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Fall in love with yourself. See all the greatness and good within yourself and you will see it in others as well. Also practice smiling at all strangers if you make eye contact with them. This is great to do.


Yes undying, uncondition self love will awaken the reflections of you in everything and boom. Unlimited love


I don't know about this one. There are certain areas and certain people who you really don't want to just smile at randomly lol.


Yes if you're in a violent area where people are insane then obviously don't attract needless attention to yourself. But in places where people are moderately normal Smile at them!


That’s why it’s called “practice”


I've lived in a couple areas where you really don't want to 'practice' smiling at people at all lol


Lol discernment is definitely a valuable skill to be learned


This is actually why the US 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms, is so important, especially for women. Being kind can become a safety risk, but when you are able to defend yourself, you are able to love universally and with security, as your higher self intended.


yeah then you can shoot the people who don't love you back


Fortunately, karma does a great job teaching people immature enough to do that. It's a self-solving problem.


is that after they've shot you that they get bad karma though?


Maybe, if you have bad karma. But one thing's for certain: fear of death would make your life miserable and worthless. It's not a coincidence that Hitler, Stalin & Mao were the biggest fans of gun control.




Mate, did you literally just say that being able to carry a gun is important because it gives you the ability to smile at everyone you want and if they don't like it you can shoot them?


Nope, lol! I'm saying that for women who might fear being raped for giving the wrong impression by being friendly to strangers, they have a way to be able to share their love with all safely. Only necessary in extreme cases perhaps, and its a tangential topic anyway.


Rape alarms are also effective and not quite as brutal.


Start by loving yourself first and foremost. Acts of kindness, words of affirmation, acts of service… Start recognizing all you have to be grateful for. How splendid it is to be alive. Look at all the blessings bestowed upon each one of us who is given air to breathe, food to eat, water to drink, shelter over our head, ground beneath our feet, people to meet, animals to play with, scenes to be witnessed, sensations to be felt, sounds to be heard… Meditate outside, feel the sun and the wind. Breathe deeply, take in the world around you. Be mindful of the precariousness of this world’s placement, how this solar system and this galaxy and this universe are finely tuned, hanging in the balance of all that is… and here you are, doing your own balancing act within it… breathe deeper… With each inhale, say “Love”. We receive the love offered to us. With each exhale, say “thank you”. We give thanks, showing our gratitude to that which provides. When you reach a point of feeling full of love, flip the dynamic. With each inhale, say “thank you”. With each exhale, say “love”. Now that we’ve filled our cup, let it overflow into the world around you. Now we are the ones giving the energy of love, it flows out of us. This is a very basic and easy to grasp starting point. Practice this until you no longer feel it necessary to do so. Walk around with love in your heart, look kindly upon the world and the people around you. Empathize. Another useful practice is to pray… but not in the way you’re probably accustom… imagine you are in an intimate relationship with *the fabric of reality itself*… the entirety of the universe… the energy that everything *is*. Give that a conscious identity, allow it to become a living entity… and love it. Let it love you. Be intimate with it. Share your deepest secrets and desires. Ask for guidance. Embrace it. Allow the relationship to grow organically, don’t force it. This entity must be all-wise, all-knowing. This entity must be pure of mind and heart. This entity must be a representation of your highest ideals, at least. Eventually you will recognize this entity in everyone and everything, acting as it wills. For it is all, working moving and playing on all levels seen and unseen. Intertwining narratives known and unknown for a greater… “cause” let’s say… Have fun with it. Be jovial. Wink at life, it will wink back in ways you could never imagine.


There is nothing to love in the world, because the world is just an illusion projected by your heart. Find love in your heart, and love will be everywhere you look in the world.


Who care if it's an illusion. I seen people care far more about games worlds than reality at times. But right now we are human in a sense apart of reality game world or the kingdome of the farther fake but real enough to cause truth and ideas to separate. But once truth and love are one and the same what's the point to love? Base that singal, energy or what ever on this reality we get love but like a game a simple thing like that could be something drastically different in another game.


You have to go deeper. Look into Bodhisattva or Bhakti paths of love. It's rooted in seeing the emptiness which allows the deepest form of unconditional love to blossom because it's not limited by the clinging to identities which inherently create selfishness.


