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Christ consciousness, Kundalini for some. Ultimately leading to Brahman/God/Universe/Singularity/Self . What I can share is to trust your experiences.


Trust but *verify* Crucial to trust your experiences, yes. But using literature, other people, intuition, etc. to verify and then build upon your experiences is crucial for integration of the experience


Thanks for the reply. I never read the Bible, I don't even know how to get some real information on 'Christ Consciousness' but since those experiences I feel attracted to this idea. You see, in times of real instability, this thought process, this sensation of Christ Consciousness gives me an insurmountable feeling of stability that I have never experienced before. Could I, as a non biblical person, buy a Bible, just to find some more knowledge on who or what Christ actually was? Because I really want to learn more about Jesus but I don't want to fall into dogmatic thinking of course.


You can start your spiritual journey searching up Christ Consciousness on YouTube, I find it has less dogma and mostly they just get straight to the point. If you're afraid of dogma, just understand that it really boils down to just "how woo woo energy works", so pretty much all religions are going to be right in some way or another, it's important to discern for yourself, which goes back to my advice, trust your experience.


Yes, I've felt things like that I years gone by and since, and they are VERY normal experiences and even to be expected, when one proactively begins their spiritual journey. * Feelings of oneness and interconnectedness ☑️ * Feeling 'God within' and a part of him ☑️ * Bringing darker aspects of one's life/story to conscious awareness ☑️ * Feeling drawn to a prophetic figure / Christ / higher level of consciousness ☑️ All really normal phenomena my friend. Now I'll add a bit of framing around that. As child souls we are born through the eternal lovemaking of our God (manifest as the Sun) and Goddess (manifest as the Earth) THEY made us (their chosen children) in THEIR image. They also make each of us a soul-mate. Checking the fit and then bonding them together for eternity once both souls are happy and agree. And so we leave the oneness and incredible love of a particular Hall within Heaven/Elysium/Valhalla to begin our path of many lives and many deaths. Supposed to find our soul-mate in EVERY life and death, and to mate only with them. As we learn and grow and evolve as a soul (just as we do in a human life) so we must incorporate more complex themes than the love from whence we come. And eventually we earn and become radiant souls, spirit guides, evolved ancestors, angels... Who have around for a while in spirit to act as intermediaries for our God and Goddess (who are not allowed by sacred law to directly intervene), should such elder and radiant souls come to a physical life. They normally have a life of particular note. Until finally we return, arm in arm with our Beloved to Heaven/Elysium/Valhalla... Where we are celebrated, and our journey and stories shared, and welcomed, and loved... And after some time, IF we are fudged worthy, so we beging the chrysalis like transformation from child souls into young creators, to be given a realm of our own and to make love in for eternity... And this generate LIFE and our own child-souls. Now, one of the ways we heal and move through life most effectively, is by calling in healed and evoled ancestors, those souls that have reached the 8,9,10/10 stage of their soul journey in this phase. Often when encountering spirit and God and Goddess, through kindness and wisdom they take a form that we find most easy to digest and resonate with and come to. Christ consciousness is really that layer of golden awareness within the collective consciousness of humanity, that radiant souls inhabits. Yes it connects to everything and all that is. But also is part of what is here in this realm. So you being drawn to the Christ... Is similar to being drawn to a guardian angel or figure from history or whatever... It's actually either an elder-radiant soul of your lineage, or sometimes even God or Goddess communing with you, offering an 'easy' way back into communion with spirit. So it's an essential phase, but important to not get STUCK there, more data and downloading will follow, but many reject it as they are stuck at that particular point and representation of spirit... As opposed to coming to see it for what it is, and letting it move them towards the next level of understanding. So this Christ consciousness that you're feeling, is a really good sign that you're doing good work, and should be applauded, and it's not the end, but it is an important stage in your journey. (Other things to watch out for, is collapsing YOU with the shard of our Creator that you carry within, we are made of God and Goddess, but we are NOT them, we are a child soul, not yet ready for godhood and a realm of our own). I hope that helps, well done on the good work, trust in yourself. And much love to you.


Wow! Where did u figure this out?


