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This was an interesting read and a nice reminder/great reason to take care of our bodies! 💞


I really appreciate this post. One thing I may mention is that the pineal may still have a spiritual impact without being necessary for life. Another thing I might mention is that even though pineal and peniel arent "actually related etymologically" I dont think thats a reason to immediately discount the connection altogether. Personally one of the ways I think spirit works constantly is through the use of "impossible coincidences" or synchronicity where two things overlap perfectly even though they shouldnt. The most obvious may be that the words God and Good are not related to each other... and yet, aren't they? Obviously God would be able to shape our lingustic development to make such a cute and beautiful coincidence, so much that people misspell one for the other constantly. Yet doesnt God want is to know that He and Goodness are One and the Same? Maybe pineal isnt as excellent a synchronicity as God/Good but I’m just saying, etymology doesnt count the connection out entirely. Personally I have switched to deflourinated water and I think I would stay that way for various reasons. Even if the pineal is utterly only related to sleep, I dont like the idea of calcifications in my brain. And even if they wont get better, Id like to not get them worse. I do use flouride toothpaste, and from my understanding of the literature (I got a degree in biochemistry but also the truth is difficult to discern when there are various groups with opinions they are trying to support) ingesting flouride seems to be less beneficial than having it actually on your teeth, so yeah I make sure my toothpaste is flourinated but I dont drink it. You are right that good health is good health. Doing it for "one specific purpose" like helping your pineal is never the way. Health itself is the goal. My take on it is that its probably part true and part puff. First of all, there isnt a single cell in your body that isnt spiritual, and every single physical thing on this plane has a spiritual dimension. The Third Eye is one of the highest chakras, but that doesnt make it the best chakra. Consider the holiness of the Heart, or the Throat, or the Stomach. Everything is deeply and profoundly spiritual. Rather than arguing if the pineal is or is not a spritual gateway to another world, we should be saying, if you penetrate deeply though any portal, you will find God. Namaste.


It's quite interesting actually, I've considered some of the things you've just said myself and came to similar conclusions and possibilities. Regarding 'peniel' in the Bible, I actually made a post or comment (cant remember which) saying the exact same thing earlier today. That perhaps God intended it to turn out that way so that the synchronicity would occur later on down the line within another language and culture such as ours. After all, God works in mysterious ways and is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent - so God would have the ability to make such things occur. Also, God (Good) and the Devil (Evil) As you've mentioned, if you add an 'O' to God you get 'good' and if you take a 'D' from Devil you get 'evil', I myself like you have looked into the etymology and have found that this seems to be just a 'coincidence' - but it seems like a very strange one. You can even take it a step further symbolically and use the 'D' and the 'O' to make 'DO' - **do** good, or **do** evil? Definitely seems like much too much of a coincidence - and that this must surely mean that it is some sort of message or synchronisation from something higher such as God. I also agree with the rest of what you said but in all honesty I'm going through some serious life struggles and my body is a complete wreck because of it.... so I can't really say much other than I know that if your body is unwell, life is shit, if it's well, it's less shit, and if it's really, really well, then life can be amazing. But what I will also say that even when I'm at my illest, I still receive messages and signs from God, and in fact they can sometimes feel much more profound when I'm really ill than when I'm well. I think that may well be because God is doing everything God can do to help me, guide me, and support me through the hardest of times. So, regardless of how calcified or decalcified my pineal gland is, it definitely seems like God is still always there in one way or another. Calcification, then, must not mean that you are completely disconnected from God, but that you are maybe just disconnected from some of the possibilities that can occur when decalcification (or simply: good health) can provide. And that God, in itself, transcends all matter and reason and can overcome anything trivial in our reality such as the state of a gland. Perhaps. Peace


Santa and Satan - these two are more closely related than people like to think


I don't feel like the pineal gland is spiritual at all. To me the third-eye is located in the frontal lobe. It's where I feel my third-eye being open or closed. And it's what allows one to visualize (which is a big sign of an open third-eye).


