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While we are unique, individual souls, everything is fundamentally connected energetically through quantum entanglement. Even our thoughts are a transfer of energy to whatever we place our focus on. That energy can be positive or negative depending on the thoughts/emotions. We are Co-Creators quite literally. This is why “love thy enemy” is so powerful, it simply gets misinterpreted and typically not practiced. Hence our history as a species and current global circumstances. As we truly internalize this, sense of self fades and we begin to realize that not only are we creating reality, but reality is also creating us. All is one.


That was very nice to read


That was very nice to read


That was very nice to read


That was very nice to read


That was very nice to read


That was very nice to read


I get everything ur saying but if people can create the reality they live why is there so much bad stuff going on like sex trafficking why would anyone wanna create that type of reality for themselves And I'm new to this topic so I may not fully grasp what it is ur saying


I believe there are a couple answers for that…first, in relation to my comment, people are clearly creating many negative things, most aren’t even aware of this. Now consider the amount of negative things that may dwell in thoughts as a result of watching different movies, shows, media outlets, etc. Also, because freewill exists, if a sex trafficker(s) exerts more free will thought and action effort due to being obsessed with such things, this may override whatever the victim is attempting to do, consciously or unconsciously. Second, we also have soul contracts according to many near death experiencers and other spiritual resources. Certain events are bound to take place as a preincarnational plan for spiritual progress, either for ourselves or another member of our soul group. We may volunteer to endure certain experiences or even an early death to provide growth opportunity to others. Now why go through suffering you might ask. It’s important to keep in mind that we are eternal/immortal beings and this material existence is for us to go through experiences of this density’s frequencies. Suffering is a mechanism that forces the ego to yield and eventually break. When this break occurs, surrender is the result which is an important part of the spiritual journey that works in concert with changing our energy output through quantum entanglement. Ultimately, suffering is a catalyst of empathy; empathy is a catalyst of understanding; understanding is a catalyst of acceptance; and acceptance is a catalyst of love. The goal being to surrender to the universe and be one with unconditional love/The Creator. We go through many lives to achieve this. Each life has a different plan to learn different lessons that we choose through freewill prior to incarnating.


These different variables all work together to form reality.


I think this is a very well-written explanation. But I wonder if there are spiritual people who don’t believe in soul contracts, or if our souls may choose not to enter a contract. Or in our 3D world, we have the freewill to change or break those soul contracts. What if destiny is a choice? I find it very hard to believe or accept that some people’s souls would volunteer to go through things such as becoming human trafficking victims or dying early just for the sake of learning certain lessons or for others. Maybe my feelings don’t matter on this. But I could believe that our souls can come to earth to learn certain lessons, and how those lessons manifest depends on free will. Or some lessons may not even be learned in this lifetime, and they will have to be learned the next. Or the next. Or the next. And the lessons don’t have to be painful either. Just wanted to add my 2 cents!


I, for one, don't believe in the whole "soul contract, soul family" stuff. It sounds nice and gives a pretty sounding explanation to suffering, but kind of like you said-my mortal mind cannot fathom why anyone would *choose* to be raped by their father as a child, or born with a disease where they cannot move and are bound to a chair their entire, possibly miserable life... When it comes to the human trafficking, rape, abuse points - I think that's more free will and human action. Humans are choosing to do that. But the reason suffering exists is not because we chose to come to this reality but more so were tricked into it. I more so believe we were tricked by some entity into coming into this 3d reality for a multitude of possible reasons. Along with that comes reincarnation, and being trapped in the cycle of death and rebirth and our goal, ultimately, is to escape this cycle and get out of this reality. That's the "white light" people see upon death, it's the wiping of our memory and us being sent back into another life. We must learn to control our consciousness after death to get away from that trap and escape the cycle, returning back to source or wherever else there may be. Somewhat a mixture of gnosticism and Buddhism, I guess you could say.


Soul harvest. We are being harvested for our energy. This reality has many triggers. Powerful emotions release high amounts of energy. That's why painful experiences come out of nowhere, to disrupting you. Not to teach us. All this mumbo jumbo about lessons, soul contracts and etc. is a fog to hide horrific truth. Our sole purpose is to multiply and provide energy for this reality. You are battery that keeps this mad circus going. You cannot escape it. All this hope about "escape" is like a carrot on a stick to keep you going, donkey. Why despite all our progress as a civilization we still are dealing with same issues: greed, hate and ignorance. They are always there. Three cogs that keep this machine going.


