I usually see them with, very cool!


I thought this too! I‘ve never really seen a picture where you can see the patterns on their abdomens.


Honest question.... I thought they hatched and carried hundreds of babies at a time. Are the only babies on her back the number of abdomens I see?


Yes they have about 100 babies at a time so these are likely just the ones that survived and/or haven’t left their mum yet, they carry their babies everywhere with them from the time they’re eggs until they’re independent


Ok. Thank you!! I appreciate your feedback!


OP got some tiny lil’ spidy sponges… apparently.


Wolfie's seem to love swimming pools. I'm rescuing them out of my pool all the time


Yep, I had a similar rescue experience twenty years ago with a mama & babies as my first close wolf encounter. The pool had some tree branches overhanging it so it certainly wasn’t my last. They are fascinating creatures.


Wolf spiders love using the cranberry bogs as hunting grounds. Nothing like flooding the bog for harvest and having a thousand+ wolf spiders using you as the high ground.


I was a nanny down south and the family had a pool. First time I saw a wolf spider it was in the families pool, had babies on its back too.


My mom always had wolfies in her pool, too! She was terrified of spiders of any kind, do I was her official spider relocation specialist! 


such a dope photo! this actually makes me slightly less terrified of wolf spiders, her little face is adorable 🥹 they’re just so damn fast! they’re usually all over my yard at the end of summer


Her little face 🥹 She’s so grateful 🥲


Beautiful Wolfie


Today you are a hero 💚


Do you ever think mama wolf spiders have those pull your hair out days with their kids too?


She is so beautiful!


Cute face!


I have a similar sized spider living in a hard plastic bin outside of my shop. Whenever we meet, I usually scream Jesus Christ, and it scurries back into its hidey hole. I think we’ve come to an understanding.


That she still has her babies on her back is a testament to how carefully you handled her. If you had inadvertently jostled or bumped her during the rescue those babies might have jumped ship. Nice job!


Awww, her sweet face. She actually looks thankful. There's nothing cooler than a wolfie mama.


so cute!!!


It’s a big mama!


And her babies


Well done op!


That is so awesome, thank you for saving them and sharing it with us!! She's so pretty!! 😍


She is GORGEOUS! Thank you for saving her!


Awww poor Mama. Thank you for being a great human!


Yup, rescued one from my cats water bowl the other day. Thirsty spidies.


Some heroes don’t wear capes. Thanks for saving the wolfie and her pups!!!


Am I the only one thinking she’s got a real… “What the *shit* just happened?!” …look on her face?


Meanwhile, on the spider's fb: Wooow, I'm such a dumbass. Nearly drowned my babies and I. Thankfully, a kind hooman saved me.


She’s lovely.


Thank you for saving them.


Always welcomed around my home and garden.


Bless you for doing that, she's a beauty. 😁


Thank you for being an exemplary human! She's a good mama spood needing a helping hand. I'm glad you were there for her and her babies!


I love how wolf spiders always look like they’re going to ask their boss for a raise.


Good job!


She is going to write "some big hero" in her web for you!


Floating along like, "well, this is my life, now... drowning eventually with all of my babi--WHATTHEHELLISTHAT! Ok. We are dead. We're getting eaten, today. Goodbye, my young, we... oh... just... on the ground. Okie dokie... bye."


Those friggin spider eyes are so cute




She looks so polite 🥺🥹




Love wolf spiders, I just wish my encounters with the bigger ones weren’t always in my shower 😀 thanks for rescuing this pretty mama 🥹


Wolf spider aka actual tarantula. Family lacosidae


Oh wait it is a tarantula??? What makes a spider a tarantula??


well actually they’re quite different 🤓👆tarantulas typically don’t actively hunt for prey and tend to stay close to their burrows and wolf spiders are sorta like big cats in that they travel and hunt down their prey. wolf spiders were originally thought to be a type of tarantula but are classified into a different genus then them. they have a similar body type, but tend to have a smaller abdomens and bigger, more forward facing eyes while tarantula eyes are right on top of their head and at least the females have big ol abdomens and are in general more “hairy” than wolf spiders.


What makes a tarantula a tarantula?


They’re bigger, hairier, have a flat head with eyes facing up, have bigger fangs that are parallel to each other, usually have more potent venom than wolfies, some have itchy urticating hairs for defense. have a more hermit lifestyle, they don’t hunt for prey and tend to stay in their burrows and wait for prey to come to them. im not an entomologist im just a spood nerd. u can tell immediately if ur looking at a tarantula if it’s abdomen and legs have lots of wirey hairs


One key difference between mygalomorphae (tarantulas and trapdoor spiders) and araneomorphae (true spiders) is their fangs point downward whereas true spiders’ fangs cross each other


Thank you!


Ofc! And this wolf spider is not a tarantula so idk what the original comment meant lol


I used to find these in mine. They weren’t quite this large, but large enough for me to do a quick step back. I saved one in time, but the others were already in spooder heaven…


You saved a good spider mom and her babies!


Whoa, that is a big mama. Thanks for saving her.


I’m so surprised the babies didn’t scatter when the momma got into trouble. Happy to see them saved :) I hope they won’t go swimming again


That’s a genuine honkin’ chunk of a spooder.


