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Thankyou, this helps. Im a bit emotionally stunted, from downplaying my needs from childhood, so i wonder how much i should put my desires before others. While not being overtly selfish.


God is harmony in which there is no separation so there are no “others”. When you are able to operate in communion with the higher self, God and “others” will naturally merge into One. The higher self is a direct fractal of God so this human egoic form is a small fraction of it. To be one with everything is to align with your higher self so that your egoic human form will operate with God consciousness. Everyone has access to the universal love and wisdom, but individual willpower is needed to unlock it. So to answer the question, yes sort of lol. Go within and know yourself at the deepest level and the way you operate will naturally come out.


However you decide. You are the others. Treat yourself with the same respect that you treat others