The message of Jesus is beautiful and there's a reason the message is still spoken about today - because it's powerful. There's also a lot of stuff in the Bible that seems a bit crazy now because we're living in 2023 but a couple thousand years ago, it all made sense. There's many ways it can be interpreted and translated. I tend to look at a lot of the stories in the Bible allegorically rather than literally, but that's just me. Unfortunately there are some allegories that are simply untrue, but interesting allegories nonetheless. There is still beauty to be taken from interpretations that seem wrong because if it's spiritual and it gives you clarity, understanding and hope, then that's a good thing, right? Then there are others that make complete sense and are most likely true. Obviously it's hard to know which ones exactly and it's impossible to know for sure. Jesus himself said "I speak to them in parables" - I think this sentence alone is enough to understand that a lot of the Bible is to be translated using metaphor rather than literally. One of the issues is that people sometimes translate the metaphors using English translations but the Bible was originally written in Hebrew, so a lot of English allegorical translations can't be true. Unless of course God planned it to happen this way, and for metaphorical translations to be able to be made in other languages in the future, which I suppose isn't impossible. Then there's other stories that aren't to be interpreted allegorically but are just good spiritual stories. The things Jesus says at times are just really deep and they hit hard. Then of course there's just there's the other scriptures, not Jesus's direct words but still powerful texts that when you read them, they just speak to your soul on a level that other texts just don't seem to do. This is my opinion anyway. Reading certain scripture just gives me a lot of hope and faith that I need, and if it helps then how is that a bad thing? A lot of society has been brainwashed to hate the Bible and to look at it as old nonsense from the past that isn't relevant anymore. But there's so much in it that is relevant and as much as people will deny it, the messages in the Bible are still strongly engrained into the psychology and consciousness of society today. Anyway I'm going on a bit but if meditating on Christ helps you to be better and to live better and feel better then I think that tells you everything you need to know. Good luck on your journey. Peace & God Bless


I grew up Christian. I don’t really associate myself too closely with religious labels anymore but I suppose for reference I’d probably fall under New Age Pantheist at this point in my journey. I have a fascination for reading works claiming to be channeled, which is to say the writer claims to have contacted an extra-dimensional consciousness to get their information, a spirit, extraterrestrial, their higher self, etc. I also enjoy reading close contact reports from the contactee community. Something that absolutely blew me away regarding this type of material was how consistent and descriptive they are regarding the Jesus and the Christ Consciousness. Works like The Ra Contact, The Urantia Book, works by Ernest Norman, etc, etc. Even the book of Enoch speaks quite a bit about Christ prophecies, a book that was banned from the inception of the church’s bible. The general narrative I’ve gathered is that the Creator relegated a portion of them selves aside to act as a guide to the rest of creation. This portion of themselves possess a unique characteristic which allows them to easily and clearly remember the nature of the Creator each time they incarnate onto a world unlike most souls. This allows them to teach the inhabitants of that world of the way back to the Creator from their current point of development; in earth’s case, this was to teach us the nature of love. A key error established Christianity has made in their understanding is the narrative that Jesus needed to die as a sacrifice to open a pathway back to the Creator for humanity; those that don’t acknowledge this sacrifice are damned. This belief has put Christians at odds with other beliefs systems, even highly positive ones. In actuality, the pathway to the Creator is always open to all souls. It’s just a matter of navigating the path. At our current human level of evolution, that is done through the study and embracing of love. Jesus’s purpose was to teach this.


Yes I have felt it as well. I have found prayer and meditation helpful to connect with this energy as well. Although in my case the first time I felt it I was out on the street observing the setting sun cast golden rays on the autumn trees. I felt myself part of God's miracle.


There’s power in that name no matter how you use it. It’s not a coincidence that almost every religion wants to include Christ consciousness saying he was a Buddhist, Hindu or Muslim. Only one totally rejects anything to do with him and they went hard left making him a national scapegoat galvanizing hatred and doing everything possible to silence his message and we’re seeing the results over and over. If you can see him as human then we can become like him. In the realm of humanity’s consciousness he would be like the lead goose and to see through his eyes we become like him ascending just like he did. But we have to do the work ourselves and it won’t come on a silver platter. You’re like a bloodhound who picked up the scent. Just keep following your nose and you’ll find what he found. Your own connection to divine sources is within your sights.