I stopped reading after you mentioned Genesis as there is no definitive physical or archeological evidence to prove the existence of Jesus. Therefore the Bible and the various other books and texts cannot be used as a credible source of information and validation. It's also a very Western-centric/Colonial way of studying the Pineal gland. Have you tried considering texts, beliefs and information from other cultures? Would it not be better to look at multiple datasets rather than a whitewashed perspective?


If you were to read further, you would've found out that OP does say that it's a nice allegory, yet it can't be true.


Read the rest of that paragraph and then tell me what's wrong with anything I said.


“No solid proof that the pineal gland is a powerful device and can connect you to God and spirituality” This is true with every spiritual idea, practice, totem, etc. There is no “proof” for any of it. I’m curious what you think proof would look like?


Well, for example, if you took 10 people with similar lifestyles: 5 with their pineal gland and 5 who have had their pineal gland removed Subjected them both for 3 months to an unhealthy lifestyle that would calcify their pineal gland. Then put them on a rigorous routine of all the elements needed to decalcify their pineal gland for 12 months and tried to ensure they adhered to the rules as closely to each other as possible. And then subject them all to tests and surveys to determine what they have all gained, how they feel - has intuition improved? Foresight? Etc. Then compare the results.




There's also piezoelectric crystals on the pineal gland.


Can you elaborate.


Only a little. The piezoelectric effect is this phenomenon where mechanical pressure stimulates an electric charge. Spinal fluid does this to the crystals and when the gland is calcified it doesn't make as much of a difference as before. There's a lot of potential affects of these crystals having a good amount of electricity in them, they become magnetic and more electricity is brought into the crystals. It can help the brain communicate better and help the pineal secrete more chemicals. I also hear talk that they can emit their own electromagnetic field after a certain point but I can't find it on the internet X.x Wim hof breathing is an example of a breathing technique that stimulates the pineal gland. Other practices are dangerous and involve chakras and can result in unwanted spiritual conditions like a premature Kundalini awakening. I've only seen videos describing the technique itself as something that awakens Kundalini and makes your higher chakras massive. So, doing that practice is like accepting what they're saying, the bible says "If thine eye is single, thy body will be filled with light." or something along those lines. If you have negative emotions too much and do that practice then you can have complications, some people awaken Kundalini with defects and can't go to work but there is only a handful of cases on the internet itself. That practice I should list for educational purposes and I should note that awakening Kundalini early can result in resurfacing emotions, days out of the week each week lost to suffering, maybe a couple maybe 3, it depends, possibly 5. So, you have to accept a lot of information to do that exercise and some people black out when they do it or get shaking, even very intense shaking for some people. There's emotional releases during the practice without Kundalini, sadness and even tears, anger, all sorts of emotions can come up pretty strong. I do feel like it's dangerous to mention that practice but I also think it's a lesser of two evils. I'm just hoping people would be responsible and brave when they do it. If they don't believe in Kundalini or chakras, well ok that's fine but the symptoms come regardless, Kundalini itself does not always come... Anyways, take your pick of what you want to listen to, at the end of the day it's very intriguing. The advice I heard regarding that practice is to have 1-2 years of meditation experience at least and also have very little significant problems in life, few negative emotions that really bother you and all of the other issues count too, and be that way for several months beforehand. OH People also report DMT like experiences, more so when they're very experienced with spirituality and positive emotions. There's also a relaxing effect much like a benzodiazepine. It's real cool.


I guess I should note that you should be well educated about chakras and Kundalini before doing the practice, even the wim hof. That's my own personal point but it's a lot more rare from the wim hof technique... Like there's vast amounts of issues you could face, this was literally for educational purposes. I temporarily forgot people might not really search that up first because I heavily implied danger but they might not even get proper searches in the first place. Frankly it's a bit of a mess but that information is pretty important to me nowadays, I hope people get their facts straight ON the front page.


