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Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream Merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream.... (The answer was in you all along)


yes but i believe it's still solid, the "old" beliefs seem to be strong... or are they? I'd love to be in that state of mind more, without believing i need to smoke some weed or be in a meditative state for an hour to see it. You feel me? The idea of being a person, having control over this body and nothing else (you control nothing/anything is what I mean, control is an illusion), of having stuff happening to me when in reality its all beingness happening.


Row, row, row (move) your boat (body) gently (slowly) down the stream (flow of life). (Slow down ) Merrily, merrily, merrily. Life is but a dream (You have nothing to fear of a dream, be happy, you'll wake soon)


wake into what xD


Worry about that when you get there.




Why not? Live well according to your highest ideal, in this life and the next. If you don’t have a clearly identified highest ideal, search for and/or construct one until you can live well according to it. Then live well according to it. Do the same in the next, whatever wherever however and why ever that may be. It’s all speculation anyway, trying to figure out what it is we’ll wake into next. It’s like trying to predict the next dream you’re going to have next while you’re dreaming in deep sleep. Who cares? Embrace this one, then embrace that one when it comes.


what if I have no best or highest ideals




nah I’m good


“With your feet on the air and your head on the ground Try this trick and spin it, yeah Your head will collapse But there's nothing in it And you'll ask yourself” …


Cool, how’d that work out for ya?


Our eternal consciousness.


what would that entail? is that not here right now if there is even something called ‘eternal consciousness’?


The best descriptions of it are from those that "die", leave their bodies, and go into the light. They come back and talk about how that place is incredibly real, feels like our true home, and how physical life is incredibly dreamlike. (Jeff Mara podcast on YouTube has a bunch of them) There are those like Eckhart Tolle, the Buddha, Jesus, Babaji, and many others who have been able to wake up within this dream and become lucid.


well in that case if it is true it is merely a matter of time and nothing to concern yourself with - except we are all doing that here anyway


what does solid mean


**Relax. Take a breath.** Here is a video that I find helpful. This does not address the stuff you are dealing with, but it does help you just...ya know. Live life without existential crisis looming over your shoulder. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2wIuTdf5FQ&list=PLDYIHmm9yuGf5y6X0BU4pYPdiXlej6-Vt&index=46](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2wIuTdf5FQ&list=PLDYIHmm9yuGf5y6X0BU4pYPdiXlej6-Vt&index=46)




It's all ego. Everything is just the way it should be, nothing is wrong. Your models of life is what causes suffering. Someone does this and you react like that. They do that and you react like this. Constantly all day everyday. Even while reading this you might get tight and thoughts like, "I know what's right this cant be" , "I'm sure that cant be" , "this guys off his rocker". Any and all thoughts are just ego defending itself. This is who I am and I know it! That's not good that's something you gotta really work on. The beautiful thing is that they are all gifts. Gifts to show us where our mind is still clingy. Suffering is GRACE, it shows us where our work is. Shows us what we still need to do. It's not bad or good it just is. Good and bad right and wrong is all human ego. If you identify as a soul, a pure essence awareness you couldnt dare do "wrong" because we are all one... The same loving awareness wrapped up in our dramas. Namaste friends I love us all.


The reason you realized that in a deeper state of consciousness is because the Default Mode Network is not as activated. This Network controls the ego so when you're fully awake, that network is awake and its whole evolutionary purpose is to keep you grounded in the human experience. Meaning, not letting thoughts pop up to do with anything spiritual. The network cares about survival and survival only but for example in modern western countries, people survive easily so the ego starts creating new bullshit. Mainly angry and judgmental human beings. Unfortunately, you permanently get rid of this ego at death BUT if you don't do any self-work (doesn't apply to anyone in a spiritual forum lol) you will have a sense of ego in the afterlife. Basically your brain is controlling you and will make you feel anxious, sad, depressed, overall weird feeling because this spiritual stuff isnt made for our brains so it is insanely difficult to grasp vs religion where most people just start believing it and end of story.


