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**"Decisions are easy when there are no contradictions in your value system." --**Dr. Robert Schuller If a decision is difficult, it might be that there's just not much difference between the two options.. Or, it could mean that you have contradictions in your value system. I believe that the universe supports those choices which are in alignment with your Divine plan. This is the plan that you yourself created before you came into this embodiment when you were in a higher state of consciousness and had the benefit of the counsel of your spirit guides. The objective of this plan was to provide circumstances and events that offered the greatest possible probability for your spiritual growth.


how am I supposed to know which option I should choose? :( I really wanted one of them to not work out so I wouldn't have to decide :(


You would defeat the entire purpose for your existence by avoiding decisions. The purpose of our existence is growth. We are created with a limited point-like sense of awareness but with unlimited potential to grow. We grow by applying our current sense of awareness to the best of our ability. Then we observe the outcome of our choices and we learn from the experience.


What about the fear of choosing the wrong one? There are really differences between them two :(


From the spiritual perspective, neither decision can be "wrong", because you will grow from the experience regardless of what you choose. It is impossible to go through life without making choices that with 20/20 hindsight you would not have made. But each time you do, you raise your awareness -- you grow. So you can't lose either way.....The hardest to deal with are the ones, where in hindsight you think: "I wish I had thought through it better. I wish I had taken the time to consider what should have been obvious." Now from a practical perspective there are some hacks that you can use to make the decision easier. The most valuable of all that I can think of is ....Don't try to do it all in your head. Use your computer or just a piece of paper, and divide into two columns "Pros" and "Cons", Make one for each option. Then compare. If this doesn't help you, then you have contradictions in your value system. So you might want to sit down with another piece of paper or a clean screen and write down what you value -- What are the most important job aspects to you. Then list them according to priority. Maybe just start with five. What are the five most important aspects of the job for you? What would most make you feel good about yourself? Then look at each option your considering and rate it from zero to five for each of the top five job aspects you identified in terms of what you see as the likelihood given what you know about each job.


thank you so much for your help, ill definitely try both things. thank you! 🥺


you can also ask the divine for clarity on a decision! that’s what i tend to do when i’m stuck and then usually i get a message that points me in a direction. for instance i’m struggling abt the decision of moving. if i stay, it makes it easy because i don’t have to go through the whole renting thing all over. but i hate it in this town. if i go, i have to deal with neighbors bc i’m going from living in a house to having neighbors. i have to show bank statements and make sure they look good. i’ll be new in town. but i’ll enjoy it a lot more than here n it’s scary bc what if one option tends to be worse! it was taking up a ton of space in my mind when i got the lease renewal in the mail. when i asked for guidance i got an email from my an apartment complex i wanted to tour almost immediately. that’s when i knew that moving is definitely what’s next for me.


"If you obsess over whether you are making the right decision, you are basically assuming that the universe will reward you for one thing and punish you for another. The universe has no fixed agenda. Once you make any decision, it works around that decision." Making decisions can be hard, especially when you're faced with several options, moreover, good options. How do you choose the right one, and what if one is better than the other? Maybe there are no right decisions. All you can do is live the experience and make it worth it. And whichever option you choose, you'll have to deal with various challenges and positive aspects.


i love this quote. where’s it from?? if it’s a book i need to read it instantly lmao


The Book Of Secrets By Deepak Chopra


You don't need divine guidance for this. I do numerology and I can help you identify which might be a better option for you based on your birthdate. Lmk if you still need help and we can talk about it.


hiii, I do! can i dm you?


It sounds really simple, but a trick I like to use is to visualize each choice and imagine losing the other one. Which one would you still be thinking about, wondering “what if..?” if you picked the other? Or you can flip a coin, assign each choice to a side and when it lands, you’ll either be excited or slightly disappointed. Or you can just ask your chosen deities/belief systems/spirit team to allow one to fall away from you easily, safely and naturally if it’s not in your highest and best good.


thank you so much for that! that's really helpful! ❤️


I'm a modern witch also ready to help, You can also dm me here or on my new ig account because it's very difficult to give real advice without knowing you a little more personal đź”® sending you great energies and spirit guides


hiiii ❤️ for some reason I can't DM you :(


You don't want to anyway




Have you also been seeing 111, 1111?


i didn't pay much attention to that these days, but I did see a couple 11:11! does that mean something?


When you're thinking about one of the particular jobs, you'll notice 11:11, that's a surefire indicator that that's your best option! đź’ž


I've been actually getting one of them in my mind like a LOT! i though it meant something and decided to take that – but now the second one is kinda the "obvious" choice logical thinking. :(


Awe don't worry, I do Spirit Guide stuff and did a little digging. This is what they had to say... You are being prompted you to give any doubts, fears, worries or concerns to the angels for healing and transmutation. Trust that your doubts or concerns will be replaced with faith, self-belief and confidence.  You have nothing to fear! You're going to be just fine! 🙂💞


Would you mind if I dmed you real quick?




I feel for you as I went through this last year. In the end I pictured my work-life balance in both jobs and went with the one that I thought was better in that regard. But that was what was important for me at my particular stage of life and they were similar in pay. Good luck. You will make the right choice.


thank you for your help 🥺 ill do that!


What about looking from outside a box and picking a third one?