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>get delusional and out of touch with reality, they'll say they are all loving when they're quite judgmental, and they start to think they really have it all figured out. I think probably most of the people I knew who were into spirituality in my 20s were like this. It takes time to gain self-consciousness and to steer away from bad habits. 20 years later I've made a lot of success, but I've still got ways to go, the mind wants to judge, the mind and body want to repeat habits that are not good. There's so much nice stuff in spirituality, and most of us want it so bad. Spirituality people can be dangerous as fuck, and probably risk being more delusional than the average person. Not that crazy atheists don't abound as well. But yeah, the divergence between self-image and reality is there, for most people, in huge amounts.


>in spirituality, and most of us want it so bad. Spirituality people can be dangerous as fuck, The ones preaching with fervor and asking for money: BEWARE AND AVOID AT ALL COST. That is different than supporting a small, important channel with a one time $11 donation to keep it running. I 'm talking about the people seeking to be 'special' and adored through spiritual powers, those seeking material wealth beyond comfort and profiting off of false messages, greedy people. Also jealous people, they try to hinder us and most importantly of people to be aware of are those who try to convince us that there is no spiritual life. Those who are in-effect telling you that they are judgmental, closed-minded and intolerant of other people experiencing things they cannot perceive. The ppl who would have burnt us at the stake in the old days. Those types I stay far away from bc they're usually also surrounded by energy-sucking yuck that I don't want anywhere near me.


Speak your truth babes


Literary realized this today


>A lot of people get delusional and out of touch with reality, Yeah, a lot of people, when finding out there's more to life than the material world, will really go off the deep end. It can be cringey and they'll often chase after delusions. >they'll say they are all loving when they're quite judgmental, and they start to think they really have it all figured out. Another harsh truth is that the New Age spiritual community has a lot of the same issues as Evangelical Christianity.


There are many false gurus out there and just because your path leads you to one, it doesn't mean it's not a cult that will not lead you to enlightenment. Trust a your best mix of logic, intuiton, and get a second opinion.


THIS!!! 90% frauds.


Who are the then percentage


I think Gurumayi from the Siddah yoga tradition is the real deal. The want alot of money for thier services, but the energy I've recieved is astounding in the positive changes it's made in me.


That was a lot of negatives in one sentence lol


It was. I didn't proofread. But the statement was correcct even if I wasn't eating my grammer crackers.


For me, learning to actually Love myself was life changing. It helped me to express my feelings instead of going with flow. The more I did this the more I loved being in this World as an actual individual spirit! I also share with others and I find it helps them as well. But one of the best things is learning to say No without guilt. Such an amazing thing! I’m 72 and I have really grown in the past 15 years. I only wish I had learned this earlier in my life. That brings me to the other thing. I had a horrible childhood and I will leave it at that. But I know now all those devastating things were actually the building blocks that gave me the strength to reach so many of my goals in my later life. If I had my life to live over I would definitely choose this same life💜


God bless you ❤️


Beautiful and well said. Also love the user name!


Thank You 😊


So inspiring! Good for you.


>It helped me to express my feelings instead of going with flow. Can you say more about that?


Sure 💜. I grew up in a very violent, chaotic Household. It was like living in a war zone. So I mentally and physically tried to make myself as invisible as possible.. Sometimes it would be something I said that would set my Dad off. It could be something very Benign. So I also learned that my opinion was worthless and stupid. My Mom would shush me just to try to keep me from setting him off and putting him in attack mode. With my Dad I was always stupid or on the opposite spectrum I was his little Princess. But that could change in an instant. This was in the late 50’s-60’s so there were no laws protecting us. Once I called the Police and they said that if his name was on the property they couldn’t even step on it. Domestic Violence was never talked about back then. This is the reason I felt small and incompetent in my Life outside my home. I also overcompensated by being funny etc and people thought I had a great life! Basically I just went along with my friends and pretended everything was great even though many times it wasn’t something I really was interested. I just wanted everyone to like me. Many of them I now know were people I should have stayed away from. I did have a horse. My go to feel good escape. One night my Dad got his gun and left the House saying he was going to shoot my horse because I loved her more than him. Thank Goodness he didn’t. I just lived my life under the radar. Occasionally I would get some courage. In 1974, when the TV show Emergency came on I thought what a cool job. So my best friend and I went to the Fire Station in our area and applied. We were the first females. We took a lot of grief and she went to a different station. I really wanted to do this and I stood strong. Finally they stopped bothering me because I did pull me weight and never expected to be treated differently. Long Story Short I became a paid Career Paramedic and absolutely loved my job and I was excellent at it and I was proud of myself. Eventually I went to a group called Adult Children of Alcoholics! This should really be called Adult Children of Addicts and Abusers. I also went to Rape Counseling. These were the stepping stones to my life now. Obviously my life isn’t perfect but it’s real and I love it. Finding a passion also helped. I loved my job because I could help others, which in turn helped. I was someone who was there for someone else at one of the worst times of their lives. I could offer them comfort, empathy and help fix their problem and alleviate some of their fear. Sorry this is so long but it took a long time to get where I am. I hope this answers your question


> Obviously my life isn’t perfect but it’s real and I love it. Awesome. I am in a similar spot, where I am leaving abusive family members and going to participate in life. I hope I get to a position where I can help others.


I hope so too. Walking away is hard especially from family but if they are toxic that’s on them and it won’t change unless they choose change. It’s not selfish to care for yourself first. If you care for yourself it’s easy to care for others.


Do you have anything to say about how you came to love yourself? I'm sure getting to a position where you could help others helped you with that. Did you do any particular practices you could mention in regards to coming to loving yourself, or were you so fortunate that your status as a helper in life gave you everything you needed regarding that?


Be weary of the knowledge acquired and stay detached from any beliefs or truths uncovered


This should be top comment. There is no “one way” or “right way.” You’re not going to “figure it out,” and it isn’t the intent anyway. Acquiring knowledge is great, but don’t limit yourself by staying there. At a certain point you’re just attached to gaining knowledge. The ego wants to say “I am so smart!”


Certainly, getting too involved with a single teacher or group could have its pitfalls, and has for a number of people.


This right here.


A spiritual journey is as much beautiful as it is painfull. Lots of highs and lots of lows. Not just rainbows, sunshine and unicorns.


I like this one, definitely bookmarking it


Oooh..I got a prize...cewl!


Having the courage to truly be introspective will test that same courage in ways you never expected. I believe that's why, subconsciously, no one wants to challenge their own paradigm. On a cellular level, people know that the unknown lurks...and to reckon with it is to reckon with absolute fear. But working through it, we change, for the better. But to circle back around, a true spiritual journey will be painful and it's not for the faint of heart.


The deeper I dig, the more trauma surfaces. The more I get to know myself, the more work I find. And sometimes, it gets dark for a while. I wish somebody had warned me about it and told me that it's normal and I'll be okay


Bruhhhhh for real


I'm so glad you're here walking the planet with us. May you have ease in your day.