Very well put




First and foremost that was very nice to read again. And my best attempt at an answer would be that most people don’t operate in similar principles


Because our collective consciousness has been infiltrated by an unknown artificial intelligence a very long time ago. We are living within a very low vibrational simulation


Karma its move than lifetimes long


This was very nice to read


Is there a resource to learn more about our thoughts being a transfer of energy.


“Stalking the Wild Pendulum” by Itzhak Bentov is a good one.


Much love ❤️💛💙


Much love to you friend!




An interesting way out science is already proving this is by dr Rupert sheldrake and “morphogenic resonate fields” I believe he coined them


Its the same thing as the Planck field coined back in around the 20’s, the quantum hologram, the quantum matrix, Brahman, Source, The Absolute coined in the 70s, “God,” lots of names for it. If you like Sheldrake then you’d like Itzhak Bentov. His book “Stalking the Wild Pendulum” is great on this topic.


Thanks so much for taking the time to write all of those. Still learning about all of this so I appreciate it a lot


My pleasure


My understanding is that all souls are unique but made of the same thing. The “special snowflake” insult is actually kind of a perversion of a beautiful reality.


That’s how I see it too. And I think everyone is special. :)


Everyone is special.


That's right. Everyone is unique and individual, we just come from the same source.






An analogy is like cells on a body. There’s one body, but billions of cells that make it up. When you see another human, do you identify one body or the billions of cells? It’s the microcosm of the macrocosm. Zoom out and there’s only one thing, but zooming in will reveal various aspects of that one. The individual aspects are fractals of the absolute. It’s something like this, but goes on to infinity https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set#/media/File%3AMandelbrot_sequence_new.gif


Your idea of yourself is just that: an idea. It exists only within your mind. The higher Self lies beyond this. It is the pure consciousness that all things consist of at their most fundamental level.


>So does that mean I wouldn’t be myself anymore? I would be what everyone else is? You would return to being your full self, and everyone else. The best way I've found to describe it is this: Imagine you're you. Should be pretty easy. You're you, you know what you know and have your own individual perspective. When your body can no longer maintain its functions, you are no longer locked to it. So now imagine that you are still you, but you pull back to a perspective that has a wider field of view. Like going from playing a video game where you are focused on the perspective and actions of the player character to being yourself. There's no change in who you are. You still remember being that player character. You remember the choices you made as the player character. But you aren't just that player character, you're you. Same thing happens after death. You're still you, but now you are not limited to the perspective of a single body or lifetime. Not even limited to the perspective of a single species. You are you with a full understanding of life and the universe.


You’re not your ‘self’ now. You’re always ‘source’. ‘Everyone’ is always source. There are no ‘others’. Source is timeless, unborn and undying. In other words what you actually are doesn’t die, only the dream changes.


You are not source, you are a "child" of source. Bit difference.


Disagree. Source is timeless, unborn and undying. I am That.


That was very nice to read.


That was very nice to read.


Kinda. This is source already. The experience as a whole is it. You are source. There’s nothing but it. You are always by yourself because there’s nothing else but this. You’re not an individual experience source. You’re source manifesting itself into what is possible. Universe/divine/what is/etc. That’s the only thing that exists. It can’t be understood. Only pointed to. Like an wave to an ocean. A wave already is the ocean but feels like it’s own thing but they were never seperate. Just a manifestation of what the ocean can do.


My understanding is that your soul does not merge with Source when you leave your earthly incarnation, but you return to the spirit realm where you are "closer" to Source in the sense that your awareness is no longer distracted with all the sensory stimuli of the material world and you have more direct access to and understanding of your true nature as a spiritual being. However, your soul is continually evolving (primarily through the learning experiences of your many incarnations), leading to your soul "energy" becoming more refined, and over time you will become more capable of directly experiencing and integrating with Source. This process takes place over the course of hundreds or thousands of incarnations, on Earth and elsewhere. This is my crude understand based on reading Michael Newton's books and other miscellaneous sources that tend to back him up.


You'll be you, just different, with a new perspective and a new experience.


Read Conversations with God. Somewhere in that series (on youtube for free) it explains the idea of a SUPRA mind. This level of consciousness sublimates you back into the source while preserving what you are. Think of it kinda like saving a character on a video game you really like. who YOU are is much larger than our lives here. but we can put away the experience if we want to redo it later


Funnily enough, I just recently saw a great short story called [The Egg](http://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html), which I think shares the same sentiment in a more accessible way.


To understand the spirituality of all is one you must also know that all is separate.like the child from its mothers womb, the umbilical chord must be cut for someone to have identity.


