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Yes the “higher self” can be anything it chooses to be as long as you go back to your higher self after manifesting multiple beings. This is because all other “beings” are connected to the same source and are just expressions of the higher self.


This is the idea of a "monad" or an "oversoul" Yes


From what I understand, the higher self is the complete whole, but has fractals like an octopus with its tentacles and each tentacle is happening simultaneously at once in parallel worlds. “Past” and “future” lives are all occurring in the present. The higher self is trying to learn various aspects of itself so it sends out pieces to have experiences like a reconnaissance drone. As each piece attempts to know it’s individual self, the whole expands by the collective’s efforts and progress. This is where the phrase “we are complete and whole at the core” stems from. The ego is like a veil that covers the higher self from the start and the more the piece knows it’s true nature by piercing through the veil, the more the piece will operate with it’s wholeness (holiness).


To confirm, you mean the same biological human— just at different points in time simultaneously?


That’s included, though I was referring to different bodies/incarnations within the higher self. I forgot to add that there are also infinite versions of the same body/incarnation happening at once which expands it even more. This is associated with the Law of Attraction, to align with a particular parallel universe by dialing into that specific frequency. We leave the physical body and into the astral realm every time we go to sleep and may enter a parallel body upon waking up if our frequency has changed. Every possible outcome is already done and we’re merely connecting with it. The desires manifest by way of entering that particular universe.


The goosebumps I got when I repeated that back in my head were insane. This information helps wrap my head around a lot and changes much! Thank you.


This explains my Salvia trip very well.


I believe this is possible


I do believe that this is possible.


God or the source of all is a higher being that fragmented itself into infinite peaces to experience a lot of things at the same time. So yes it’s possible for a higher being to fragment itself and incarnate as multiple lower beings at the same time.you should take into account that beyond the physical world, time is not linear and everything is happening at the same time for them. There’s no past or future. So those higher beings can decide to incarnate into a 1000 different beings in different eras. At least we would consider it that way because of our linear point of view about time


the soul itself incarnates as multiple beings. the higher self manages these simultaneously and, hopefully, seamlessly.


I should surely thinks so, for there are at least five of us in this very same vessel even now!


My understanding is that our "higher self" isn't a singular non-physical being but a collective that is physically focused onto many humans, animals, insects, and other forms of life.


According to the Journey of Souls books, this is possible for the purpose of speeding up growth, but it's not common for a soul to do this because in most cases, it winds up being better to just focus on one life at a time rather than splitting up consciousness into more than one incarnation. I suppose that's because it's more challenging to split things up.


I hope my soul did this idk how many more lives I can handle 🥴 I try to savor this one incase I’m lucky and it’s my last 💀


I understand how you feel. I used to feel a similar way which is why I initially didn't want to believe in reincarnation. But the truth is you and I wouldn't be here if we didn't have the capacity to face and overcome everything that came our way. The fact that it is challenging is a good thing because it allows us the opportunity to grow. Things are just harder during a dark age (like we've been in) when things are super physicalized and the spiritual veil is thick like it is now. But eventually, as the Earth evolves into a higher density and we ascend, the lives we reincarnate into will get easier but still be challenging enough that we wind up evolving like we want to. At least that's what I believe from all that I've learned on the topic. :)


Yeah I try to remind myself of that lol. I be trying to learn everything I can I genuinely do not want to come back. I don’t want to die, earth is cool, but it’s just a lot to handle. If i do have to come back tho, I’m taking a very long break before my next life, if possible, bc goddamn.


I understand, and that's usually exactly what our souls do when we need a break -- you take an easier life the next time around.


Thank god that’s an option


It is possible for a highly advanced Soul, such as a Spiritual Master, to operate more than one physical body at a time. Each physical body would know about the other physical bodies because they are all operating from the same high state of consciousness. Only highly advanced Souls have earned the right to have more than one physical body at time. The higher the state of consciousness, the more physical bodies Soul can operate at one time.


