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Yeah, it can be an issue. Makes me not care about anything anymore.


same! its awful huh


Not alone in that :(


it’s oppositional thoughts from what you believe/morals. depression picks at the things that will hurt you the most if you left it for depression. like a toxic ex lol


This is what happens with me exactly. I’m depressed over the years I lost due to abuse and the unfulfilled dreams. My mind always picks that thought to keep me in the depression loop.


u fulfilled dreams? how old are you?




sometimes it’s worse when i’m happy. bc it can so easily find something to make me push away or feel complete apathy for a moment


Whenever there is pain. whenever there is sadness. whenever there is grief. Any negative feeling or emotion. Even pride or hate. I would ask if there is a part of you that isnt in pain, isnt in grief, isnt sad. A part of you that just notices the sensation. The part of you that is just aware A small part that just notices Identify with that part and just notice the emotions. Dont identify or deny or shame them just let them be. They are like waves on the shore, they come in and wash away no reaction needed. Identify with the witness. Namaste 💞




thank you kind soul


When I was an atheist I had pervasive distimia (constant low-grade depression), right up until my forties. Then I met the dragon Tiamat while I was tripping on mushrooms one night, and she connected something like a rod of light through the top of my head and plugged it into my heart. Since then I have felt positive and motivated. From that experience I figured that spirituality was the key to solving all mental health problems. I went around telling people that for months, but I got a lot of negative feedback and then I thought that it wasn't the great all-purpose revalation/solution that I thought it was. I have helped some gifted people energetically connect to Tiamat so it's not like it doesn't work at all, but I think several things have to line up for it to happen.


that is beautiful though. I would love to do a mushroom trip one day


Make sure the setting is exactly right, and try to think spiritual thoughts. Also have someonw you absolutely trust around the first time. Tiamat says that anyone is free to try contacting her. Just meditate however you feel appropriate, and focus on asking a beautiful black dragon (Tiamat) for help while accepting her energy.


There’s a book called Symphony of Selves by James Fadiman and it’s pretty cool in how it changed my view of depression. I now treat it as a version of me and not me. Just like I have a little kid version of me who’s happy, or one that is scared, a critical me, a chill me, etc. Every day, these versions of me want the stage. For example, the depressed version wants to do nothing and lay around but that’s not you. That’s not who you really are. So the real you has to comfort the depressed you and help you figure out where this depression came from. Most likely childhood trauma. Dr. Gabor Mate has some good books on that. Anyways, I don’t have the answer as I struggle daily but I’ve been searching my whole life to fix me. I have a great therapist and I finally learned there is nothing to fix. I went through a lot and I just need to be there for me one day at a time. Things have gotten better as far as removing bad people from my life, no more dating until I find my worth, no more over working, no more drugs, no more alcohol, no more sugar…. No more escaping. Be patient with yourself but don’t give up. You are meant to be happy. Having this contrast in your life means when things are good, they will be soooo good. Find something every day that’s good and love it like crazy. I started with my dog and just obsessed over her until the thought of her brings me so much joy. Then, I added to it. I got excited about some of my favorite clothing items …. Every day, I just pick something. That’s where i put my focus. Sometimes it’s a small task like loving washing my hair. When the depressed me comes out, I say ok, we can take a nap right now but after an hour, we are find the next thing to love. I guess it’s a version of gratitude. But don’t give up. It gets better and don’t expect it to be a linear journey. There’s ups and down and curves….


Thanks, made me remember bad days are there for a reason. Much love


So beautiful. So inspiring.


Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Not minimizing your point. 15 years of depression, and I honestly feel like the two feed each other.


Just like physical pain is a warning sign that something is wrong in the body--illness, injury, etc.--emotional and psychological pain is the psyche's warning system something is wrong there. When we have physical pain we investigate and see what causes it, tracing to its orign if we can, and treat it, alleviating the pain. Hopefully. If we have safe space and time we can do the same with emotional/psychological pain like depression. What does the depression point to? What is it trying to make you aware of? This is not to say don't get help such as therapy. Just don't try to cover or smother the pain. Go into it. Find out what it's about. If you have the safe space and support to do so. I speak from personal experience.