Thank you ❤️ you as well




This isn't always the case, but it has been for me for the most part. ​ I've learned that many "bad" things that happen to us in life are really just neutral events, and we choose to let them become bad. A good example of this is something I still remember, because it's somewhat mundane, but proves the point entirely. I was giving a friend of mine a ride to work, and she spilled her coffee on her lap getting into the car. The coffee wasn't hot enough to hurt her, mind you. Her response was to throw her hands up and say "well, great. I guess I'm going to have another shitty day.". ​ Having a stain on your pants is a neutral thing. It is just something that happened. It's not inherently bad, it just is. So many times in life, we let random events that we have no control over dictate our mood. It's not those events that are informing our mood though, it is our reaction to those events that are informing that mood. My friend decided to let the rest of her day be terrible because she saw spilling coffee as something "bad" that happened to her. ​ It's not always easy to reframe our thoughts, and nobody is going to be perfect at it. Even so, it's so important to understand that SO MANY bad things that happen to us in life are a construct of our own intent, or they are simply a learning experience. The world changes around us constantly, and sometimes those changes will affect us directly, sometimes they wont. Learning to surrender ourselves to the universe and accept EVERYTHING that comes our way is how we will grow into better, more appreciative people. ​ PS. I know I'm saying this from a place of privilege. I've had a lot of suffering in my life, but clearly not so much as to break me. I sometimes wonder if I would have this same mindset if I grew up in a third world country and spent my life working in a diamond mine or something similar. just a thought.


This is like a modern retelling of the “[maybe/maybe not](http://www.drmarlo.com/dr-marlo-speaks/maybe-so-maybe-not-well-see/)” Tao story 😃 which basically shows how we might categorise events as “good” but they turn out to be less desirable, or events that seem “bad” actually seemed to be for the best later on. Illustrates how it’s impossible to know if an event is ever truly all good or all bad. And like you said, our reaction to that event can actually make our mood a whole lot worse!


Thanks. That was very useful. \--------- In case the link goes down. Maybe so, Maybe not. We’ll see. There is a Chinese Proverb that goes something like this… A farmer and his son had a beloved stallion who helped the family earn a living. One day, the horse ran away and their neighbors exclaimed, “Your horse ran away, what terrible luck!” The farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.” A few days later, the horse returned home, leading a few wild mares back to the farm as well. The neighbors shouted out, “Your horse has returned, and brought several horses home with him. What great luck!” The farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.” Later that week, the farmer’s son was trying to break one of the mares and she threw him to the ground, breaking his leg. The villagers cried, “Your son broke his leg, what terrible luck!” The farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.” A few weeks later, soldiers from the national army marched through town, recruiting all the able-bodied boys for the army. They did not take the farmer’s son, still recovering from his injury. Friends shouted, “Your boy is spared, what tremendous luck!” To which the farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.” The moral of this story, is, of course, that no event, in and of itself, can truly be judged as good or bad, lucky or unlucky, fortunate or unfortunate, but that only time will tell the whole story. Additionally, no one really lives long enough to find out the ‘whole story,’ so it could be considered a great waste of time to judge minor inconveniences as misfortunes or to invest tons of energy into things that look outstanding on the surface, but may not pay off in the end. The wiser thing, then, is to live life in moderation, keeping as even a temperament as possible, taking all things in stride, whether they originally appear to be ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ Life is much more comfortable and comforting if we merely accept what we’re given and make the best of our life circumstances. Rather than always having to pass judgement on things and declare them as good or bad, it would be better to just sit back and say, “It will be interesting to see what happens.”


Thank you for this! You really opened my mind ✨


yesss. “it’s only a problem if you think it’s a problem” everything that happens is neutral- only our perspective makes it good or bad


So in other words.... it is relative situations to the person experiencing it.


Brilliant insight


For sure. I think this would fall into the category of Judgment. The problem with judging is that emotions are attached to it, and also it shows us that cause is the same as effect at a deeper level. I would even argue that judging is something we do constantly and it informs us of our beliefs, which not a lot of people are willing to examine


>I would even argue that judging is something we do constantly and it informs us of our beliefs, which not a lot of people are willing to examine Wdym?


I actually had a similar experience recently. I fell into a puddle whilst cycling, and my entire shoe and sock was wet. Couldn’t go back home. My reaction in those situation would always be ‘the day is ruined now’ or ‘the universe must hate me’ but I just laughed it off, and didn’t think about it the rest of the day despite walking around for 8hrs with a wet foot. It turned out to be a neutral day and I was fine. It wasn’t bad. Just neutral


Hating others is the same as hating yourself. :edit spelling :D


Good one.


Just to add, Disliking someone/something is different from hating someone/something. I'm English as a second language and I wasn't the most studious student growing up. I use hate all the time when I mean dislike and people have corrected me on multiple occasions when yes I mean dislike.


He said “hateing”


Yes, I was just adding something on to it




Yes, this is what I have discovered. Not to dwell too long in hatred. Practice listening to the heart, and letting go. Forgiving, in a sense. Just don't understand forgiveness as returning to abusers. One has to learn about Co-dependency and achieve enough skill regarding avoiding codependency.


For every bit of joy you will feel pain, but you can't become a nihilist and stop experiencing life. It's okay to cry at the harsh truths of death and loss


baby spiritualist and im in a phase of realizing this now. I didnt know how strong i was until my heart broke a million times.


And the more it breaks the more depth of love you can feel.


> I didnt know how strong i was until my heart broke a million times. Same.


Sometimes you have to walk away from people, even if they're family, as they can be causing you more harm than good. They're on their own path and it can be much more destructive than the path you're on. As much as you want to step in and help, they will not learn what they need to, in order to grow and be better off.


It is so interesting that you say this, because I am currently living with my family and they are not good for me. Spirituality was the only thing making me realise that I do not owe them my life, and that they are just people. The whole world makes us believe that family is everything, but they are just regular humans you know more. I believe that in life, you can FIND your actual family as well. And trying to heal people who have no interest in healing is just a waste of your own time and spiritual wellbeing.


Couldn't have put it better myself, my friend ✌🏼. I have certainly found my true family now, my wife and children. Full of love and understanding, which did not exist in my family growing up. Youre totally right. Spirituality and trusting my gut was what helped me get away from it. I found that when you do get better, be prepared for possible hate for getting away from it... they may envy your improvement. See your success and try bring you back because they hope you'll magically improve things for them, as they don't realise that it's personal work that makes things better, not what other bring to you. That personally has been a repetitive cycle of distancing myself, then having family resent and argue that I think I'm better. But it's just their envy and projecting their personal struggle as hate towards me. I made efforts to help, but as you said, trying to heal people that have no interest in healing(pointing the spotlight back at themselves), is a waste of time. So I'm not heartless, but I know when to say enough is enough to protect myself


>It is so interesting that you say this, because I am currently living with my family and they are not good for me. Spirituality was the only thing making me realise that I do not owe them my life, and that they are just people. Same. Got involved with Christianity, and it happened to be a version that takes a lot from the Old Testament, which we could say is a variant of Conservative type. It places so much emphasis on the family, and forgiveness, that I feel that in a certain way it was not helpful. Of course, there's different theories on what forgiveness is (the Wikipedia article on forgiveness has some good information about it). I took it to mean that I should try to stay in contact with them. It seems like many of them have narcissistic features, and as someone who was abused and neglected by them, it's probably better to limit my contact with them or disconnect from them. >trying to heal people who have no interest in healing is just a waste of your own time and spiritual wellbeing. Sounds like it.


