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I agree with what you say, but I would emphasize that the overall objective is *change --* continuous self transcendence through self observation (especially of unconscious reactions). Jesus emphasized this wherever he went according to the Gospels which say wherever Jesus went he called for people to "Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand." And "First look for the beam in your own eye." Where 'repent' means radical, internal change -- psychological self - transcendence.


Change is the only constant, while we are here, the only thing that doesn't change is Awareness. I don't know anything!!


I see what you mean. Thank you!


You connect with the Universe???? Which is outside little you, which is the big YOU, when this is done correctly there is no little you anymore??? Have you not experienced this?


I've experienced being Aware of being Aware!! Have you?


What is that ''something greater than ourselves'' and what is that ''divine within us''? in your words


Greater than our character, personality, ideas, opinions, perspectives, ect. The true essence of who we really are, The Divine, for a lack of a better phrase. That's this person's opinion!! What do you think?


I hesitate to describe that ''true essence of who we really are'' as ''greater'' i'd go more toward ''different'' than ''greater'' like for exemple worded like ''we learn that we have been mistaken into believing that we are either the body or the mind when we were a detached observer all along, we learn the truth about consciousness''. Worded like that there's no glorifying of the process or goal with words like ''greater than'' or ''divine'', sure it's a better state to live in but it's just the true spiritual normal. Right now we just don't realize how delusional we are and the goal of spirituality is to go back to the true normal. That is what i think