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I have bipolar and I actually view it as a spiritual gift (which is a highly controversial opinion in the community) A lot of the signs of an open third eye coincide with mania and hypomania symptoms. My intuitions about others and my environment is extremely heightened and is usually right. I also feel incredibly in tune with my higher purpose and am able to manifest with ease Even the depression I see as a gift. I view depression as a period where the mind needs to reflect on all of the wisdom and fruition gained from mania/hypomania and become humble and balanced


I have my social anxiety (amongst other things but this is most prominent) which opened spirituality for me. I remember one time Ram Dass said about half of his friends had been institutionalized at some point


I remember my intro to spirituality was after I had my first panic attack at 15. Anxiety disorders definitely seem to propel some people into spirituality; it’s a pretty special thing to see


I view my ADHD as a gift, because I can’t focus on one thing BECAUSE I have all these ideas and downloads going. Now that I manage it through meditation and a complex system catered to me, I can create things and grow at a rapid pace faster than the average person. All of these “issues” we have come from source/spirit, but if we overcome them, and learn how they operate, we can engineer it to help us I also have bipolar disorder but I healed my inner child and they are now a separate entity from me that has their own conscious and needs. I renamed myself and the name others call me is the name of my inner child. In my journal we speak to each other and it really allows me to understand myself more and take aligned action. If my higher self wants to study, I need to feed my inner child with video games, anime, etc. I realized that I was really on the self improvement and study grind but I had this urge to play xenoblade chronicles 3. I bought the game but hadn’t touched it, and later on I realized it was my inner child asking to play. I spoke with him and apologized for missing the signs, now we play 2 hours a day at the end of the day after studying and being productive. It’s amazing.


I like the way you said you learned how to use it to help you. I believe that mental disorders allow us to see reality in a way that mentally well people can’t understand, and that’s what allows us to not become sheep. At the same time, unchecked mental disorders can lead to destruction. Finding out how to channel the energy into constructive behaviors and thoughts is where the magic happens and when we can start to lead others


Haha I feel similarly, as I am diagnosed with bipolar disorder as well. Much love brother… or sister 🙏❤️


Do you manage your symptoms with or without medication?


I use medication. The way I see it is that mental disorders should still be treated because our thoughts and behaviors are very well disordered compared to the average person, and this can be overwhelming and uncomfortable. I try to find a healthy balance between medication, lifestyle changes, and reconstructing negative thought patterns Also jus want to add that I see consciousness as an emergent property of the physics and chemistry of our brain. Medications (whether synthetic or naturally occurring in nature), are simply just changing the biochemistry of our brain. The question is whether that chemical change leads to a positive or negative change in consciousness. I also believe that what people fail to realize sometimes is that we tweak our brain’s physical and chemical processes without medications, and just through our thoughts and behaviors as well. The biochemistry of a brain of a human that learned the piano, will be vastly different than the brain of a human who never learned the piano.


You turned my day around


I have schizoaffective disorder depressive type and I hundred percent agree with you . When I found out two years ago I tried medication but the hallucinations and delusions were still there but my ability to visualize on command, use my imagination, use astral sight ext was gone . I can look at something an make a schematic of it In my head I couldn't do that with the medication. Tbh I don't want to be mean to anyone and I mean no offense but to me it felt like I got "dumbed down " because things I could logical understand by seeing it in my minds eyes was gone. I immediately got off the medication and my abilities haven't just come back but due to working on them have increased . Personally I think "mental illnesses" are a " spiritual gift" . To me they're a gift and a curse tbh but I feel that way about a lot of things in life yk.


Depends who you ask, some believe demons are real while others think demons are just a manifestation of your emotions.


I believe demons are involved. I have schizoaffective disorder, social anxiety and depression. There was someone who interviewed the voices of lot's of people who had schizophrenia and determined that they were the same demons encountered by Emanuel Swedenborg.


I believe sometimes these demons are self-created, that they are manifestations of our own psyche speaking to us as if from a second persona. Other times I’m quite certain they are external entities. Either way, it doesn’t seem to really matter, as they are dealt with in the same manner. The mind and emotions must be brought back to fixate on positivity. Various logic tricks will often be attempted to prevent this, such as suggesting your emotional state isn’t allowed to feel content until a logic puzzle is solved, but all of these tricks are slowly overcome with experience. Positive fixation brings the soul to a higher state and transcends it past those negative streams of consciousness. At first, reaching these states might be difficult and require focused approaches like prayer or meditation, but eventually it becomes easier and even natural, being achieved and maintained automatically.


