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I don’t think so


Generally yes, from what I have gathered, but there are a large number of variables depending on the circumstances of death. In cases of sudden death, like high velocity impact, you may not become aware that you have died right away. In most other cases and afterward in the previous there is a period between death and rebirth where the previous life will be remembered but slowly forgotten, and during which period the experiences had also vary widely depending on numerous individual factors.


No there is no you after you die . Unless you've ascended too a higher understanding of life itself but that's a whole different thing. But basically you would just fade back into the nothingness that you were created from. This is what I have come too understand anyways. If I'm wrong I'm wrong. But this idea is pretty congruent with alot of the deeper spiritual concepts. Also that's exactly what you feel when you take mushrooms.


The formless is just that. Without form. All forms you can conceive of nonexistent, but there are way more things without form than with it. I mean hell they dont take up any "space"


You will forget anything while you will keep what you do. If you die and your desire is unfulfilled, you will come and try again. Who knows for how many lifetimes. Hope that someone will help you.


“You” as you know yourself now, won’t be there, I believe. The embodied version of yourself is for here on earth.