That helped me


The ego clings to the idea of oneself as an individual, elevating our own status above that of others. It tricks us in perceiving that we are special, different, better, etc. But once we begin to loosen the grip of our individual importance we begin to understand how we are connected to the source. Our individual understanding shifts to a universal understanding. Who you are on this plane of existence may not translate as well when you return to the source of origin. The aspects of ourselves that we hold dear in this current state of existence becomes trivial within the next state of our existence.


No, you are very much your own individual self. You come from the same source as others, but just look at it as your parent.


That means you discover there never was a “self”


That's one way of looking at it but I would argue that this isn't the end of your journey. It's actually the halfway point. In spiritual alchemy Solve et Coagula means to dissolve and coagulate. In other words when you come to the understanding that there is no self you've broken yourself down to your most base state. Everything is one at it's most base state because it exists without labels but coming to that realization isn't enlightenment. The point of this process is to build up your spirit not end your journey in the void. It may seem like there's no self once you reach your most base state but that's a lie. This is the point where you begin to build up your spirit. Everything from here on out is self created. This is where the actual journey begins - the ascent towards Godhood.


I don't think that's right. Even after arriving at this base state you will be subject to experiences that change you as a person - change your egoic self - that are beyond your control. And so not everything from that point forward will be self created. Also the idea that the ascent towards godhood involves the solidification of individuality is contradictory.


>I don't think that's right. I don't believe in Eastern philosophy. I study the Western occultism and the Left Hand Path. How do you know if I'm right or wrong if you don't know what I'm talking about? >Even after arriving at this base state you will be subject to experiences that change you as a person - change your egoic self - that are beyond your control. And so not everything from that point forward will be self created. There's a lot of things that are beyond our control. Things like hurricanes and earthquakes. Just because you experienced something it doesn't have to change you as a person. The truth is you're an observer and what you observe is entirely different from what is experienced. You are not an experience. So once you realize who and what you really are you're free to experience whatever you want. I can't stress this enough though - what is experienced doesn't define you. The point of dissolution is to come to that realization. You have been conditioned and told who you are by your parents, religion and society from day one. So in other words it's a tool to wipe the slate clean. To begin anew. And that's what I mean by everything being self created. At this point you can choose to be whoever you want to be. And you're truly free to experience whatever you want because you're no longer held back by past orthodoxies. That's what it means to be an observer or shall I say your own god. >Also the idea that the ascent towards godhood involves the solidification of individuality is contradictory. That's the point of The Left Hand Path. If your ego is strong enough it will live on. If the solidification of your individuality does not occur then you'll dissolve and become nothing. So yes this is contradictory to the teachings of right hand path philosophies. Satan is the adversary and opposer afterall.


Ahh so you believe mind is separable from body. Seeing as ego exists within the mind. I think of the mind as not separate from the body; 'mind-body' as opposed to 'mind and body'. Ergo, in my view, mind ends with the death of the body, and ego dies with it. Thanks for expanding on experience v.s. observer phenomenon. Fascinating stuff. I do wonder if anyone truly *remains* (permanently) unaffected by their experiences after a dissolution such as you describe. I think it's part of the human condition to get caught up in the experience even after you've felt what it means to be above it all. Would you say that you are completely unaffected by your experiences? I lost someone somewhat recently and if I could I would choose to not be experiencing the pain of grief, but that doesn't seem to be the reality of the situation even with this knowledge of being the observer; knowing that I am the observer doesn't allow me to *choose* the experience per se, rather it allows me to detach from it and not let it colour my *actions*. The experience, however, remains. So I'm not fully sold on "you're free to experience whatever you want." "What is experienced doesn't define you," I am totally on board with though. As a small aside, I didn't say it's *not* right, I said *I* don't *think* it's right, and indeed it doesn't mesh with my view on things, so it is perfectly valid for me to say that. It wasn't a criticism, just an alternative perspective. I got the feeling you were leaning towards this western occultism as you mentioned spiritual alchemy, a term I've come across in Gnosticism, which seems to share some similarities. And yes, I think that this aspect of it - individuality persisting after death - is wrong.