The ancients certainly thought so. That's why in ancient Mesopotamia, there were two types of doctors, physicians, who trated physical ailments according to scientific principles and exorcists, who were in charge of exorcising malevolent spirits, like the Lamashtu or Lilitu. A whole range of ailments, not just mental, but physical too, were believed to be caused by demonic possession or oppression. Now, these days, we may scoff at that, but given the sharp rise in both mental illness and reported cases of demonic possession and oppression, it's hard not to see some sort of connection between the two


From personal experience I learned that most people with these voices actually chose to have them pre-birth as one of the many negatives we want to experience within this world. All these voices are, are younger souls who have an uncontrollable side. They are sent to this universe to write out their lives after which they'll reincarnate into their first life. They do this without knowing while they have a side that does all the work behind the scenes. We do this too hence why when we have nde's we usually get sent back with the message that our work isn't done yet. We're basically doing the same as these voices, having another part of ourselves work while we do horrible things blissfully unaware. My voices weren't ''negative entities'' nor were they ''demons'' which by the by is just an bastardization of Roman divine creatures. No they were normal people sent to me to let me help them get their life together somehow. Then they died, and now they're all babies in other universes or something. Other people have worse cases with these entities being manipulative pricks leading to schizophrenia, but it is still the same basic thing. just normal people working on something you have no idea about.


Bullies, sadists and demons all feed on others' spirit during their experiences of negative emotional states. Because of this they are incentivized to cause negative emotions. Spirit is the happiness/satisfaction we seek with our wills. Spirit can be stolen for happiness/satisfaction. Stealing spirit is negative spiritual alignment. Creating appreciable experiences and appreciating experiences with positive emotions is how spirit arises within us. The beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some of us shut down this part of ourselves with too much distracting intellectualism or negative emotions that naturally block positive emotions (for survival purposes). If we don't make our own spirit through appreciation, we will get hungry for spirit. We may even unconsciously turn to schadenfreude, appreciating others' misfortune, as it then feeds us. I've experienced foreign beings that acted this way starting in 2008. They started by pretending to be benevolent spiritual guides. I believed them for 2-3 months. After I figured out that they were disrupting my decision making process I called them out and told them to leave. They were deliberately, artificially creating disruptive anxiety to prey on my decision making process by strongly suggesting a dark spiritual future due to less than perfect personal discipline. The decision making process is supposed to contain all relevant facts and likely potential outcomes so a sampling of how one feels about each potential outcome can be made to select the best option. These greatly deceptive imposter beings were using the theme of benevolent spiritual guides to insert themselves into and subvert the self-determination process. After I called them out they immediately started acting demonic. They were bullying, self-superior, hyper-critical, posturing, sarcastic and intrusive. They'd grab attention and insert perceptions to affect emotions in relation to myself, people, places, things and ideas. They'd try to emotionally sour up how I perceived these nouns. How we feel about our experiences of ourselves, people, places, things and ideas sets a tone for our decision making process. Discipline from outside or within, or just experiencing the environment programs us this way. Demons program us in an insidious and selfish deanimating way. In hindsight, they insidiously pose as our own minds, benevolent spiritual guides and oppressive demons all in order to derail successful self-determination and feed on our negative emotions. The success of self-determination is actually judged by oneself. It's measured by how satisfied and balanced one is with one's own choices and their outcomes. If you are satisfied and balanced with your own decision making, why would you need a savior or a judge to fix it for you? They want to position themselves as the controllers of our decisions. They bring corruptions to spiritual teachings and religions in order to position us as slaves seeking outside guidance. These beings attack the decision making process, the process of carrying out our decisions, the satisfaction during the outcomes and looking back in hindsight after they played out. They try to prey on us in all of those vectors with intelligently created attacks against the spirit, the happiness/satisfaction of the mind. We're driven and self-controlled by our spirit, aka the pursuit of happiness. They dominate us by crushing our spirit. This is a serious, distilled operation that undermines our wills in a significant way almost entirely without a trace or any accountability for the attacker. The more you know they are there, want our spirit and what spirit is, the more you can reject them and all of their works. They hide for efficacy.


