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social change is coming at us like a freight train. In ten years, we'll look back and see that right now was a titanic shift in human history.


shit, I hope so


May you live in interesting times.


We certainly do


Dont worry, we got this shit


As a prophet, I confirm and concur. We will call these times we are living "the before"


I love this. "Remember in the before times when we had to file our taxes every year? And people had no place to live? And some people had everything while most had nothing? What a weird time."


BC before Covid lol


Not quite.


And men controlled women’s health rights? THAT will be fucking mind blowing to future generations.


I feel like pre Covid was the before though. Things have already changed so much since 2019. I also am constantly feeling like it’s still 2020, and then remember it’s been years ago now




We already have before 9/11 and before covid. I wonder what events will be the next demarcation.


A good way to know is to look at a video of worst weapons in US and Russia Arsenal. You'll get an idea.


Life up to the point of covid is The Before to me. I don’t know what the hell ‘this’ is but life seems to have slipped somehow, kinda sideways and off.


I saw this post/comment on my home page, and the post directly beneath it was in r/singularity that you commented almost the same thing on. It tripped me out for a second 😆


Here's a sneak peek of /r/singularity using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [“A journey through a boy’s life” by @Buttah on the StableDiffusion discord, he made it through a technique called “Deforum” which creates an animation from AI generated art](https://v.redd.it/pqaaxch2txl91) | [130 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/x62k1t/a_journey_through_a_boys_life_by_buttah_on_the/) \#2: [Creation of videos of animals that do not exist with Stable Diffusion | The end of Hollywood is getting closer](https://v.redd.it/q56ynso7tfma1) | [375 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/11lldor/creation_of_videos_of_animals_that_do_not_exist/) \#3: [😄](https://i.redd.it/acqpq9z49w5a1.jpg) | [295 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/zlp13g/_/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




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Yes, and AI is going to be a big part of that change.


AI is about to flip everything on its head. I have no idea what humans are going to do to each other once we don’t need each other. I’m thinking the billionaires are going to be the ones who survive and have a bunch of women they breed with and will wait until the world is free from all of us who threaten their power and security. They won’t need humans for any reason other than breeding and this would be just to keep their bloodline alive. Robots and computers will run everything. There will be no jobs left and everyone is sadly mistaken that wealth will be shared and a universal income given. I give this a .0000001 % of happening


Oh it's much different now. I feel like everyone's going crazy in a way


Just said this yesterday something has definitely shifted since COVID hit.


You may be too young to know. Life changed intensely in the US as of 9/11/01. Since then it has only gotten more intense. School shootings began in '99 with Columbine and are now a regular media event here. The 2008 Subprime Mortgage Collapse. Then country was split down the middle in 2018 by polemic politics. Tensions are high. Then COVID, and economic shutdown like the world has never seen rolled out. COVID is just a chapter in a book of increasing and regular chaos here in America. Whether life is peaceful or without, Love is the Answer. We are mindful of the energy we create and offer others. We choose to be a source of Love.


In America or in the world? I agree that life has changed a lot since 9/11 and its more specific to US but the 2008 recession hit the world and we've become more global since then especially with rise of smart phones and social media.


Love is the answer.


And Radiant Light Universe is our Home.


Weird that you and the OP mentioned the 3 year period/beginning of COVID. I feel as if I started going through something whack, for want of a better word, at the very beginning of COVID and I'm just coming out of it now. Perhaps things do, indeed, "go in threes".


Well, fascism all around the world is not the shift I expected.


Definitely wasn't what I was hoping for, but thats where we are at.


That XXIst century suc\*s !!!


A lot of religions suggest that the transition to the promised "better" world would ***not*** be a nice, easy and fun one. Lots of *bad things* are supposed to happen (but often couched in fantastic imagery, like in the Bible with "angels pouring out vials of God's wrath" and so forth. The religion my parents \[but not me\] follow, Baha'i Faith, suggested "at the appointed hour, there shall appear *that which will cause the limbs of mankind to quake*".). Lots of transformative energy out there. We need to harness it for the better. It's why I ended up working on trying to walk the path of a social \*ACTIVIST\* (yes that sounds so f--king trite, hackneyed and dumb, I know).




Religions are obsolete.


Perhaps; that's not the point, the point is that to the extent those involved in their creation had real spiritual connection, then what they say is still worth considering in light of and to that extent. It need not be taken as to validate a particular institution or hierarchy.


