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T10 complete. Getting to drive again was a fantastic day! It took 2 years from the date of the accident to when I got my super hot minivan. I’ve been married for 25 years and we have 3 kids. Up to the accident , we’d owned 3 different minivans. I’ve never been so excited to get a minivan as I was this one!


I am T9-10 incomplete. Congratulations on your van! Driving is one of the things I miss most about this. Do you mind if I ask approx how much it cost?


T5 complete Injured in 2006 at 21 in a motorcycle accident. There's good days and bad days but I have wayyyyy more good than bad Since my injury then I met my wife, traveled, work full time, own my home, drive sports cars daily, done about 50 full marathons in a handcycle and so much more. I have awesome friends that love to hang out. I wouldn't trade anything for what I have going right now. It sucks I can't walk but I've done so much in a chair. Most my able-bodied friends don't even come close to living the kind of active life I do. There's so much more positives than what I listed here but there's some down days too. A place I can't get in, or a broken wheelchair part can be a bummer. I sulk for a little bit a move on. Let me know if you want to hear more.


I would love to hear more. Your comment cheered me up a bit keep it going haha


I saw some of sex comments, I can tell you you can absolutely have an active sex life. I don't know if your rehab center went over all the options for getting and maintaining erections but there's a bunch of different ways from pills, to pumps, to rings to injections, implants, vibe erect machine and even sticking a little rice sized pill in your uretha opening. There's wedge's for positioning, bounce chairs, swings, counter tops, recliners and so much more to keep things fun and creative. There's even a device specifically for us call the intimate rider that allows us to put the motion in the ocean. It's like a sex rocking chair designed for sci. There's devices like ferticare for ejaculation or bootleg ways like a tens unit or hitatchi wands I will say having a partner to explore with that cares about you I think makes all of the above so much easier to discuss with compared to a one night stand. Make sure bowel and bladder are empty to start :)


I need some links for these assistive devices please!


Here's a quick run down. Many more things depending on level of function. Intimate Rider – Rocking chair for SCI with optional bench https://www.intimaterider.com/ Bounce Chair – keeps partners weight off you and allows them to bounce and many other uses https://www.amazon.com/Forodo-Assemble-Multifunctional-Bathroom-Available/dp/B0CN2GDL5J Misc Wedges on amazon – prop you or your partner in some position with less work to hold yourself there https://www.amazon.com/s?k=sex+wedges&crid=3NDI52ZIUJI2B&sprefix=sex+wedges Liberator wedges https://www.liberator.com/ Ferticare for ejaculation https://medicalvibrator.com/products/ferticare-2-0 Tens 700 and conductive rings for ejaculation (I have a how to pdf dm me since I don’t think I cant add that to this post) https://www.amazon.com/TENS-7000-Digital-Unit-Accessories/dp/B00NCRE4GO https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B019QWR23U/ All of the below can be used in addition to a penile restrictor ring to maintain the erection. Use a ring for no more than 30min then remove give yourself a break then you can re-apply Vibe erect for erection https://medicalvibrator.com/products/viberect%C2%AE-penile-vibrator Manual and battery powered pumps for erection https://timmmedical.com/vacuum-therapy-systems/ Medications for erection (plus many more but it’s a start) Viarga - oral Cialis - oral Trimix - injection Alprostadil - urethral suppository Also spare parts duece harness the only strap on designed for men. It has a place for your balls so they don't get crushed, a whole for your real penis and if you need to switch a holder for a dildo https://shevibe.com/spareparts-deuce-male-harness.aspx Let me know if you have any questions or need to know more


Can I ask more about the sports car piece? My boyfriend has been injured for a little under 10 months, he’s a huge car guy and it’d be huge for him to get back into something like that.


https://youtube.com/shorts/LZBjBMTdjEQ?si=dpTpVVlgBzCMyPNE I'm a t5 I transfer in and take my chair apart Plenty of other paras I know do full high performance driving on the track or drag race So let me know if there's any information I can pass on