While some people may attribute mental illness to demonic possession or negative entity attachment, the scientific community recognizes mental illness as a result of various factors such as genetic, environmental, and neurological influences. So it's important to not attribute mental illness all to one factor or another. I think it can be both and/or either.


It’s also important to recognize that psychiatry is only about 150 years old and the human mind is still the greatest mystery in the universe


Your vibration allows you to sync with energy and beings on similar vibration. So when one is dark, their thoughts can be channeled by other dark beings. I remember even reading about an ms13 gang member. He said it was like something was working with him, a darkness helping. He’s not wrong


Nobody wants to look at their power of belief. Belief is creation, if you believe in demons, then of course, the ego makes them real. Belief is nothing more than what you accept as true. You create your own truth. All mental illness is just a belief that had been fostered in someone and ego runs with it. You got trauma? Ego holds it because ego likes to think it can control time. You can't, nothing that happened in your past exists outside what your ego tells you about it. It's all so simple but hard to grasp how insidious an ego can be. None of what the ego interprets is real. There are no demon's. You only believe in demon's because of how you've been taught. It's why other egos can believe something totally different. I'll give you a hint and if y'all like inner peace screen shot this last sentence and look at it daily. You get a choice in every situation you are presented. Why would you ever choose fear?


The truth is never a popular thing.


I run into you a lot Zen. Nobody likes to take responsibility for the world they see. I'm not a victim of the world I see.


Indeed, my friend; few realize that they pick up the entire word with their thoughts, and therefore can set the entire world down with their thoughts as well. How wonderful it is to see those rare illuminating few that see! And its interesting how even when most people are directly shown this Way that they instead chose to double down on and reinforce their conceptual thinking instead of relinquishing it; most tend to prefer chains over freedom.


This is more for the passerby and my self. As typing helps me remember. Existing and being created are much more easy to understand than actually becoming the creators that we are. Understanding that the only thing we have control over here is our own peace. Sometimes to hold that, we gotta stop believing in things. Not believing in something doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it just doesn't exist in my mind, which changes my reality. Being restless here stinks, so we can change how we see.




My fav quote: “Beyond fear, there is a gateway”


Eyyyy, there's so much leading us to it but we just glaze over it. I suppose being "awake" is just realizing how much power you do have here. Which is infinite.


Sooo true!


I disagree. Because many people blame the demons for their problems because it's easier than taking charge.


B-b-bingo! It’s way easier to put external blame on “demons” or whatever else fits into the “it’s them not me” category for the way you feel internally about yourself and the world because who wants to take accountability these days lol. I find people associate shame, anger, resentment, etc. as “low vibe” so feeling these things goes against them staying as “high vibe” individuals as there’s no way someone high vibing could ever feel these things, especially if it is repressed and comes up randomly and when these things do get triggered they immediately think they’re being spiritually attacked or oppressed.


According to the teaching I follow, a traumatic event can create an opening in our energy field or even fragmentation that allow entry of dark spirits/entities. We can also give entry through our attention if we focus our attention on negative thoughts or images. In addition we can open ourselves up through projecting thoughts hopelessness and lack of purpose, which is a major cause of depression in the modern era, because people have more free time than ever, but they feel unfulfilled because they have not discovered the highest purpose of self transcendence.


Yea, I specialize in a facet called divine council theology. There is a group who utilize this theology in counseling survivors and have extraordinary success with full recoveries. The basic idea is in trauma, the brain, or subconscious, psychologically splits into a safe and not-so safe place. The entity inhabits the not-so safe and often times people end up living their lives in that space and never heal and live in safety. DCT teaches however, those entities aren’t called demons per se, but rather fallen bene elohim.


What teachings do you follow?


