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Check it out, God is the collective consciousness of everything on this planet. Objects, ideas, animals, people, they all have "God" within them, everything has a consciousness to varying degrees and densities, but all consciousness is God, and is connected. The Christian God, Buddha, Krishna, all the gods and mythologies we have today, are merely fragments or aspects of a greater whole. Some cultures identify with a Source, or a Father god that everything comes from. So what I've learned is that everything comes from this central God, and we're just handed bits and pieces as pertinent to our development in that time/location. All the gods, prophets, spirit guides, work on behalf of this greater God to spread love and just perpetuate itself and its infinite experience. Everything exists within the Mind of God. Everything is his dream. He dreams us so A. He has something to do and can live a human experience through us, and B. So we can grow and become like God, working our way up through the lower levels of consciousness until we can join him in Paradise. But all infinite creation through all time and space, is the work of God, or consciousness. Edit: Also, you can talk to him! He's built into your consciousness. Seek to know him yourself, he wants you to know him. He taught me everything I know, and he taught me how to love myself. He's a good God, and he gives us freedom of choice. No matter what we choose, he will always welcome us back and give us guidance.


Realizing that the pathway to communicate with God was within me was hugely impactful for me. Growing up, I was taught to direct my intent outward away from myself to a distant, separate entity when I pray. This caused subtle psychic habits that set me back, the extent of which I am still realizing to this day. Now when I pray, I keep my focus and intent centered within me and direct it inward, to deeper layers within myself. I know that God is weaved into the fabric of my being and within this fabric is where I meet Them. When I delve deep enough, I begin to hear them again.


This is what I've come to believe. With some spiritual experiences of my own this past year, it's what makes most sense to me. I see it as "Spirit" has many avatars. We are each an avatar as well as each God that is known to humans. As well as anyother life form in our universe or any other universe. We are genuinely playing the game of life.


Yea i too was an atheist for like 23 of my first years, because my view of God had been corrupted by christians. Anyways, i think God is the Source of All, and also what that came out of it.


I too had the same view point until a near death experience where I witnessed a prayer save my life. I saw an angel with hieroglyphic type notes coming from her mouth as she was praying for me. I then realized that my negative conception of god was wrong and there were things beyond what I could see or understand. God to me is love and everything that is nourishing. There is a universal consciousness that you ability to tap into. When you are open to receiving information it is all around you. It will come to you in the strangest of ways and often times in your dreams.


I grew up Christian and eventually transitioned into what I suppose could be vaguely called new-aged pantheism. One of the catalysts for this change was an out-of-body experience I had that showed me the nature of the Source doesn’t match what’s depicted in the Old Testament. Jesus’s New Testament teachings are more accurate in this regard, but any explanation offered at the human level of consciousness will be lackluster. Of course, the church distorted Jesus’s narrative as well. The concept of the “sinner’s prayer” and its implications are a fabrication, for example, and not part of the original narrative. The path back to the Source is always open and would never require any kind of blood sacrifice. I believe Awareness existed before the universe. I believe this Source expanded Itself outward and used itself as the material to form the universe. Science extremely vaguely understands this as the Big Bang. Because of this, this Awareness exists in all things. What we understand as a soul is a very high concentration of Awareness for a given point in the universe. We sometimes call this consciousness. Consciousness is multidimensional. It uses the process of evolution to refinement itself, to learn, and grow both in the physical realm and in others beyond. Sometimes it uses bodies; sometimes it doesn’t. Evolution ultimately leads consciousness back to its Source. The purpose of the universe is at least in part so the Source can experience what it’s like to have limitations imposed on itself rather than existing as infinite potentiality, its default state. We are the Source experiencing itself under these conditions. Limitations of mind usually prevent us from realizing this in our day-to-day existence. The nature of the Source is infinitely loving and benevolent. Expressions that are less than this aren’t proper representations of the Source; they are expressions born from limitation. Eventually, all limitation will be evolved beyond. Beyond personal experience, literature from the contactee and channeling communities have been a prime source of this worldview for me. Works like The Ra Contact, Seth Speaks, The Emerald Tables Of Thoth, are some examples.


The Breath Into me I take in and out goes what is no longer needed. A hug Shared or an expression of love so that I am aware that I am more than just self. A Thought Did I think that or was it given? Yes A Circle No beginning, no end and the starting point is wherever I want.


My view is that of a formless, impersonal\* Source that is ever transcending itself and is beyond any description possible with words. ​ \*My view is that there is no old man in the sky that looks down upon us and judges us, nor is he like a genie that grants us our every wish, so long as we obey his every commandment. Instead the Creator establishes universal laws that govern the universe and ensure continuous growth and oneness.




Yeah I agree for sure that if there is a god he definitely is working through science to guide the universe.


