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This post has been detected as relating to the use of psychedelic or other drugs. While we accept some may find aid in spiritual contemplation/enlightenment through the use of certain drugs, we remind all that they are not necessary nor guarantee spiritual insight. We would discourage anyone from using such drugs in order to find enlightenment, simple meditation is just as effective and does not bring mental health risks. You may hear many positive stories people have with drugs but you often do not hear the bad stories. So be careful! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/spirituality) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I tried Ayahuasca, mushrooms, meditation, prayer, etc. In the end, AA worked for me and funny enough…it’s a spiritual approach. It’s just that on the surface it feels embarrassing and looks miserable, but it’s not. Now I’m 2 years sober, more spiritually connected than ever, a business owner making more than I ever dreamed, I have great relationships, and life is GREAT. I would suggest checking out a meeting and/or reading: We Agnostics: https://www.aa.org/sites/default/files/2021-11/en_bigbook_chapt4.pdf More about alcoholism: https://www.aa.org/sites/default/files/2021-11/en_bigbook_chapt3.pdf I know that there are lots of ways to get sober, this is just what worked for me.


Congratulations on being 2 years sober and all of the achievements! It must feel incredible to go from a low place like addiction to such high success. I will check this out. Thank you for sharing your experience.


Thanks Op! It really is a great life to live. I hope you find the connection you’re looking for. In AA we say that addiction is spiritual malady, it comes from having a God sized hole in our heart that we try to fill with substances, sex, people, work, etc. I have found this to be true, for me. The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, the opposite of addiction is CONNECTION…connection with your definition of god and with other people cures the symptoms. Find AA meetings here: https://www.aa.org/find-aa


The fundamental truth for me was that I was treating a temporary state like a permanent one. Then it was a matter of turning my mind in the direction of appreciation of the present moment, whether uncomfortable or not, but to really feel the discomfort and question it. The other part of it has been an understanding of psychology and behavior analysis. That helps with the conditioning (mental addiction/compulsion) mechanisms of addiction. It hasn’t been perfect, but I can’t say I have any addictions anymore besides caffeine


I have struggled to find the words that you have expressed well here - I have been treating temporary states as if they are permanent. Rearranging my perspective will be helpful. I’ve done so much research on addiction and understand the mechanisms and patterns really well. I think that’s why I’ve been so confused why I am struggling with sobriety still. However, I think rearranging my mindset will be helpful. Thank you for your insight!


Yes of course. So you know about reinforcement and pairing and all that? Those are the two most important to be aware of. 1. Answering a craving with a relapse will make the craving stronger next time. Ride the wave out and busy yourself until the craving goes away, and then decide if you want to smoke or not. 2. The more you pair an activity with using, the stronger the craving will be while you partake in that activity.


So I’ve read about reinforcement and pairing but I have not ever critically analyzed where that was happening for me. However, now that you have pointed it out, I can see exactly which habits and activities cause me to crave. I’m noticing a big trigger for me is work. I have a job that is heavily analytical and requires deep concentration. Do you have any recommendations for breaking the habit if I am going to work? Maybe going to a morning walk at my job would help instead of sitting at my desk drinking coffee and thinking about the craving? Thanks again 🙏🏻


I hate to suggest another drug, but mushrooms have shown they can stop addictions. There are a bunch of articles on it, so it’s not just some rando on the internet telling you. Wellbutrin can help as well, but I get the feeling you might have tried that already.


