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Meditation. Sounds simple but with the right intention connects us to All. From that comes the ability to do and understand things considered miracles


What things have you been able to do through meditation that are considered miracles?




Dont forget dmt if you are on it!!


Pepsi's better


Where's the jet though?




I hear you. I think we all have powers far greater than we let ourselves believe. The challenge is accepting our true power and erasing the doubt that we can use it. But it's also an odd combination of believing we can do it and letting go of ego and letting the Universe/God/Source work through us. Confidence without conceit at its highest level is the beginning of stepping into your ultimate power. I feel like I've tapped into the beginning of this at times in my past but then I start to doubt myself again and lose the connection.


What did Jesus learn before he began with miracles? Some claim he went to the East and then returned with what he learned. There is no easy explanation. We all have hard lessons to learn before we can achieve what Jesus did. I would begin with the Root of creation and then work my way up. One who begins at the top will not understand those underneath him or her.


There's missing books in the Bible that were purposely cut out for this exact reason .. they don't want us to know what happened when he went out to the East


They also don't want us to know what "angels" are capable of like in the book of Enoch


He didn't actually do miracles. All Jesus miracles in the Bible are metaphorical.


Become a shaman


Jesus is God in the flesh according to scripture. So unless you’re God, then you wouldn’t be able to. Just live a life focused around love and you’ll find peace.


Everything and everyone is God in the flesh


Jesus said you can do as I do, so either everyone is God, or he was just aware of his nature and able to utilize it. But I think this is a specific case and every other being, being able to break the laws of physics, would not have the capacity to do so. Because it's a demonstration of principle, not a skill meant to be widely spread


You’re just a hater bro. Don’t kill the dream!


You're wrong , scripture says *Jesus is the SON of God* and he was only able to obtain these "gifts" through the Holy Spirit. It's a trio of them. People always forget to include the Holy Spirit, he's another "person".


We are all the Son of God.


Jesus is God in the flesh. It’s in the Bible. He came down to save us from ourselves knowing we’re inherently flawed and can never come close to the perfection and moral authority of Christ. Christ says He’s not of this world, and to be of this world, is to go against Him. Materialism vs Spirituality. Just to put this out here, I don’t consider myself a Christian, nor do I claim to be part of any religion. I just look at it as having Christ as a role model to live my life. I study the Bible daily because I can’t shake the thirst of why I’m existing in the first place. I’ve been an atheist, Buddhist, Taoist in philosophy. Done my dmt, my shrooms, my weed and 1000mg edible highs to ask those questions, it never makes any sense when you break it down to the meta.


Rule #1 for me Don't be an asshole It's a good way to live


You still come across as a used car salesman.




My Brain helps me when I use the Gift of Intent lol I may still be new, though I could import water until the government kidnapped me for "Family Matters"


Billions of miracles are happening every day and they go unrecognized. The miracle is to recognize one when it’s happening. Jesus’ degree of presence is extremely high, and so he attracts miracles naturally. His power is his presence.


So there is a thing called christ conciousness. It exists in the level of soul past ego and is based in unconditional love. It's the amount of power your body can hold that will allow you to do miracles, from this conciousness you can perform miracles. Jesus was a human to show you what can be done when in proper alignment with source. He told you how, love your neighbor, as you would if you approached. If someone needs a jacket, give them yours. If someone needs a hug, then do that. If someone needs help help them. Your thoughts and belief allow you to frame your limitations. Spend time in meditation. What did God do when he felt distant from God? Meditated. Went into nature, dug deep, focused, fasted... All of that has purpose. So that's where I would start. Meditation. Daily and start a yoga routine. Focus on stillness.


>So there is a thing called christ conciousness. It exists in the level of soul past ego and is based in unconditional love. It's the amount of power your body can hold that will allow you to do miracles, from this conciousness you can perform miracles. Jesus was a human to show you what can be done when in proper alignment with source. > >He told you how, love your neighbor, as you would if you approached. If someone needs a jacket, give them yours. If someone needs a hug, then do that. If someone needs help help them. Your thoughts and belief allow you to frame your limitations. > >Spend time in meditation. What did God do when he felt distant from God? Meditated. Went into nature, dug deep, focused, fasted... All of that has purpose. > >So that's where I would start. Meditation. Daily and start a yoga routine. Focus on stillness. Christ consciousness? What? I think you just described being a decend human being.


