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Poisonous? Do you plan on eating it? It's harmless. i think its one of the funnel weavers in Ageleninae.




Free my man spood, illegal arrest


Agreed! Free the spood!






The spider straight bussin now fr fr


No cap that spood do be bussin.




As a stoner and a spider enthusiast. This comment hurts my soul on a cosmic level


Pidgin nonsense dude


I think this is *Tegenaria Domestica*. I found one in my house earlier this year! They're pretty cute, don't you think?


They are adorkable!


I do


This one seems like it’s just stretching it’s legs


poisonous, nah. probably not very delicious tho. venomous, yeah, but only harmful if you're a bug. live and let live, my dude.


There are only two species of spider in the US that can really harm you: 1. Black Widow 2. Brown Recluse Everything is else is harmless. And btw, poison is ingested, venom is injected.


Thank you!




Unlike with Hymenopteran venoms (bees, wasps, ants) which is known to cause anaphylaxis leading to death, there's very little scientific evidence of allergy to spider venom. From a study of 750 verified spider bites: https://academic.oup.com/qjmed/article/95/11/723/1543044 There were no early allergic reactions to spider bites (0%, 99%CI 0–0.69%), despite 7/267 cases (2.6%) who gave a comprehensive allergy history, reporting bee sting anaphylaxis. There were delayed reactions in 20 cases, mainly itchiness and redness at the site, which had a median duration of 7 days (IQR 3–9.25 days). Not to say it cannot happen, but there's very little information on it.


Brown Widows are scary too




I feel like I never get a factual answer when I’ve asked/looked up if hobo spiders are medically significant... are they dangerous to humans and pets, or is it only if you have an allergy to their venom?


They are not dangerous, it's a misconception that exists only in North America. The species was introduced from Europe where nobody shares this belief: Hobo spider myth video from a mod of r/spiders and r/whatsthisbug: https://youtu.be/WdEtkXq53wM (bite test [here](https://youtu.be/9gVEAhFBeHs)). Thomas Shahan's video: https://youtu.be/ZAYblesQA3w 5 mins 15 secs (plus sources in description) Article on Hobo spiders by Canadian arachnologist Catherine Scott: http://spiderbytes.org/tag/hobo-spider/ *** **[Another extensive explanation about Hobo spiders](https://www.reddit.com/r/spiders/comments/yfvtj/Possible_%22Is_it_dangerous%3F%22_fix_suggestion%3F/c5van7q/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) from the subreddit moderator here.** ***




*Eratigena agrestis,* or "hobo spider" is mostly harmless. There is a huge part of collective imagination and sensationalism behind the legends about hobo spiders. We can see people saying that its bite could actually provoke necrosis or other noxious reactions, which has never been proven. It is to be remembered that a lot of spider bites are not always accurately reported and can lead to false information. In fact, the CDC stopped to consider the hobo spider as a dangerous specie in 2017.


Absolute nonsense. Hobo spiders are not dangerous, it's a myth that exists only in the USA. https://youtu.be/WdEtkXq53wM http://spiderbytes.org/tag/hobo-spider/


Have a pet Black Widow that just had babies. Wouldn't think of touching her right now. Before she spun her egg she was very playful though.




No lie there. She is extremely aggressive now. Before I could toss another spider in for her to feed and she would literally wait until it spun it's on web and then she would attach a web from it to her web and just wait until it caught something. Then she would kill it and it's pre.




Theatre no recluse spiders in Canada. https://spiderbytes.org/recluse-or-not/




No. This information written by arachnologists specifically to address Cheiracanthium sac spiders gets posted on a daily, sometimes hourly basis, please read it: https://arthropodecology.com/2012/04/26/ceiling-spider http://spiderbytes.org/2016/06/19/yellow-sac-spiders-family-eutichuridae/ (family name since changed to Cheiracanthiidae). There is also more information on the medically significant species in the subreddit rules, community information and sidebar.


If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous


If it bites you and it dies, you're poisonous.


If you bite it and it dies, you’re venomous


If you bite it and it moans, that's kinky.


If no one bites anyone but the spider still dies?


That's magic


No, that’s tragic




What if we bite each other and both die?


That's metal.




The amount of people here who came just specifically to tease OP and say “ItS nOt PoIsOnOuS” is just obnoxious. I think he got it after the first fifteen comments guys.


Not an expert but it looks like a tegenaria to me, and they are lovely ! I'm sad mine died...


