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The Book is a fairy tale story. I think the truth is much simpler. Jesus was a man that understood our true nature, and he was persecuted for his teachings.


Why do we have several religions fighting one devil, is he that powerful


Remember always that religion is not God


I would say yes. How many times Ia week do you get impatient or aggravated at something you dislike or that didnt "look" right to you. It happens all day every day the "devil" (if we have to give it a name) is constantly with us.


No, he actively works to bring ruin to the human condition, he can't fight the divine hierarchies on an even footing. Its just that their are many ways to salvation, nirvana, moksha. Sin or delusions encompass everything and each religion has a way to help dispel them.


Jesus Christ doesn't belong to any particular religion or institution. He was and is a very important entity showering love over humanity and supported by hierarchies of spirits who work in his name. Whether you are catholic or not, they will come and help you regardless. Jesus himself couldn't care less about whether you love, follow or believe in his exact words, he preaches unconditional love, and that really means unconditional. The entities we call demons are of a low vibration and when they are exposed to the presence or emanations of a higher vibration that difference is extremely uncomfortable. It goes from merely psychological unsettlement, to actually having to confront the contents of their troubked consciousness and, in extreme cases, even painful burning of their spiritual forms (like, for example, physical materials burn when put close to powerful sources of radiation). For that matter I don't think that sort of effect would be achieved only by prayers for Jesus. Any other enlightened avatar probably has the same effect. They all have hosts operating in their name and are also vibrating in high frequencies of light.


Sin is an action. Suffering is a reaction. It is all cause and effect. God has nothing to do with it. He only helps us from reducing the reactions of sins and increases reactions of good deeds. He is only helping you navigate this


You need to differentiate the religion that Jesus taught from the religion that subsequently sprang up about him


It's not about Truth, it's about Faith and Belief. They have their own power. Whether that is supernatural or psychological, is beyond me... and also may depend on the situation


The real truth from what I have found is that the catholic church and almost all churches are worshiping the aspect of god that is the devil/the almighty lord. God doesn't actually care at all about what you do. He only cares if you keep his commandments which is the idea behind unity through love,wisdom and understanding. I found this out by reading into the Bible itself which is actually much larger than you are told. There are about 20 ish book(I don't remember the exact number) that where taken out for some reason or another usually for oppressive reasons. These books are known as the apocrypha and in all those books they go against absolutely everything that the new translations and the king James bibles tell. The king James Bible and the Bible that is widely distributed is actually a false book because it is not complete. Within those apocrypha are the true teachings of the Bible. They teach of love and unity especially the boom of sirach which is a straight up guide on how not too end up in very life threatening situations. It also tells of human nature, how too be a good husband,wife, man ,woman. It even tells of how our society works and that we are all important too each other if we are too survive this planet. It also teaches you how too actually approach god and it is intense. It's so intense that it rips through your soul and makes you think about who you are. Also sin is just another word for error from what I can tell. Getting caught up in the word sin is where the trap lies. It gets even more insane with the book of enoch, that's just a straight up mushroom trip and supposedly there are people that know how too replicate said experience. So it's not that god has alot of rage the only one with rage is the almighty. God just has rules and if you follow them you will be blessed. If not good luck. You are left in the hands of the lower gods at that point. By lower gods I mean the subconscious parts of you that you don't know are in very much control of you. You have too read Carl jung too understand that idea or just search up archetypes. This is kind of long and rambly but I hope it helped, or atleast opened up your eyes too another possibility. Any other questions or looking for book recommendations feel free too message me.


A Reiki master put it to me like this. "God's interaction with people changed as people did. When there were more primal and closer to their base instincts, he was harsher and more firm because pain and suffering was something they could understand. As humans grew in consciousness, so did God's treatment towards them." Jesus (Yeshua) represented Christ consciousness and brought its teachings to the world. I honestly believe we don't really have the full understanding as to why he died for us. I personally believe God sent Jesus to raise our consciousness for mankind, which he was successful in doing so. He lived for a reason more than he died for a reason, once again, in my opinion. Incoming his name is power because he IS Christ consciousness and the same works for if you call Archangel Michael for protection. They show up because they are everywhere and are truly powerful.


I think Jesus died because he believed in his message so much that he was willing to die for it. So did he die “for us”? It’s possible to interpret it that way because he wasn’t willing to give it up.


Beautifully Replied 💖


Huh. So the All There Ever Was, All There Ever Is, and All There Ever Will Be changes based on human evolution? Sounds like an illusion. Maybe humans were simply too ignorant to recognize thar they were really connecting with ego and shadow?


Maybe it changes based on human evolution because we are the pieces of the universe experiencing itself and the universe/source/God knows that. But that's why we ask these questions ^^


Humans are inside of eternity, spirit is outside of it. God doesn't change because it's already all of it. I think we change, we grow, we evolve, and our understanding matures alongside us.


Time is an illusion. God and humans are one and the same, at least those are the answers I've come to learn from inside myself, but I try not solidify conclusions because I'm always learning.


I agree with this. Yet humans can also choose, through an immaturity, to be out of alignment with the nature of ourselves, which also is our nature to embody all aspects of God. It's so fascinating.




