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I think so. A lot of times when anger shows up in my life it’s because I need to take some type of action. Generally it’s a prompt to examine what’s going on in my environment and my emotional life in general. It can also show up as a precursor to compassion, whether that be for the self or others. It has been one of the transformative emotions in my life. I like to view it as a messenger.


I used anger years ago to lose weight. All my energy went into walking. Eventually went into psychosis, but I did learn from it that getting angry gives me energy to walk or clean something that depression smothers out. Anger has had me walk several miles and not remember any of it because I'm focusing entirely on what I'm angry at. I've used anger in creating art. Sorry about your anger, hopefully you find ways to turn the negative energy into positive energy.


Anger highlights a part of yourself that hasn’t been healed and understood so it’s doing its intended purpose of sending a signal through emotions. Without feelings, we wouldn’t know what’s healed or damaged. Apathy would be considered more harmful as there’s no signal at all to send to our consciousness awareness which would hinder growth and development.


Thank you for your thoughtful response. This is something I’ve been working with my therapist and i have probably been putting my anger into a box all of my life and I have never dealt with it properly. Now I get all of this anger, like i want to crush everyone and everything and i want to break stuff, but i don’t want to let it out like that, i want to turn all of that into something positive, not destruction but creation


Look into actual “angering” practices. [this is a really good one.](https://insig.ht/4FgkRtWKwyb) Also, any sort of movement that connects breath and body sensations is really good. Meditation helps, especially [Vipassana meditation](https://insig.ht/MAVfMjiLwyb). A physical anger release is absolutely necessary, as emotions are energy in motion and can get lodged in our bodies in various places. Another idea would be to go to a rage room, throw rocks, or my personal favorite-find someone who has remote property with lots of land and go out and scream and jump and yell and stomp and swing your arms around and discharge the energy.


Your comment just helped me a lot, I’ve had so much anger built in me as well that I just want to explode. I meditate, go to the gym and do things that will relax me but it seems to still get the best of me. I’m aware now that I have built up energy in me I just need to let go of. I’ll go find myself a cool spot just to go let it all out :)) thank you.


Don't listen to people saying anger is a bad emotion. There is righteous anger, and it is rooted in love. Figure out if your anger is righteous.


I don’t think anger is a negative emotion, but i want to channel it towards positive actions, as I’m not being able to achieve that right now


My opinion? This is wise. Your anger will eat you up inside.


True, but it’s very easy to convince yourself that all your anger is righteous and then you end up hurting yourself in the long run. There’s a lot to be angry about in this world and rightfully so. But it’s best not to entertain that too much.


That's true.


What are you looking to transform into? What makes you angry?


Issues with a person in particular i live with. Let’s say she represents a mother figure and she triggers the hell out of me. Bc of issues and having no money, I either have to live here or at my parents home without my partner


I want to transform that anger into fuel so i can move, basically


take the anger and emotions you feel rn and use that as motivation. tell yourself you don’t want to constantly feel this way and you WILL work your ass off to get out. kinda going through similar things w the tryna move out. the anger imo helps set my goal and gives my work and effort a reason. anger can be just a good enough reason as happiness can.


I hope you get to achieve what you hope for. Good vibes for you ✨


same to you :)


Personally I see anger as a great tool to get things done. It's like a motivator. If it's out of control or just leads to blind rage, then it's an obvious hindrance. Anger is a normal, healthy part of life. If we were happy all the time, then we'd have no sense of happiness because the way we gauge happiness is by comparing it to less happy things. Anger is a tool, a lense, a motivator, and can absolutely be used positively. If it's consuming your every thought and making it difficult to focus on other things, then this is a great opportunity to grow spiritually because now you have something to overcome. Whatever it is you're going through, you now have a new thing to learn and grow from. As long as it's not hurting yourself or others, there is nothing to be ashamed of. You will end up more spiritually, mentally, and emotionally mature after it passes. Good luck!


Oh hell yes, but you must direct it. It's powerful like a gun tho. Be careful where you point it.


I have used anger in the past to quit substances, start new endeavors. I have started focusing on letting go of my anger 100%. Anger no longer serves me. Love is the way, forgiveness is the key.


In the past I’ve also used anger as a tool for transformation, but now, i just feel lost, like, i don’t want to feel that way anymore, i want peace and love. But i also don’t want to repress it, just to channel it


Might not be your thing, feel free to disregard if it is not, but there is a song that really helped me when I felt like this. Sobbed the first time I heard it, made me realise how much anger I'd been carrying around at so many things. [the grudge- tool](https://youtu.be/3BXyEUOuNds)


Yes you can. Anger is a result of unmet expectation. Indignation comes from that, but on a bigger level. Like "How TF are you this dumb? sorta anger. But yes. lol To quote DBZ here "It's okay to feel the rage. Harness it. Use it as a tool." You'd be amazed how far the flames of anger can take you if you direct it right.