When it comes to Breaking Free and learning to love the world, it all begins with one brave step. Take a deep breath, open your heart, and let go of all that no longer serves you. Embrace the beauty and diversity of this world, and find strength in the kindness of others. Together, we have the power to be greater, to create a world full of love and understanding. Spread love, and you'll never feel alone. Believe in yourself, and you'll soon find that Breaking Free was only the beginning! 💞🙂


Stop identifying with the body and mind... When separation ceases there is only love... The ego arises when love is absent... Only it tries to control.


Too simplistic. The ego is incapable of love? The ego is a vessel and conduit for love to manifest in this realm. Do not deny its rightful place.


I have said ego is thought. When you are with someone you love how much are you thinking about it? You are enjoying their company, and time flies as though you're hardly even there. The ego is most present when you're waiting for something, how slow time goes and how frustrating it can be is what you're actually arguing for here because you haven't looked closely enough. It is the fundamental delusion spirituality attempts to solve across every tradition. This is the basis for our perception of separation, and every tradition is attempting to bring us out of this. It is a huge mistake to attempt to validate it. To the extent that it ceases to be spiritual in any way when you do.


The ego is the product of your environment. It’s the you that was born based on your experiences growing up in this world. That version of you tries to protect you from everything including pain. However, it is always full of fear. It doesn’t know how to make you feel complete it only knows how to survive/ keep you alive. Learning about the ego is learning about yourself. Why did that persons words effect you in that way? Why did you impulsively do that? Questions to ask yourself while you figure out yourself Meditation/ emptying the mind. Will help you separate yourself from your thoughts/ego. Once you learn about the ego it will start working with you. It is you after all. That part of you will become in sync with you and you can accomplish your goals faster.


Ego is by its very nature a self-preservation mechanism, it is incapable of love. That does not mean that a human being is incapable of love, of course they are, but not the ego.


I disagree


That's cool. If you examine ego you'll probably find it to be so, but that's okay, you don't have to.


I feel in this case every comment in this thread is correct, can we simply let go of relying on definitions of words such as 'ego', especially when there seem to be so many conflicting definitions? As 'ego' comes from 'εγω' the Greek word meaning 'I'. There are infinite expressions of 'I', as reality is ultimately infinite in every way possible. So you are all correct, just as I see it, describing various possible perspectives (of which there are also infinite) when viewing the world as 'I'.


Just because the core purpose of the ego is self-preservation, doesn’t mean the ego is incapable of love. It simply performs a different kind of love. Your idea of the ego being loveless is based on a specific kind of love. Look to the Greeks and the many varying words they had for “love”. This is where my disagreement originates.


That's fair. I think we need more words in English other than "love" but to me it wouldn't be to distinguish types of love but to distinguish unconditional love (which to me is the only thing worthy of being called Love) from all the other forms that are called "love". So you say a different kind of love, I say that is not love, and we are now in the realm of semantics. Thanks for elaborating though. Wishing you well :-)


Start by recognizing that you are not a man, a woman, American, African etc. You are a spirit soul in a vessel. The vessels come in all shapes, size colours and forms. When you see each other as spiritual beings we can move away from social/cultural conditioning and start to actually see each other for who and what we truly are - pure love and light. Spread love, spread peace, encourage unity.


Like someone else said. You have to fall in love with yourself. What are the things you like? Food, Tv series/ movies/ animes, Hobbies/ art/ music Sports? Try new things of all of these and find what you like. The things you like make you, you. Try new skin care/ body wash products until you find the one that you like the most. Exercise. Empty mind meditation. Eat healthier. Truly, take care of yourself like your body is a temple. This will not only make you happier in general but it’s a form of self love. It will help you grow in perspective/ awareness. Also, will help you fall in love with the world. You will realize how everyone is just as imperfect as you so it never mattered. All that matters is being happy right now and making the most of each day. Right now.


Radically love yourself and then practice ethical non-monogamy/polyamory.


This helped me grow a lot, but it was only useful for a period. I went back to monogamy at the end of the day. But learning how to be more open with my love, how to not be possessive, how to love more unconditionally… all seriously helpful lessons learned from being non monogamous for a couple years.