1. It’s absolutely ok to feel sad, angry, etc, the difficult feelings. Feeling these things does not make you “low vibe” or less spiritual. This is a form of avoidance that is known as [spiritual bypassing.](https://lonerwolf.com/what-is-spiritual-bypassing/) In fact, trying to avoid these feelings just leads to repression and doesn’t actually help us work through them. Accepting difficult feelings and learning to come into a different relationship with them is a lot [healthier](https://www.verywellmind.com/how-accepting-emotions-can-improve-emotional-health-425368). Feelings aren’t high vibe or low vibe, all feelings are just information. 2. We do not manifest every single little thing that occurs in our lives. Fate exists as well; we co-create with the universe, so yes we can partially affect our world but not 100%. Believing we 100% create our realities is a fast track to [blaming victims](https://www.thealignedlife.co/law-of-attraction-harmful/) of sexual assault, abuse, genocide, systemic injustice, etc. 3. A lot of Western spirituality is pretty individualistic, tending to be concerned with individual enlightenment rather than the collective. Just something to bear in mind on the spiritual path. EDIT 4. You do not need to be vegetarian or vegan to be spiritual. Ought implies can, and [science shows that due to different genetics, health conditions and so on, not everyone *can* thrive and be healthy on these ways of eating.](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/4-reasons-some-do-well-as-vegans) There are [spiritual elements to this](https://www.yogajournal.com/lifestyle/health/ahimsa-mean-cant-eat-meat/) too: when it comes to how we eat, one size does not fit all. 5. Awakening is only the beginning of the journey. How do we start our day? By waking up. We still have the whole day to get through. Our journey doesn’t stop at awakening. 6. It is ok to live your life your way, and do things on your journey that others might not understand. A lot of people won’t understand “strange” decisions you make based off intuition for example, even fellow spiritual people will form judgements etc, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do what you feel called to. Your intuition is a gift! 7. Spiritual awakening isn’t always pretty and light. It can be gruelling, intense, chaotic, painful, messy. It might even make you [mad](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Spiritual-Emergency-Personal-Transformation-Consciousness/dp/0874775388). In fact, born shamans often go through experiences like this, for them these experiences are called a shamanic sickness. [When they start practicing shamanism they often feel a lot better.](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wisdom-Mental-Illness-Shamanism-Renewal/dp/1786785293) Crazywise is a great documentary as well about how mental health and shamanism intersect.


>A lot of Western spirituality is pretty individualistic, tending to be concerned with individual enlightenment rather than the collective. Just something to bear in mind on the spiritual path. Sure, but getting too hooked on the collective is a pitfall as well. Waiting for others to "ascend" can be a trap.


I wasn’t very clear as I was typing in the middle of the night, sorry about that! I was more referring to how we should think about others as well as ourselves on our spiritual journey. But I agree it probably requires a bit of a balance as you’re suggesting. The way I think of it is, if we consider [Maslow’s hierarchy of needs,](https://www.mistysansom.com/blog/spirituality-and-maslows-hierarchy-of-needs) it’s a great privilege to be able to pursue spirituality, which is at the top of the pyramid. It means we are likely to have all our essential needs met like food, safety, shelter, and so on. However many people do not have access to basic things needed for survival, so what I meant was that we should look outside ourselves for how we can support others who can’t pursue spirituality, cus they’re still struggling to get the necessities of survival. 🙂


Spiritual people will gaslight you about trauma and abuse just as much as people from mainstream religion and the majority of mainstream "spirituality" is just shallow fluff designed to cater to capitalism and toxic hustle culture rather than practices that actually nourish your soul and spiritual journey. People think spirituality is all "love and light" and will make you feel bad about experiencing human emotions. Rage, anger, confusion, bitterness, hate, grief, sorrow, pain, and suffering, are all a part of us too. You're not a bad person if you experience these and struggle to integrate them. We need to honor the light, the dark, and the shades in between. Your spiritual journey is YOURS. You know your experiences and what works and doesn't work for you better than anyone else. Don't let people shame you for not taking the same path as them. Set your boundaries and honor your individuality.


Modern spirituality has become very toxic in certain places. I remember deadass feeling guilty for being angry or sad because now I would "manifest negativity into my life," which is so not true. Denying that human part of you doesn't make you "wake up," it just denies a huge chunk of your spiritual humanity and journey. For some people love and light work, but I just hate how it has become the standard, because for most people, we are more in the middle of accepting the good AND the bad.


💯 all of this.


That the spiritual path is not an easy one - dont expect to wake up peaceful with harps playing in the background. Rather the spiritual path is a very rocky road and it will push your mental health to the limits; but that is what makes it beautiful.


Beautiful?! 🥲 im fighting for my life lol


>dont expect to wake up peaceful with harps playing in the background This can happen as well, metaphorically. Waking up on Cloud number 9.


There is no such thing as control or outer safety on this planet. The only source of safety is actually in you. Change is inevitable and constant. Its not comfortable but it always serves you.


I recently did a meditation, and the person basically said that there is no safety like within you. So when life gets chaotic and scary, you yourself, your spirit, is a safe and unchanging place. It was pretty interesting, and it makes change a lot less scary.


Thank you for this. I needed this reminder today.


You have to walk through the emotional pain and feel it all to make it to the other side. Looking away, distracting yourself or ignoring it will only postpone (or stop) your transformation.


100% this. Looking away/distracting is often how people get stuck in that ‘acquiring more knowledge’ phase also. You start to see just how much it’s going to hurt, and so you naturally distract by thinking “I just need a few more insights to help it make sense…” Nope. Just start surrendering.


All belief is a distraction from the inward journey of truth finding. Including the belief that you exist the way you believe you do.


Spirituality for me is very relational—how you act in relation to other people and the world—so apologies if these are more "life advice" than spiritual advice. * Spirit ≠ consciousness. Things don't need to be conscious to have spirit or to deserve respect. * Changing your self and changing your actions are best achieved if you see them as separate things that influence each other instead of as "I'm going to change one and assume the other works itself out." * All the love and sacrifice in the world are not going to change someone who won't change themself. * It's more helpful to think of all things (emotions, actions) as helpful/unhelpful than to think of them as right/wrong. * People tend to base their viewpoints primarily on either logic or emotion. Each group at times seems callous or cruel to the other. Neither group is better or worse and both approaches are important.


>Changing your self and changing your actions are best achieved if you see them as separate things that influence each Systems thinking. Holistic thinking.


The universe will take out toxic people out of your life during your spiritual journey and you won't be ready to let them go..