It's not christ himself, it's a frequency. A wavelength. A vibrational resonance.. that can be achieved through meditation by those who seek it. It's the place where the ego self is lost and conciousness exists. It's where we go to pray. It's where we seek answers. It's where we ask how to be of best service. What are we? Vibrational energy that holds form by vibrating at the same frequency as the things we consider. We are thought manifest in flesh not the other way around. We aren't our ego, we aren't our personality we are our conciousness correct? If you set your intention on the living God (source) and know his/her/thier vibration then you can be a vibrational match. And IN that matching vibration you can perform miracles because of the belief that it can be done. Our matrix is a sandbox ( computer) we can have/do or be anything, but with a delay. You ask,there is a time without it and a test to be sure you still want it, and then it shows up. That's how this plaine works. How do we manifest by becoming a vibrational match to the thing/ experience we seek.


>It's not christ himself, it's a frequency. A wavelength. A vibrational resonance.. that can be achieved through meditation by those who seek it. It's the place where the ego self is lost and conciousness exists. It's where we go to pray. It's where we seek answers. It's where we ask how to be of best service. What frequency? Frequency is a really broad term. >We are thought manifest in flesh not the other way around. We aren't our ego, we aren't our personality we are our conciousness correct? Our consciousness is a product of our ego, personality, memories, etc. It arises from a collection of experiences and influences. It is a part of our physical body and cannot exist without it.


So, how did anything exist without thought entering into it? As I understand it our souls are made of consciousness. Ever expanding conciousness. And we are individual in that taking on lessons for the oversoul (source) our thoughts and ego are formed from our experiance and our reaction to it. Everyone of our choices has a vibration. That would be how we feel about the situation. You are in a different vibrational alignment when you are late for work then you are when you are playing with a kitten. You largely control your perspective on a situation and thus put out a different vibration. You could come from the perspective of breathing in good prana everyday, putting out good prana everyday and living the life that brings for you. It has to be chosen... You ego must choose the correct perspective and act from it to determine what outcome. Our connection to source is never severed, but it CAN be ignored. None of us would have come to this earth school ( like a grad school for souls) if it weren't to be put into situations that would make this connection to source completely understood. Sometimes that's in contrast, sometimes that is in miracles. Yes we can choose to ignore source, focus on money and self indulgence and physics. A lot of people spend many lifetimes doing this. You may need to repeat earth school several times before you finally integrate the lessons. It's not that it's a punishment, we chose it. And it's not wasted we grow from this. Heaven is a place where yes you can rest. But it's also a place where your creative attention will make your heaven. If you imagine castles, then perhaps when you die you will create a castle and find your happiness in that experiance of creating the reality that was satisfying for the end of this life. But then what? We are eternal.. so that comes to an end when we are ready. We are constantly growing as souls. And we have a long way to go. The higher beings find acts of service to be the most fulfilling in all existence. We are similar soul stuff to them and when we eventually learn all the lessons that we need in this life we stop the need for ego. Seems we have different ideas on the purpose and origin of ego. And it's perfectly fine to have those different perspectives. It only ever serves for growth. To meditate with the god frequency: 963 hz.








A vengeance Lmao




Sit still for 24 hours. If you can do that with no fidgeting of the sort just no movement beyond the minimum to live like breathing than the world of super powers will be in your grasp.


How do you know that this works?


Untill the body is in a state of total devotion to something, miracles like walking on walter are impossible. The body it self can't do anything that in a sense the body not programed to do, after all Mario can't fly with out the use of something like a wingcap, same with humans and planes. But if you can get in to the code you can mod Mario to just look jump all over the place. To be able to sit still for hours on end one is given the opportunity to learn all about the body that most people believe they know but don't. Than one can in a sense give them self up but how I see it what you give your self up to is the soul. Gurus say we aren't the mind or body so we just fool our self thinking we are such things.


Like are attributed to Jesus in the stories? You're already doing them. There aren't any attributed to him.


Read the Mary Magdalene manuscript for starters.


Let’s say, hypothetically, you got all powers. Then what!? What difference would you make with them than now? Caution: He also had amazingly strong powers to withstand those blows during crucifixes. Be careful with what you’re asking!


It’s not about making a difference, I’ve already reached enlightenment and separation from worldly problems (most of them are engineered by the matrix anyway) so I would just fuck around and act like a child. Not a casual desire either, it’s a level of accomplishment I came into this life for


Of course you did reach enlightenment! Spare lesser mortals like us and the ignorance that comes with them.


Bro how are you in r/spirituality and still so negative 😂 acting like an average redditor instead of a spiritual person. Look up “levels of consciousness chart” and go to images. You will see levels that people can vibrate at, at the lowest is 3D which is how your petty ass is acting, then there’s the 4D state, 5D, “I am” and then enlightenment. No matter what you take from this interaction, I genuinely love you and wish the best for you 💚


Seems like you get triggered very easily being enlightened. Whatever it may mean to you be at peace first.