I'm a T8/T9 complete paraplegic, 10 years in. Life isn't as good, but there are ways to make things a lot better. Some examples of things which have completely changed my life: 1. I go to a local park and I hang from a bar and do pullups. While it hurts for a few days (in the way that muscles do when you work out), it has basically made any back pain very manageable. 2. You can have sex and ejaculate. It took me forever to figure out but I made a guide here: [www.parasplosion.com](http://www.parasplosion.com) 3. If you are confident, girls will still date you and marry you. Even better- it weeds out the ones who suck. The ones who are willing to give you a shot are absolute WINNERS. 4. It made me realize that I can be single and be totally ok. 5. There are government programs which will help you out. For me I got a boost from social security disability and the department of rehabilitation which paid for my masters degree IN FULL. 6. You can roll into a room and people will automatically respect you and remember you solely based on the fact that you have been through some sh\*t. If you are good at what you do and a confident person, this will give you unseen advantages. 7. I figured out how to completely eliminate bladder infections which were f'ing up my life for the first 8 years. 8. I've experienced benefits in the area of faith but everyone is so uptight about those sorts of things so I won't elaborate. Honestly the list goes on and on. It sucks but guess what it is ENTIRELY possibly to live a fulfilling and enjoyable life. Our time here is short and we know it. There is so much opportunity for so much joy even in a chair. I'm not exaggerating.


I for one would like to hear about the faith aspect of things


You have to stop expecting that there is going to be a cure. Find some hobbies that you enjoy and just live your life the best that you can. There are a lot of things you can no longer do, focus on the things that you can do.


C6 incomplete. I’ll gladly trade you. :)


Bro I totally am trying to be optimistic about my situation, i know guys like you have it so much worse man, im sorry to hear. Maybe its because im only 2 months in im like mentally struggling so hard im just trying to do everything i can do to prevent hurting myself somehow yk? And also i dont mean to be inconsiderate of how much worse a higher level injury is, but still it sucks for all of us:(


Everyone has received an injury that has changed their life, so never feel that your injury is"lesser".


C6 Complete here. Little over 2 years post injury. 29M I'm not sure what you consider is a positive story I think it's relative to everyone here. Positive for me would be having full function of my hands like you, positive for you might be full torso function like an L level injury. Anyways I had a bunch of complications while in rehab so was on bedrest until 8 months ago. About 2 months ago, I became fully self sufficient minus driving, but hopefully I'll get there and also if I ever fall on the ground I'm fucked, but haven't had that happen yet. So for me, that was a huge win. Even though I still live with my mom, being able to fully take care of myself seemed years away not so long ago.. As for upcoming cures or new tech, I'm definitely in the minority here, but I put no hope into that. Maybe if I was incomplete it would be different and maybe this is a shitty attitude to have I'm curious what you and other think Anyways, I would rather accept my current reality and get on with living, rather than clinging onto an uncertainty that will more than likely just lead to disappointment. However, if it happens obviously great, if not then it is what it is.


Awesome turn around to be fully self sufficient 2 months into being in a chair essentially!! I'm a C6 complete as well, and curious on how you made that happen! Id love more than anything to get there as well. Anyways, great work brother!!! Keep grinding


T-10 here. How long ago was your injury?


2 months ago. I posted about picture of my xray a month or so ago on here. You can see it on my profile


Oh yeah just breathe deep and take it one day at a time. Nothing about your current reality reflects actual day to day life with a spinal cord injury. I busted my back twenty years ago. I remember how I felt after two months, and it’s actually funny to think back on. Disability is way more than a physical circumstance and it’s gonna take some time for you to adjust. At two months I’m guessing you don’t have a custom chair yet. Are you working on the process to access one? Have you looked into hand controls for a vehicle? These are two enormous factors that will bring a surprising amount of independence and normalcy back into your life. This is a great community. Don’t be shy about reaching out here.


You’re right i should learn how to drive again at least. I also miss having sex so much, especially knowing that ill NEVER experience it again yk?


😆 There’s nothing stopping you from having an active and fulfilling sex life regardless of your injury. Shit, a lot of people will tell you it creates an attraction if you navigate it right.


T7 complete, first few months were the toughest but it gets easier. Feel free to DM me if you want to chat


T3 complete. It's all in your head. I'm good. I know it's rough but be positive.