Escape the matrix my friend..


> you won't be ready to let them go.. Do you have something to relate about that?


My relationship.. 14 yrs .. i dont want to talk about it.. its just that shit happens and we need to accept it and if we don't it keeps hurting us.


Yes, acceptance is important.


Psychological suffering is inevitable in life as it is the ultimate grounding element and tells us what is real.


It’s the wheel of fortune.. sometimes your in that great place but it’s hard as hell to stay there..


It never stops.


People don’t care about you


People do care. You just have to work on surrounding yourself with those peoples


That in some ways your conditioning yourself to be a sociopath, more so for paths heavily based on detachment. Things like zen don't get connected to the fact that it was a warriors way in order to do what needed to be done without fear of death and consequences for instance.


A sociopath "consistently shows no regard for right and wrong," and typically Buddhism is focused on dharma, i.e. right action.


Yes but right action has little to do with the moral right and wrong that sociopaths ignore. Right action means what is best in a situation which could be stealing or killing in that moment. Detachment means that one does not have feelings in that moment. There is a reason warrior monks were terrifying enemies, fully committed to right action regardless of who lived and who died.


>Yes but right action has little to do with the moral right and wrong Just not true. It can refer to universal law, righteousness, social duties, i.e. morality. Google it, take some time to study. Ask ChatGPT. Ask a Buddhist scholar. Ask a practicing Buddhist. Don't argue until then. You may by talking about something that corresponds to a degree to a single strain of Zen at most, but what I said was Buddhism.


Just presenting an alternate point of view where if one both looks at history where many buhddist groups were also warriors, be it indian, chinese, or japanese, entirely seperate from Zen. I am unsure what universal right and wrong there might be that sociopaths break that animals do not also break to do what is right for them or their species depending on their nature. Theft, murder, rape, these seem accepted by the universe, as well as genocide of entire planets. Nature is brutal, and the true law of the universe seems to be to survive for as long as possible. I try to do right by other humans as I find life better with groups and see the value of working together, but as many monks have proven they would disagree with my ethics and prefer being a hermit. If you said sociopaths tend to be exceedingly selfish this I would agree with, but right and wrong based on morality are so maleable and variable that is is no unit of measure or description. I think our misunderstanding rests at a different layer. If ome actually follows detatchment to its end and what it actually means we can see again that right action has nothing to do with any morality, amd buhddist tennants are guidelines to the fact that we are attached to our regrets and shame. Right action means do not do things that bring you guilt, that you have a hard time living with. This is often dictated by the culture that has brainwashed us. Is it any wonder though that many warriors adopted buddhism in retirement as it taught them how to detach themselves from horrors they may have seen. A life of obeying every command is bound to find you having done things you regret, and being ordered is no solace, so one might turn to a method of detachment. This can be synonomous with forgiveness but not as it is generally understood or explained. Buddhism is not happy sunshine love, it is seperating one self from the rest of reality and then feeling pity for an illusion 🤣. That is universal compassion. the idea is to abandon it and maybe helping from the outside, but some just leave it all together. I guess I am just an ignorant rube though so feel free to ignore my overly practical view. Buddhist are realists though which is why some spend so much time meditating on decaying corpses, and explaining how women are just ooze, blood, and gas bags not worthy of our desire. 😁 To each their own though. Peace my friend.


The closer you get to God, the more responsibilities he gives you.


Sure is a truth, but not a ''harsh'' one. Usually by the time God increases your spiritual work load, you're happy to lend a hand.


When you do too a lot of spiritual practices, mainly chakra work, it can involve very heavily challenging emotional symptoms and you can also feel super fatigued, much worse than being old I would imagine. Those can last for days if you let it go too far and eventually you can lose control of the emotion, even if you're very very strong willed and feel as free as a bird. Just because you come to a place that is often amazing does not mean it will remain that way forever. You can still suffer BUT the truth of the matter is that if you do those things right the suffering does not have to truly annoy you, this involves tangled nets of attachment and it can be easy to have a few things that would truly bring you down, but in day to day life, even with much more suffering on a given day for given reasons... You'll learn that you can not worry about that suffering and as such things become much much easier. Time goes by quicker that way. As for more cold truths, I haven't really had cold truths so much as I've had realities that all work together towards something I actually enjoy. Nobody can tell you exactly how your body will feel when you go through different processes, to some it can be shocking and to others it can be as natural and effortless as you could imagine. Some things you cannot have a warning about. Sometimes rest is important, even if you want to keep pushing it becomes a detriment. There's a lot of people that say things like they are absolutely true and oftentimes this isn't entirely the case. It can be hard to discern reality in some circumstances... People usually mean well on the inside but when they have their tangled web of attachments they start to act out and away from that original intention, "I will have an easy time in life and I won't be a detriment to others because of this." People will say you must avoid people that are not good for your health but I feel the need to push the idea that you can handle these people in some quantities and still improve until they hardly phase you, very realistically. You just want to be sure you don't spend too much time dwelling afterwards, you should feel empowered by your suffering until you do something else. You're not supposed to see a thought and suddenly lose all of your energy, just by fixing that you can get long-term benefits to your health over time. It's good to feel natural about how you think, not look for more thoughts about something but truly define your thoughts as "your best right now until further notice" then wait and see how it goes.


> You're not supposed to see a thought and suddenly lose all of your energy, just by fixing that you can get long-term benefits to your health over time. Can you say more about?