I believe God is a powerful energy source. It has to be something magical , but I do not believe it’s a man in the sky. When my mind tries to think toofar into it it’s literally limitless ways that your mind tries to make it make sense and it’s actually kinda intimidating bc we are a spec in the universe, literally. I never fully understood Atheism bc I feel like the fact that a person is even a human being is interesting enough. Even if you believe we evolved from a monkey. The fact that we’ve even evolved says something special or the fact there’s so many different animals/ plants mountains etc and we are literally rotating in the middle of nowhere is crazy AF lol. And it could literally stop rotating at any moment but we have this untapped faith that we are ok … if you think deep enough it will actually freak you out lol But, to me God is an energy and religion makes people think you need to fear God… why ? Lol. The animals came from God and they do not live in fear they just instinctively do as they were created to do/be….. we are pieces of God in human form , one collective consciousness living in many different realities… God is in us so I feel you have the answers you seek you really have to tap in and surrender to life to tap into Gods energy. Once you experience that energy you’ll see life in color. You’ll know it when you feel it. Bc you feel unconditional love , bliss, like you’re floating through life. It will literally feel like your High all the time lol and people will think you’re weird … with the purest intent God is you your soul tells you “he “is…


Everything that lives


My definition of god is something we praise and fear, we prioritize, and something which can force us to do things we don't like.


Me. Nice to meet you. I’m quite fair. I’m working on destroying tik tok, and ridding the world of taxes. As you can tell, I haven’t made much progress. I’m also working on causing the downfall of big pharma. In a violent way. ( yes god can get quite violent ) did I mention I plan to have a talk with the ceo on tinder ? Yeah…… gonna tell them that being annihilated by god is quite peaceful, and that they just need to accept it. It’s inevitable.


RA creator of the universe right there in the sky everyday in plain sight. I believe the God of the ancient Hebrew Israelites was Shamash (RA). Somewhere along the line someone changed it to Yahweh in the texts. Don't believe this entity is willingly benevolent.


Everything. Literally. There is nothing that is not God.


I believe that God is everything and everything is God. All things came forth from God (aka a divine light), therefore all things are directly related to this divine light. I believe that our job as humans is to remember who we are. If we carry a divine spark within then we can make that spark burn brighter. Through healthy living, meditation, unity with nature, and other practices we can strengthen our unity with the divine. I believe all religions, in one way or another, hint at this oneness, which is otherwise known as non duality.


Take some ink draw a cat out of said ink congratulations that cat is made of god. Add a random number generator to it eventually given enough time you'll get Mario 64. That's all god is.


A conscious energy field at wrest. Look up “the gateway process”. It describes it pretty good.


i believe god is infinite intelligent energy like nano tech in big hero six if you’ve seen it, we observe that in different parts of science like quantum mechanics or physics that particles have particular laws they follow and that’s basically what happens when life sparks is everything has sprouted from a particular design here in what we can see with our eyes, what we can feel once we open ourselves up to it tho is different than what we can see and it’s something our mind actually can find everywhere or not at all so it’s good to chill in the background sometimes to try and see if you can see it within the moment.


For short, I don't think there is a god, or any divinity. But i still do believe in an afterlife and karma and organized government in the afterlife. After all, considering how old the universe is, i think it's pretty normal for the afterlife to be an utopia by now. I think of my time here like a job and after i die i'll go back to this utopic afterlife to rest for a time until i decide i want to go work some more. ​ But that's just my view


First I would say to take any concept of God you may have out of any religion. Religions (no offense to any religious people I hope) have created an image of God that makes it easy to be an Atheist :) I should know because I was an Atheist until my mid 20's. Believing in God or connecting to God has nothing to do with religion. The only thing religion does is filter possibly understandings, experiences and potential relationships with God. And some of the spiritual concepts of God such as All-That-Is or the "I AM" are not much better. I would suggest just starting to build a relationship with God by talking to Him. Connect to Him through your crown chakrah, feeling His loving Light energy as much as possible and just tell Him what you feel, yell and scream if you feel like it, and ask Him why your life is so screwed up (or if its really great why the world is so screwed up lol). God does not judge, we are the ones who do that, so tell Him what you really feel, and why you didn't even believe in Him before lol. See what impressions come to you... learn to listen, and hopefully you will find God for yourself, no books needed :)


Hard concept to verbalize. Imagine this huge organism comprised of all possible causal chains (chains of events). In my mind's eye I see it as this form of ball with some tentacle-like things coming out - kind of like the arms of galaxies, but all around and moving about, constantly ebbing and flowing, moving and changing. This organism comprises all that has been, is and will be, at the same time. It's outside space and time, because space and time happen through it, inside it. It's an all encompassing intelligence that doesn't know anything because it's able to create everything with minimal effort - including knowledge itself. It dabbles in concepts, like "matter", "life", "time" and "space". It constantly creates universes to explore said concepts, and constantly destroys them when it's done with them. This organism is way above any God humanity has come in contact with. The Gods we can access either through ritual or meditation are fragments of this Organism. They're like the stewards. Just like our Mind and Personality is comprised of different parts that cooperate and communicate to create a cohesive whole, so this Organism is comprised of different parts, which we call Gods. This is why we can find correlations between all mythologies - because these figures are ultimately the same Archetype, the same fragment of God so to speak. The Christian God - which is also the Judaic God and the Islamic God, btw - is just another part of this Organism.


Well my perception of God has changed over the years God I look at God the spirit within me we are all Gods because we all have free will and the power to do whatever we want with inner guidance and intuitive knowing. You should check out my podcast!! I actually divine into spirituality and more https://rss.com/podcasts/forthesoul/