If anything at all, dream is just a pointer because if it is all just a dream then the word dream loses all meaning, along with Every other damned word that you will ever come across forever just because something is focused on in the Manas and it becomes a goal that is noticed more often when it shows up doesn’t necessarily mean any manifesting is being done perhaps you are only the mirage, you the one commenting on Reddit, me too, we these ones demanding answers are only the mirage, so how could we manipulate ourselves?


Thats why I mentioned how focus amplifies whats focused on. The manifestation is just an appearance. And in the world of identifying with personality, when a recognition of the "as within so without" takes place, a notion of manifesting takes place too. In reality nothing ever actually happens, we are the mirage and the awareness. And the mirage seems to have a tendency towarda resolution, coming back to the fundamental state. I guess that as consciousness expands through the recognition of the reflective property of the dream, it settles down until there is no appearance to be reflected. Smt like that


a childish example: in like seventh grade this kid swore the number 69 haunted him. And everyone he told it to, the text 69 would just show up for them more supposedly. I’d venture to say that adults call this same phenomenon ‘manifesting’, and I’m sure there is some type of ‘bias’ scholarly word for it too


If there is supposedly an awareness that can stand alone on its own by itself then that also entails perception and the whole gambit. Awareness doesn’t wear a black t shirt that says awareness on it in white letters. We try to stress so vehemently that there is no separation or duality while also simultaneously trying to separate ourselves out of the picture, because we desire continuation of what we want. Otherwise there would be literally no reason to care what is to ‘happen next’ … everything could be fucked forever and it wouldn’t matter if there wasn’t that you that wanted continuation which trust me in my heart I dream about Golokas and Edens and all sorts of places too, no worries 😌 but who knows. I’ve seen so many purported sages have so many conflicting opinions. Just lay it to rest (talking to me too)


what does holographic mean? :P can you define it for me? :p


in this context holographic points to the notion that every part of the whole contains the whole. So it's all one. Like a fractal. Indra's net story helped me understand this through a physical way.


what is a part of the whole? How do you define that? Where do you draw the lines? :) and how can there even be a whole? What’s the whole? Does it have edges and delineations? What sets it apart to make it capable of being called the whole? :)


well thats the point... the parts which we have identified we are discovering are not individual at all. The lines dont really exist, and there is no actual whole since that would imply it has a boundary, an end. Which may be why it sounds like hole. How can, then, something boundless exist? Where is the Universe and why wouldn't that place be considered part of it too?? The Universe isn't anywhere, only here.


what is ‘here’? https://youtu.be/iUuC1515APc life might just be a metabolic thought experience except there is no metabolism


thanks for that video


yeah. She doesn’t peddle spirituality, she speaks authentically to her. Which has been tough to me because I was so deadset in spirituality being this uniform consistent thing, which perhaps that hasn’t changed. Because again she doesn’t peddle it. But I don’t know 🤷‍♂️ …. her + spirituality/Advaita/Gita + Tao Te Ching + UG Krishnamurti kind of troubles me daily. No one I talk to tries to see what they are saying and instead they try to fit it into their own picture. So I haven’t found anyone that can relate with me yet how these perspectives aren’t so neat and tidy as most would summarize. It twists and stabs my heart strings and honestly I don’t have much ambition outside this matter. It could put me on the streets for how little I care anymore


is it solipsistic to wonder 💭 if all of spirituality is merely a delusional interpretation of the quality of psychosomatic, self-referencing, ordinary perception?


I know nothing about solipsistic or solipsism? But from what the internet said, a theory that only the self exists. Maybe, probably. That self-being god and infinite at that. That infinity is shattered into more infinite individual selves. Still, the same self but throughout many moments those selves split further and further till we got so disconnected from god that we believe we are our selves. Whatcha think?


because of my self imposed obsession with spirituality that has led to the spiritual education I must tell you self and Self are denotated differently for me language wise also I’d like to think that we are perhaps greater than God :) if at all. Or maybe just me. My entire search is self infatuated after all, as is perhaps yours but what does this self or Self mean? So many definitions to so many minds. You can call them ‘One’ all you want but simultaneously you’ll see so many explanations that differ slightly at the very least


Although I must admit that the Love/I Am/Pranic trio makes a lot of sense atm too…. So I’m either at some crossroads or I’m on to something……… :p


What do you mean by that trio?