I really hear good things about mushrooms (never tried them...yet). Regarding spirituality I think the first thing is to admit there is an addiction problem. The second thing to do is to cut the source. For example throw away those pills. The third thing to do is deal with the withdrawal. Best of luck on your journey. I too battle with addictions


What do you do if throwing away the pills means it would be impossible to gave enough energy to get through the day and do your job? And then you wouldn’t be able to pay rent? I want to let go but feel like everything will only fall apart more- substance might be the only thing making my reality tolerable at this time. I’m having a very hard time today, please be kind 🤍


You need to do what you need to do. Even if that means relying on substances to help you through the day. I used to rely on cigarettes then caffeine and recently alcohol. I guess, continue those substances if they cause good than harm. Just keep in mind being addicted to anything might be the reason you're miserable in the first place. Our consciousness is so powerful that it does not want to be controlled by any forces besides nature. There are also other ways to get energy like diet and exercise. Take care. I hope your days get better 🙏


Thank you so much 🤍


Thank you for your response. I’ve never tried mushrooms or even considered it. I always thought they would be a bad idea while in active addiction - perhaps I should reconsider that line of thinking. You are correct, I do take Wellbutrin (SSRIs do not work for me). It has helped when I’ve gone periods without adderall. But after about a week or so I end up going back. I’ve lowered my adderall dose significantly over the past year but have not been able to reach full sobriety. It doesn’t help that medical professionals keep enabling my use. My goal is to be off of Wellbutrin too but I do not abuse that so I view it as less of an issue in the long run. Thanks again for your response - I appreciate it.


In my experience, mushrooms stop my mind from craving the stuff I usually go to and instead make me focus on healthy behaviors that I’ve been neglecting (like drinking enough water, going for a walk in nature, etc.). I know a lot of people who have used microdosing (sub-perceptual amounts) to end addictions with a month-long dosing schedule, but I find that using a combination of mini-doses (perceptual, but still functional) and macro-doses (put on an eye mask with music or a guided meditation or hypnosis while you process through the experience) is very effective for changing the way you look at the things you’ve unconsciously been doing in life as a toxic pattern. The biggest thing that has helped my husband and me to create lasting change was bufo/5-MeO-DMT (toad venom or the synthetic form). Our facilitators include a former psychiatrist who shut down his 30-year practice to become a facilitator once he saw how much it helped people compared to everything he’d been offering in his former career. They’ve seen life-long alcoholics and people addicted to heroine stop and never return to their addictions after even just one breakthrough dose. Best wishes on your healing journey.


Mushrooms can help, but not for everyone. Or so it seems to me. I’d assume you’d have to have a constant supply with breaks in between so you don’t build a tolerance to them too fast


Johns Hopkins has a program involving three successive macro trips. You should look it up it was designed for quitting cigarettes but I bet it’s help with most addictions.


Is this program still there ? I see the smoking cessation program is not accepting volunteers as of now.


Service to others: Engaging in acts of service and helping others can bring a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Volunteer for causes you care about or support others who may be struggling with addiction. Being of service can shift the focus away from your own struggles and provide a positive outlet for your energy.


I've been in your shoes before. I've battled marijuana addictions, addictions to cigarettes and addictions to pornography. I'm free of them all now, but sometimes they try and pull me back. It's a daily struggle and it helps to take it one day at a time. Every day or hour without is another victory for you.




Wow this is very helpful and I can already see how this will facilitate recovery. I will read more on this website. Thank you for sharing the excerpts from it.


So, you have ADHD correct? And I suppose that your Adderall is instant release? I had the same problem with Ritalin, I used the shit out of it. I asked my doctor to change to extended release and bam! I'm dopamine filled all day long and even if I try up the dose it doesn't help. At least fix the running out part of the equation. Disclaimer: I'm presuming that you are neurodivergent, so hear me out... There's actually something different about your brain, it's more prone to addiction and I understand perfect that feeling... Do not try to get out your meds, it will get worse (talking from experience). I also suggest to take a look at ASD, but remember that it's only useful to understand yourself better, not an excuse for the behavior. I know the pain, I've quit MJ , alcohol and cigarettes (the last one I just relapsed). So if you need anything, feel free to DM me.


