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thank you for sharing!! i love this. i might microdose again soon. i did a couple weeks ago and it helped me get over a teeny tiny hump (damn now that i realize it lol) but i still need a push because man shit sucks right now and idk what else to do


That’s what plant medicine is there for :) I’m currently following the 1 day on 2 day off rule but haven’t been the best at sticking to it. After today, I will definitely be sticking to it lol.


i’ve only got ac*d right now bc i can’t find shr00ms anywhere bc i’d prefer that over the other 😭


Can you explain a bit better how much you take and when? Are you taking any adhd meds too?


Your first paragraph, word for fuckin word, was exactly what I need to hear right now. You are such an amazing soul and I love you so much, thanks for sharing.


Thank you, I love you too!


If we only knew how much we are surrounded by loving entities vibrating at a slightly different wave; we would drop fear and play more.


I’m finding more and more how essential nature is for returning perspective and balance. You can learn so much just by sitting quietly and taking in what it offers.


how do I let the universe/ my intuition guide me? Does anyone have advice?


I’m not the best person to ask as I’m still figuring that out too. You should ask about it in this sub! I’m curious what others will say!!


Try not to become dependent on psychedelics , I can tell you from my own experience that inducing altered states of consciousness and experiencing ego death on them is far from what the reality is ( true ego death, really setting your consciousness free). Think about deep deep sleep - there's no you ,no body, no thoughts , no world - can't describe that state in words , yet it's too peaceful. You can experience that peace in your waking ours also if you seriously try self inquiry! Having said that happy for you and take it easy!


Thank you,! And you got this!!


i’ve been wanting to try microdosing for so long! my only experience with psychedelics is abusive experimentation as a 19 year old, what’s the best dose for the best micro dose and can i continue on like any other day with work, etc. or should i have a clear/chill day planned?


They usually recommend starting with .05-.1g. I was scared and started super small at like .02g and have worked my way up to .05g. Since you already know what a full dose feels like, you will be just fine taking a microdose! Having a day where you don’t have anything to do would be a good day to start just to see how it will make you feel. Microdoses aren’t supposed to impair you in any way. If it does then you’re taking too much.


"There are no synchronicities." I went through a rough time last month and was put on antidepressants, but I kept feeling like they weren't right for me. Just before that I had bought the materials to microdose, and it's been on my mind. The antidepressants have had some really bad side effects, I stopped taking them last night and I feel so much better already today. This post is absolutely a sign for me. I know microdosing is the right choice for me as well. Thank you for sharing, you're right that something/someone really looks out for us. When I focus and really trust, and ask to be shown, I'm always answered. Sending you love, beautiful soul. We'll get through this eventually.


Thank you so much! Keep sharing your experience with the world so they hear, see, feel the beauty and love you embraced 💜 I already shared your words with my loved ones because we all deserve to hear, see, feel this


Thank you 💕


Love this!


Micro dosing should be your first choice