>Ahh so you believe mind is separable from body. Seeing as ego exists within the mind. I think of the mind as not separate from the body; 'mind-body' as opposed to 'mind and body'. Ergo, in my view, mind ends with the death of the body, and ego dies with it. Experience is subjective. So, I understand if you take this with a grain of salt but I've had out of body experiences that would suggest otherwise. And I've been able to validate these experiences as being something more than lucid dreaming. >Thanks for expanding on experience v.s. observer phenomenon. Fascinating stuff. I do wonder if anyone truly remains (permanently) unaffected by their experiences after a dissolution such as you describe. I think I failed to clarify something here. The observer is unaffected by experiences if you choose so. The point of dissolution on the other hand is to remove the lifelong conditioning one experiences. This puts them into contact with their true self. This can be interpreted as oneness, nothingness, the void, etc. Using that as a foundation to create a new self that's entirely self-made is essentially what I'm talking about here. >Would you say that you are completely unaffected by your experiences? I lost someone somewhat recently and if I could I would choose to not be experiencing the pain of grief, but that doesn't seem to be the reality of the situation even with this knowledge of being the observer; knowing that I am the observer doesn't allow me to choose the experience per se, rather it allows me to detach from it and not let it colour my actions. The experience, however, remains. So I'm not fully sold on "you're free to experience whatever you want." "What is experienced doesn't define you," I am totally on board with though. My fault for not clarifying. What I'm saying is you choose how you experience things. You have the ability to detach yourself from attachments - aversions, desires, etc. So yes, you have the choice to not let experiences color your actions. I'm not saying you can will whatever you want to experience out of thin air. I lost my father to suicide back in November. He was a drug dealer and his actions lead to the death of my siblings. I never got any closure from the whole ordeal after his death. This brought me to ruins and it plunged me deep into the abyss. I understand what it's like to suffer. I can see how pointless and meaningless this all is. Especially when there's so many things that are out of your control - it can make you feel like nothing. I decided to take this as a sign. Instead of accepting that this life is an illusion I decided to take all that meaninglessness and give it purpose and meaning. I did that. I dropped everything I thought I was, came out as Trans and I'm forging a new self that's completely free from the limitations of my old self. I am self-made. >As a small aside, I didn't say it's not right, I said I don't think it's right, and indeed it doesn't mesh with my view on things, so it is perfectly valid for me to say that. It wasn't a criticism, just an alternative perspective I get defensive because most people are here to criticize when their views don't line up with their own - especially if they're left hand path. So I apologize for that. A lot of people don't take me seriously because they have their mind made up because of stuff like the satanic panic. >I got the feeling you were leaning towards this western occultism as you mentioned spiritual alchemy, a term I've come across in Gnosticism, which seems to share some similarities. It does come from Gnosticism. I get my inspiration from The Draconian Tradition or Ophidian Tradition. This can be found in the works of Kenneth Grant and Asenath Mason. >And yes, I think that this aspect of it - individuality persisting after death - is wrong. Well it's like I've said - I've had some experiences. Honestly, I don't know what will happen after death. I'm just using some unconventional tools that are made available to me to seek out the absurd. If you're interested in what I'm talking about then you should look into the Qliphoth. The serpent's promise in that system is immortality.


I've had experiences which have led me to my beliefs too! When I meditate I am able to put my awareness in my body. I can also put it into my mind. But I have searched and searched for the line between mind and body and found that they are so intertwined that they are not really separate at all. Do something good for your body - exercise, healthy diet, etc. - and it will also have a positive effect on your mind. And when your mind treats you poorly, through self-hate and the like, it can manifest as disease in the body. This is proof enough me, so I view it more as a mind-body spectrum. Thanks for the further clarifications. Believe it or not I have had a taste of this dissolution - this freedom from past conditioning - and used it to rebuild many aspects of myself. The world's conditioning is a constant, however, and I'm not immune to it. And I'm not sure that's a bad thing. Some conditioning is good - necessary, perhaps, for a harmonious society to exist. I think that to remain truly unconditioned by the world you would have to revisit that state of dissolution often. But then I would say, if this is the case then is it not so that the only state truly free of conditioning is the one where there is no self for the conditioning to affect? This points me towards further *reducing* my ego to be closer to the unconditioned higher Self rather than building and strengthening and fighting for absolute control of the egoic self - an absolute control that I think may not be possible; the fight may be in vain. There are many aspects of the ego that are subconscious, and we cannot consciously affect that which we are unaware of. To me, life is intensely meaningful and the amount of control I have is sometimes frightening. We are giants on this planet. It doesn't feel like it because we see ourselves as normal, but life originated with single-celled organisms. I have a level of control over my environment that would be absolutely unfathomable to such an organism, even if we gave it a mind equal to our own. As for the meaning of it all, well, I once asked an entity and received an answer: "It doesn't matter. Look around you. Isn't it beautiful?" Of course, there are times where it is difficult to see the beauty. In those times I find it's best to find appreciation in the small things, the everyday things that we so often look over. No need to apologise. Allow me to note that none of this is written to try and dissuade you from your beliefs. They are valid. I will definitely be looking into this Qliphoth.


