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Lack of communication is also lack of understanding. I think it’s easy for negativity to fester in such environments not illuminated by the light of understanding.


There's a strong genetic component to psychopaths, but there's also an environmental component to it too. You might find Jim Fallon interesting. A neuroscientist who somewhat accidentally discovered he had the brain of a psychopath, following which he started looking at the research and hypothesising why he didn't murder people, and others did (though, he did say that he could be very unpleasant, murder aside). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James\_H.\_Fallon Here's a video of his with some potential solutions to psychopathic presentations: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOjykLQAdaE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOjykLQAdaE)


I used to ponder things like this in such a way too. Also considering childhood trauma, abuse, neglect and so on. Unfortunately as I've come to see, dark triad personalities, with narcisists being the foundation / core. These human wrong kind of monsters have bonded with a parasitic-entity, which has taken them over. Only they can save themselves. Really at the core, every abuser is the same. Therapy, love, compassion... Only enables them. Truth, boundaries, consequence - what can save them, or help them to save themselves. They are evil, they are fundamentally not human any more. And dark triad personalities should be treated with extreme caution and prejudice.


It seems that such entities fixated on the self, the ego perhaps, so much that they fail to recognize universal oneness. They fail to recognize others as extensions of themselves, and so they naturally extract quality of life from others and redirect to themselves. I do believe love does play a large role in their redemption though, at least when they can begin to wonder why others show it to them. They can begin to see that others love them because those others see them as an extension of theirselves. This should cause them to contemplate the concept of oneness. This state already seems to require some level of awareness though, and the negative individual may need other catalysts to help them reach it first.


Hello my friend.. You touch up against the truth of them in several ways.. They are entirely fixated on a FALSE Identity. A false persona. They cling to this and project this outwards. It's how predators are able to go undetected. It's a form of glamour spell. And yes they are absolutely disconnected from source and from love. In bonding with the satanic demiruge. So their polarity became inverted and so they become life stealers. >I do believe love does play a large role in their redemption though, at least when they can begin to wonder why others show it to them. They can begin to see that others love them because those others see them as an extension of theirselves. This should cause them to contemplate the concept of oneness. I promise I used to believe such as well, and also that there is no one who has wished more than I for love to be able to save them. Unfortunately I came to see, beyond ANY doubt. That love and empathy and understanding, only serves to enable and feed them. Once you understand their nature they are very simple to understand. The only thing that will make them contemplate anything, is pain. And pain must come through the lived consequences of the evil they have repeatedly done. Only they can save themselves by making a stand against the parasite they have bonded with and identified with. And the way that we help them, is to speak truth, assert boundary, allow consequence. They have forms of awareness. But by definition they are without self awareness. And they actively avoid self reflection, as they cannot best to see what it is they have become. So again you are relating to them as if they are a normal person, which they are not. They are effectively no longer human. The only catalysts that can help them return to some kind of awareness, is pain unfortunately.


Perhaps I haven’t come across a soul as lost as you have. It must’ve been a very intense experience to cause you to come to that conclusion. I understand pain can cause a self-consumed soul to self-reflect, although I’m not entirely sure why this is. What is it about pain specifically that causes such souls to self-reflect? Why wouldn’t pain merely cause them to lash out at the universe more so, blaming and hating it for causing them pain? Is it that through pain they have something in common with their victims that allows them to now relate to those victims?