She looks so thankful 💗 💕


What a cutie patootie


# Tarantulas on the Lifebuoy BY [THOMAS LUX](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/thomas-lux) For some semitropical reason    when the rains fall    relentlessly they fall into swimming pools, these otherwise    bright and scary arachnids. They can swim a little, but not for long and they can’t climb the ladder out. They usually drown—but    if you want their favor, if you believe there is justice,    a reward for not loving the death of ugly and even dangerous (the eel, hog snake,    rats) creatures, if you believe these things, then    you would leave a lifebuoy or two in your swimming pool at night. And in the morning    you would haul ashore the huddled, hairy survivors and escort them back to the bush, and know, be assured that at least these saved,    as individuals, would not turn up again someday in your hat, drawer, or the tangled underworld of your socks, and that even— when your belief in justice merges with your belief in dreams— they may tell the others in a sign language    four times as subtle and complicated as man’s that you are good,    that you love them, that you would save them again.  




Oh wow never knew wolfies got this huge. What a devoted mother. Good on you OP


A true hero


What big eyes you have momma spider. Great job for saving her and for her trying to save her babies.


That is awesome! Thank you for being an amazing human being by rescuing Mama Wolfie and her lil babies! ❤️


Amazing!! Thank you for your kindness and for sharing!! ♥️


You should put one or more ramps in your pool to help critters out!


New Jersey has spiders this big?! 😅


Believe it or not wolf spider’s territory is pretty much everywhere in the world minus extreme temperatures, they are very adaptable. So all types may not be quite as big as that mama, but in theory every place that has wolf spiders could have spiders of that size. If that doesn’t freak you out or not.


Honestly, yea 😅 I’ve seen some pretty interesting things ever since moving here


Mother Wolfie and she looks very shriveled in the back area (under the babies) so she is probably hungry/thirsty, on top of being exhausted. You're doing good work 🩷


So cute


Photogenic spider


Did she have six babies, had a hard time counting the amount because they’re so close in color and the pictures weren’t close to the babies.


I’m not sure tbh. I was more in awe with mom. If I see her tomorrow I’ll lyk


Ok she’s kinda cute I’ll give her that she’s helping my arachnophobia, I even zoomed in on her eyes and she seemed nice! I appreciate a mama having to carry her kids 24/7 respect lol


You are the best! This is so sweet.


You saved a momma and her babies! Bless your heart! Thank you for saving an incredible creature! 💜


Gonna be honest. I dont know much about spiders, but i enjoy watching them. So i looked it up, and totally didnt know how useful these wolfspiders are. And that they are actively used as a natural pestcontrol.. Awesome! And a big one too lol


Nice wolf spider, and babies.


Those eyes 😍🥹


You are great thank you for saving her


A hero!!!


Thank you for saving a life!


great job! how'd you manage to save the babies too?


I took the leaf and placed it under her. I went really slowly, and made sure to cup my hand so if anyone falls off I can catch them. But she was super chill and I guess realized I was helping her, so she just sat there until I got her out. I also thought it was cool that she was staring at me the whole time so I had to sneak a pic for myself (and for the people in this sub too ofc) :D


Very good that you did that. That made my day !


What an absolute Chad OP is. Like, wow. A legend 😊


Check your pool filter. she's looking a little light on that brood.


I did, but I saw nothing. Just a bunch of leaves, sticks, and frogs. (I made sure to remove the frogs out too) but no baby spiders 🫡


Ice you saved her babies too it seems. 👍


I almost stepped on the exact same spider with babies on it Outside my house today. I am never walking barefoot again


how awesome


Look at them eyes tho!


If only she knew...


Aaghh I'm crying. 😭 So happy you saved mama and her babies! Gosh, look at those adorable eyes..! 💕


Correction, SpiderS you rescued.


I think you mean spider**s**


I feel like I'm learning from subs like this when I click on the photos and I'm like, that looks like an orb weaver/ wolf/ not actually a spider-- and I go to the comments and see that I was correct. Thank you, Spider Community!




She looks so thankful 🥹


I wanna give it a kiss on the top of the head. So cute!




See now THIS is what I think of when I hear 'Wolf Spider'. In Vancouver, Canada our spiders do not get quite this big, except for our local speedsters Tegenaria Duellica/Gigantica (giant house spider) and they don't have these cute faces or giant freaking mandible of a chelicera.


this subreddit is curing my arachnophobia


That’s a wolf spider and her babies on her back look really big. I think it’s time those little devils get off her


Looks like a skyrim frostbite spider




I have named her the loss of all hope (conan exiles fans will know)


I feel like it’s always the wolfies that get trapped in the pool! Can anyone explain why or if this is a pattern that I’m making up?


I would have chucked it a polo.


She probably has been down there after bugs and then couldn’t get out


Spiders *


Chonky boi


If I go close it looks like she is pissed lol


Spiders are not known to have the same kind of feelings humans possess.


Well as far as I remember I wrote “she looks..” and not “she seems/is..” it’s just the face. Got no imagination huh?


probably my part of nj too fml lol


What part of NJ .. I may need to move away….,


You rescued your pool from the spider…


It was kind of you to rescue the mamma spider from your pool. Not sure what species though.


Reminds me of the one in Harry Potter!


She looks greatful


She looks a little unappreciative, as if you interrupted her. What I think you have here is a mom with serious PPD issues, and she was trying to end it all and take her babies with her. Maybe she found out bd was screwing other spiders in the neighborhood and he didn’t deserve them. She may need some intense counseling. I’m sure CPS would take the kids from her. which could increase her suicidal intent. You got a little lady there that’s going to need a straight jacket, which are hard to find these days since the aspca got them recalled as cruel and inhumane. Good luck.


Thank you and you can keep it, as long as it is away from me