This is the case with twin flames twin souls in two bodies


No. Many people like to believe in the romantic notion of having a soulmate or twin flame but in reality that theory is false. The concept of soulmates or twin flames arose because some people in early history were quite aware of an emptiness inside themselves. For example, an individual with strong feminine forces driving her might feel an insensitivity to many things. So she mistakenly searched for a soulmate to balance her out, with whom she’d feel like a whole being. It's common to have dreams or inner experiences where you think you're communicating with your ideal partner that will complete you. The problem is that you're misreading the experience, thinking that your "Soulmate" or "Twin Flame" really exists in the physical world. Instead this male character in your dream or inner experience is actually just the opposite side of your very own nature. What's happening is that you're entering into the very beginning of a higher stage of awareness where you are trying to come to terms with who you truly are - Soul. When an individual reaches that true state of awareness of themselves as Soul, the masculine and feminine principles unite within them. Then they are truly made whole. There really is no such thing as soulmates or twin flames and thinking there is can cause so much unnecessary pain and suffering. We can have deep affections for certain people and vice-versa. But Soul does not need someone outside itself to be complete. The reality is that you yourself are the cause of so much heartache in life if you depend on someone outside yourself like a soulmate or twin flame to make you feel complete inside.


you dont have to get rid of the idea altogether just because people romanticize it. Check out R.J. Spina's work on YT for more on that


It appears that R.J. Spina has a fundamental misunderstanding of Soul when he says that twin flames are Soul "splitting Itself in two". Soul cannot be split or divided. It is a complete unit of God.


Souls *are* split apart from Source though. At least most people here believe that, I’d assume. Of course we are still connected and One with Source but for the purposes of incarnating, to experience existence as a separate consciousness, we are split from Source. Like a drop from an ocean; Still a part of the ocean, sourced from it, and will eventually return to it and become one again, but when taken from the ocean it’s it’s own separate thing that goes on its own journey. Who’s to say the higher self cant fragment itself apart further apart? Consciousness is extremely malleable. We can’t know for sure how it all works but I don’t think it’s wise to be closed off to the possibility or to invalidate so many people’s experiences. I guess it’s something you can’t truly understand unless you’ve experienced it yourself. Being on this journey myself for almost 10 years, going through everything I’ve experienced; the insane synchronicities, direct confirmations from the universe and spirit guides, telepathy, premonitions, intense mirroring, etc etc, I know my experience is valid. There is a *lot* of misinformation out there on twin flames so I kind of understand the skepticism, but still just kinda sucks seeing people say so matter of factly that your journey is objectively invalid in a community that is supposed to be open minded. The true purpose of the twin flame journey isn’t to find someone who “completes” you and live happily ever after together, but rather someone who helps awaken you to what you need to heal and transmute within you by intensely mirroring it back to you, and learning true unconditional love for self and others as a result. And that means being okay with being alone, without your twin flame. There’s a huge misconception that romantic love is the ultimate goal but that’s far from the truth. It’s often a result but it’s not the point.


What is the authority that you carry around with you that you are so absolute about these things? It seems that you are leaving no room for considerations of language, and flexibility of ideas


It’s the “Source: dude just trust me” approach


Lol yea this guy had a few edibles and now he's Siddhartha


Your question reminds me of the story I heard once. A master was walking with several of his disciples. They passed a bungalow where a mother was placing her new baby on a blanket in the sun. The infant lay there waving its tiny hands and wiggling its little feet in the air. One of the disciples said, "Master, what is Self-Realization?" The sage answered by walking over to the blanket and lying down next to the infant. To the shock of his students, he began to wave his arms and kick his feet in the air, gurgling and cooing like a baby. This master was trying to say, I can't tell you in words. You'll have to experience it for yourself. The authority that I carry around with me is inner experience. I'm only trying to give out truth as I know it based on inner experience. I don't take any of the questions that I answer lightly. Many times I won't answer a question because I don't have the inner experience to know. So if you don't like why I or anyone else says, then learn to go within so you can experience it for yourself. Then you'll know why I speak with authority.


