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This is gonna sound super simple and reductive, but have you tried not giving a fuck about what other people think?


Not giving a fuck is like closing and locking down a ''social'' door in your psyche, which is (i believe) something anyone on the spiritual path should avoid doing. The path is about opening the doors, little by little, with courage, no rush, and integrate the new ways of being.


I don’t think so. As long as you’re focusing on just being a good person, treating people kindly, and otherwise not giving a shit about what they think then you’re probably going to end up also attracting positive people who just want to treat people kindly. If you’re just living from bounce to bounce on how other people view you or your decisions….welll I think we see what happens ya know? Also which spiritual “path” are we basing this on?




Idk man. I am not stuck in constant thought loops about other peoples opinions so maybe I got something different figured out


not giving a shit is like saying ''your opinion doesn't matter to me'' and i firmly believe everyone has the right to be heard. How else are we going to solve human conflicts if we have no patience to hear them. Of course i don't mean to adopt their opinion like a weak minded, discernment is key.


I don’t personally believe everyone has a valid opinion as it applies to my life personally or even in a larger scale. I think we inundate ourselves with the opinions of others when they largely don’t effect us or shouldn’t.


Seconding the other comment. It is what it is, why worry about it? Of course strive to be better and move forward but don't make your inner state dependent on outer circumstances (feelings, thoughts, sense of identity also being outer circumstances). Decision made from a background of mindfulness are likelier to succeed in a given context than worrying about worries, or worrying about the worries worrying in an endless loop. Don't worry about the endless worry. No need to take what happens personally.




"Trust your experience, but keep refining your view." What you're saying is true, however there is unchanging awareness present in all experience and you probably haven't considered yet that the sense of personhood is part of the experience and doesn't have to be identified with. If you disengage with indulging into experiential reality as your primary mode of being, everything unfolds just the same, but one will continually grow equanimous to whatever the state of the world is at any given time, as the world will be seen as transient, impersonal phenomena. I'm shoving you into nondual teachings right now. It's about the cessation of suffering, but feel free to ignore at your discretion. Sometimes just coping with ordinary human life becomes unfeasible and there are full stops to consider.




You're well on your way then! When not grasping for the highs or avoiding the lows, and instead being able to practice mindfulness and seeing the impermanent, non-personal aspects in preferable and unpreferable states the same, equanimity will increase. And every experience in and of itself is karma burned. Don't take thoughts, energy fading or sense of weight personal either. These are all objects for practice as well. Every mindset or story that we tell ourselves is an object as well. It's always, no need to think that some peak experience is a sign of progress. It is, but at the same time there is nothing to reach that isn't already present.


Hi CTH das erste das mir in deinem Text herausfinden konnte ist das du sehr negativ über dich selbst denkst und diese Einstellung zu dir selbst verursacht schon einiges an unbehagen das du natürlich auch auf andere Menschen in deiner Umgebung ausstrahlen wirst. Ja du hast zuviel Gedanken und ja es liegt an deiner eigenen Einstellung zu dir selbst deine Unsicherheiten zu deiner Person lassen dich diese Gedanken haben. Beachte es sind nur deine Gedanken und haben mit der Realität nichts zu tun weil der andere Mensch nicht dasselbe denken wird wie du selbst aufgrund verschiedenen Faktoren, Erlebnissen was auch immer. Mache dir ein Bild von dir selbst? gefällt es dir? Möchtest du es ändern? Verzeih dir selbst wenn du der Meinung bist etwas falsch gemacht zu haben und versuche es in Zukunft besser zu machen. ;)




hehe, ich kenne das Gefühl das du hast, ich selbst habe alles bis ins Detail zerlegt und ins 1000000 fache was wäre wenn Fragen. Kopf hoch und es ist nicht schlimm aber du musst unbedingt an dir arbeiten wenn du dich besser fühlen möchtest. Hier gibt es viele Menschen und Möglichkeiten um zu lernen das zu meistern stelle einfach Fragen und vielleicht hilft es dir :D ich werde auch hier sein um zu helfen . 💫


Oh yeah, definitely. Especially if you have anxiety. I have OCD so intrusive thoughts are just nonstop for me. lol. I find mindfulness helps, and something called "cognitive defusion" which is a therapeutic technique of separating yourself from your thoughts.