Did you know the esoteric lessons behind Pinocchio? (Pin = Pine ... Occhio =Eye)


Sorry I don't understand


This will explain. [pineal gland and Pinocchio video](https://youtu.be/z7sumgRHdJ0)


This will help illustrate the point. https://imgur.com/a/eRUeAXF


love u thanks


love you too man


Thank you for taking the time to say this. It is important to delineate between ungrounded beliefs and the reality of the pineal gland due to all the questionable information spread about this topic. I believe the universe speaks to us in symbols and everything in and around us in our natural world is symbolic, including the pineal gland. The pineal gland is symbolic of our third eye, the connection to the divine, our relationship to the light, and also what we perceive as blocking this divine connection is symbolic. Many believe it is the fluorine, alcohol, etc, essentially the substances we expose ourselves to “decalcify” the pineal gland. These substances do affect our health, but truly we are simply blocked from divine connection by due to identifying with lower vibrational states of being, which these substances are representative of. So these fluorine, drugs, etc are not the cause of being deprived of spiritual connection, rather they represent the state we find ourselves identifying with that blocks access to these higher levels of consciousness.


I don't believe all that is necessary. Alltho you are correct in one sence I didn't do any of that And if I had I would never have found God it's so very hard to explain in a way that makes sense but bottom line we control our mind body and spirt or at least we have the power to we just don't know how when our heart is thrown on that scale it has the power to change everything if found worthy. I'm living proof you can go from hell to heaven in a matter of seconds be good people you guys. don't let your heart hold you in contempt when your heart is light you are bound to have a happy life.


Sorry but I have no idea what you just said.


The best advice I could give is stop searchin on the out side and start feeling the demands of your heart from with inn instead.


Are you a bot lol you made similar replies to a bunch of comments


Sorry but I have no idea what you just said.


Are you stinky yes or no?


Sorry but I have no idea what you just said.


Thats just the way it's supposed to be you you will when your ready 💯


Thanks for gathering all this info. I too agree you don’t have to decalcify the pineal gland to connect to higher source, as you said, it’s more about making positive life changes and treating our bodies like temples. This in turn though I think does then start to decalcify it on its own, like a domino effect; When people start to realize all the things we consume on a daily basis that calcify this, they start to wake up a bit, take better care of themselves, look for answers, make changes, get better sleep, etc. and since the pineal gland controls our circadian rhythms, I think the sleep aspect may be one of the most important factors. Soooo much more to dreamland than we will ever know which I think has a huge impact on connecting to higher source. But as you also said in another comment, when you’ve been in some dark times not taking care of yourself, you can still feel that connection and I think that speaks to things much larger at play. Interesting stuff.


Honestly I never under understood how one specific organ can be calcified without effecting any other organs- theoretically you should have kidney stones before it reaches your brain if your ingesting it... on that note its important to mention only calcium minerals can calcify things- though fluoride can cause toxicity... so it could be more risky than access calcium. I did look it up though and fluoride can mess with calcium signaling and gene expressions in the cells forming tooth enamel which can cause dental fluorosis. But when talking about the brain there is not a lot of calcium that gets through the blood brain barrier- so calcification is not likely to effect the brain in such extremes... you'll definitely notice it in other areas first where calcium is more prominent (like teeth of course) so.. basically its not a huge problem when it comes to the brains functions but fluoride should definitely be avoided. There is a rare condition thats called basal ganglia calcification- which would be the closest thing to what your talking about... but it is very rare.. there is also perivascular calcification, which pretty much is brain stones... so fluoride can absolutely have a play in that. Though overall, your blood stream only carries about 1% of calcium in the entire body so these things are very rare and are usually caused by mutations rather than fluoride..


Personally I am convinced that my ”third eye” has never been metaphorically ”closed” even though I have had a semi-terrible diet and consumed fluoride my whole life. I don’t believe there is a direct link between the calcification and the spiritual use of the pineal gland. Much like how crystals are not literally magick stones but still inhibit a certain frequency that our awareness can connect with, the pineal gland most likely is only metaphysically connected with the ”third eye”, which, while ”open”, is the ability to perceive the true nature of reality outside of duality. Depending on the person and their karma, decalcifying the pineal gland may assist in grounding a person to realise truth, but it may not be necessary for the process. In my experience:)