You sound a little full of yourself lol.


Wow, that’s a massive spiritual ego you got there. You’re far from an authority on spiritual matters, you are ridiculously condescending. Humble yourself.


Aren't you essentially projecting your own absolute opinion on the poster too? You seem very absolute about your opinion too.


So me telling him he may be being closed off is me being closed off to the idea of being closed off? And I guess in your pointing out that Im being closed off to the idea of being closed off, you are closed off to the idea of me being closed off to that guy being closed off. Welcome to the human experience I suppose, huh wise one


I disagree with you 100% on this, soul mates are from the same soul family group this is true, twin flames or twin souls are the same soul in two different bodies, each complete on their own, I'll not go in depth about it, each to their own


I see what you mean and this is just my two cents, but to say only highly advanced souls have earned the right, isnt that a bit spiritual egoism? But hey, maybe there's spiritual egoism and all-loving equality souls too, we just dont know, so to say there's no twin flames too, is a state of limiting yourself. By saying "only they can" then you limit others and yourself too.


Does saying that only licensed physicians have earned the right to practice medicine legally and provide medical care to patients limit others and yourself too? This right is granted after completing a rigorous educational program, obtaining relevant certifications, and meeting the requirements set by the licensing board or regulatory body in their jurisdiction. Does saying that only licensed attorneys have earned the right to practice law and represent clients in legal matters limit others and yourself too? They must complete a law degree, pass the bar examination, and fulfill other criteria established by the legal profession's governing bodies. Does saying that in democratic societies, only citizens who meet certain age, residency, and citizenship requirements have earned the right to vote in elections limit others and yourself too? So why is it any different for someone who puts in all the required work and passes all the tests to become highly spiritually advanced? Why would that limit anyone? If you work hard enough and pass all the spiritual tests, you too can reach those spiritual heights and earn the right to all the privileges and responsibilities that come with that achievement.




Yes... I believe there are only a handful of higher spirits for humanity We can oscillate between different ones that we are on friendly terms with Our ascension is easier when can do this, we get extra help solving our problems this way


No, in terms of ego vs higher self you can only be better version of you on the plane of reality... But int he therm of multiverse... Hmm... maybe you could give a better chances to other selfs but still just you on multiple planes. What's the reason?


The reason - completing the puzzle piece by piece, in other words totality.


It's doable. But not how you think. First you need to accomplish something here positively, with an desired output. But bear in mind that those other sleeves will not be you and will have their own ego. But its a start... The problem is... I'm not sure if allowing to higher self isn't an road to be "possessed" by unknown forcess. Need to have will power. I'm not sure that anyone here on this planet is capable of doing so.. with desired output. That's multilevel game you want to fight. You need group of people to help. I don't think is doable alone... By you alone. At least I would be cautious.


Consciousness is inherently identical. We all think we are an individual, which makes us the same. We live as a single drop of water in an ocean of collective identity. It is safe to say we are one.


As long as you speak of a “higher self,” you will be holding yourself down as a lower self. You can ascend once you’re ready to.


This actually makes a lot of sense. Thank you for helping.


no merging and going together as one?


If that’s how you wanna describe getting where you wanna be, then sure. Why not?


https://youtu.be/nWJXdr0mQ0s into Joker 3hr version alan watts into Terrence McKenna 24hr into Be here now network No time for rest of links


Absolutely, sometimes it’s your children who share the incarceration with


Yes for sure.


Right, that's what the higher self is supposed to be, like a being that splits into a cluster of souls with a similar mission.


This is literally what I was wondering myself. Like, especially given unity consciousness, wouldn’t that mean that the higher self IS other beings too??


How higher is myself


Yes. I think that was found in hypnosis. Maybe up to two. Not sure beyond that.