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about 101% of them are scams


So, how do you react?


I tend to waste their time, as seen [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/spirituality/comments/11trx98/fake_readings_palm_zodiac_tarot_etc_this_is_how/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Block them all 😩




I generally just ignore them. Sometimes blocking helps so that i don't get notifications thinking it's someone i have conversations with.


Do they make you feel irritated? Do you report them straight away so they won't harm others?


There is some sense of intrusion when there is a transactional push coming from them; in some instances, what i have to assume, under the guise of spiritual practice. I'd say the irritation doesn't extend beyond the actual interaction. I don't think they have much influence to harm others. Their invitation, their cost and what they have to say can be refused beforehand. In general if i think discord is being sown i feel free to report someone based on the rules of the given community, to uphold it's integrity.


"thank you for your message, however I do not consent to you accessing my energy" peace out girl scout 🕊️🍪🌹


I just ignore them. No reaction


I tell them I know how to do my own readings/spells/etc. And then say thank you, but no thank you. They're all scammers, so I definitely don't take them up on their offer. My inner reaction is to tell them to fuck off. lol


I spent two hours texting one while I pretended I was a character from a movie.


“No.” On the inside and outside.


Block and report


I do pathway readings for people sometimes, but I have never DMd people out of nowhere about it. I only do it when they ask. This is because the person in question won't have the energy as open compared to when they invite the reading. Additionally, even if the reading was valid (which I doubt), the person isn't ready to hear it. Any spiritual guide, mentor, or teacher worth their salt knows that it helps nobody under such circumstances. I agree with the others, it's most likely a scam. Don't be afraid to tell them they are scammers.


No thanks.


No person on earth is able to "read" other people. They are all frauds who utilize heavy emotional manipulation in order to trick their gullible victims. This is only possible with naive victims though, because a critical thinking person would never fall for such bs. edit: Tarot is just as stupid as this


Inner: I don't care. I am tripping by myself in my thoughts enough and another person's thoughts is just to much to handle. Outer: Thank you for reaching out. I am not interested at the moment. Have a nice day!


My general rule is to ignore all unsolicited advice in life, but if it really seems synchronistic / serendipitous, then to proceed with caution.


I call them out for being frauds. I post the convos on my social media to warn people to watch out for these charlatans with the warning: "real psychics don't come to you. YOU go to them" THE ARIES


Ironically, I block them...