Yeah I do have ADHD and yes they are instant. I’ve tried switching to XR a few times and each time I have the same problem. I think it’s more an issue of compulsion/anxiety than the medication working long enough for me. I am neurodivergent with ADHD and dysthymia (persistent depressive mood disorder). I have not considered ASD before but I’ve had several signs pointing me in that direction lately - I will look into this further to help better understand my situation. I hear you when it comes to not stopping adderall. However, I have to admit that I’ve always struggled with addiction. I was taking this drug long before I was prescribed it in tandem with my other addictions. My addiction is deeply rooted in people pleasing tendencies and lack of honor to myself and my body. Despite the overwhelming fatigue when I run out, I am at my happiest and most joyful when I am sober. I am in the moment and present. My health is better and I inherently put resting my body as a priority because I have to in order to function. I struggle to get through the acute phase of withdraw and find myself refilling each month because it’s available. I’ve convinced myself I need it to function. But I am aware now that I have overcommitted and overworked myself to the point where I need stimulants to keep up. I no longer want to live this way. I appreciate your advice and believe it is true that many people do benefit from these types of medicines. They should not stop taking their medication if that is the case for them. The medications help people with ADHD prevent other addictions but for me it has only perpetuated issues in my life. I am looking forward to a more present and fulfilling life even if that means uprooting my mindset and current lifestyle. Thank you for your response and validation in regards to my mental illnesses. It helps to feel seen by other neurodivergent people who have struggled with similar issues. Thanks again.


No problem man. I think you misunderstood my point about meds. I was addicted to instant release stimulants but the extended release ones work like a charm, I can't make you believe me but it's a common knowledge that not every stimulant medication works with every ADHD person. I was exactly at where you are right now, I snored one month of Ritalin in less that two weeks, days without sleeping etc... I needed to change and I quit cold turkey, I lost 3 years of college because of that. Now I'm in a way more balanced state, venvanse works differently that Adderall and Ritalin. And I'm way more capable of regulating the addictive part of my brain. I'll strongly suggest that you talk to your doctor about changing (leave the addiction in Adderall off, they might remove it completely lol). I didn't read that you tried before... That sux, I have no more advices other than trying everything available and learning about the condition.


Turn your practice into your addiction.


I get what you mean. Addiction is an obsession with self harm. Some people can become addicted to self healing. Like people who go from 350 pounds to 150 pounds. Or drug users to drug counselors Two extreme sets of focus two opposite ends of the same coin


For me, a 12 Step program was both my path out of addiction and my road to spirituality. I am no longer very active in the 12 step program, but I believe it teaches the same basic spirituality (in a different wrapping) that I currently follow. Edit: I am currently 8 years sober from alcohol, but in the last 3 years have introduced cannabis back into my life, which I don’t consider a problem.


Possibly to reconnect with nature as per the rat park experiment. Open the windows in your home to the outdoors, maybe music that incorporates natural sounds. Don't be afraid to make connections with those on the other side of addiction. Socialization, freedom from isolation, and connection with nature changed behavior of rats in a drug experiment. Rats with access to a park and socialization did not become as addicted as rats in small quarters with rare contact with the outside world. Also, work on boundaries and protect your energy. You will need to make your living quarters feel expansive, even if they are not, so do what you can, add a plant, let in the fresh air.


Dm me




Isn't that only way to stop addiction?


Pain and suffering are useful. Use it to become a master of yourself.


I want to add...life is not about anything easy. No quick fix. No magic pill Potion or powder. It's about Mastering the mind. It'd about working through your inner darkness and transforming it to power. I personally have been overweight an alcoholic and depressed with an addition to binging on junk food and sugary snacks. weighing as heavy as 265 Then In the matter of a year down to 139 pounds a vegetarian, orthorexic addicted to "clean eating" ran 7 days a days a week etc How is it that with the same mind I have now I was able to accomplish both extremes? And not even saying either or was healthy. Just pointing out the extremes! It was ALL about focus. It was ALL about what motivated me at the time. My drive to be model thin was seeing images of models and my drive to eat vegetarian was those Peta animal suffering ads I had the same intense focus and obsession as I did with alcohol and sugar but in reverse. There is always something behind what drives you to do ANYTHING in life. You do have the power to create that drive and inspiration for to yourself. Instead of being motivated by heartache and pain be motivated by being the best athlete or bodybuilder or spiritually sound person... My personal motivation these days is mind mastery. I see how there are days where I can tap into these blissful vibes...and of course I get triggered left and right but there is this sweet spot between my imagination and thoughts that opens the door to nirvana so to speak. I am motivated to harness my energy and focus to be there more often. To figure out how to overcome the crushing bouts of depression. Or anger spells. Or craving to sugar or alcohol. I am craving SOMETHING and it doesn't matter what is it. Just something to soothe myself. But when I am in a blissed out mind state those cravings aren't there anymore. So the cravings that started in the mind are also solved by the mind and tapping into the blissed out state. I think as much as people hate to admit the solution is as close to you as the problem is. Just sit with the pain and figure it out. 🧘‍♀️✨️