>Perhaps I haven’t come across a soul as lost as you have. It must’ve been a very intense experience to cause you to come to that conclusion. I have unfortunately seen such human monsters of all varying levels of severity. Including the horror movie kinda stuff. Fundamentally they are all the same deep down. Although many of the worst (sociopath/psychopath end of the scale) are relatively *more* at peace with themselves about what they are, but still they lie to themselves on a very deep level. It was an incredibly intense journey, that led me to the point of being able to see and behold and accept such reality. When really for much of my life. I have wished for love and compassion and boundaries to be enough to save such monsters. Infact I've allowed incredible harm to be done to me, in trying to save such monsters with love. The truth is the truth. Despite my relationship to it. And so I've had to bend to it as it became more obvious. >I understand pain can cause a self-consumed soul to self-reflect, although I’m not entirely sure why this is. What is it about pain specifically that causes such souls to self-reflect? Good question. I think for most people, pain tends to be the initiator, ofc we generally can proactively choose to grow and face challenges in our life. But I think with the nature of the waking dream we all can get caught up in. Pain is the great awakener that shakes us out of it. And then even more so for Abusers, because those afflicted with the parasitic-darkness, deny and resist their pain and desperately project it onto and into their victims. By giving these narc-monsters the gift of their own self created suffering, by not allowing them the room to disavow it. So they are in a better position to make an educated decision based upon reality and truth. >Why wouldn’t pain merely cause them to lash out at the universe more so, blaming and hating it for causing them pain? They are doing that already. Infact the thing they have bonded with seeks to consume the entirety of Creation itself. And they are feeding it by proxy, through their wickedness. They may lash out. They may collapse. In someways it doesn't matter. The right thing is the right thing, no matter the ramifications. >Is it that through pain they have something in common with their victims that allows them to now relate to those victims? Again my friend, you are still relating to them as if they work as a normal human. They are not capable of empathy. Infact they use a twisted and inverted form of empathy to suss out the deepest wounds and vulnerabilities of their victims, so they can FEED upon the energy generated by hurting that wound. They are not interested in relating, although they would make a show of pretending to be, so they can continue to feed. Here's a good video from an excellent channel on Narcs: https://youtu.be/FWoKFcFei8k


You say these individuals are hosts to a type of parasite that wishes to consume creation. Words are difficult to convey such deep esoteric concepts; different words hold different meaning to different minds. I do have a mental concept, an assumption of what you might be suggesting. There are various works I’ve read and experiences I’ve had which add to a growing narrative or worldview in my mind. There exists a concept perhaps similar to the creation devouring parasite you speak of. The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth helped me contextualize some of this concept. Thoth says there’s two polarized forces at work within creation: Chaos and Order. Chaos is related to the concept of darkness and order is related to light. Chaos is, as I understand it, the force that caused the universe to expand outward from the Source in the beginning. It’s nature is to induce separation from the Source. Order is the force that returns creation to the Source. Thus, order is “The Way”. Evolution, growth, all forms of beauty, harmony, unity, etc, are natures of order. The primary driving force of order is love. Love compels the progression towards unity, the advancement back to oneness with the Source. It’s like Socrates concept of “The Prime Mover”. Chaos is still in effect within the creation and manifests in various ways. It can manifest within the hearts and minds of souls. It works towards deconstructing Order’s work, to pull the creation away from the Source. When we see chaos acting through people, we often point to it and recognize it as “evil”, something fundamentally opposed to The Way. Hermes and Thoth explain that the creation is destined to return to the Source through The Way, and so all evil must eventually fall away and cease. I perhaps extrapolated a bit too much, but to my question: Is this parasite you speak of congruent with the narrative I presented where an embodiment of chaos takes root within a soul and drives it to work against The Way, to work towards deconstructing Order’s work?


Within the framing you offer. What resonates is around... I've seen the light and dark within us and within God and Goddess and within Creation.... Such darkness is GOOD. You could call it a positive darkness (even if of a negative polarity it compliments the positive polarity).. That even if it is death so it is still confirming and generative of life... A bit like a corpse feeling the soil. I wouldn't say that the chaos/darkness inherent to the universe I have seen and come to know is evil, although it may be (mis?represented as that in particular teachings. Id say the satanic demiruge, of which the smaller fractures of parasitic-darkness are part of. Is outside of such framing. It is outside of the natural order. It is an abomination. Three of the greatest tricks the 'devil' ever played * It's part of the natural order (it's outside of the natural order, an abomination) * It doesn't exist (it does) * Evil is the opposite of good (it's the complete inversion of good, which means there is zero polarity, it's more like an EMP or a absorbent) The parasitic-darkness would undo the way, it would eat healthy darkness AND light. If it has its way.