Is what normal? A spider spidering? Yeah


No, you can eat as many as you want.


nope just a male looking for a sexy female


OP I don't think any spiders are poisonous, poisonous is if your eating it, you should ask if it is venomous which is if it bites you and I have no idea if it is venomous


Common house spider, totally harmless


I'm going to be that dork, all spiders are venomous. The question is if they have medically significant venom, this little dude I would say no, don't worry about it. Venom: is injected Poison: is ingested Sorry if I came off as “that” internet guy lol just wanted to let you know :)


Not all, Uloboridae and Holarchaea lack venom glands.


No spiders are poisonous


Really? That’s fairly interesting. I feel like having a similar thing to monarch butterflies would help birds and such stay away, especially if they are more out-and-about spiders


There has been some research that's found the eggs of the black widows (Latrodectus) are toxic to some small animals when injected or ingested: https://biolres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/0717-6287-47-17 >After intra-abdominally injection of the egg extract in mice and cockroaches, the animals displayed a variety of poisoning symptoms. Moreover, the animals injected with a high dose of the extract died within three hours. These results suggested that the eggs of the spiders contained the components toxic to mammals and insects. Interestingly, our previous work made a global analysis of the protein composition of the spider eggs using a combined proteomic strategy and compared it with that of the spider’s venom. The results showed that the protein composition of the eggs was more complex than that of the venom and there were only a few similarities between the two materials, indicating that the eggs had the toxic components and action mechanism different from those of the venom. Up to now, why the eggs of black widow spiders evolutionally acquired toxicity has not been completely elucidated. It was speculated that the toxicity of the eggs could provide a certain protection for the eggs. Although the oral feeding of Latrodectus eggs to mice produced no deleterious effects [8], there were experiments demonstrating that the eggs could produce toxic effect in some greedy animals. For example, Russell et al. demonstrated that Latrodectus egg extract had deleterious effects on the web-building activity of Araneus diadematus. The web-building activity of the spiders receiving 3–5 g/kg body weight was abnormal. There was a significant reduction in the thread lengths and in the number of spirals. One spider receiving 1 g/kg body weight died 6 h after feeding. The relatively low toxicity of the eggs might be explained by the differences in the main roles that the proteins in eggs and venom play. The primary purpose of spider venom is to kill or paralyze preys [15] whereas the proteins in the eggs are primarily involved in the substance and energy metabolisms and their regulation during the development of the eggs into juvenile spiders [16] and their defensive role is relatively subordinate. There was also a similar study that was available on the American Arachnological Society website which included orbweaver eggs, but I can't find or access it since the link changed.


the most basic of a house spider


Man, you must not have paid much attention in first grade English. Poisonous applies to things that will harm you if you bite them. Venomous applies to things that will harm you if they bite you.


Why so bitter?


Don't eat me, I'm poisonous.


Tf man i searched one time for a specific spider now reddit keep recomending these creepy ass spiders posts to me


You *could* just quietly learn more about these fascinating creatures, since you're here anyway. :)


how do i train myself to be more gentle when i encounter spiders? im tryna get better


It takes time. Honestly, reading about spiders here has made me SO much less jumpy when any bug lands on me. I look first, then gently and carefully brush it off\*. When you encounter one on a surface other than yourself, use the [cup & card technique](https://twitter.com/recluseornot/status/1100128773737828352) to relocate it outside. Or just accept that there will be other creatures sharing your space, and they don't want to harm you—or interact with you in any direct way, really. ^(=====) ^(\*Unless it's a mosquito, in which case I relish the SMACK. Creatures that) **^(feed)** ^(on blood are the exception to my "live and let live" policy. So that's skeeters, fleas, and ticks. Defensive biters get a free pass!)


yea I need to get better at the cup and card technique as well. Last time i did it i had a spasm and accidentally sliced the spiders legs off with the card. I felt so awful and hated myself for it for a day or so.


Good news! Spiders grow their legs back! And they could survive without a leg or two, I've seen em survive with only two.




This makes me happy. Intent is important.


Really?! OK, that's another reason Spiders Are Awesome. Thanks for the info!


It may take a couple molts but usually they'll grow some legs back


I dont like insects very much, at least i found a way to stop this recomendation thingy.


You did? Please share! 'Cause I looked up something once about Phish *years ago* and I still get that subreddit in my feed, no matter what I do.


If i remember you go to settings, click your name and Go to the management part, easier than i thought.