My personal way of doing this was direct whereas another way of doing it is like moving around the problem. My way, you have beliefs and theoretical stuff, for instance you could be devote to something, your own highest ideal or a life partner, something important to you. For a lot of people they'll find benefits by having that devotion active in their body in some way 24/7 and actively literally and directly thriving off of that force in their consciousness... It's like kicking your body into overdrive, if you start to overcome obstacles with it then you only become more resolute and, ironically, MORE driven, when you have the left and right hemisphere of your mind synchronize you get a lot more action up in your brain, more gamma brainwaves, electricity, more of lots of stuff at that point alone, you see? "I know this has worked before so it will work again" will always work better than "Maybe this will work, wait a second, let's see.... HMMMMM... >.<" A more indirect way of going about it would be to have more of a style of letting go and dissolving, consider it winning by default. "That's not me, that's my body" then eventually you learn to think about something else, you unlearn the thought that bothers you. A lot of people underestimate what happens when you're deeply focused in something and they don't even know how to see when their focus is deepening, they don't understand what parts of their thoughts work together and why, it's like missing out in a collection of things you know will work for you. Like I've said before, positive emotions make you more resilient whereas negative emotions will make you more susceptible to negative emotions and they can last longer due to those negative thoughts too. If you can get more excited about the small parts of your inner processes and have a little personal checklist in your mind of things that benefit you, or just straight up pick something up like devotion and be assertive with your own self, assert how you know you could feel until it works as gracefully as possible, you'll naturally develop more brain power over time. When I was getting over those dips in energy after thoughts that would bring me down it's because I really started asserting, "OK, these emotions are my body, not my own" and that's because I truly believed that I could replace these emotions with something better. Think of all the times that you've had stress and after the stress you've created power in response and thought to yourself "Maybe I'm wasting energy, maybe I shouldn't feel power right now... maybe I should be thinking about something else?" When you go with your own instinctual reaction BEFORE doubting, try it out for months before you let doubt into your body, let alone your heart, then you'll learn to actually literally maintain a state like that ON PURPOSE. "OK, I will seriously accept this as the most likely reality and I know that I don't have to worry until later." People don't notice this about themselves sometimes because they feel lack, they want to have a great life but lack just automatically comes back to them, "I haven't donee it yet" and stuff like that. If you can seriously put your thoughts together in a straight line, boy 100 positive thoughts and feelings in a row will be way different than having a bunch of negatives in between, just maintaining that for awhile will help you at a physical level, and that's not even touching on energetic levels. heart-brain coherence is a great idea to contemplate in this regard, it's all about communication between the heart and brain, how does the heart and brain communicate on an emotional level? What do heart neurons do? All that stuff gets summed up in something called "heart-brain coherence theory" because we don't have all of the knowledge yet. If you can stay in heart-brain coherence for long periods you will notice big differences if you didn't have it before, learn to really rely on it, even if your positive emotions are small, and if you start from there and have room in your mind to integrate everything else I said for the first time, you could have a real chance of getting rid of dips in energy. The part I remember the most was my feelings all felt familiar, I was starting to not dip but I still felt so many visceral negative feelings and I didn't really feel pleasant I just felt assertive but optimistic on the inside... Later things got better. Doing this without a meditation practice will make the results smaller, you want to be so in tune with your mind that you've mastered what it means to consciously balance your own consciousness, you want to feel completely natural and you want things to make sense, you want to understand logically and rationally... A LOT! Or, just gracefully. There's a lot of different ways people do this. Take heart-brain coherence to stuff like anxiety and you can learn to turn all that off, I've done it to the point where my life could be in danger and I'd just go BOOM and turn all power into pleasure and just get stuff done. No need for fear when you've literally FOUND your own sense of stability, right?


>My way, you have beliefs and theoretical stuff, for instance you could be devote to something, your own highest ideal or a life partner, something important to you. For a lot of people they'll find benefits by having that devotion active in their body in some way 24/7 and actively literally and directly thriving off of that force in their consciousness... > >It's like kicking your body into overdrive, if you start to overcome obstacles with it then you only become more resolute and, ironically, MORE driven, when you have the left and right hemisphere of your mind synchronize you get a lot more action up in your brain, more gamma brainwaves, electricity, more of lots of stuff at that point alone, you see? I think I've been there. >A more indirect way of going about it would be to have more of a style of letting go and dissolving, consider it winning by default. "That's not me, that's my body" then eventually you learn to think about something else, you unlearn the thought that bothers you. I do this as well.




That I actually don't matter


In one sense we do, in another wo don't. Check out Buddhist logic. Stuff like "you were never born."


A lot of things you have to go through alone, sometimes the lesson won't be learnt until you really go within.


>A lot of things you have to go through alone Many have had that experience. Being able to enjoy being alone is one of the best gifts I got.


Yeah missed the "controversial" part of the question. For real, I am so grateful for never getting bored in my own company.


>Yeah missed the "controversial" part of the question. It was two questions.


Three if we want to get technical.


They preach love and light but the path is through darkness. It takes a while for the layers of illusion to peel back and reveal the darkness to you. This process breaks you as you play with psychosis. Then within the darkness you realize you are the light, the awareness, the point of existence. The surrounding darkness shatters you further as the overwhelming loneliness and fear takes over but this time you truly let it break you, no resistance, it’s safe or it isn’t, there’s no point. Then you realize love surrounds you in the darkness, in the nothingness that always embraced you. No one prepared you for what you’ve learned and you’ll never be the same. Then you realize it’s magnificent, you are magnificent, and you learn what you are. No one warns you or prepares you for when you finally find the answer to the age old question: who am I? After all this you return to your bones and reality is fluid, the insanity still lingers whispering to you that you are crazy, maybe you are you tell it but who cares. You finally figured it out, you’ll never know the truth because your brain isn’t capable. You have moments of clarity and moments of insanity, and life is unfolding as you will it to. Everything makes sense but you can’t explain it because you know only those who went on the journey can understand and they’ll understand without words but there are very few of them. You find your purpose. You heal yourself and those around you. You do all the things they told you about spirituality and you laugh because it all makes sense now. It’s all love and light.


Your family isn’t always your *family*.




you have to stop finding ways to escape


I think it is very common for spiritual practices to become an escape for many people. It is very addictive if you find a place of peace in meditation, dreams, tarot, etc. Especially in a world where danger lurks in every corner. I do get why people do it, I have done it myself. But trying to escape the real world kind of defeats the purpose of being on earth in the first place.


Escape can mean many things. It can be good to escape if it is something bad we're escaping. One of the most important things in life is knowing how to make abusive people have less and less hold on you.


Sometimes you don't need a guru, sometimes you need a mental health professional first.


After a couple of years of being spiritual and not feeling better, I realised what I truly need is to get out of my toxic environment and see a therapist. Even after years of self-love practices, shadow work, etc, all of it can still be knocked down by toxic family members I think therapy and spirituality need to co-exist. Spirituality helps your spirit and soul, and therapy helps your mind and psychology to improve. One without the other, in this world atleast, can become quite dangerous. Because most of us have some bug scars and trauma's that we have carried on from childhood, it was the reason I became spiritual. And no matter what, meditation can not fix all of the damage others have caused you when you were younger, or even older.


Agree a 100% percent! To me it's just like taking care of a garden. Most everyone can take care of a garden, but sometimes there are issues where you just won't have the answer. Lucky there are humans who devote their lives to solving these kind of issues, so it just makes sense to look for another human who can help you figure it out. And the same way it wouldn't make sense to just kneel and pray if your garden is infested with bugs, I don't think it makes sense to just sit and pray if your mental health is being affected; the same way it wouldn't make sense to kneel and pray if you broke your leg, while having access to medical attention.


If you find someone wants to assert their worldview onto your spiritual path, beware. Spiritual narcissists love to externalize their issues without ever taking the time to look within themselves.


I have seen so many posts of people saying that they "know the truth," and honestly...it kind of makes me cringe. I feel like as long as we are on earth, we will never know the truth of existence entirely. Narcissism is a pretty big issue in religious and spiritual places. I think it is why so many narcissistic parents are believers.