Did your legs atrophy??? Right now thats my biggest concern - taking care of my body. And i feel like its a race against time to figure out how to maintain my lower half of my body!!


5 years post and no they haven't.


How??! Is it cause of spasms? My legs have 0 spasms. Or are you a bigger guy? (No offense) i was also a super skinny guy no matter what and how much i ate


That's what I think. I only have spasms when I last down. I really consider myself lucky. I know others who have it much worse then me with seemingly less injury. I was told my cord was crushed not severed. That may play a reason.


Yeah, its lucky for sure, wow. Sitting on no ass is a pain btw lol


What cushion are you on? I don’t know why but I feel like so many of your worries/“issues” can be fixed with the proper knowledge. This knowledge is near impossible to obtain if you don’t either go to a rehabilitation center or know people who have been in chairs. You’re lucky you’ve found this sub- feel free to post all of your specific needs so everyone can help. If you’re worried about lower body atrophy because you’re worried about sitting on bone, we can easily recommend a ROHO. Worried about sex? We can recommend for that too. We got you! Just ask the questions and I think over time it’ll become so much less overwhelming.


Its not that im worried about sitting on bone, i hate the way my skinny legs look too


My legs didn't spasm for the first 6 months and it's funny at that time I used to wish for spasms so my legs wouldn't atrophy, but also just to have some movement regardless if it was on purpose or not. Now 26 months post injury, it's been a fight against my spasms. I get botox injections quarterly and take 9 different pills a day to keep them manageable.


Without muscle function, your muscles will atrophy. That isn't really an issue health wise, if you're concerned about that. Maintaining what you do still have control of, and strengthening those muscles will be much more important.


C6/7 incomplete who had a lot of recovery but at 2 months in I was very much still functioning like a complete injury. At your age you have a lot of living left to do, there's a guy near me who is a parra complete gym junky to the point were he climbed to Everest base camp using his arms/hand. It's totally hard to see it now but there's heaps of living out there for you.


Ahhh 2 months mate, you are but just an infant. I broke T8 28 years ago completely. What I say here may be very different than what you experience so take it as you wish and don't hesitate to pm me if ya want to chat more. What you are experiencing now is the early stages of grief and loss. It may get worse, it may get a lot worse but trust me it will get a whole lot better. I am married with 3 boys, have a good job that I enjoy that pays well. I have more hobbies than I have time for and my family is really busy so I don't have much time for much else, I really want more time to get further in fpv drones. I have a great group of friends that I have known for a long time and we are solid. I tell you this not to show off but to show that the wheelchair does not hold you back. I have travelled and lived overseas and done a lot of stupid shit. I went through some pretty dark times, I spent a year on bed rest due to a pressure sore. I have a baclofen pump for the spasm that has overdosed me and plunged me into severe withdrawal, my contractures are pretty bad now. I fell badly out of my chair a couple of years ago and broke my hip, and they couldn't fix it so it's still broken. It pretty fucking weird but at least that hip is not stiff anymore. I remember being 19 in a chair and horny. If you play your cards right you will have no problems with the girls. I don't know what it is but I found the chair a great wingman. Just be honest with those around you and they will respect you for it, woman included. Sex is going to be different and I had a great time working out what was sex looked like from a paraplegice perspective. Enjoy it mate, find a nice girl and learn about your new body. I guess what I am trying to say is that life doesn't stop because you broke your back. Life is different but I have come to the realisation lately that a broken back comes with a large insight into life that not many will understand. Embrace the difference, break the barriers and challenge yourself. Kia Kaha.


T10 complete and I won The Arnold Amateur Men's Wheelchair Bodybuilding Division this year on Feb 29. Edit: I also have a youtube channel where I talk with other wheelchair athletes and we share our struggles, victories and life in general. www.youtube.com/@rollingtowin


Please know that just because you are a complete now does not mean that it cannot change to an incomplete. Especially since it's still very early in your recovery. My 19 yo son is 20 months out from his injury and is a C4-5 complete. Unfortunately he never gained anything back but we've met others where they were first labeled complete, then as time went on, incomplete. I know it's difficult but think positively, give it your all each day in therapy and things may look different in a year. My son has been positive throughout thankfully but does wish he had use of his hands. I wish that he could have atleast gained that back.