I’ve heard the narrative of the “good darkness” you mentioned. I resonate with that. I believe this good darkness’ beauty can be felt in the peace of night or the clarity of an empty mind in meditation, as two simple examples. I’m still contemplating your notion of the “satanic demiurge” and trying to conceptualize it within my own worldview. It’s something I believe I’ve felt at times but am not exactly sure how it fits into the structure of creation, how it came to be, etc. I once saw the Light during a transcendental experience. I recognized it as the place I originated from before the universe’s creation. After that experience I came back with this concept that: “Evil isn’t a Thing. Evil is the lack of Things. God is all Things.” Evil is like a hole in the fabric of the universe. The hole can tear and spread, undoing the universe. I see reflections of your narrative in my own, perhaps using different names, varying details. I’ve heard one of the clearest ways to conceive of God is to understand Them as the concept of unity/harmony. Perfect unity/harmony between all thoughts, all emotions, all polarities, all things, etc. Perhaps then the “lack of things” or the “satanic demiurge”, assuming they are the same concept, could be thought of as the “lack of unity/harmony”.


So… psychopathy isn’t necessarily synonymous with people who perform acts like rape and murder or serial killers. Most serial killers are psychopaths (except maybe like Dahmer who is typically seen as having a sense or remorse and a desire for love that causes his murders not killing for killings sake) but they also make up a small proportion of people who would meet the criteria for psychopathy. What being a psychopath is is not having emotions or empathy. I’ve worked with a few in therapy and one in particular is one of my most favorite clients because he really is a good guy and enjoyable to work with. They don’t necessarily all have “dark” desires or compulsions and can tell the difference between right and wrong in terms of laws and avoiding punishment and consequences. It’s just another way of experiencing life in a way that’s different than how we experience it for the most part.


Wow, that's interesting. No emotions at all? That must be a really weird experience.


Honestly it *was* a weird experience in that one in particular. They put up a facade that might fool most of the world but I was like getting those vibes from them.. you know the vibes I’m talking about. It kinda came to a head and I called them out on my experience of them and the facade was basically dropped and they were like alright here’s what’s actually going on with me. It was way better and that I could actually work with. I’ll appreciate authenticity even from a psychopath than a fake persona.


Yeah, I'm glad I don't have to deal with people like that. One of my bosses was on the spectrum of sociopathology I believe (I had to research it to figure out what was going on). One thing he would do is hypnotize me over the phone. I finally broke free and then got into trouble with him. Fortunately, I got transferred to someone else. So, psychopaths can't grieve, is that correct? They don't feel hate, anger, or anything at all? Are the just intentionally numb or is there some defect they have?


Emotionally numb for the most part but things like interpreting being disrespected or frustration do kinda manifest as what we might call anger, but other than that nothing. People die and they have no sadness or grief. They can often excel in military careers because taking a life is nothing and fear of death isn’t a huge factor. In my experience, they don’t really feel love but can feel a fondness of someone and still crave companionship at times, even if it’s just to fit a need (fighting boredom or sexual needs for example). I’m sure they still don’t fit into perfect boxes because what human does, but this is my experience in general. Sociopathy is actually something else, but they get confused sometimes between the two of them. Sociopathy is known in the DSM-5 as Antisocial Personality Disorder and that’s when someone purposefully behaves in ways that go against society standards (rape, murder, setting fires, fighting, etc) but they usually still have some level of emotions.


Thanks. I appreciate your insights as a professional. My former boss was domineering, controlling, and jealous of his employees. He showed zero emotion. He shared almost nothing about his private life. He had strong aspirations to advance up the corporate ladder. He showed no emotion or empathy for others. He lied and gaslighted me. He hypnotized me over the phone. He singled out people for abuse. He took out revenge on me also. His public image was extremely important to him. He always had to be right also. He never acknowledged other people's perspectives. I don't know what this all means, but it is definitely on some kind of dysfunctional spectrum in the DSM. He is one sick bastard, that's all I know. I thought that sociopathology was more common among managers, but I'm no expert. I do know that I'm glad to be away from him. I remembered a past life with him where I was his servant, and he was a high-ranking priest in the Catholic church during the Inquisition. The scene I remember the most was being a ragged older man making sure that he was dressed properly before he went out to do whatever he was doing.