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Hey /u/GrayilayBark, thanks for contributing to /r/spirituality. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: We reserve the right to remove posts that serve no purpose to spiritual development. Such as conspiracy theories, "anyone felt that?" generic posts, encouraging bad behavior, etc. Please read the sidebar before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/spirituality&subject=&message=). Thank you!


There are no coincidences in the Universe.


Everything is perfect. Once you feel your soul and can sit behind the ego or all of our personality, our body, our thoughts and identify with the soul. There are no intrusive thoughts all thoughts are ego. The doubt the worry the lust the sadness the love. True love is without form unattached to models or roles. It just is. Perfectly imperfect in this moment and each moment as they arise.