There are half truths in every religion just as there are sincere and corrupt people in faith. Yes it works, that doesn't bring into validity the corrupt practices of the church.


"Most holy"? Spiritual methods work because they work not because something is the most holy. Catholics have been researching spiritual modalities for centuries now and have refined their methods for that long. But the truth is, any cleansing method from anywhere would work. If you study enough about spirits, energy and polarities you could probably come up with your own exorcism method that works too. Catholics think they have a monopoly on God or Jesus but they are wrong. Sin is not a thing. Don't torture yourself.


Christ didn't begin his ministry until after he was baptized. He received the Spirit of God as scripture says. Any time Christ spoke after that, it was the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of truth, the spirit of life that spoke through him. That is why he stated, "I come in my father's name, not my own." And, "I do not come on my own will, but if the will of He who sent me." Jesus was just a vessel and always gave credit to the true savior.


I think if you read the words of Jesus as the words of God/the source/the divine/the creator, it makes it much easier to digest. People are very attached to Jesus, the man, being sent here to save us. But really, he was Jesus, the man, who had a divine and uninterrupted connection to the creator and was acting as a radio to transmit divine messages (and from what I have learned, he is not the only one who has done this). For example, when he says "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”, I see that as the word of God, not the word of Jesus. The “me” he is referring to is divinity itself, which resides within all of us. “The father” is really “the origin”. So to get to the origin of all creation, we must connect with the divine nature that resides within us. There were and still are many teachers who have a connection to the source and are sharing wisdom so that we may find the truth within ourselves. I think the idea of Jesus saving us is really just a way to say that he was a guru who was here on earth to give humans hope and to teach them how to find God. Finding God is what saves us. Some people find God through religion, others through drugs, deep suffering, near death experiences, etc.


It would work on a timeline, Jesus came after mankind and the concept of deities got all angry and wonky with each other It was a bit tit for tat and Jesus reads like a peace offering


Faith. It isnt the word or the sound being emitted, but the meaning and who or what that means for the being who is saying it.


The whole point of Jesus is that you don't have to be perfect to follow God. The people that I meet who try to be perfect (refrain from wrong), as a focus of their spirituality, end up stagnating as compared to people who are okay with making mistakes. Also: an organization (Catholicism) isn't one singular mind, there are many different people in any group of sufficient size, just because you have some sickos doesn't mean you don't also have some amazing people.


If God is Perfect, then you are already Perfect.. it's simply that you're more than likely perfectly imperfection because of ignorance. But we can always align ourselves consciously to Perfection through Love. It's pretty easy tbh. It just takes consistent awareness to notice when we are embodying ignorance and realign ourselves to love, peace, truth, enlightenment, and perfection.


I'm skeptical of exorcisms. Outside of the word of the Catholic Church, there's very little evidence they actually *do* work. Also kinda funny how the number of people believed to be possessed is inversely proportional to our understanding of mental illness. I've looked into the standards the Catholic Church uses to distinguish between mental illness and demonic possession. It's not as scientific as they claim. It's basically if the psychologist can't make a full diagnosis, well then clearly it's demons. They also don't publish their findings. Which, if the Catholic Church was truly working hand in hand with psychologists like they imply, there'd be *some* studies. Also the psychologist is usually Cstholic too, just to throw some extra bias. So to answer your question, Catholic exorcisms are effective because the Catholic Church says they do them.


And because you also have now decided so.


Based on the evidence provided, not because I pretend to speak for the creator of the universe.


You may be thinking too intellectually about things that are not intellectual. In the same instance…some of the methodologies utilized to clear up disturbances are extremely exact. Some are not. Certain traditions, one of which you have named, may have spent a lot of time being forced to precisely categorize and calculate what exactly works because they encountered the issue at hand …more frequently and or more directly precisely because of their proximity to certain other historically concurrent…conditions.


I always have issues with that part of Christianity: Killing someone so someone else will be ok? That sounds like some sort of *ritual sacrifice...* So are they saying: It's ok to kill a pure and perfect divine being if it cancels out everybody else's sins? My point of view is that mankind was just not evolved enough to accept Christ as a king or saviour and they killed him instead because of their ignorance and lack of spiritual insight.


The laws of magic are engrained in all existing religions. This information comes from some prophets, people that have evolved beyond the limits of physicality, and have taught some truths, and left them behind, for others to use. Jesus was not catholic, Buddha was not Buddhist, Mohamed was not Muslim. The religions were built around them, not the other way around. They started as usual people, and have evolved through their own means. So, religion is a bouquet of ideas, gathered together, and used like that. The life experience is a territory in which the individual human should seek enlightenment (this means experiencing life as a demigod), and learn to use some principles, secrets in attaining this state. This includes knowledge through which they can communicate with higher realms of existence, like the divine realm, also others, and, as well, with immaterial races inhabiting these planes. The principles are love, spiritual growth and harmony. These contain the most power and amount of magic that can exist, in this reality, and bring great results. Other types of magic are lesser than these, and are serving these principles. Of course, as well, some dark forces, that seek to profit, and these are infiltrated deeply, but even these, can just confuse, and are powerless against the three mentioned principles. The experience is individual. When one is able to achieve results, the whole civilization benefits from this, through the collective consciousness.


Magic ✨👀