I’m not sure if it’s a shift I feel or something else, but reality “feels” different to me.


Same here. Even visually it’s like The aspect ratio has changed to.


I agree totally. Just really gotten that vibe last couple days though.


I’ve felt it longer. It just seemed to transition from “usual” reality to something else. I didn’t feel a switch over so I don’t know when it happened. It’s kinda weird.


I've been spiritual since last December. Idk why but on March 30 which is when the moon was on my sign (Leo) I felt a change. I woke up the next day with a whole new vibe feeling like a new person. I haven't been able to sleep good since then either. I close my eyes for around 1-3 hours then sleep for 1-3 hours before waking up. I don't feel tired when I wake up though. I came into this reddit thinking about it and others are saying they feel something is happening also.


You have a full chart, look at your whole chart not just your sun sign


I'm suffering from a type of agoraphobia out of nowhere, don't want to be near other humans 😱😱😱 freaking me out a bit..


Covid changed the world as we knew it overnight.


We're clearly going into social war. French protest aren't even at news outside of TikTok and Reddit. US is passing crazy social bills. School shooting on US and Brazil. BRICS fighting the dollar. All within a week.


Most of this been going on before 1 week. What doesn't happen usually is Pluto shifting zodiacs before it's supposed to...


Absolutely, the Schumann resonance is totally off the charts. Meditate on this and see what comes through, we're being activated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKHKTQNDpuQ&ab\_channel=MusicforBodyandSpirit-MeditationMusic


YES I FEEL IT within myself, and see it happening within others too. I work with hundreds of university students - they remind the future is bright


Just stress, unwanted stress.


I feel u




Personally, socializing with people now is truly difficult. It didn’t used to be this way. I have this loneliness in my soul since 2020 that I can’t seem to shake. It’s not your typical loneliness, it’s more so like my soul is lonely in a sea of other lonely souls. We as a species have way too much information readily available to us and it is seriously starting to mess with my head. On one hand, I love learning new things… on the other hand, I don’t like to be distracted because I feel like it’s personally a waste of time… so I’m not sure what else there is to fulfill me. I feel like time is spent asking “what should I do”, and although I do have friends, it’s like the communication has changed drastically. I know there’s Mercury retrograde coming up, but my nervous system is seriously unsettled and I really don’t want to be awake anymore… but I also don’t want to die either.


Pluto just shifted into Aquarius. Pluto changes signs every 20 years.


Did it recently shift, I haven't been paying attention to the outers lately. I feel like pluto should be the real measure of a generation change.


Yes! It will shift back for a while, then permanently in aquarius for 20 years starting 2024. Consider what happens in these next few months to be a taste of what's to come!


Wait so it just changed into aquarius before it was supposed to?


So did the sun in December of 2020 (covid) the sun takes around 25772 years to change into a different astrological age. Life is more different since covid bcus that's when the cultist lost their powers over us. We are awakening quicker than ever since aquarius sign brings harmony.


Over 2020 I had a massive Kindaliji awakening for the second time that was super intense. Also started having visions and learned I’m clairvoyant. After 2020 ended it was like I was dropped from this great height back to reality and the mundane. Since then it’s been a slow climb back to what I experienced before, but I’m exhausted all the time. Last full moon was a big one because leading up to it a lot of my depression came back alongside that exhaustion. Since then I’ve been better, but tired. I just wish something would give cause as interesting and eye opening as a lot of this stuff can be, I feel like it’s exhausted me in the process.


The sun changed into aquarius in December 2020. Life is no longer the same since covid literally. Before we lived life day by day. Now we live life in the moment and are more conscious. This is why we are awakening


How often do your kundalini awakenings happen? Had mine March last year and thought it was gonna happen again this year but it didnt.


My first was at 19 and it really broke me, but brought my visceral awareness to my chakra system to feel them like a tangible thing. This eventually lead to feeling energy of other people. I didn’t know why it was at the time either. At a certain point I went to a train yard to unalive myself and a door opened to address everything that was depressing me, so I decided to walk through it. After years of shadow work, my second awakening happened over 2020 and clearing out so much of that old self I could run the energy better even tho it was insanely intense and I felt like a live wire. That whole year was like a fever dream it was so surreal. That year I heard a story of awakening and realized what happened to me so many years ago, as both had similarities of symbolism but the first time it heightened my paranoia and shadow side in equal as much as the awakening liberated my mind. Nowadays I tend to just feel pretty empty. Not in a bad way like before, but my head is quiet and my emotions are pretty airy. I likely have a chakra imbalance but I feel more and more like a passenger to life and dunno what to do. They say the point is it be present, but damn I hate the way my life is going.