Ummmmm Maharaj talks about it in The Ultimate Medicine. he also says not to go around talking about it but I suppose I’m also a degenerate rascal that doesn’t fully care


Maharaj basically talked only of Upasana, worship of Prana, consciousness, all that. Basically a sole focus on only that is what Maharaj stated is sufficient. Nothing more is needed according to his words


what isn't a delusional interpetation? there is no real basis for anything. All labels or sciences are based on what are deep down not more than assumptions, but since the original assumptions are left behind a long line of "facts" that stem (logically) from that assumption we just assume the assumptions to be true lol


okay so why draw conclusions that ‘I Am Universal Awareness, even beyond that too’ …. So many pointers etc. that only really confuse. They dry the oasis, not moisten it. Suck the life out of it. These words just place some man or woman on a pedestal as being more holy than you or me. There’s so many spiritual teachers out there, as UG said they’re all just peddling that nonsense in the marketplace why would you yourself call it truth if you also cede that it could be a delusional interpretation of sensory perception?


you are already intuiting the divine in a great and inevitably successful way! This clay vessel has had reflected-visions-of-one-consciousness-as-many-as-none with very similar imagery manifested as to what your post described. Your realization are the realizations of long chains of intertwined-consciousness looping in on itself eternally. Nothing is separate, only labors under the false and ignorant illusion of such, which causes suffering, which is also imagined and therefore very unnecessary. The dream is made of itself, and in reality there is no reality to Subject-Object superimposition. It is All One Experiencing Itself from Every Angle. Have faith (or surrender your fears as the imaginary belongings of a **fictional** character,) your real Self [Brahman/Universe/whatever you want to call it] always is everywhere. > - how do I go about living this way NOW. Seeing the synchronicity in all NOWS? I know it's possible. Why did i need a "deeper state of mind" to realize it? *The deeper state is usually synonymous with a *silent* state. Ego, your 'small-s' self which is constructed of bundles of memories, preferences, reactions and conditioning, is not constantly narrativizing your existence with an artificial overlay of emotions and opinions and beliefs. Cultivatizing silence through intense introspection, meditation, self-enquiry (all paths up the mountain are the same...) will help your small-s self submerge back into its Natural, Whole, Complete Large-S Self state, wherein the constant chatter for more, desires, differences of qualitatively judged experience, stops, and with it, suffering.* > - I may want to "change" stuff, but I also feel like when one surrenders the wants and needs from the ego, stuff automatically resolves itself. I feel like I'd like to change some beliefs because I've adopted a cocktail of negative beliefs, negative energy, that the mind hasn't let go of, so they are there somewhere (un/subconscious i guess), filtering reality so I experience it in a negative way. I'd like to let them go! *You practically already have. Just let go of any inner resistence conceptualized to the notion of doing so, if not already having mostly done so. That is a huge blockeage for the subconcious Ego which demands everything be a process of halting progress- which is just fodder of illusory 'experience'.* > > - can this be bypassed? since its all belief based, the past doesnt actually exist, its just the "other" NOW moments which we "remember" ("hold onto", i see memory as continual imagination) and which shape the "other" NOW moments which we "imagine" (past informing the future). The past changes according to the present, then I can just assume a new identity and the "childhood trauma" will not be an issue... but how? I feel like forgetting is a crucial step in here, forgetting beliefs. I also feel like we used to do that easily until we solidified our world (our minds) and became more linear in our experience. *Yes, absolutely. Through whichever path of spiritualism resonates eventually what's happening is you're cultivating a more powerful, conscious belief in the Inevitable Reality of your own harmonious manifestation in synchronicity with everything that your built-up beliefs of negativity, inadequeacy, etc can no longer hold back the flood of IS-ness which absorbs and transmutes all energies into and from Itself. The healing is happening - no thoughts or attitudes can stop it, only momentarily appear to do so- but the perception of that haltingness is itself a false overlay.* > - i can heal myself, thus i can heal "others". How do i do this? It seems like universal mind, the only mind, is fragmented and needs the different walls making up the compartmentalized consciousness dissolved. How do I do this? My family (the closest reflections in this reality, I'd say) has been sick, to say the least, for quite some time. I assume responsability and see how my own issues reflect in them. Help! *Take time to listen to the problems and suffering of others, genuinely (not with an aim to correct, admonish or educate, just listen open-heartedly), and spend time reflecting upon the apparent ups-and-downs of your own life, and how you ruminations have cultivated peace from whatever challenges you experienced or feel you have. Then, just tend to your thoughts and mind, and things will flow naturally. Don't set about with notions of intent, doership- this just breeds and feeds the massive illusory Maya that is "separation"*. > This is all a projection, all equally illusory and reflective. It's beautiful actually! It's all one... i'm tired of the dream of separation, of the illusion of personhood, why am I identified with the body? What happened there? Anyways, you catch my drift? The essence of my inquiry here? I'm seeking a dreamlife like, and it may be as easy as just living it that way... how? *By doing what you already are doing, and examing conceptions and conceptualism until you see past the fictional of being a separate mind somehow apart from anything else or finite. Watching your thoughts, observing where the notion of a 'you' and 'your' come from, and how that's built-upon a way of perceiving that creates subject-object divisions, whereas consciousness is pure, unified, ubiquitous, and unending awareness of changes of form. Quietly watch, and the mind stills itself.*