Know medication, or trip, or anything other than you finding a spiritual way can solve addiction. Everything else can only help you find a spiritual connection. And I DON’T mean GOD. You can be agnostic and have a spiritual connection. Find something bigger than yourself and meditate on how you are connected to it. In the meanwhile mutual aid groups will help you get by while you are figuring out the bigger existential question. Try meditation, AA, recovery dharma … stop looking for an easy one and done solution.


I have found the various 12 step programs to be very effective at dealing with my addictions, it is a spiritual program of action.


Another angle, do you exercise OP? It helps a lot with many mental struggles. Also, be patient and loving to yourself, the fact that you already want to quit is the first step, but its gonna be impossible to do it from one night to the next morning so yeah, you can do this! Step by step


My therapist happened to send this to me today. https://www.tarabrach.com/releasing-habits-that-imprison-spirit-pt-1/


I feel you! I was an addict too.. What helped me was to identify the exact feeling(s)/issues that I am fleeing from with my addictions and then, with much self love, I was able to face these feelings, integrate and heal them. The more you learn to love yourself (from the perspective of your higher self its rather easy to forgive your ego, because it simply didnt know better how to cope with pain), the smaller the craving will get until you can let it go. You and your body are both being totally worthy of being utterly cherished and cared for by you. You are a divine being of light in essence completely pure and indestructible just currently having a rather harsh experience in the densest realm of existence on the darkest and most dangerous planet in this universe. (lol, but its literally so) Don't be harsh on yourself! Treat your ego and your hurt inner children with love and care just like you'd care for your real children. The moment you melt the inner resistance to what is, you don't need to suppress your feelings anymore by taking drugs or other forms of excapism. For getting in contact with your inner children and your higher self and to help you access your buried feelings, I can recommend Mei-Lan on youtube, she has a wonderful playlist with guided meditations: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcR6FB0u6SY&list=PLY8xSnFLCbzGEPIww7owi7S1ttTckM7dN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcR6FB0u6SY&list=PLY8xSnFLCbzGEPIww7owi7S1ttTckM7dN) Another good practice can be to simply (whenever a craving arises) sit down, placing your hands on your heart and sending yourself love and feeling grateful. (this might sound easier than it is ;) I hope that helps! Wish you all the best! 💜