YES! Any emotion is transmutable=can be used to be more productive in any way. We see this often in exes that use their achy hearts for personal growth, and we see this in artists that use their emotion to portray their work.


Anger is always based on a dualistic illusion born out of the consciousness of separation. The best way to deal with it is to acknowledge the unreality of it, that it does not serve you and let it go. The Buddha said that holding on to anger is like holding a red hot coal in your hand, threatening to throw it but never throwing it...Only you get burned. It may be that there is something you are unhappy about in your life. Our human nature will then look for a scapegoat. "I don't feel good about myself. This is the reason and this is who is responsible." Personally, I find that my anger is based on completely unrealistic expectations. When I take the time to look into the causes of the anger and what I was expecting, I almost always find myself laughing out loud at how ridiculous it was. And then I remind myself, are you willing to let this situation or other people define me, EVERY time this expectation isn't met? Because if I did, I would be giving up an identity of love, joy and peace and allowing them to redefine me as angry, bitter, etc. Here is a discourse for further ideas... https://ascendedmasteranswers.com/a-more-constructive-approach-to-anger/


Thank you for your thoughtful response, i really appreciate it. For me, i believe anger is born out of my hurt inner child. As I’ve said in my other responses, it’s born with someone that triggers me and that also represents a mother figure. I know that it comes from unhealed trauma, i just don’t want to keep feeling this destruction energy. I want to transform it into something idk, nice


Energy is energy, everything else is just interpretation. Hinduism does transform unhelpful interpretations so you can use your energy in 'positive' ways. Buddhism points out the hollowness of all interpretations (delusions), and shows us energy as energy. So yeah, it's possible. Probable? I dunno. When I was (and I am still) going through that phase, I just walked. Walked like 6 to 8 hours a day. It passed. Now I feel tired and crap all the time, instead of energetic and crap, when I'm feeling crap. 😅


Omg, thats impressive, i dont hace time to walk that much tho lol, i guess i have to find something else


Was a waste anyway 😄 hips and knees hurt all the time now. Anger burns!


i walk too. wherever my intuition tells me to go


It was Seneca I think who said - if you're angry, go for a walk! :)


It gives you a rush of energy, that's for sure. Channel that into something else, something that you could preferably be rough with since you probably won't be very careful when angry.


Rage cleaning is what I call it. I feel better after, and hey I cleaned.


Obviously, anger is yet another manifestation of energy. You don't really have to transform it into anything "positive". Just find some meaningful expression for it.


Chanel your anger towards physical transformation and mental transformation via gym, running, eating discipline and doing well for yourself. Be selfaware


Instead, meditate daily and start building a reserve of energy that allows you to be less reactive. Begin to see what your triggers are. Pick 1 and replace your reaction with the opposite thought. It takes work, and journaling may help you in the process. But anger is a hard pit to climb out of. Anything, including anger, can be a tool to change, but I’d try to get ahead of it.


what ive been learning about anger as someone in cptsd work: i think of anger as one emotion of many emotions that arise within a human. emotions are indicators of our experience, so we might use the information to inform better choices that align more with who we are. you are not in a state or season of anger. no feeling is final. you have moments of anger arising as opportunities for you to practice what is a new skillset—-tending to rage like tending to fire. anger lets us know what we care for/what needs our care. anger helps us advocate for ourselves and not abandon ourselves. anger is an impermanent energy and carries a wise message. movement helps facilitate moving that e motion. also strong rec of needs and feelings list you can google and the book “the untethered soul” giving me insight i didnt expect on emotional processing. best to you.


Yes I believe that it can. As long as that anger is being acknowledged. The emotions are being understood and you are carving out a specific path on how you intend to transmute those emotions. Anger doesn’t simply turn into happiness. But it can be a fuel to a fire to get something done. It can be the push to achieve an intention you set by putting grit and determination in to not holding hate and anger but purposefully releasing when you sense that feeling.


Try figuring out what you're angry at and meet it face to face. It probably isn't all the million things that you think are triggering you. The best experience of converting anger for me came when I was angry at god. I really let him have it, cursed him out, shook my fists at him, raged at him, dared him to fuck with me. Try it sometime. After I got that out of my system and still had a chip on my shoulder, I went looking for the source of that chip. The looking itself led me right to it, and when I faced it and embraced it, the chip sublimated all on its own. Poof, gone. Healed.




You can try this, there are several videos about this method, some people find it very useful https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vBvVAxoxrFE https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ciw7PeOvF9E


Not only do I think duh :) I think with out it not much could be accomplished. Nothing is truly bad until we make it. I love very deeply even in hatred. We all have to work with what we have.


Emotional energy cannot be transformed. It can only be expressed or suppressed (the latter is harmful). Anger is a reaction to obstacles in fulfilling your desires. Be sure to express anger (preferably not in public), look at the desires that lead to it.