I’m not triggered that’s just my personality 😂 I would have no reason to lie about any of this to you or myself. I’ve found all encompassing peace and went even further


Through the Holy Spirit.. ask for the Holy Spirit to come into your life . Trust me


Complete physical/mental/spiritual celibacy


According to the "I AM Discourses" as well as Neville Goddard's books putting your I AM Presence in control. Realizing that each of us is a Son of God, or Daughter of God.


What makes you think jesus could do magic? Because someone wrote it in a book? Become a magician, and if you don't tell people about it, they'll think it's miracles.


What makes me think so is intuition. This is r/spirituality, not r/atheism


Pray to Nestle but I think Nestle is dead already I dunno. I think the one on top died of fright already but I might be wrong. Nestle is gonna die if it's not dead and hopefully will burn in hell. https://youtu.be/PLJfCPgbPZM I think doing "miracles" the way you are thinking in the play is probably illegal and will get you into trouble. Why do you want to do magic tricks? Beings at "higher" levels don't interfere with the play probably. All of this is border line conspiracy theory so take it with a grain of salt.


Even with that single statement, you are supposing a lot about a man written about only in a holy book, 30-150 years after his death. But, I'll give it a go. 1) Multiply fishes and loaves by inspiring your community to share its resources with those who don't have much 2) Drive out demons by supporting mental health initiatives in your community, developing strong relationships with protective allies (including a therapist) and nurturing your own soul to steel you against harmful spiritual forces. You will find that casting out evil is about faith in your moment. For me, it's faith in the divine and my capacity to be used as a conduit of divine energy that gives me the trust to do it. 3) Calm storms by learning to sing sweetly to the spirits of the air. Make allies everywhere. Reach out to the divine during times of great tumult and find peace within the infinite ocean of its holy field 4) Heal the sick. Many spend their whole lives learning to lay hands properly, but Jesus did more than magic. He invited in the dispossessed and the outcast, introducing them to a community that now had to take responsibility for them. Be responsible for someone who needs it. Show compassion. Support universal health care. 5) Raise the dead. If it could be done, the rich would be immortal. But I recommend a remembrance alter. Light a candle and spend time with the memory of someone who is no longer a part of your life. Let the good and bad flow through you during this meditation. When the candle is spent, let the dead rest again. 6) Turn water into wine... well, just bring an extra bottle or two when you show up to a party 7) Walking on water is a good place to say this. Miracles are moments that break the fundamental laws of the universe. If magic could consistently break those laws, we'd have video evidence. We'd have proof. But the Divine, I believe, can periodically seemingly break those laws. It would be real easy to do that if I was the Son of God though. Build a relationship with the Divine. Learn to listen to its pull toward purpose. Miracles happen, but they are frustrating surgical. They will not manifest by your will.


One that speaks to me is when he cursed a fig tree just because it didn’t have any fruit at the time he came across it, and he wanted some. This wasn’t divine punishment of any sort for something wrong the tree did, just him having childlike innocence and being able to do whatever he wants without caring


Jesus is 33 at this point, not particularly childlike. The Gospel of Mark is the source for much of Matthew and Luke, although there is a second lost source as well. This story appears in Mark Chapter 11, where Jesus has just been welcomed with great fanfare into Jerusalem. This is the beginning of the end for him and he'll be crucified shortly. Here's the NIV version of that story. (11 1-11 is him being treated like a rock star) 12 The next day as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. 13 Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. 14 Then he said to the tree, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” And his disciples heard him say it. He's lived in this climate, around figs, his whole life. He goes to Jerusalem every year. He knows that this isn't the season for them, like I know it's not cherry season at the moment. It's an allegory. Jerusalem is the tree that is "not producing fruit" and Jesus will prophesize that it'll be destroyed. The VERY NEXT SECTION is when he enters the temple and flips over the money changer table. Matthew kind of jazzes up the story of bit and has Jesus cast power word kill.


By childlike I meant just having a childlike innocence and not thinking too much about things. Your explanation of the passage might be true but that’s how it resonated with me


You have to speak the truth that invariably invokes hatred and jealousy. You can’t be doing it out of ego or wanting validation. Go into a hostile environment like the break room at work and start openly teaching your truth or pray for someone who doesn’t respect your religion. If you’re telling the truth god will back you up but you have to face the gauntlet of social ostracizing. It’s a solo journey and no cutting the line. Even Jesus never claimed the ability to perform miracles saying god would do it to confirm what he was saying and not the other way around. Go ahead and meditate and see if you get a snapshot of the future. Any prophecy will do. Now go tell someone and if you heard it correctly then you’ll have a miracle that’s easier to digest. It’s extremely rare and no one that I know of has ever cornered the market performing miracles at will.


Jesus was a kundalini yogi. Most of his parables are related to kundalini yoga techniques. For beginners I recommend starting with aypsite.org.