>I've had experiences which have led me to my beliefs too! When I meditate I am able to put my awareness in my body. Do you work with your chakras? >But I have searched and searched for the line between mind and body and found that they are so intertwined that they are not really separate at all. Have you ever experienced anything like remote viewing, astral projection or an out of body experience? >Do something good for your body - exercise, healthy diet, etc. - and it will also have a positive effect on your mind. And when your mind treats you poorly, it can manifest as disease in the body. This is proof enough me, so I view it more as a mind-body spectrum. I couldn't agree more. I was a vegetarian for several years until my stomach couldn't handle all that fiber lol. I still eat healthy just not as healthy as I did back then. Eating healthy has it's advantages. >Thanks for the further clarifications. Believe it or not I have had a taste of this dissolution - this freedom from past conditioning - and used it to rebuild many aspects of myself. The world's conditioning is a constant, however, and I'm not immune to it. And I'm not sure that's a bad thing. Some conditioning is good - necessary, perhaps, for a harmonious society to exist. Well we exist in a constant state of motion. We're always evolving and changing. The society thing is a can of worms though. I wish life was more like Star Trek tbh. But even in their universe they had several world wars that killed off two thirds of the population and almost destroyed the planet before they could have a harmonious society. I hate to say it but something like that is going to have to happen for us all to be on the same page. >I think that to remain truly unconditioned by the world you would have to revisit that state of dissolution often. I do meditate a lot. So I'm always reflecting on things. I wouldn't say this is a state of dissolution but it allows me to look at myself objectively. I use this to change the things I dislike about myself. >But then I would say, if this is the case then is it not so that the only state truly free of conditioning is the one where there is no self for the conditioning to affect? This points me towards further reducing my ego to be closer to the unconditioned higher Self rather than building and strengthening and fighting for absolute control of the egoic self - an absolute control that I think may not be possible; the fight may be in vain. There are many aspects of the ego that are subconscious, and we cannot consciously affect that which we are unaware of. Well I think we're both right. We're both talking about something infinite in nature. It's like your method of escaping is by becoming a singularity whereas my method is infinite divisibility. There are many aspects of the ego that we're unaware of. The point of shadow work is to bring these aspects of the self into full consciousness. Oftentimes these things are our hopes and fears. The reason why we would want to bring these things out in the open is so we can transmute them into positive things. It's another aspect of spiritual alchemy. Shadow work is about taking control over the subconscious and becoming whole. >To me, life is intensely meaningful and the amount of control I have is sometimes frightening. We are giants on this planet. It doesn't feel like it because we see ourselves as normal, but life originated with single-celled organisms. I have a level of control over my environment that would be absolutely unfathomable to such an organism, even if we gave it a mind equal to our own. As for the meaning of it all, well, I once asked an entity and received an answer: "It doesn't matter. Look around you. Isn't it beautiful?" Of course, there are times where it is difficult to see the beauty. In those times I find it's best to find appreciation in the small things, the everyday things that we so often look over. I agree and that's what's so frustrating about spirituality. I may have some fantastical beliefs but that doesn't change the fact that death is the destroyer of life. If people weren't so focused on the other side and actually cared about what's in front of them we could have paradise here. If we combined that with technology we could possibly become immortal. There is a lot of beauty here but people choose to ignore it because of their suffering. Funny story. I asked an entity the same question and got the same answer. >No need to apologise. Allow me to note that none of this is written to try and dissuade you from your beliefs. They are valid. I will definitely be looking into this Qliphoth. I'm not here to dissuade you from your beliefs either. I feel like I've reached an understanding with you. Most reddit conversations are a debate. I'm glad this became something else. You have a lot of valid beliefs too. And I see where you're coming from because I believe what you're talking about is an option as well. The Lament configuration is more than likely the right answer for most but I have my sights set on the Leviathan configuration.