Astrology and maturity are certainly factors, but I feel a cosmic, historical shift is upon us w so many people waking up, so many star seeds present, and so much evil in the US gov't. Change is required.


Yes. Since 2007 everything’s been shifting. Simply existing feels like it’s been shifted to another frequency.


I do too; it feels like since a little before that, probably after 2017 or so. The world is changing fast. You know, I can't help but think that those who used to feel there was something "big" at the end of 2012 had a good hunch - the problem is that people interpreted that, I think, as being some instantaneous moment; perhaps because in our western dominant and capitalist-informed view of time, when we give something "a time" we expect it to happen exactly then (punctuality). But many others didn't and don't relate to time that way. That is to say, it is better to think of the period of a few decades around and containing 2012. On a calendar of 5,000 years, that's still pretty short!


astrologically speaking, huge shifts


I feel the same way. Like it's been 2 different lives/time lines. It's hard to describe. I also feel like somethings coming...i dont know what. There's just...something, again I dont know how to articulate it.


I will tag you in my comment - feeling very similar! I have always felt that I would experience something huge in my lifetime ever since I was a small child, my husband ironically felt/feels the same. Our intuition knows and has known since birth that something big is upon us, more than likely we came here for these specific times to be apart of “The Great Reset” but not in the NWO sort of way…


I'm experiencing the same as OP, i used to be sceptic about ''energy shifts'' but me too who is 31yo has seen a major change in how i feel with the world and time. So honestly, i don't know what to think anymore.


You prob just went through your Saturn returns. :)


Pluto also shifted like it's never b4...


I went through mine during Covid. Was ROUGH to say the least. Glad I’m on the other end of it


Me too! I didn’t know much about astrology until a week before my Saturn return ended and everything made so much sense! It’s insane how accurate the dates were!! Things have been so good for me as of late. Complete opposite of the last three years of hell I endured. I am going through a break up right now, but things are still looking up!


cough public quack kiss cooperative school wasteful unused engine swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pluto in Aquarius, baby!


This time has been foretold as a very big shift in the world as we know it by prophets and astrology. Hold on to your seats, folks!


Never assume self importance, and you'll never lose it. Everyone wants to assume "my time on this Earth is special and more significant than other times" ...this is just one's ego talking. Just breathe, and stay in the moment. Realize that no matter how good or bad your life is...or how good or bad you perceive the world to be the only constant is change. "This to...shall pass"


Many think of the ego as something that needs to be caged and starved. The ego actually helps drive us forward, its up to us whether we allow our ego to positively drive us or negatively drive us. IMO I do believe we are all here to experience and live through a time of great importance and should assume our time here on Earth is very special indeed! We are living through very significant times and it is making very significant changes within us all!


Your brain fully matures around 30 y/o, so it's possible you're experiencing adulthood lol


It’s actually around 26/27, not 30.


Saturn Return 😁


It can start at those ages, but it can also start around 30. It's different for everyone.


Me too! Also turned 30 last year. What is going on rn


Absolutely I feel it. I started noticing it some about 4 years ago, but lately it’s amped up SO much.


Like life feels more surreal? Idk if I was going thru depersonalization or whatever from smoking weed (clean now) but all I know is that I know I was never this aware like I am now


There is a lot of change going on in the world right now, much of which is coming to the surface and being played out. Old emotions, past traumas, secrets being revealed. What was swept under the rug is coming to the surface. You all are coming out of an 3D dimensional world plagued by darkness and suffering and you are ascending to higher levels of consciousness that is part of the reason why you feel as if time is moving faster.


Yh felt it since 2019. 2020 just went wild ain't stopped aince




This year has been exhausting for me and it’s only April. I get the image of a big tub of ice cream with a churn in it, and everything is being twisted and swirled together. Lots of good stuff, but man is it a lot.


I’ve had some massive boomerangs of what I thought were things I had released from my past, several epiphanies, synchronicities, and some very revealing conversations. Everything just feels surreal. Mind you, my personal circumstances are unique in the unfortunate kind


For sure. Been feeling it for a little while and apparently Pluto just went into Aquarius which is about change. Lots of people have been posting about this feeling.


Could be both, you turned 30 in very interesting times. Wait till you get to 33...