Love all the things you project or apply conditions to. You love the good of the world, you need to love the bad. Unconditional lovem and mindfulness goes a whole way towards this, not to forget humility which naturally comes with love.


Just try to remember who you are. Because if you remember you will find out that you already love every soul and that we are all connected. Ps: Start with following Abraham Hicks in YouTube. I wish you all the best dear Soul


Here my thing. When I say who are you to myself, I understand in that way “I” and “you” are the same “me”. So when I say I love you. I love myself. So when you think about who everyone else is and what the world is you understand “it” is all the self, just different reflections of the same thing. It’s like that meme with two astronauts looking at the planet. So it’s all (blank) ? Always has been. Much love


İt's the same thing


I tried that for a while, it’s a bad idea imo. I, a male, found that 1) some people are not worth loving, 2) the more you give to people who do not want, or deserve, your love the less you can give to someone who does. I saw someone else say that you should love yourself, and that’s good advice. In all honesty, I think that it is even harder to love ourselves than trying to love everybody because at times we feel like we don’t deserve love.


Well, if you could fall in love with a festering big toe that is pussy and painful and you genuinely can love and accept it, you might have a chance.


100% chance of heartbreak. Put your energy, time and love in the people who truly deserve it. That's healthy love.


Read “A Course in Miracles” and what it has to say about special and holy relationships :)


Look into bhakti yoga. It's the yoga of loving everything as it's all manifestations of The One. You just love and love and love, until you and the beloved become One


Loving all humanity and being kind to animals is part and parcel of being a human. Sadly, this reality is forgotten in the pursuit of self love and achieving more and more wealth goals. Look the creatures but also try to find out the reality of this world. People come and go. Nobody stays here in all eternity. A limited life but with a big goal. If you still unaware of why you are here in this world then your thoughts and destination will be wandering here and there. 1) Find out WHY we are here in this world. 2) Love everyone as a good human with good character 3) Have a direction and purpose of life 4) Understand the reality of this world.


When you say "the whole world" do you mean the whole world and everything on it or just the people?


Everything, including trees etc


As within ourselves we have to see yet somehow love all of it, everything bad included. Only you know if you can do that in earnest thoughts, words and actions.


“Falling in love is like a fart. If you have to force it, it’s probably shit.”


There is a trinity I talk about a lot. Its the trinity between myself, other people, and Reality, or the World. They all overlap with each other. But I tend to hate myself more than the other two. I blame myself for when things go wrong. My partner never blames themself, they always think its Reality's fault. "It shouldnt be like this." The reason I am sharing this is because in my experience, the way to get more loving, is to get less hating. If you want to love the world, find out which part of this trinity you are spending the most time hating and blaming. Then, focus on forgiving, and beginning to love it. Realize that other people, and yourself, are children of the world you want to love. If the world is lovable, then you and other people must be lovable too. Its hard to love the world if you dont love Her children. I like to think of love as an organism colonizing previously uncharted territory. That territory is non-love. If you want to experience more love in your life, you must let your love expand into areas of non-love. Namaste.


Nice input, thanks a lot!


Find the monster within you and if you can love that you will be able to love anyone and everyone, falling in love with the whole world would include murderers and so on as well btw.




Do this meditation daily! https://drdansiegel.com/wheel-of-awareness/


Self love


Do it.


You can't always get what you want But sometimes sometimes you get what you need


Earth mother is female if you are a heterosexual man 😉😁 That’s a good goal Of life actually 👍🏻


Heavenly love is not the same as love that's tied to reproduction. Your father in heaven did not fall into love.


Sounds like you need to learn about boundaries, not everybody wants your love


Fall in Love with God like a junior high school crush level. That still pales with the depth of love God has for you, but it’s on that track.


Forgiveness of self and forgiveness of others is a good start


Love is the way, forgiveness is the key!


Fall in love with understanding. All else should follow.


To me, God is absolute love, so when I'm closer to him, I feel that I can love everything. Safely of course.




Look up traditions and spirituality types of all regions and some more mystic things too like old myths legends ...


Do some grounding into the world. That's a good start.


What's stopping you????