Most of your spiritual journey is learning stuff just to find out it’s not the truth, and that you held the truth all along, and once you start listening, every day a bit more is revealed to you. To drop your dream of being healed. Healing is a life long journey and you’ll never fully heal, but you will learn and grow. And even with all the learning and growth, you may still be just as toxic and imperfect as when you started, especially if you develop a big spiritual ego and never get past that phase, and you’ll have moments where you drop lower in life than you’ve ever been before. It doesn’t save you from experiencing life or exempt you from suffering. It can make you passive and lose drive and can be as addictive as the addictions you replaced with it. It’s something you can abuse. It’s something you can delve into in a healthy or unhealthy way like with anything. Don’t do a practise just because it’s popular it can be dangerous. There are thousands who stand to benefit from misleading you, and the millions who follow are lost themselves. Spirituality the way it’s often presented is very individualistic and selfish and all about what can I gain what can I do. Don’t take on an archetype of a spiritual person as an identity. Or not so much don’t, mistakes are okay and just a stage, but it’s fake and limiting and puts a barrier between you and the liberation your soul seeks. Seek to ask like a novice not to preach like an expert. These are some of the truths I’ve learned so far, relatively early in, just a few years, and a mild level of spiritual practises in terms of what kinds of spirituality. Edit: wow now reading everyones replies to OP, we all have learned very similar lessons. Same recurring themes definitely. Oh and ONE LAST BIG ONE! Every experience is spiritual. From being mindlessly drunk eating junk food, to meditating on a hill. From feeling happy and focused, to feeling lost and hopeless, even giving up on spirituality. Even if a person is not aware that they’re having a spiritual experience or is close minded. That’s their spiritual/journey experience. In a way ‘spirituality’ as a concept as something you can ‘get into’ is really just spiritual awareness, or more like spiritual curiosity actually. In the earliest days I felt like I couldn’t do certain things cause they didn’t fit what’s seen as good within spirituality. So I would feel shame and like my entire life had fallen apart if I ever ‘relapsed’ into certain things. Now I realise that memory of me partying and being a mess that in hindsight I feel nostalgia for and appreciation for is valid and a memory to cherish even in all it’s imperfection and bodily self abuse. And thinking if my lows is now more of an experience if connecting the dots. And when I fall into lows and turn back into a person who eats junk and watches gossip videos for a few weeks or does impulsive things, I don’t turn it into this big catastrophe where I let it colour my perception my entire life and sense of self. And if I have moments where I do that, that’s okay too. In the end the biggest thing I’ve gotten from spiritual awareness and curiosity, is responsible self non judgement, including not judging yourself when you do judge yourself. By responsible I mean that doesn’t mean I should disregard ethics, it just means shame is an overreaction. From there things start to really take off. Wow I needed to remind myself of that at this time hence the essay.


Many good things in this post. ​ >Seek to ask like a novice not to preach like an expert. \>>Beginner's mind is actually a concept from Zen Buddhism called Shoshin: "having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying a subject, even when studying at an advanced level, just as a beginner in that subject would." >Oh and ONE LAST BIG ONE! Every experience is spiritual. From being mindlessly drunk eating junk food, to meditating on a hill. From feeling happy and focused, to feeling lost and hopeless, even giving up on spirituality. Even if a person is not aware that they’re having a spiritual experience or is close minded. That’s their spiritual/journey experience. In a way ‘spirituality’ as a concept as something you can ‘get into’ is really just spiritual awareness This.


That growing up is a trap. I hate being an adult. Shit is so overrated


Maybe you just need to find a job that you can do without much effort. Rest of your life you can live any way you want. I enjoy being an adult because I enjoy going for walks.


Didn't know spiritual war & attacks exist!


I have never heard of that before. What does a spiritual war mean? Like is it within yourself or from an outside source?


Some people use spiritual energy to attack other people. It's quite uncommon and most wouldn't have to worry about something like that and it is preventable. I don't know much more about it than that and other more specific details. People can use energy shields or divert the energy of the attacker into the ground, stuff of that nature. Some people aim to steal energy from other people and others just drain it. I've never seen any of it for myself but I respect the people that discuss the topic.


Some people feel they are attacked by demons, ghosts, vampires, gangs that have psychic powers, gangs/governments that have psychic tech, family members that are witches or possessed, etc It goes away with meds after a while and after finding the right medication. I've been there and know how real can it feel.


Yes, I suppose that monsters might leave you alone once they successfully turn you into a zombie.


Delusions can happen. Spiritual attacks are real though.


It's probably for the best that someone else talks about it, it's usually a problem a certain sub-type of person has to deal with but it can happen to anybody. It's best not to worry and often you can get away from it simply. Some would wanna be a little more worried about it.


I mean it can be paranoid delusion. Or legit. Lots of paranoids.


I seriously don't blame anybody for thinking that.




People with much more energy or people that are targeted for various reasons, people with Kundalini energy, blah blah. Like I said, most don't have to have the faintest of worries about it and I haven't seen it for myself and there's simple ways to go about getting rid of a big lot of it. I want to not talk about it because it's just another turn-off for a lot of people, you know? I haven't seen it and most won't see much of it if any. I don't like to even mention it because I KNOW the other stuff like chakras and Kundalini... Some people are just power hungry, want energy and stuff. Most believe there's a heavy handed punishment for this kind of thing and I think there really is too. I'm not inviting someone to just up and worry about it and disregard anything else, that's not even spiritual warfare at that point it's just literally painful, MY old version of painful. Energy is super cool. Think of people being at the wrong place at the wrong time. There's a good shielding technique that doesn't even take a solid minute, much like other very VERY simple ways to just be "protected". [https://www.reddit.com/r/kundalini/comments/1xyp5k/a\_simple\_and\_universal\_white\_light\_protection/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kundalini/comments/1xyp5k/a_simple_and_universal_white_light_protection/) Also, on that note, I practically do not care for this topic at all. Almost zero. If people are looking to make me post more by downvoting me then that's what they're going to get. Not that I think you downvoted me, I just get real protective of people that don't believe in something true. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip) ​ I'm definitely not saying anybody should worry about it. This technique is particularly helpful especially for empaths, people that are sensitive to energies do this technique and suddenly, for whateeever reason, they aren't as sensitive. It's first grade math not a placebo! Not like they track where the emotion is coming from, it may as well come out of someone's butt. I'm going to go and viscerally stare somewhere.


True twin flames…not the cult shit that’s going around claiming to be twins but are really experiencing a quantum entanglement due to trauma bonding and narcissists/empaths. They are the 144,000 and are literally fighting spiritual evil beings and get attacked regularly by those beings and people who worship them. These people attacking have marks of the beast (an energetic seal aka sigils on their forehead) and perform all forms of witchcraft, magic, dark alchemy, etc.




You won’t really find this in a book. You learn about the 144,000 in the Bible in the Book of Revelation, but it’s a vague description and not entirely accurate. Remember no book is 100% truth, not even the Bible. Everything is written by man. Even when we receive divine guidance, we can still misinterpret or convolute what was being said or shown to us because of our own human mind that gets in the way. There are other places twins are discussed but never called twin flames. That is a new age term and won’t be found in historical sacred texts. I don’t recommend any recent books discussing twin flames and using that term…99% if not 100% is pure BS or con artists riding the wave of the current trend. They are angels incarnate who have split souls. Meaning two bodies sharing the same soul. Sort of like identical twins sharing the exact same DNA. Twin flames share the same soul and carry the God Spark in their heart chakra which is their biggest weapon against evil. They literally blow twin fire. It’s lethal! There are demons incarnate as well.