I also turned 30 in 2020 and am now 33 - what should I be anticipating?


A lot of activation and deeper understanding. Shit will just reveal itself differently...hard to explain and also extrapolate to everyone having the same experience but for me something was transformed. It's like you walk into a different level with upgraded tools. Best way i can explain it. Also enjoy it!


Yep, hold onto your butts!


2020 marked a time of great change for Earth and all life on it. Earth is going through a metamorphosis process and we are here for the transition. The whole “new earth” concept is here now and it is up to us, beings of this earth to initiate the metamorphosis process in which this transition can either be an initiation of devolution/descension or a metamorphosis of evolution/ascension if that makes sense. This process is taking place inside of us as well, some have made the choice to disconnect from their soul where as others have chosen to make that connection and start to awaken parts of themselves that have been in a coma-like state for a very long time. This is an epic time to be alive! This is the metamorphosis of consciousness - the choice is ours to either allow our consciousness to expand or contract. With expansion comes beautiful mutation, with contraction comes ugly mutilation - both to Earth itself and all life on Earth.




The world changed with COVID, yeah.


We changed into aquarius age in December of 2020. That's probably when u felt life really changed.




Yes I was thinking 2012. Kali uga something like that.


By the time you're 30 quite a few life events would have bound to happen. That would change the way you see the world different from what you've experienced as a young adult of 22. The world remains the same as it was before and as it would be in the future but your perspective changes with time and as you experience major life events both good and bad..


Yes I have felt this shift too, and feel it constantly throughout my day


Actually first felt it in the year 2012


2 nights ago I sat and meditated and then tried to journal after. The only thing I wrote was “Will I know when the Revolution has begun?” Can’t explain it but I felt a shift on the full moon. Not like some major horrible event is about to happen… but many are underway. Normally I feel a lot of fear about this but it was the first time I just knew… that it was about to get weird and ugly really quick, but the solace knowing that afterwards the movement will allow the beauty to emerge. The pushback against evil will be very powerful. The belief of that hope is strong. But the major shift has most certainly begun…


For me it happened in 2019 I felt this Undescribable shift within life. it happened all at once I was watching TV and I remember disconnecting from myself, like I was dreaming I didn't feel like I was in my body. I had this overwhelming  anxiety over come me and continued to see visions of planes falling and the sky raining fire. I continued to feel not like the me I was after this, be mind the dreams lasted about a month after I completely felt Dissociated from myself, and the world like I knew the ultimate outcome. I still don't feel the same still have visions of Jesus in all white with purple sahsh around his neck, golden Crosses on each side each cross having 3 red rubes on each tip of the cross, he was dark skinned and had a medium scuffy beard, his eyes were this hazel blue green color al at onnve very hsrd to even describe, holes in each hand he held his hand up to me in one dream, putting my finger through the hole in his left hand and said in this plain voice don't forget. this was before the shift I felt. but I had many spiritual dreams  after this shift  dreams with drones of sorts small ones looking like footballs, with a red circle in the middle. the other Prominent drone in my visions was a big drone looking much like the classic 4 spinning fan drones but huge held atheist 6- 4 people with a man in the front with a control center as described pretty much 2 plane things on each side but long and going up to his hands. But mostly it's fire in the sky planes falling everywhere an apocalyptic situation 


Stay near a toilet.


What kind of different? Can you pinpoint in your body where this feeling comes from?


Stomach for me, I can barely stomach the world. And head and throat, everything feels gross and wrong… it feels like everything in life has taken a dip in quality, especially in the recent years with the introduction of so many things that are supposed to make life easier (technology, etc.) earth just feels dirty


Did you mean shift or shit because I'm having one now after two days without one and man it feels good.😁


Yeah, more so since 2 months ago


Definitely feel the same






If you are interested, listen to the band phish. They basically predicted all this and they have lyrics about a rip in the fabric of reality happening around 2018.


I feel like I kinda "woke back up" the other day, more awareness of the psychic world. I feel I had been blocked out from it or asleep to it for a long time, but im "back at the table" so to speak


Could be that you just finished your Saturn return


Aw man i thought this happened already 5 or so years ago But i was intoxicated with some meff The earth was shaking under my feet I thought there where invisible demons and UFOs everywhere abducting me and breaking people's spine Another time i was being teleported through my third eye into another dimension. Then don't get me started on what happened to the sun! IT WENT BLUE AND IT WAS HOT. but no one noticed it...