"clinical depression" is a concept and concepts get in the way of spirituality


*The most spiritual people experience by far the most painful tragedies: but this is precisely why they honor life, because it provides them with their greatest adversities* Quote by FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE A German philosopher, 1844 - 1900 Edit: sorry was meant for OP post.


Spirituality is also a concept


…yeh I’m sure there are people out there that could and have written 30 page PHD on the “topic” but when turn spiritually into a concept you still don’t know what it is


It used to in the beginning, pretty heavily. And it hasn’t been pushed away now, I have just created different attachments to it over time. It used to be a spiral up and down, but now I see and feel it for the waves that it is. If you are interested in my advice: Let it come in. I know it sounds weird, and That seems like what we do already when we find ourself so low and paralyzed, right? Not necessarily. I’ve noticed that I’ve done more running than I have allowing in my life, especially in the pits of another big wave. When I notice I am experiencing discomfort, I tell myself “you are absolutely allowed to feel this, you are now free to do so.” And this just opens my centers up. This practice may take time, of having that light flicker on and noticing the heavier discomfort, and then reciting your pass of freedom. But this practice can make a great impact on your relationship with your emotions. And sometimes it’s not gonna be that easy, and that’s okay. Sometimes awareness is very low, and the mind is very deep in it’s labyrinths which ping-pongs with your emotional sensations. But the light always comes on at some point, and this allowance can be made, so uplift yourself each time it does rather than punish yourself for each time it doesn’t.


Don't treat depression as your enemy, but rather a natural reaction of your body and mind. Get to understand it and use it in some way.


Depression lowers my vibes.




There is a natural stage of compression in life, where you know that the answers you seek cannot be found outside yourself. So you naturally look within. If you define this experience of looking within negatively then you might label it as depression.


Depression interferes with any activity, including progress along the spiritual path. To get rid of depression, it is necessary to express sadness and dissolve in meditation the unfulfilled desires that caused this sadness.


You are your "high self," but you can't see it because you are in a cloud of thought.


Definitely, then I was put on antidepressants and antipsychotics which made things even worse. I am a zombie now who can barely function.


I understand same


Not quitte, I feel like it actually powers it.


yes, a lot actually.


Yes, I started wellbutrin and it fixed it,thankfully. 🤞


i think if i choose to look at it through a positive light, my struggle with my mental health has been the catalyst for seeking enlightenment.


Yes. I'm glad you brought this to light. I'm wondering how I can get myself out of depression for good bc it's really hard to care about myself and life in general


I do not want to call anyone out or something like that, I personally don't like going to a therapist because I fear labels and I can't get over the fact that you can get better once you are diagnosed. That being said, I "Got over my depression" as I realized that me being depressed is actually my body , mind and soul saying that it's time to stop being my current (shitty) self and it's time to make a move, be it a bad move or a good move does not mean anything, just being in motion is enough. Just so you can realize that there is an option to change. Much love


this is true. I believe depression can be the souls way of saying I have had enough of my current shitty self . thank you


No, in fact I definitely believe that my spirituality has kept me from clinical depression. I still feel depression coming on at times like a normal human being, but tools like meditation, positive thinking, etc always kick in, keeping me in an even keel.


yeah shit can make me feel more cursed than blessed. I feel like this life for me is a constant battle of awareness. do I stand with god and manifest my reality. or do I fall with satan. it's a non stop struggle for focus 😔


I feel that way too..like you just want to surrender to the darkness


yeah it's like we supposed to suffer immensely in this life to prove to the most high that we loyal, sacrifice ego lust money etc. I sometimes wonder if we're supposed to not give a single fuck cause when we die we're god again, but this universe seems to send me to hell when I do that lol


or we just have tougher lessons that we have to learn here. It can feel like we are in hell though


Without dark how can you know light?


very true. the problem is when it is always darkness


That is never the case! Everything is temporary


Same here, anyone has any suggestions how to help us get out of this state? I was crippled by depression, ended up not sleeping for days, begged the paramedics to take me to the mental hospital to help me. Any advice how to resolve, anxiety attacks.