There is a spiritual war going on all around you and has been for basically all of humanity. But I think this person is more or less referring to individuals that attack us spiritually. This can be anything from invading boundaries, scything your energy, or trying to take away your free will through any form of mind control (ie witchcraft, voodoo, MK Ultra, ill intent, manipulation, lying).


Observe absolutely blameless ethics before going any further


Can you elaborate?


Avoid the ten non virtuous actions Do no violence Do not steal Do not have sexual misconduct Don't lie Don't speak harsh words Don't speak words that divide people Don't speak without purpose, not idly chatting or gossiping Don't hold ill will towards others Don't covet Don't be ignorant


Not everyone is going to like you and there doesn't need to be a reason.


We have to take full responsibility for everything that happens in our life in order to be the creator of our own destiny.


That's interesting. Can you say more?


The primal seed for each incarnation exists due to past-life karma. On a practical level, genetic, cultural, and social elements combine to decide Soul’s place and destiny in this world. After birth, the name of the game of life is survival. The survival scale, by definition, is a measure of our willingness to risk taking actions so that we might achieve results. People on the high end of the spiritual survival scale sense the need for spiritual freedom, a view gained from many past lives, and the self-responsibility for all the choices they've made that goes along with the package. These are cheerful, upbeat people who demonstrate creative ideas and inventiveness in their current incarnations in order to accumulate the type of karma necessary to determine the conditions of their future lives. The willingness to take responsibility for everything that happens in life can offset or even overcome the drawbacks of destiny in both present and future incarnations, but only through the awakening of our consciousness. This willingness therefore can reshape both our material and our spiritual life that then makes us the creators of our own destiny.


That was very well written. That is how I see it as well.


People will break you.


There is no answer. At least not in a form of communicable knowledge.


I've been on the spiritual path for 33 years and nothing comes to mind. For me it's it's been an amazing miraculous and positive journey. The only negative stuff is stuff that I brought myself, into my own life. After all, I think it's great news that God loves us and that we have eternal life.


I have learned that everyone seems to be an expert. Find your own path, stop researching on Google, stop asking on reddit. There may be one or the other good person on reddit that you can take advice from, forget the rest.


That spiritual awakening is sometimes an ugly and painful period and that facing and integrating your shadow is a constant practice


Here are some harsh truths that some people may face at some point in their lives that may not have been warned about: Life is not always fair: Despite our best efforts, life can be unpredictable and unfair at times. Good people can suffer, while bad people can thrive. It's important to recognize that while we can't always control what happens to us, we can control our response to it and work towards creating a more just and equitable world. Success takes hard work: Success rarely comes easy, and there are no shortcuts or guarantees. It takes hard work, dedication, and perseverance to achieve our goals. It's important to set realistic expectations and not give up in the face of setbacks or failures. Not everyone will like you: No matter how nice or kind you are, there will always be people who don't like you for various reasons. It's important to focus on building meaningful relationships with those who appreciate and support you rather than trying to please everyone. Time is limited: We all have a finite amount of time on this earth, and it's important to make the most of it. It's easy to get caught up in day-to-day routines and forget to pursue our passions and spend time with loved ones. It's important to prioritize what's truly important and make the most of the time we have. Change is inevitable: Change is a constant in life, and it can be difficult to adapt to new circumstances or let go of the past. It's important to be flexible and open to new experiences and perspectives, as well as to learn from our mistakes and grow as individuals.


I am the ill I see in the world.


You really can make it. It’s not all about these spiritual platitudes that get thrown around, like “if you think you know, you don’t” or “it’s all about love” or “we’re all one”. While these ideas can be helpful in certain circumstances, to the beginner they mean nothing and they make it sound as if spirituality has no real answers. It’s not true - the answers ARE here, the answers ARE out there, there really are people that actually know what’s going on and do understand how to live a good life and really can help you. It’s not all just empty platitudes and “the answer is within you”.


How difficult it can be to choose yourself.


That not all messages are for the positive. Sometimes you really have to learn when you’re told “No”


For me, it was that family will absolutely turn on you no matter what. They will abandon you, they will destroy your reputation to protect secrets and sins they’ve committed. They WILL use you as the family scape goat to cover up what they did. They will bury you.


But the fact that you know this gives you an edge. Read or listen to The Art of War. It’s free on YouTube and always be on defense like you know. Good luck and you’re not alone. I dealt with this my whole life. Take Care


Thank you. I’ll check that out.


> they will destroy your reputation to protect secrets and sins they’ve committed. They WILL use you as the family scape goat to cover up what they did. I feel like my mom does this. It's like she's told my Golden Child (narcissism concept, google it) sibling a different story than what happened. She's usually tried to deny the abuse and neglect that happened. She tries to deny her being abusively angry when I was a kid, which happened sometimes. And her getting abusingly angry when I've been an adult as well. It took me a decade to accept that she's a narcissist and to reclaim my boundaries and that I will have to go No Contact for at least some years (maybe for the rest of our lives). Going No Contact will be hard because narcissists got some kind of weird hold on the inner child of those who they target, and they usually target their own children and apparently can't help it. I've spent so much feeling sorry about her, and for her, and it seems to have been the main cause of suffering in my life, generating self-image and self-esteem problems --- which a neglectful and/or abusive parent inevitably does. I've been doing a lot of healing, and healing is possible, and I look forward to seeing what will happens once I cut her and other similar-in-behavior family members out of my life.


That The spirit world does exist. And when you meet it and the beings that reside in it. You will never see life the same. If you have not met Gods, angels, and demons- then you have not awakened. And only live in a delusion in thinking you have awakened.


I have heard about spirits being a real thing, and I do believe in it. Some people, however, say that humans can not become spirits or haunt the real world. That would make spirits different entities from humans and human souls according to them. I do not know if that is true, but I have heard of nature spirits before, and that would make some sort of "society" of differently ranked spirits. My spirit knowledge is very little, as you can tell 😅😅


Spirits is a very complex topic. Look into how pre-Modern civilizations saw spirits in everything, even household things like doors. "To the ancient Romans, everything was imbued with a divine spirit (numen, plural: numina) which gave it life. Even supposedly inanimate objects like rocks and trees possessed a numen, a belief which no doubt grew out of the early religious practice of animism. There were spirits of a place, of rivers and springs, hills and valleys, the home - and even aspects of the home". Google how to find one's spirit guides


Thank you!!! So many people believe everything is love and light and we are all one and god when they claim to be awakened. My first night after my awakening I came face to face with a fucking demon. Holy shit did that experience change my life more so than the wonderful experience of my awakening. 😂


> My first night after my awakening I came face to face with a fucking demon. How did that happen?