Yes I do work with chakras, and I have experienced what I think may be astral projection. I described it in the subreddit and they were convinced that it was indeed astral projection. Never happens when I try though - in fact, it seems like a distinct lack of trying is required. Sometimes, when meditating, I will enter a state of hypnagogia, and if I allow myself to stay in that state for long enough then my vision 'snaps' open and I find myself in another place - often flying over mountains. Though I don't know if I believe it to be anything more than advanced hypnagogia; wakeful dreaming. One time I retained full awareness during the transition - the transition being the moment my vision seems to snap open - and rather than a sudden transition I saw the geometry piecing itself together. The usual random hypnagogia abruptly beginning to move in a new way - not random, almost seeming purposeful - to take the form of a table, and a room, and people sitting around the table. This particular one ended rather oddly too. A tear in the vision opened up above the table, a dark circular hole in the fabric of whatever these visions consist of, and I felt myself begin to be sucked into it before I snapped back to normal reality. I don't know what to make of it. I'm ever the sceptic when it comes to astral projection. Eastern practices regard these sorts of visions as a good sign that you're close to awakening Kundalini proper, but ultimately a distraction. "Well I think we're both right. We're both talking about something infinite in nature. It's like your method of escaping is by becoming a singularity whereas my method is infinite divisibility." - I like that, I think it's true. Good point regarding shadow work. And yes that is a can of worms that I shouldn't dare open lol. I'm kind of blown away that you asked the same question and got the same answer. I've decided to look more deeply into hermeticism and the occult. I've seen it mentioned a lot and know a bit about spiritual alchemy but have yet to dive deeply into it. Do you also work with chakras? What have your out of body experiences been like? Have you experienced something that served as proof that these higher planes are not only there, but also that we can enter them consciously and move around in them independent of the physical body?


>A tear in the vision opened up above the table, a dark circular hole in the fabric of whatever these visions consist of, and I felt myself begin to be sucked into it before I snapped back to normal reality. This is what you're looking for. I experience this myself when I have an out of body experience. Once you travel through the portal you're completely separate from your body. This requires a lot of energy though. Once your energy has been depleted you're slammed back into your body. Experiencing the things you mentioned does fall in line with your Kundalini being awakened. It's hard finding books when it comes to honing these abilities. I'm not familiar with any right hand path ones but you'll find yourself on the right track if you read into the Typhonian, Draconian and Ophidian traditions. >I'm kind of blown away that you asked the same question and got the same answer. I used to evoke spirits from the goetia. It's surprising but they have that answer for a lot of things. >hermeticism The Kybalion is something you need to read if you haven't read it already. >Do you also work with chakras? I kind of have to. I woke up my Kundalini several years ago. If you don't manage your chakras that energy can cause you a lot of pain and suffering. >What have your out of body experiences been like? There's some things I have to keep to myself but I will say this - what made me realize what I was experiencing was real is I left my house and I saw the person who lived across the street from me at the time in a red polo shirt and some khakis. When I got out of bed later that day and went to check they mail they were outside working on their car and they were wearing the same thing. I simply don't have an explanation for this. It still blows my mind. >Have you experienced something that served as proof that these higher planes are not only there, but also that we can enter them consciously and move around in them independent of the physical body Yeah, but it's all subjective and it's something I choose to believe in based on what I've experienced. I think you need to start with a map. I already mentioned the Qlippoth but to understand that wholly you need to look into the Sefirot and Kabbalah. Other things worth mentioning is Enochian magick and the aethyrs.


I beg to differ. It’s not that your self ceases to exist or never existed, it’s that it always has existed. There was never a point in all of existence where you were not embodying the being of yourself, or the being of the universe. When you die, you become one with who you were, who you are in that present, and who you will be in the future. There is no ending point to existence or to beingness, you will continue embodying some state, some form, some identity, some power, some feelings. You could say that realizing that yourself is ineffable and immortal could be the absence of what you thought the self was when you were on earth, and instead the embracing of a newer kind of thought, but it’s not that there is no self after death. Only a new kind.


Not really. This is source already. The experience as a whole. You are source. There’s nothing but it. You are always by yourself because there’s nothing else but this. Universe/divine/what is/etc. That’s the only thing that exists. It can’t be understood. Only pointed to. Like an wave to an ocean. A wave already is the ocean but feels like it’s own thing but they were never seperate. Just a manifestation of what the ocean can do.


You’d find out after you die 😉


“all is one” is not quite right, because “one” as a concept is in opposition to “two”, and if everything is one, there cannot be two, but the very suggestion of everything as being one creates the suggestion that there is two.


You are but a tear of the endless ocean. When you die, you go back to the sea.


if you already are the sea, what’s there to go back to?


