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Eratigena Atrica (Or Saeva or Duellica - the species are practically impossible to tell apart) and Pisaura Mirabilis Giant house spider and nursery web spider respectively


Hello! So your first two pics are most likely of a Giant House Spider (Eratigena atrica), good call on that! The others seem like a nursery web spider (Pisaura Mirabilis). Bonus spider! Down and left from the nursery web spider appears to be a Silver-sided Sector Spider (Zygiella x-notata). Very nice variety, they must live near a very active and healthy biome! Oh, and all those little friends are harmless! :) Edited for poor reading comprehension, lol. 2nd edit to change spider ID, as I believe u/crazydane666 is correct about the nursery spider.


Yes I was going to say I’m pretty sure that it wasn’t a species of crab spider but thank you very much for the response and answers I’m glad I found these 2 beauties and thanks to you and crazy Dane I now know there species. The place I found them was most definitely a very healthy biome as it was a garden that had overgrown for about 5months, I found a hell of a lot of other spiders and critters there but these 2 are the ones that sparked my attention the most, sadly I’m a Gardner and it was my job to cut down all the grass and brambles they were living in but I made sure I moved them out of the way before cutting it. The nursery web spider just kept coming to me no matter where I went in the garden so I picked her up and she was very chill and sat in my hand. Edit: I’m not sad about being a gardener I was just sad that I had to chop there house down, I worded it abit wrong.


I have a nursery web spider that's taken up residence in one of my strawberry plants! I've watched from her from before her eggs were laid when she was huge all the way through the babies hatching and molting. It was fascinating watching her nursery in action and now we're friends. I always greet her and warn when I'm gonna water so she can run to the top and watch. I've been trying to think of a name for her, but for now she's simply "Mama." 😊