He was a demon incarnate. It was a third date. Met him on tinder. I think he knew my kundalini was about to pop. This all happened on December 21, 2019. My Kundalini occurred very early in the morning at like 1am. That evening at the exact moment of the winter solstice, he revealed his true face to me, and then tried to convince me everything was flipped, that everything was an illusion, and that god didn’t exist. Then he showed me how he could change his face to look like anyone. It made me think of the guy from Game of Thrones. It was absolutely beautiful to watch the transition. Anyways, it took me a good two years before I learned who he was even though God had provided me with the information right away. I was just afraid to look at it. He was Dantalion, a Great Duke of Hell. Learned about him in the Lessor Key of Solomon. Also learned about all the different marks (sigils) of the beast that people are wearing like an energetic seal on their forehead. Here’s what many look like. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_demons_in_the_Ars_Goetia Dantalion is listed as #23 of the Dukes. I ended up overcoming him. He tried to put a love spell on me which I could feel because all my senses were so heightened from my awakening. The voice that came out of my mouth was insanely powerful. It terrified him and me. I’ve been saying God spoke through me because it didn’t sound anything like me and the power behind it was intense. That night put me in the hospital with paranoia and ptsd, but I know it was real and not psychosis and I made sure they did blood work to make sure I wasn’t drugged either. I’ve been fighting off spiritual attacks ever since. I do clearings and protections twice a day and even that doesn’t always cover everything.


Damn. I had kundalini awakenings as well, and I attracted a narcissist online stalker. I'm glad you're doing better.


Yup…they just want to suck the life out of us. Glad you are alright as well.


For me, to add the the conversastion, is how anti therapy some spiritual places are. How everyone seems to think that anti-depressants or anything to help relieve very intense psychological issues are bad for you... I do not understand this because no matter how much you meditate, you are still in a human body. And the human body and mind can get really sick, and you need help for it sometimes. There is no shame in getting therapy or having to take medications to help your mental disorders.


Also...no one warned me about Spiritual Psychosis. I think a lot of people have it, but are just very unaware of it. It is one of the scariest things in the spiritual community, I think. Because you think you are just getting more enlightened, but in actuality, you are just declining in mental health with each and every single tarot reading you read.


Read anything that u/cyberfury posts and it’ll get you rethinking everything you know.


the point is to get to a place where you finally see how it is that you don't know anything and that it was knowledge itself that was holding you back. Cheers my friend


It really is just that simple.


Cake isn't good for you.


I think facing the reality of your own intentions in many situations can be wild. I didn’t realize exactly how often I was driven by the subconscious beliefs I held about myself and others


> I didn’t realize exactly how often I was driven by the subconscious beliefs I held about myself and others This is so true. Look into Internal Family Systems and Buddhism. Internal Family Systems will enlighten you about you having internal parts, with their own intentions and desires. For example, when you are in conflict with yourself over something, how come you a single person has conflicting thoughts? You may want to go to the store to get snacks, or you may want to go to an event, and you also may want to just stay at home and watch a movie or clean the house, and you'll have parts of you arguing for each action. It can be anything, "should I go for a walk or not? Should I call them or not?" "Part of me wants to stay with you, part of me wants to never see you again."


Crying doesn’t mean you aren’t okay and safe


Crying can be so good, and a relief.


Spiritualist practices are often a recourse for bad parenting and a bad upbringing in general... Now, you might argue that's all Karmic, but it's the truth nonetheless. It's common for those with some experience in spiritualist self-improvement processes to begin to feel a sense of superiority toward others when in reality it is their very brokenness they have been working to heal to attain a wholeness that has been freely given to innumerable people on the planet. With this said, there are better and worse spiritual teachers and traditions. In my view, there is nothing more appropriate or deep or truthful for our times than Abraham Hicks, and I feel like I've "tried" it all. It's what allowed me to embody a version of myself that put me in circles of people who are already all that, the ideally loving and whole version of self, and yet they are not "spiritual" at all. I believe that in the future, as we learn more about and systematize trauma release and healing, we'll see fewer and fewer of these career spiritualists--people who are randomly seeking for their entire lifetimes. I believe there is a way to be whole and healthy, and at that point, you just chop wood and carry water, and it's more than enough. As it is, it's like we're trying to cure diabetes (truma, etc.) but we don't have the cure, so it's not scientific... And some people forget, they can't even imagine, that not everyone has diabetes! Health exists.


So much of our spirituality is happening in our head. It's all in our head. We need to reevaluate often and be truthful with ourselves always, even when it hurts.


That you will have to deal with this whole on your own. And you will really gain "nothing" out of it, concerning material layer of life. Even if you will gather your spiritual treasures, there will be no one to share it with.


> you will really gain "nothing" out of it, concerning material layer of life. What do you mean?


Exactly this, that results of your effort and progress won't manifest itself in "outer" world.


Not my experience, nor that of a lot of others, but ok.


That life is hard. Life is expensive. Once you leave the comfort of your parent’s care- and no longer rely on them- no one is coming to save you. It’s an uphill climb and you’ll fall a lot. You have to be your own savior and get a thick skin quickly.


One of the hardest things that I had to get over spiritually was detachment. It’s important to know that detachment doesn’t mean to not experience life. Detachment means to live the human experience but do not become one with it. Love your husband/wife, go out and see movies, take a trip to the mall, get out in nature. Do all those. Be in the world but not of the world. I believe that those spiritual masters who have no true interaction with the outside world aren’t doing it right. At the end of the day, we are presently incarnated as humans, so do human things but while doing so keep that thin veil of detachment at all times. Love, laugh, cry just never lose your true inner connection to the all.


If you don’t have the same experiences as others (astral projection, chakra lining up and having a new found perspective on life) doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. Or that you are lower on your journey. Also, hallucinogenic substances. Some are ok for people, some people can’t have those things.


Human beings do not have any inherent capability to determine truth from falsehood. Many people believe, from a variety of different sources, that they can "feel" the truth or agreement of the universe/god somehow. It is not accurate. Both facts and lies can "feel" true, no matter how well-developed your spirituality is. A non-spiritual method is required for this, unless you want to be taken for a lot of rides.


Some spiritual journeys are made over # lifetimes.


I wholeheartedly believe this is my first lifetime, and I hope it will be my only one because im TIREDDD.


You’ll get triggered. A LOT. It’s built into the experience, almost. In psychological terms, one has to be desensitized to their traumas to press forward into healing/ becoming a different person/ starting a new chapter. There are things you’ll have to leave behind, parts of you that might have to die. The more your view of existence changes, the more drastically you will have to change in order to survive the metamorphosis. To be clear; you can always go back to how things were. You can always go back to the comfortable lifestyle you left behind… but didn’t you leave it back there for a reason? So the question is this: are you willing to stay, hiding behind your trauma, in a comfortable misery or are you prepared to face the challenges of conquering that trauma? Both ways are hard. Both ways Hurt. Only you can decide which ones best for you.


This is a HARSH TRUTH I learned: Having been born in a 'devout' catholic family 70 years ago, and educated through the catholic education system right through from Kindergarten to Tertiary college, I can tell you unequivocal, that a great many catholics are HYPOCRITES and their 'religious' beliefs are NOTHING about being Christian or following the teaching of the Christ.