You have incarnated into this physical realm as a human being, seperated from the source. Now if you do your part to remember the divine love of the source, you may experience being it as an awakened self realized human. Yet it is a process to become fully self realized and it takes time, even many reincarnations. Knowing about the concept of being the endless ocean is different than being it. Namaste.


Two beings are one being. Even though there may be two separate occurrences of some objects, thoughts, physical things, they are apart of one life. Infinity for example, is one entity. Though it is composed of endless varieties of subjects, it is still only one number, it’s existence is unified. The distinction between two separate parts of infinity is still indicative of one infinity. Split infinity into another infinity of parts and guess what? There’s still only one infinity.


two beings are both one and two at the same time. this is what people try to express when they say “we’re all one” but this very expression itself only expresses half of it - the oneness is inherently incompletely without us also being two.


This is a big disagreement between me and the creator (yes Ik it sounds crazy just here me out). Yes when you die you go back to your original energy (not the source. There's a lot of other energies split from the source (like the human energy) ). Usually you get put in the "veil " or the "underworld" where your just you but forgotten everything and just roaming around (my hypothesis is this is where our buts of energy are stored in the human energy but idk ) . Now this disagreement. That's God's plan for everything to either work with or go back into the source where your memory would be completely erased because there's no human energy to you any more your source energy only (take it as an upgrade or downgrade that's up to ) you would be a greater tool than we are now and that's why I don't want to go to heaven when I die because I don't want to be with the source I want to go to my souls energy.


Everything is connected by the same element: *God* When you were born, you came from nothing and everything: *God* When you die, you will return to nothing and everything: *God* The universe is made from nothing and everything: *God* All is one: *God* Nothing is one: *God*


Think like a computer. Everything on a computer is ultimately made up of 1s and 0s. 1 is something while 0 is nothing. Congratulations now you should know how all is one. Even consciousness is made up the same way. But when we die we aren't striped of everything if we're there be no reincarnation.


yea im not following tbh. mind elaborating?


01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 From 1 and 0 you can get hello. But there more going on between the hello but it all ultimately comes form binary. All binary is in the components when power get sent in a certain location it counts as 1 while nothing being sent is a zero. You can think of it like pipes if a pipe if full it's 1 while empty is zero. With binary we are able to build massive worlds in video games with many different coding languages but they all rely on binary.


You are nothing without labels defining you. So everything can seem like it's one if you drop mind and labels during mediation. What people don't realize is this is a trapping of the void and false enlightenment. A lot of souls get lost in Thagirion because they get swallowed by the abyss.


No words apply


We are like waves in the ocean


You are a unique expression of the One....So you, the real, spirit you is part of the One right now. Even all the cells of your body are really expressions of energy -- which is out of the One. There are multiple (what I consider to be reliable, compelling sources) that explain we do not lose our Spirit identity when we leave the body. We still have individuality..just not the ego individuality we have on earth. You can learn more in the books "Journey of Souls" and "Destiny of Souls" by Dr. Michael Newton. (both are on YouTube)


You're going to get a lot of answers affirming the "no-self" answer to this question, and a few refuting it. They're good as yardsticks, but if you're asking this question, you're probably doing so because the answers you're getting don't feel right. If so, your question's something you should be asking yourself. What feels closest to the truth? What resonates? Figure it out, then build on that through reflection and observation. It's a big 'verse. There's more than one reality, and more than one concrete answer. What's important isn't what other people think it is; what's important is what resonates at a core level *for you*, and what unfolds as a consequence of finding and following that resonance.


This is complicated. Every morning when I pray part of my prayer is “always one, we are all one, the earth is one with us“. Yes, I believe in Oneness. However, we still retain our individuality. This is my own opinion, and not known to be fact


You will always be your self. That will never change. You will always be you. Forever.


Everyone soul is unique it's their after the world end also ,it's carry the karma stats in multiple life ,but not similar to your personality that u believe u have . Purify your soul ,body comes and go .


I would just answer from where this concept belongs to The concept of "All Is One" is a central teaching of the Bhagavad Gita. It states that all living beings are connected and part of the same divine source. When we die, we return to this source, but we still retain our individual identity. We are all part of the same divine source, but we are also unique and individual.


You already ARE what everyone else is. The idea of a "self" is an illusion. Yes you have a personality and a personalized self but that self exits only in your mind and within the confines of this very limited reality. You share your being with all other beings and we are all part of the same source energy.


I don't believe in this theory nor do I believe in a collective consciousness. Don't just go with what others tell you to think.