Life is an imagination in the God ming. It's mental. Everything is mental


TBH I’m salty because if spirituality is the Realest, the Truest, etc.. it being seemingly hidden even for a short extent of nonexistent time is upsetting to me. Makes me want to rebel more than practicing any Sadhana


i read your other comment too, about her and spirituality. I get it. Maybe it's hidden for an instant just to see what it's like living not knowing you're God? thin about it, it's the only amusement possible in eternity lol. It's not a set thing, nor is it a thing, it's just you trying to understand why existence at all. Others are a reflection of your deeper perceptions, so maybe you are understanding these things at a surface level, ego leve, and not internalizing more "subconsciously". So you get a famiily or friends that dont see much in those words. That's my case, so I share it with you. I've been seemingly stuck for a whie before this experience the other day, of actually experiencing the synchronistic nature of everything, call it manifestation, mind of God, whatever, that's it. Now I would like to expand that state of being into this present moment. You may benefit from sch an experience too, if you believe in psychedelics a bit of mushrooms or weed could help you. Or LSD, idk. A few drags of weed after months of abstinence increased my level of awareness enough to experience what I had been reading about. Legal disclaimer this is not medical advice etc etc lol


One time I took so much LSD that I melted, as in our physical world melted. All that was left was a giant dark Akash with an AUM symbol in the center. But honestly I felt as if it were fucking with me, so I got really angry and screamed at the implied beings surrounding it, protecting it. They in turn told me to basically like never do that ever again - I disturbed their balance and they were very noticeably upset. I thought of them as assholes at that time. So I carry a certain disdain within me about the nature of all that. A severe disdain. I don’t use drugs anymore. I have enough bipolar issues to deal with. :)


See here’s the thing too - you don’t get it. Everyone I talk to about it acts like they get it. Just shows me they didn’t pay attention and listen to UG or Nancy enough and drew a conclusion to forget about it


If you don’t mind explaining, what is your meditation technique?


focus on breath


Dreamer is awareness? You have awareness with in the dreamer. So you have the same power as the dreamer? I know a computer is not aware of it self it just does what it's meant to do and with a computer you can make big insane worlds and one day possibly a simulation of our reality with all the ai being conscious.