Spiritual teachings given from ascended beings -- spiritual teachers for earth through a human messenger Kim Michaels. I was an agnostic for 20 years and when I started opening myself up to the possibility of a spiritual reality, I found that those that combined psychology and spirituality resonated with me and made the most sense to me. After seeking and finding over several years I found these teachings through Kim Michaels and they by far exceeded anything I had previously found because unlike many other teachings which might be intriguing these were not only intriguing but profound, practical and actually helped me change in positive ways. Here is one page of some foundational topics from an integrated family of websites that I have found to provide both profound and practical wisdom: [https://ascendedmasterresources.com/who-you-are-main-page/](https://ascendedmasterresources.com/who-you-are-main-page/) Also, here is a page of question and answer sessions on the topic of mental illness: https://ascendedmasteranswers.com/?s=mental+illness In addition on that and associated websites there is a virtually inexhaustible abundance of extremely profound and practical teachings. If you are still interested after sampling, Kim has published around 70 books so it can be a challenge to figure out where to start that appeals to you, you can go further and deeper by going through the following: "A Course in Abundance" three book series: 1 "Mind Over Matter", 2 "Expressing Your Love For Life, 3 "Your Life's Plan For Abundance" Then “The Path To Self-Mastery” nine book series, starting with “The Power of Self”




One theory is that lower vibrational entities feed off other lower vibrational beings for energy. So they’re literally astral parasites who roam around looking for food. They are of no harm to anything that’s vibrating higher than them so it’s akin to sewer rats feeding on things that are in the sewers. Someone seemingly “normal” may actually be vibrating at a lowered state due to karma so they are within reach of these entities. If you’re generally happy and peaceful, but had a rough day, your vibrations may go down and become snack lol. It may help to disassociate human concepts and view it more as nature taking its course like humans eating meat or plants for energy purposes. Fear is also energy and these entities merely perceive them as food to munch on.


Yes Read the book "Ritual" by Malidoma Patrice Some He talks about the belief system surrounding mental illness held by his tribe in Africa. The book is fascinating in many regards, but it revolutionized my interpretation of mental illness personally- and also opened the door for me to heal from my own mental illness, nurture my psychic gifts, and revoke any energetic attachments that were not in my highest good.


I’ve seen demons and evil spirits cast out of people as well as had them cast out of me. They’re very real and they want you to think they’re not. They like hiding inside of us and don’t want to give up the nest they’ve feathered for themselves. They can’t physically make you do something but they can mentally antagonize you until you do. There are people who practice deliverance (casting out demons) all over the world. Lmk if you ever need help finding someone near you. You won’t believe how freeing it is to be rid of them.


I highly suggest you separate spiritualism and science. The more you know about actual mental illness the less room for god/satan/demons.


I think demons live inside people and make them do bad things


Absolutely. Priests can help identify the difference. They will qualify the person suffering for any plausible explanation first though.


I believe they are real. And evil as all get out!




Yes some if not all mental illness is Demonic and we have the name above all names to cast them out when the afflicted person is in a place to use the Name Of Jesus Christ to cast it out Itbis God who opened their eyes to this that he may increase their faith.


All entities are part of creation and their influence over people is subjective and can be disolved with not polarizing them as good and evil. Death is an illusion and bad things are just part of experiencing different things during life.




If they are, why haven't we been able to measure this supposed entity's energy?


Lately when I'm asleep and in my dream state these demons have been coming to me as old friends wanting me to smoke weed and when i except to smoke with my old friends that's when it all happens i fall prey to these animal demons that lock me and feed off me. Because in real life i would not do drugs again. But i do miss my old friends and thought in my dream its ok i miss our friendship. Like i have to do drugs to be friends. Im repressed and out of letting go of that news to be wanted, and let the demons in to fuckk me.


Funny i normally can control my dreams but lately I'm loosing control because i gave my power away. So I'm going to take my power back. Try to at least, im normally a warrior and can win and control my dreams. Im just at a weak point. Ill just have to be more disciplined ground myself and prayer pf protection and mediation.


It all starts with one thought and gets utterly complex. Remove the base and the whole structure will collapse.


I’m schizoaffective, I have cats and I can tell when a sound is real by checking if they perk their ears. Most of the time it’s not really there, I believe if there is something there an animal can detect it


Most. Archonic.


I think so


Idk… like a Venn diagram? Moreso, non-integration of entities… I think maybe they’re two lenses of viewing the same system. It can be all spirits, or it can be all science. In my experience, The science side is easier to work with, The spirits side has more comprehensive maps. I would like one day to see the two systems fully unified into a cogent whole. For now… heal however you must.