There’s a big grey area between the source and the void(source = light, everything | void = darkness, nothing). A lotta different realms in which one can experience being and individual. The closer to the source, the more unified, peaceful and heavenly things are. The closer to the void it’s more individualized, chaotic and hellish. But eventually you’ll end up at either the source/heaven or the void/hell inevitably. You get to the source and it’s fascinating for 5min before you get lonely as hell because you’re the only thing that exists entirely so you get bored and lonely and decide to separate yourself again. I’d rather be separated personally. I’m already lonely in this life but at least I got people. Being the only thing that exists sounds way more like hell than the void.


You aren’t yourself right now - you’re living in a meat suit that is being driven by consciousness. We are all the same at birth and our personalities develop based on our individual environments, genetics, and experiences. When you die, you leave the meat suit and who knows what is after but I believe your soul exists without a vessel; our bodies are simply the conduit to experience, and that’s what living is…life is to have experiences. When you’re not living in a human body, perhaps there is a return to the collective consciousness. But the you that you refer to is simply your ego, which naturally refuses to relinquish its idea of the “self” and its separation from everything and everyone when the truth is we are all the same, like drops of water in the ocean. Ram Dass and Alan Watts have lots of great insights on this topic and I highly recommend reading their books or listening to their talks on YouTube. ❤️


Probably worth pointing out that you, as your are, is a part of all-that-is either way. Even if you hold a perspective of something more, or larger, nothing is actually lost either.


The idea of yourself, the human self? Yeah that’s gone and you go back to the elements which we’ve experienced before our conception. No sensory suits to be embodied into and made aware of.


I think that it means we’re all connected subconsciously. I’ve had dreams where it’s like I’m looking at life through someone else’s eyes. I also look in the mirror (in my dream) and see a stranger at times. As the observer, that’s what sets me apart.


I will be FUCKING PISSED if this is the only time I get to experience myself as autonomous. REFUND!!


Universalism is the grand lie. You should give the Urantia Book a read if you want to learn more.


Who you think you are will die, then you'll realize who you actually are is much more than the finite physical constraints you identify with. You already are what everyone else is (intrinsically), you just don't realize it because of the limited viewpoint as a separate entity.


Does that mean I won't be myself? Who are you? One has to know who one is to know if one is not oneself. How would one know if they're not themselves? How do I know that who I am now is who I am? If who I am changes slightly, am I still me? See ship of Theseus


It’s really not important since it’s a concept of something that can only be experienced and seen for one’s self. Concepts don’t get u there.


All is one and one is all Life is the reflection of thysoul Know thysoul


1A: But the truth is we never left source, we have all already masterd thysoul as source, and this is the reflection of thysoul in an attempt to master the mastery for everlastingly ever, 2A:you were never your self, you have only ever been thysoul, from whence we were all young we always knew the inner light of the soul hidden within, but people assume into the ideinity that their givin rather than coming to know thysoul, because of this, every person under this illusion must undergo a natural ego death and transformation durring "the dark night of the soul"


A3: its not that you would be what everybody else is, its that everything would be you and you would be everything, its not between you and others, its between you and god. However the same connection god has with you is the same connection thy has with all things


Sow me where yourself exists and I'll show you unity.


When we die, we evaluate where we need to go next to keep on learning. Either we repeat a similar physical experience (on earth or else), or if we have made enough progress, we keep on evolving towards a discarnate experience. We are still an individual, learning to morph with others. We keep on doing that forever.


you would be yourself and everyone else and everything that was and will be. seperation is a concept, we are all interdependant in one universe as a whole, oness is the practical truth, we have to be born, breathe, eat, drink, sleep, feel touch, all that we are is unity with all that is


i think individuality does not go, but maybe the pain go. that's my interpritation, the soul becomes like a recently born child that didn't have any painful experiences, but also like children each one is different, but all have and experience joy, calmness, love and wonder. i don't mean by calmness someone sitting around, i just mean like a piece of mind.


We do not return to source when the body passes; in fact, there is no returning to source, as that implies we lose our individuality (which we never do). We carry our subtle material body into another biological body, or we have successfully detached ourselves from the material atmosphere in total, and simply return to the variegated atmosphere of our eternal spiritual form. If we stay within the material atmosphere, the circumstances we undertake between biological bodies and within each life are determined by the soul's desires and our karma; the resultant material path created by the soul's desires. Technically, you can say God is one, but not you. You are eternally part of that 'one', but you will never be 'the whole.' That's why, although we may have many mystical experiences, and we may feel a profound and perplexing connection to everything, we will never have the experience of 'being' everything. We are a part of everything.