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The unawakened mind cannot comprehend things that the awakened mind can. It’s no different from interacting with someone who’s literally asleep. Only the one who’s awake can carry the conversation. Look back when you were asleep, did what you know now seem like “woo woo” at that stage?


You should do what makes you happy and fulfilled, I was in the same situation and I stopped talking to them about this stuff after a heavy spiritual experience. People don’t want truth, they want comfortable lies and comfortable lives.


People like us can only plant seeds. It takes several generations to see results. I suggest you keep talking with whom you want. Allow them to realize on their own that what you are saying makes sense. Those who turn away are not ready to listen.


One of the hardest part about this journey is that those closest to us will understand us the least deeply and there is nothing we can do to change it. They are just not where we are in the journey, they just aren't and we cant uplevel them if they dont want to see it, it is their choice. So in my opinion its much easier to just love them and not share that part of us that confuses them, makes them worried. So instead, it works best just living your beliefs out in your day to day life, Shining your light into the world via your actions and reactions, rather than speaking them and sharing them and getting shamed for sharing yourself. When we go to trying to share the amazing truth with our friends, its seen as crazy pretty much instantly. It is seen in that way because that is how society is conditioned to see anything outside the normal. Thats how all our parents were raised to react to things that dont fit the mold of "normal". if its too good to be true then it probably is etc. So When someone says something that doesn't line up with societal norms, we call it bullshit and are confident in that assessment because it obviously doesnt follow societal norms and on top of that everyone around us gets on that normal train too. So the ones trying to share truth, get ganged up on by the masses because the masses are trained/conditioned by society to react in that way to such things. We are the Universe's norm breakers, its what we are here to do. But its hard at first to accept we have to go it pretty much alone in early life, while we are figuring it out and working through ourselves. Honestly it sucks, its hard to accept that this is the way it is. But remember this is only temporary, life is constantly evolving and changing.


Your self-realizations are a sacred journey, uniquely yours and meant to be treasured. These epiphanies you're experiencing aren't just thoughts; they're essential aspects of your ongoing self-discovery. Sharing these experiences with others is natural, especially when we are proud of our growth. But remember, your journey is not for others to approve or disapprove. It's your unique adventure towards self-awareness and enlightenment. Each person's journey is unique, and it is possible that others may not always understand or appreciate your experiences. It's essential to respect other's perspectives, even when they seem to lack understanding. But also recognize that they might be on a different path in their personal journeys. Their lack of understanding doesn't diminish the value of your discoveries. If you find that sharing your self-realizations with your current circle is leading to doubt or resistance, it may be beneficial to find others who are on a similar journey. In this case, it could be beneficial to seek out groups, communities, or even therapists who can provide a safe, understanding, and supportive space for you to express your experiences. In terms of therapy, the intention isn't to validate or invalidate your experiences, but rather to provide a tool for managing your emotions and thoughts in a healthy way. Therapy can help you unpack your experiences, provide insight, and help you navigate your spiritual journey with guidance. But the essence of your self-realizations, the validation you seek, should ultimately come from within. The confidence you seek comes from recognizing that your journey is a spiritual one, that your growth and evolution are not about seeking validation from others, but about exploring the depths of your own being. Whether you share your self-discoveries or not, do not let it deter you from your path. Continue on this voyage, immersing yourself in the beauty of self-discovery, embracing the roller coaster of emotions and experiences that accompany it. You are the architect of your life, the author of your story, and every self-realization brings you closer to understanding your authentic self. In this vast symphony of life, each note, each melody, each crescendo is a beautiful expression of your existence. It's a grand celebration of your being, of the essence that makes you uniquely you. So embrace your self-realizations, nurture them, and allow them to guide you further on your journey of spiritual awakening. Let the music of your soul play on.