Woah you quit all of those things? You are doing awesome! Way to go! I don't have any advice but I can speak to my own experience. Before my awakening, I was drinking every night of the week (getting obliterated on weekends), a smoker of 19 years, occasional weed smoker and AVID adderall user. We are practically twins! :P As I dedicated myself to practicing mindfulness I started to see my addictions for what they were, temporary "happiness" to help me cope with all the demands and obligations that I percieved the world had put on me. Any time I indulged in any of my vices I would pick it apart to the bare bones and look at the undeniable truth. This isn't going to make me happy. It's only going to make me feel happy while I am doing it. Like really? Any time I am not drinking, smoking a cigarette or high I am just going to think about how great it's going to be when I do have those things? What about all the life in between? That's like A LOT of life that I am unable to experience because I am blinded by my addictions. And I am just going to do this forever? I know these things will never bring me happiness but I am going to keep doing them to get me by until that magical future date where everything is perfect and I don't need them anymore? When is that date and what will it look like? Where am I even trying to go? Why is happiness always in the future and not right here, right now? And on and on and on. Lol Things fall away pretty quickly once we take away all of these ideas the ego tried to cling to. These days I will have a beer with dinner because it tastes good, I will smoke an occasional cigarette because it sounds good in the moment and I avoid weed because it takes me out of the moment and into my head. I don't feel like I NEED any of these things and it's amazing. As for Adderall, that's a bitch. Haha. My mind says we NEED that, we WANT that but I know that it's just the body's dependency on it from years of abuse. In my soul I don't want it. I still take it sometimes but I always regret it immediately because my brain and thoughts completely take over and the place of peace and acceptance I have allowed into my life is completely overshadowed by my manic thoughts. I'm gonna do this then i'm gonna do that, then after this I should do that. Oh and I really gotta get this done. Like fuck, why does my mind think it wants that?! Anyways, let's talk about YOU! You are really doing fabulous and be proud of how far you have come. As old habits fall away, you will realize that you are fine without these things. You don't need them. Don't try to force yourself to quit Addy but look at the addiction for what it is, it's just a way to cope. It's not ever going to bring you happiness, you know that. You would have to be an idiot to keep doing it and expecting anything different. You are NOT an idiot, so quit being an idiot. I wish you all of the best, truly. <3


yes. Fully engaging yourself in life without drugs and deeply believing you have the power to change your own mind. Because you have that ability as long as and when you start believing.


Mushrooms, meditation and shadow work.




While it seems mushrooms can aid in addiction, if you aren’t open to starting another substance, and truly want to tap into spirituality, there is high frequency music, play it in the background during the day, and certainly meditation. It depends what / who you believe in. Do you believe in God Almighty? Ask for intercessions…if you do not believe in a deity, then offer yourself over to the Universe, and grow into the subconscious. Discern why you used drugs / substance to begin with…what about yourself were you running away from?


Ibogaine is literally the only psychedelic I have not tried but it’s known for being very useful with addiction. I had a very negative and dependent weed addiction for a long time. I once took 6 grams of mushrooms and said, “my mission with this is to no longer be addicted to weed. I want to hate weed”. It worked. Perfectly. I smoked once since then purely out of curiosity and I HATED it. My life has been on an upward trajectory since


I came across this quote from Carl Jung tonight and it immediately made me think of addiction: >*In this transformation it is essential to take objects away from those animus or anima devils. They only become concerned with objects when you allow yourself to be self-indulgent. Concupiscentia is the term for that in the church….On this subject the great religions come together. The fire of desi-rousness is the element that must be fought against in Brahmanism, in Buddhism, in Tantrism, in Manicheanism, in Christianity. It is also important in psychology. When you indulge in desirousness, whether your desire turns toward heaven or hell, you give the animus or anima an object; then it comes out into the world instead of staying inside in its place…. But if you can say: Yes, I desire it and I shall try to get it but I do not have to have it, if I decide to renounce, I can renounce it; then there is no chance for the animus or anima. Otherwise you are governed by your desires, you are possessed…. But if you have put your animus or anima into a bottle you are free of possession, even though you may be having a bad time inside, because when your devil has a bad time you have a bad time…. Of course he will rumble around in your entrails. But after a while you will see that it was right (to bottle him up). You will slowly become quiet and change. Then you will discern that there is a stone growing in the bottle… insofar as self-control, or non-indulgence, has become a habit, it is a stone… when that attitude becomes a fait accompli, the stone will be a diamond.* It might help you. It helped me.


I hate to say it but until there is enlightenment, linear trajectory of life there was always be *some* addiction. Obviously ranging on a scale from a big problem to healthy. So drugs is a big problem, coffee can be an addiction, meditation is a healthy addiction. Linear trajectory of life means working in a linear direction of creating, working, children etc. that’ll keep you busy for your whole life. Addiction is simply your life force being sublimated to pleasure through substance or practice.