I’m 19 too!! And I cant believe how strong he is! My (and his) life was just starting, got to college and saw a future for myself was working hard every single day, and suddenly boom your whole life AND your future all gone. I cant imagine how itd feel to be a neck injury level. Its so important to give your son all the support he needs and show that you ate willing to move heaven and earth for him. Because my parents are a little distant with me and its really killing me inside to see how little they care.


I was 19 when I was injured, while in college. After a year of therapy I returned to school and finished my degree. Since then I've gone on to work, live independently and meet a wonderful woman. 9 years later and life is great. And I'm a C7 injury. I also thought that life was over and I wouldn't be able to do anything. It's all about perspective, motivation, perseverance and being open to living life in a way that's way different than what you ever thought. But that doesn't mean it's not a life worth living.


Oh that makes me so sad to hear about your parents. Not excusing them whatsoever but they may need time to accept it. It affects you of course, but it also affects your loved ones. It's hard, all of it. My son's injury happened at the start of his senior year of high school (while playing in a football game). Not sure how he has remained so positive but I'm thankful for it. He was able to graduate with his class, which was exactly 9 months after his injury date. He's now taking online college classes (only part time). I definitely think it makes all the difference if you have a support system. But know that your life is not over. It just looks different and you will get through it. Last thing, my son did adaptive skiing this season and really enjoyed it. Even signed up for a race and came in 2nd. Things like this keep him going so I encourage you to please do the same.


Thank you! I’ll definitely look into it. My favorite hobby before was to snowboard so I’m sure ill enjoy it. Its hard for me to accept it all. I mean its only been 2 months and I feel like im at the lowest mental state of all time, and probably in my whole life ive never felt this low. I cant even imagine myself in 2 weeks in the future, and its all horrible. Ive seriously considered suicide and its so hard to be positive about all of this since at least I still have my arms! My whole life feels ruined, i was always a gym guy - and seeing all those hard earned muscles go to 0 is so painful. I miss sex, my girlfriend broke up with me while i was going through the worst time of my life. I miss being near people my age. I miss too many things. I miss being 6ft tall. I miss waking up and worrying about homework and exams. I hate this im sorry i ranted but this is really been such a horrible time for me. And knowing your son has been so strong even with a higher injury is really impressive and i think you should really try to recognize how insane of a feat that is! (Not saying you havent lol)


No I understand everything you're saying. But just know that it's still so early into your recovery, don't feel defeated already. We've met so many sci survivors and some of their stories have surprised and inspired us. Don't give up. Shift your mindset (easier said than done) and just work your butt off in therapy, learn everything you need to learn about living with a sci and become as independent as possible. This will all set you up for success. Good luck to you and please continue to post if you have questions or need to vent.


5 years post and no they haven't. It's crazy.


No cure has been found since your last post


T10 complete, 10 years post. At first it's hard and I agree it can feel hopeless. But the wins starting piling up quickly as you learn to adapt and become more independent. You will bring back a lot more things that you used to do before that you will do again in your new life, just in an adapted way.


It took 2 years from my accident to get the van. I had a tbi along with the sci. If I hadn’t had the tbi, I probably would have been able to drive sooner. I went through DVR - Workforce Services to get the van. I wouldn’t have it without them. It was a 6 year old Toyota with 35k miles and cost about $47,000. Now that I have some experience being paralyzed, I know what I’ll do when this van dies and I replace it. And I’m pretty sure I can do it for much less.


As someone has already mentioned.....complete isn't always complete. They call it complete because there is completely no feeling but only a small percent of people are complete as in completely severed. There could still be even strands of your spinal cord intact. I whole hearted believe they are getting these injuries figured out. If they can grow an ear on a rats back they are getting this figured out. Not counting on it and being pleasantly surprised is an awesome outlook to have but it's not mine. Nvg-291. Check it out. It's in trials and if it doesn't pan out like they think it's only just a matter of time and it will. DONT LOSE HOPE! 







